Chapter 607: Sea Dragon

?The deep city is offshore.
It is about 20 nautical miles from the deep city. Sometimes a ship will pass by, or head towards the deep city, or sail towards the vast sea.
Below the seabed, where the water depth is 500 meters, there are coral reefs everywhere, forming a dazzling underwater world.
In a huge submarine cave formed by corals, if someone dives here, they will find a large swath of octopus hanging upside down.
These octopus octopuses are so big that they hang upside down on the rock wall.
In this cave, there is little light in the water and it is very dim. If you enter here, you may not find these upside down objects.
A sea fish more than three meters long swam in, seeming to be preparing to find food.
Suddenly, this densely-hung upside down octopus, they opened their eyes neatly, and a bright light appeared in the cave.
In the next moment, the water ghosts disguised as octopus octopuses loosened their eight claws and fell off the hanging rock wall.
The speed was too fast, causing a series of bubbles in the water.
The fish that had swam here was frightened, and wanted to escape from here with a flick of its tail.
A water ghost swiftly passed by, and a tentacle passed by. A lot of blood appeared from the head of this marine fish. It struggled, but died in just two or three seconds.
This blow of the water ghost had already cut its head open with a scar that almost tore the fish head.
The water ghost is still sharp.
Fifty water ghosts, they formed groups with agility and walked through the sea. When it reached a depth of more than two hundred meters, it began to slow down, swimming like an ordinary octopus.
The silent water ghosts moved because of Lu Chuan's instructions.
On the Sea Dragon.
After Lu Chuan placed the five swift zombies in the seafood company, they went to the Hailong again. Like a seafood company, if it is a company, it is actually an acquisition point. Five people are enough.
Xiao Yuanyang's intelligence was unlocked by Lu Chuan, and learning is not a problem.
Their predecessors destined that they only need to look at the data to make this large ocean-going fishing boat move.
The most advanced model with a high degree of automation.
For example, you can use the mobile phone APP to control some simple actions of the Hailong when necessary, such as stop and move forward, so that when fishing, people can be on the ship’s side but the ship can move.
When Xiao Yuanyang saw Lu Chuan, he immediately spoke out.
Lu Chuan nodded and said, "You are familiar with it first, we will leave in two hours."
The captain's room naturally belongs to Lu Chuan.
Sitting on a large chair, Lu Chuan put the light projector on the table. Lu Chuan also has a copy of the information for Yi Ran. What he needs now is to master these techniques.
Level 6 gene enhancement also strengthens the brain domain.
Before, Lu Chuan's memory and comprehension were already first-class. Now that the level 6 gene is strengthened, it is even more perverted, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he will never forget.
In fact, the outside world has always had doubts about Lu Chuan. After all, Lu Chuan graduated from Mizuki Engineering and has nothing to do with this cutting-edge technology.
But a person who graduated from Shuimu Engineering has led the world's cutting-edge technology. The technology owned by Baichuan Guihai Company makes people crazy. The emergence of Baichuan Guihai Company once again made cutting-edge technology attract the attention of the world and became popular.
This kind of suspicion has actually been heated up, but Lu Chuan and Baichuan Guihai Company did not respond.
In order to cope with this, Lu Chuan can only be free or study desperately.
Lu Chuan now has deep research on AR technology, virtual technology, battery technology...
In fact, it's not about research, but getting technology from the end of the world. You only need to figure out the principle, and then write down the corresponding technology and materials by rote.
After level 6 genetic enhancement, this is not a problem.
There are many scientific and technical personnel in the wolf's nest. Lu Chuan asks them to learn from him. Who dares to hide his personal information? The technology is open, and you can know what you want to know. Lu Chuan naturally learns quickly.
Like an encyclopedia, the knowledge Lu Chuan has involved in this short year is amazing.
In particular, Lu Chuan has come into contact with all technologies that are ahead of the modern world, and he has the ability to remember his life. It is not difficult to be a super genius.
It wasn't until about two o'clock in the afternoon that Lu Chuan put the light projector away.
In the crew cabin, Xiao Yuanyang and the others also finished their studies and stood up one by one to move their hands and feet.
Lu Chuan walked out and nodded slightly.
Xiao Yuanyang and the others began to get busy. The Hailong, which had been filled with diesel, soon started to start the diesel engine.
After warming up, the Hailong left the dock.
It is not a strange thing to go fishing in the cold winter. At this point, most of the fishing boats have already sold out their marine products and are full of food and drink, so naturally they are going to sea again.
Inshore fishing is generally done once every two or three days. There will be little rest and work again.
Only offshore fishing, one or two months out of the sea is normal.
Leaving the pier, the Hailong sailed towards the open sea.
After leaving the dock for about five nautical miles, fifty water ghosts appeared on the bottom of the sea. They were directly attached to the bottom of the ship and sailed with the Sea Dragon.
In the offshore, there are also oversized marine products, but the quantity will be relatively small.
There are many fishing boats in the offshore, and only one small boat is needed.
The farther ones can only be larger fishing boats. Small sea boats cannot enter the far and deeper waters.
The Sea Dragon keeps moving forward without any purpose. With the water ghost, the Sea Dragon is just a decoration.
In the vast ocean, the Sea Dragon stopped.
Xiao Yuanyang dragged out a lot of fishing nets from the cabin. These fishing nets are not boat trawling nets, but small nets used on small fishing boats.
With Xiao Yuanyang's power, dragging these fishing nets is not a problem at all.
Throwing fishnets into the sea, the water ghosts who had long been attached to the bottom of the boat moved one after another. Each water ghost caught a fishnet and started to scatter around.
A black water ghost on the bottom of the sea dragged the fish net, ejected instantly and disappeared into the Sea Dragon.
Lu Chuan waded on the chair, closed his eyes and passed through the field of vision, switching among the water ghosts.
The fish resources in this area are not very rich in the eyes of the outside world, but they believe that in Lu Chuan's eyes, any corner of the ocean is extremely rich in fish resources.
In the sea, it is not easy to control the water ghost, but here, it is casual.
There are no ships nearby, even if Lu Chuan breaks the sky, there is no need to worry about being discovered.
"let's start."
The order is given, and the rest will be given to the water ghosts.
However, Lu Chuan still transferred the command of fifty water ghosts to Xiao Yuanyang, so that it could command the water ghosts and fish.
After Xiao Yuanyang had the authority, he began to devote himself to work.
It has to do a lot of things, such as confirming whether the fish that the water ghost encounters are what it wants, and then let the water ghost catch it.
Yes, capture.
These fishing nets are not for the water ghosts to catch. Lu Chuan doesn’t trust the water ghosts. Their claws are too sharp. What he wants is alive. In case they get scarred or killed, the price is the same. But it's different.
The Hailong has a cold storage and a water tank specially used for storing fresh seafood.
The caught seafood can be put here without worrying that they will die.
A water ghost drags a fish net with a tentacle, swimming fast. At the speed of the water ghost, there is almost no opponent in this area.
Soon, this water ghost found the target.
After dragging out a long water mark, the water ghost approached the target.
This goal is not simple, it is a group of bluefin tuna.
The number of bluefin tuna is already very scarce. With the transitional fishing, their number is getting less and less, especially the large bluefin tuna, it is hard to see.
As one of the most expensive fish in the world, bluefin tuna is worth at least 7 million as long as it reaches about 150 kilograms.
The school of bluefin tuna in front of me is big and small, but the one that really became the target was a bluefin tuna that was more than three meters long.
The approach of the water ghost made these bluefin tuna groups, which were marching extremely slowly, feel the crisis, suddenly exerted their strength and swam fast.
The habit of bluefin tuna, they usually swim very slowly, about two or three kilometers an hour, but their fastest speed can climb to 70 kilometers per hour.
This speed is not slow anymore, but in front of the speed of the water ghost over 120 kilometers, it is really not enough to see.
The water ghost appeared and caught up with the biggest one, the fish net dragged it over, used the speed to catch up with it, and then used the fish net to catch it from behind.
The bluefin tuna was struggling, but the water ghost's power dragged it to swim unconsciously, but it turned around and began to move toward the sea dragon.
Just kidding, the size of the water ghost is more than twice as big as the bluefin tuna.
The bluefin tuna in its hands is just a baby babbling in the hands of adults.
Easily, a bluefin tuna worth about tens of millions fell into Lu Chuan's hands.
This way of making money is no different from grabbing money.
Those who can become Lu Chuan's target are naturally not ordinary goods.
Presumably, if this bluefin tuna was put in a seafood store, wouldn't it cause a sensation? Thousands of bluefin tuna, put in the world, can also be a king of fish.
Of course The largest size of bluefin tuna is more than four meters, but it is rare, and it can't be met. With this one more than three meters, Lu Chuan is already satisfied.
The water ghost sent the bluefin tuna to the side of the Hailong. Using the crane on the Hailong, hooking the fish net, the bluefin tuna, which was more than three meters long, was easily lifted out of the sea and then sent into the tank in.
Standing on the Hailong, Lu Chuan looked at the bluefin tuna that was sent into the tank. He couldn't believe it: "Ten million, just got it?"
I have to say that there is no such luck, and the start is such a surprise.
Think about it, Lu Chuan's mentality has also been calm. There are underwater zombies like water ghosts, not to mention bluefin tuna, it is even more top fish like yellow-lipped fish.
If humans can't catch them, they will count them from a mathematical perspective, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, they are all over the ground.
Being able to go deep into the ocean, the whole ocean can be said to be transparent in Lu Chuan's eyes, there are no more secrets, let alone unpredictable.
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