Chapter 625: Hands on

?In the early morning of the next day, the ship arrived at the place Lu Chuan requested.
There is still a lot of distance from the disputed sea area, which is why the boss of the ship agreed to come here. If it is a controversial place, the danger is great.
"Boss, it's already here."
After driving the boat for a day and a night, the boat was exhausted.
Lu Chuan brought Mu Jiangxue out. The climate here is not the same as inland. The impact of cold winter on this place is average. Although it is early morning, the temperature is not high.
No wonder in winter, rich and powerful people who have the conditions come to Southeast Asia to spend the winter.
"Okay, you rest first, let's fish first." Lu Chuan patted the boat boss on the shoulder.
The ship boss nodded: "Boss, just let us know if you have anything. There will be sailors on duty in the captain's room."
After handing over with the sailors here, the ship boss took a few sailors to rest in the cabin below. Although the automation of sea-going ships is very high, when sailing on the sea, the mental power needs to be very concentrated.
Lu Chuan took the fishing rod and took Mu Jiangxue to the side of the ship.
To be honest, Lu Chuan fished a lot, but only in the creeks in his hometown, even the rivers were scarce, let alone sea fishing.
Lu Chuan always thought that he would not have any chance to try, but he didn't expect that if such a thing happened, he would have the opportunity to try Shanghai fishing instead.
The charm of sea fishing is that you are very likely to have an outburst of character, and you will catch valuable marine fish. Unlike rivers, which are just river fish, they are not worth much at all, but just satisfied with the sense of harvest.
"The other party has returned to Hong Kong?"
After setting up the fishing rod, Lu Chuan frowned when he passed the water ghost.
When the other party returned to Hong Kong, it was actually an opportunity, but it was definitely not a good opportunity. No matter how deep the port is, it is impossible to completely submerge it, and there is still a chance for remedy.
The damage caused by the water ghosts, as long as you look carefully, you will definitely find it.
In this case, what Lu Chuan needed was to sink the destroyer at a depth of at least one kilometer when it went out to sea, and then bury the destroyer just like Du Xinyue did.
The deep sea will cause many difficulties in salvage and reconnaissance. It is difficult to find this disappeared destroyer.
With this method, it is completely possible to be unconscious.
Now that we have returned to Hong Kong, we will wait for it to leave.
In other words, if you can't wait, you have changed a target, anyway, you just need to take revenge.
In fact, Lu Chuan University can go to Vietnam and do it in the coastal areas of Vietnam, but it will be exposed. After all, on land, the whereabouts will be easier to find.
Sea first, land second.
If it doesn't work, Lu Chuan will definitely visit Vietnam.
Lu Chuan’s character, in fact, some civilians think that he has suffered a loss. If he does not get back this justice, he feels uncomfortable.
At the level of Lu Chuan, whoever makes himself uncomfortable will make the other person uncomfortable.
The Vietnamese monkeys make themselves unhappy, and they make them unhappy.
How many destroyers does Vietnam have?
This answer is really shabby. In the offshore navy, which is almost dominated by torpedo boats, they are more equipped with frigates.
Li Xiumin is the captain of one of the few three destroyers in Vietnam, and can serve as the captain of the destroyer. In Vietnam, it represents many things, such as politics, such as background, identity, and so on.
The special status allowed Li Xiumin to lose a gunboat. The naval command only reprimanded him without even a penalty, so he passed the customs.
If another person is changed, a punishment will definitely not be able to escape. For the originally weak Vietnamese navy, a gunboat is also a large sea power.
"Captain, there really is no accountability."
The Chief of Staff was on the destroyer, but Li Xiumin was the only one looking ahead. After hearing the news from the Navy Command, he immediately came to report.
Li Xiumin, in his early thirties, is a hawk in Vietnam. After he heard the news, he sneered and said, "They dare not."
The first is that he is the captain of the destroyer, and the second is the energy of his family in Vietnamese politics.
Just losing a gunboat, not to make myself ugly.
Of course, the more troublesome thing was that the fishing boat of China was sunk. But Li Xiumin is not afraid. The disputed sea area is his patrolling sea area. On the map of Vietnam, it has long been marked as belonging to Vietnam. He was completely justified in defense. The gunboat was sunk by this fishing boat. Of course he had to fight back.
Seeing the captain so confident, the chief of staff immediately laughed.
As if thinking of something, the chief of staff said: "Captain, I always feel that the sinking of this gunboat does not seem to be that simple. I have never heard of underwater reefs in this area."
Li Xiumin's eyes suddenly became sharp: "Why, do you want to find a thing?"
The chief of staff shivered, and quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm just curious and curious." After speaking, the cold sweat ran down. Obviously this was a mess. The Navy Command did not pursue it. heart?
By saying that, he obviously offended the captain.
If you go deeper, will the captain be held accountable at that time? He is just the chief of staff on the destroyer, no matter his background or position, he is far inferior to the captain. When people get angry, he will be dead.
Li Xiumin sneered: "My chief of staff, the matter has passed. I have applied for martyrs for these navy soldiers. They died to defend the motherland. They died worthy of their lives."
"Yes, yes, the lower official understands." The chief of staff said quickly.
"Okay, you can go out. We will only fix it for one day, and then continue the mission." Li Xiumin said quietly, his eagle-like eyes passing over the chief of staff with a sense of play.
The chief of staff fled out, knowing that he had made a mistake, leaving a bad impression on the captain.
"Things that do not live or die." Li Xiumin snorted coldly.
"This matter is really secretive. Why did the gunboat sink? First, the boat entered the water, and then it sank quickly. This can be explained by hitting the rocks, but why the sailors and the others could not escape, all the dead Shen Dahai?"
Li Xiumin touched his chin, but couldn't figure it out.
After a day of rest in Da Nang, Li Xiumin once again led the destroyer to cruise again.
Vietnam’s navy is actually very weak. This destroyer is already a guided missile destroyer that is close to being retired from Russia. If it hadn't been refurbished by the Vietnamese navy, the horror would now be full of rusty spots.
There are many frigates in Vietnam, but there are only two destroyers, so precious.
The current training is actually training the navy.
China's economic benefits have also spread to Vietnam, especially the rising tourism boom, which has greatly increased Vietnam's economic income. The navy's budget has also become more full than in previous years, so the purchase of a second-hand destroyer is on the agenda.
For this purpose, it is natural for the Navy to train its troops.
This guided missile destroyer was overcrowded due to military training. It was equipped with double personnel and consumed twice as much. Each time it went out to sea, it could only last for a week, and it had to be supplied.
After the destroyer left the port, Li Xiumin became energetic.
If all goes well, after the new destroyer is purchased, he will be promoted to the new destroyer captain. They all seem to be captains, but this time they bought a more advanced destroyer, and their status is naturally different.
The destroyer rides the wind and waves, but no one will notice that under the destroyer's ship, dozens of water ghosts are attached to it, a large area of ​​blackness. If anyone sees it, it is definitely numb.
"Good guy, it's finally out."
Floating on the sea for two days and fishing all day, Lu Chuan was not a fishing enthusiast, so naturally he was impatient. It's February 1st now, and if he doesn't show up again, he can only wait for the new year to report his revenge.
Fortunately, the other party just left Hong Kong after just a day of repairs.
Lu Chuan threw the fishing rod and said, "I'll go back and have a rest."
The people on the ship naturally did not dare to have any opinions.
Back in the cabin, Lu Chuan began to command the water ghost. It is more than 32 kilometers here. Naturally, there is no way to use God's perspective, but there are still some feelings of thinking.
On the destroyer, several water ghosts escaped from the bottom of the ship and moved forward in the sea at a faster speed.
Lu Chuan is not familiar with these sea areas, and naturally does not know where the water depth meets his requirements. He can only do this through water ghosts.
The speed of the destroyer was not too slow, it was advancing at a speed of 30 knots.
After more than an hour, Lu Chuan's eyes suddenly narrowed, because the information returned by the water ghost seemed to have reached the deep sea, where the sea depth was between one and three kilometers, which was enough.
"Do it."
Lu Chuan suddenly revealed a fierce light.
The order was issued, and these water ghosts immediately received the order. One by one was originally lying under the destroyer. They were scattered in various positions. The moment Lu Chuan gave the order, they moved their sharp claws and severely cut them here. Under the boat.
Dozens of water ghosts moved collectively, and this extremely dense cutting sound was immediately discovered by the sailors on the destroyer.
It's just that they don't have experience in this area. After discovering it, they didn't pay enough attention to it, but thought that there were some marine fish under the boat, or sharks.
This kind of sound didn't stop at all, it kept ringing intensively, as if something was rubbing violently with metal.
The original super tanker was only a few minutes away.
This destroyer looks like a warship, but many of its technologies are not as high as this supertanker. It takes only two or three minutes. The first gap is opened and sea water poured in.
With the first, there is the second.
The cut hole The water ghosts did not wave their hands, they still enlarged the hole, then got into it, and continued to destroy until the destroyer was really flooded.
Less than five minutes before and after, the bottom of this destroyer was full of holes.
Hundreds of tons and thousands of tons of sea water poured in, directly dragging the destroyer to the sea. The whole process was very fast and did not give the sailors on the destroyer time to react.
This kind of huge cut can't be blocked by repair.
If you look at it from a distance, you can see that this destroyer is sinking quickly, and some of the sailors on it are still a little dazed not knowing what is going on.
It was not until the stern alarm sounded that all the sailors panicked.
This military quality is absolutely shocking.
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