Chapter 508: Blue Lobster

What is the final pressure on the water ghost?
At a depth of 500 meters, the water ghost's muscles began to appear some small cracks, and some black liquid appeared in its facial features. In fact, this was formed by internal damage caused by water pressure.
In other words, 500 meters is the limit water depth of the water ghost, if it is deeper, it is estimated that it will be crushed to death by water pressure.
500 meters is actually a very impressive depth. For military submarines, only the Mike-class attack nuclear submarine of the former Soviet Union has a dive depth of 1250 meters. This record has not yet been broken by a submarine.
The depth of 500 meters of the water ghost is, theoretically, even better than the military submarine.
Don't think that submarines can really continue to dive. Those that can create records of thousands or tens of thousands of meters are just some special submarines and underwater robots.
Like the submarines of various countries, they generally have a potential of tens of meters or more than 100 meters, and the depth is more than two hundred meters.
Unless it is necessary, submarines will not easily enter the area below 300 meters, because this area is already an extremely dangerous area for submarines.
Now the water ghost can move up to a depth of 500 meters, which is pretty blunt.
With only Level 4 water ghosts, this kind of performance is already unexpected. In the future, there will definitely be aquatic zombies. They are stronger, which means that they will dive deeper.
After giving instructions to the water ghost CC1, Lu Chuan also sighed.
"The sea is definitely the greatest treasure of mankind. It is nowhere to be a treasure. As long as you master the sea, you will actually have inexhaustible wealth." Lu Chuan's eyes shined.
What's in the sea?
Not to mention gold and silver, nor all kinds of mines, shipwrecks and the like.
Lu Chuan said that the most common category is food.
How much of the food in the sea is sky-high? For example, large lobsters can cost millions of dollars. There are also all kinds of top seafood, just get some, there are dozens of millions.
It's hard to open a restaurant of this kind.
For fishermen, it depends on luck for them to catch this type of seafood. But Lu Chuan didn't need it. He controlled the water ghosts and let them go deep into the sea. With their abnormal speed, nothing could escape their claws.
With the ferocity of water ghosts, sharks and other things in front of them are really weak.
The encirclement of a few water ghosts can instantly dismember a shark. It's not an exaggeration. Look at their claws. This is an existence that can cut even steel. If it is blocked by flesh and blood, what can it block?
"This time, I made a fortune."
Lu Chuan's eyes were full of energy.
I even said that it was a chicken rib before, but I didn't know that it was indeed a chicken rib in the city of Zhongzhou in the last days. But when it is used in modern times, its usefulness is great. It is no exaggeration to say that it will be a big boost to Lu Chuan's funding sources.
A water ghost from manufacturing, and then loading the pretender system, is 1.6 million.
But its function, wanting to earn 1.6 million, is too simple, just catch a few large lobsters, it is estimated that you can earn it back. The rest of the time is pure profit.
With the ferocity of the water ghost, there are not many threats to its existence in the ocean.
Fifty water ghosts, their physique, make the sea that you see in front of them full of black.
Lu Chuan gave the order, these water ghosts dispersed, and then went to a deeper sea area, completely disappearing into the sea.
Xia Min asked people to bring breakfast, but only a few pieces of dry bread and a glass of water.
Lu Chuan had forgotten that Xia Min, they are zombies, they need to eat, but they eat once every ten days, and there is no requirement for food. They can eat and provide a certain amount of energy. They consume little food.
Due to the storage habit, almost all of them are dry bread.
They didn't matter, but Lu Chuan didn't.
Thinking of the water ghosts, Lu Chuan rolled his eyes and smiled, muttering to himself: "Also, I will have a seafood meal today."
When the water ghosts were within eight kilometers of his own, Lu Chuan locked them in his mind.
"Hunt and kill."
The order was given, and the 50 water ghosts who were originally lurking on the bottom of the sea moved abruptly, moving around, moving in different directions. They start off completely by ejection, and with one stroke of the eight tentacles, they burst out at a jaw-dropping speed.
It has not reached the maximum of 80 knots, but it is still at 65 knots.
At this time, the water ghost in the area where the water is more than 100 meters deep has no effect on them. One by one, the water ghosts dashed against the bottom of the sea, causing the sand on the bottom to roll.
Some of the little fish had not responded yet, they had been overturned by the water ghost and rolled in the sea.
The seas of Somalia are actually very rich in products, and many top food ingredients are distributed, but no scholars here dare to study here, and the specifics will not be known.
In front of him, Lu Chuan saw a big blue lobster through the eyes of a water ghost, which was also at the level of 2 kilograms, moving in the bottom of the sea.
Its movement, in front of the water ghost, is too ridiculous.
"Such luck?"
Lu Chuan couldn't believe it, this was a blue lobster.
In other words, the average probability of its appearance is one in 2 million, which means that only one blue lobster will appear in 200 lobsters. It is also the most expensive lobster in the world. The price of one lobster can reach a million level. It is listed as one of the top ingredients in Michelin restaurants. It is difficult to eat easily, because Michelin restaurants cannot guarantee when there will be Goods, if you want to eat, you need to make an appointment and queue.
The blue lobster found here can only be classified as luck.
A water ghost rushed up, and without hesitation, the paw in his hand directly pointed at the blue lobster.
"I wipe, stop."
Lu Chuan was shocked. He said that the water ghost stopped, and the claws were almost on the back of the blue lobster. If this stupid stabbed the blue lobster, the blue lobster would not be perfect.
When the command was issued, the water ghost stretched out its tentacles again, holding this blue lobster. When the blue lobster did not respond, it had already turned its head and swam towards the beach.
The speed of the water ghost is often a long beating mark in the sea.
A few minutes later.
A strong man carried the blue lobster to Lu Chuan and threw it into the bucket, his actions were unspeakably rough. If you let the outside world know that you have to be heartbroken to death, this is a million-dollar blue lobster, can't you be gentle?
One after another, more than a dozen large abalones such as double-headed abalone were sent to Lu Chuan.
In fact, the double-headed abalone is missing, but it is definitely not missing, but it is difficult to capture it again. But when you have weapons like water ghosts, they are on the bottom of the sea, and it is not a problem to find double-headed abalone.
Soon, Lu Chuan had an urge to cover his face.
On the beach, dozens of water ghosts worked together to drag a whale, allowing the sea to put it on the beach. The whale is dead, but the blood is still flowing, staining this sea area blood red.
Through the eyes of one of the water ghosts, Lu Chuan could see that the whale was covered with wounds, and hundreds of incisions appeared, each of which was measured in length and was very deep.
From the traces, it is known that the water ghosts attacked and cut it out.
It was also this whale that was unlucky. Lu Chuan ordered the hunting. Soon Lu Chuan’s mind was put on the blue lobster. Who knew that a whale appeared and was spotted by the water ghost, and then in the fight, he was counted by a dozen water ghosts Is it solved in minutes?
The overlord in the sea has no power to fight back in front of a dozen water ghosts.
"Stop, enough, stop all."
Lu Chuan quickly issued instructions to stop the water ghosts.
Thinking of such a whale stranded here, it would definitely attract people's attention, Lu Chuan thought about it, let the water ghost get it back into the sea. But the power of the water ghost could not drag the stranded whale out.
"Cut into minced meat."
Reluctantly, Lu Chuan could only give this order.
The water ghosts moved. They waved their tentacles, cut their claws, and waved them constantly. Pieces of whale meat were cut off, and they were taken away from the beach, taken to the sea and then thrown away. This whale meat will become food for countless fish and will not be wasted.
After giving the order, Lu Chuan ignored them.
Such a whale is enough for them to be busy for a while. It's a crime.
In a blink of an eye, Lu Chuan's eyes fell on the blue lobster again, holding his chin: "Will it be steamed or braised? Forget it, it's so big, half steamed and half braised."
A sea boat draped in a camouflage net is heading east along the coast.
On the outside, there is nothing strange, and it is no different from an offshore vessel.
There are no fishing boats in this area, and it appears with a lonely taste. Its tonnage is okay to walk in the Gulf of Aden, not dare to go out to the sea, let alone turn around the busy channel in the center of Aden Bend.
"Commander, did you really do it this time?"
"That's it, Commander, my brothers have long been unable to bear it. I heard that this manor will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars if you grab of thousands of dollars are nothing. When there are hostages, one One million dollars."
A group of locals in Somalia, with red cloth on their heads and short sleeves, seem to be in a state of excitement. All of them have an AK47 in their hands, most of them have been used for some years, and the barrels are worn out.
Saul held his binoculars, observing the situation near the sea.
Unlike the others, Thor is wearing a white dress, which looks like a navy uniform from a distance. Solta, as the captain of this sea ship, was also named naval commander by the tribe.
The Somali warlords are chaotic, and the generals and commanders are worthless.
But Saul was very useful. He narrowed his eyes and gave out a wolf-like light, and said: "Brothers, of course it will not be a temptation this time, but a mother."
Everyone under his hand screamed and held their guns excitedly.
"Listen all, after the meeting arrived, you rushed over in a small boat, and I suppressed them with a cannon. They are all clever, the other party is not a good man and a good woman." Sol exhorted again.
In Somalia, human lives are not worth money. How many people sell their lives for two meals a day.
Every time you take action, some people will die, but Saul doesn't care. There are many people who want to be added to his boat. If they die, they can save money. If you have money, you just need to recruit. There will be no shortage of people.
The sea boat did not stop, and went along the coast.
After almost an hour, the manor standing by the beach could be seen from a distance.
The tree belts of the garden and the whiteness of the manor are too eye-catching.
Sol licked his lips, the fierce light in his eyes increased.
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