Chapter 642: Round to 0

? What is the boiling of the whole city?
In the last days, there are all zombies in the city, and there is usually a dead silence, and the occasional sounds are mostly made by the zombies themselves. In the dead silence, the city seemed to be asleep.
For almost eight years, day and night, there was no electricity and water power, all kinds of facilities stopped working, no popularity, and the dust flying in the sky fell on the buildings, such as balconies, window sills, etc.
In these places, first moss, then grass, then some small saplings, or some vines, etc., they grow in these places and gradually encroach on the entire building.
Although it is not as ruined now, eight years is enough to change too many things.
With these phenomena, the ruins of the city are beautiful, with green plants everywhere, full of amorous feelings.
The only discordant thing is these zombies wandering on the street. They walked by the car covered with vines, and occasionally one or two would only be overwhelmed by the vines on the street, and they would struggle to get up. , Continue their unchanging rhythm...walk around.
With the appearance of the sound, the boiling zombies filled every street.
Through the vision of the bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan felt shocked when he saw this scene.
In the last days, Linping City, with a population of more than 10 million, had so many zombies and a very small proportion of survivors. This also led to the current city, a world of zombies.
The several new human teams in Nangu Town entered a state of pretending to be dead, and they didn't dare to take their heads, let alone make a sound.
Lu Chuan was so happy, more than a hundred bloodthirsty claws flew across the streets of the city, looking for a target.
What Lu Chuan had to do was actually to constantly switch horizons, looking for the corpse dragon.
"There is Roshan here, a good harvest."
I only saw a huge Roshan on a street. It came out of a shopping mall and rolled over. Numerous abandoned cars were crushed and flattened. Some buildings were splashed with masonry after it rolled and rubbed.
The zombies along the way were crushed by Roshan, and all their bones shattered into corpse cakes.
Everywhere Roshan passed was a "meat" road.
The terrifying lethality, if you use it to defend a street, any siege zombies stepping into this street, I am afraid it will be difficult to withstand the crush of Roshan.
Unfortunately, Roshan shouldn't be able to unlock it now.
"Write it down first." Lu Chuan happily stopped switching the horizons, and then marked Roshan's information on the light projector's map.
According to Lu Chuan's understanding, Roshan should be a level six zombies, and definitely not more than a level seven zombies.
With this record, go straight here next time and find it out.
Standing in a small town in the mountains, Lu Chuan could also clearly hear the city of Linping, ten kilometers away. The sound bomb continued to ring, and to Linping City, it was like throwing a bomb in a pond.
Under the guidance of this kind of voice, it can be predicted that zombies in the vicinity of several dozen kilometers will gather towards Linping City.
I am afraid that the survivors of South Valley Town will not live so well in the coming days.
It takes time for a manic zombie to calm down. What's more, this kind of sound has attracted zombies with a radius of tens of kilometers, and there will be another breakthrough in the number of zombies in Linping City.
Lu Chuan has no burden. Nangu Town is 430 kilometers away from Zhongzhou City. It will definitely be listed as a controllable target by himself. It is not a big deal for them to suffer. When they take the initiative, their good days will come naturally.
After recording, Lu Chuan repeated his horizon switching.
"The number of bloodthirsty claws is about a hundred, but not in groups."
"The corpse dragon, finally found it."
In the sky, there were two huge figures. Through the vision of bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan could not see very clearly, but he could still judge from their body shapes that it was the corpse dragon.
Easy to recognize.
When they unfold their fleshy wings, they are very huge, like a large passenger plane, more like the evil dragon in the myth. However, their necks are not so long, some resemble Tyrannosaurus necks, thick and short.
After opening his huge mouth, he swallowed a person without pressure.
Two at a time, making Lu Chuan grin.
Two were found in Linping City before. After killing one, Lu Chuan thought there was one left, but he didn't expect that there was one more. There are three corpse dragons in Linping City.
"Not bad."
The unexpected joy, Lu Chuan naturally smiled.
After discovering the target, Lu Chuan gave orders no longer.
The bloodthirsty claws that were scattered before, continued to gather under instructions, and soon a large black cloud was formed in the sky. There are a lot of bloodthirsty claws in the sky, if it weren't for Lu Chuan's perception of the bloodthirsty claws of the biochemical factory, it would be impossible to tell.
It was for this reason that Lu Chuan didn't care if the new humans in Linping saw this scene. They couldn't see through it anyway.
Within a few minutes, the bloodthirsty claws were concentrated.
The two corpse dragons didn't even care about these bloodthirsty claws. After finding the sound source in the sky, they flapped their fleshy wings and rushed towards the sound source.
In fact, in the place where the sound source originated, there were already countless zombies rushing over, and then covering it layer by layer, making the sound from this kind of sound source much smaller.
But no matter how small, they are heard by the entire city, and the zombies still rushed towards the sound source.
Layer after layer, like a stack of arhats, the accumulation is actually higher than the buildings on the street.
Lu Chuan was dumbfounded by this sight, and the madness of the zombies was so obvious.
Now the zombies, under the mania, the whole city is restless, the number exceeds tens of millions. In the face of this level, no matter how strong he is, he still has to be a turtle.
Two corpse dragons appeared in the sky, and they wanted to start diving.
If you really let them smash down, and then be submerged by other zombies, there will be no fun at all.
Fortunately, when they were about to move, the Bloodthirsty Talons arrived. They were divided into two teams by Lu Chuan. Each team had sixty, enough to deal with a corpse dragon.
The bloodthirsty claw group split into two, and rushed towards the corpse dragon.
Small and exquisite bloodthirsty claws, their size is only about one-tenth the size of a corpse dragon, which is not small by calculation. When they pounce on the body of the corpse dragon, they will grab the skin of the corpse dragon with sharp claws, and then the small claws on the flesh wings are the main cutting force.
Only seeing these two corpse dragons, they were filled with bloodthirsty claws in the air. Naturally, with the brutality of bloodthirsty claws, they had already begun to cut them with small claws.
Suddenly being attacked, the corpse dragon naturally struggled.
With a rub against the claws of the corpse dragon, it directly grabbed a bloodthirsty claw and flew the bloodthirsty claw away. The sharp claws of the corpse dragon left three scars on the bloodthirsty claws.
However, this bloodthirsty claw is also ferocious. Its claws firmly grasped the corpse dragon. When it was kicked, its claws also left several claw marks on the corpse dragon.
Anyone who has seen a cat fight knows how fast the bloodthirsty claws swing, and the naked eye can't keep up with the cat's swing. The cat is fast enough, but the bloodthirsty claws are even faster.
It was exactly like digging soil, the bloodthirsty claws could dig out a huge blood hole in an instant.
The corpse dragon submerged by the bloodthirsty claws, its resistance was so weak that it was dismembered by the bloodthirsty claws almost in the sky.
With the fleshy wings being cut off, the corpse dragon lost the ability to fly and fell downward.
In the fall, the corpse dragon became a skeleton.
When the corpse dragon died, the bloodthirsty claws separated the skeleton one after another, flapping their fleshy wings and flying in the sky.
And this corpse dragon, just ten seconds later, fell to the floor of the building below, breaking into pieces. With the loss of muscle, the bones were scattered around.
If you have a big head, the epidermis is torn off, and you can see the muscles inside. After falling like this, the head of the corpse dragon rolled over until it reached the guardrail before it stopped.
Two corpse dragons fell almost at the same time, smashing to the bottom.
"Ding, get corpse dragon fragment 1."
"Ding, get corpse dragon fragment 1."
Two reminders sounded, and Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. Killing two corpse dragons this time, except for a few bloodthirsty claws injured, never died.
In his mind, a message emerged.
Corpse Dragon: 5/10.
The fragments of the corpse dragon were finally in half. The entire Linping City directly contributed three unlock fragments. This also made Lu Chuan understand a truth, the more populous a city, the more likely it is to produce more and more advanced zombies.
Like here, even Roshan has it.
Lu Chuan didn't look for it very carefully, otherwise there are definitely more than these high-level zombies.
Now that the corpse dragon was killed, Lu Chuan could finally rest assured to look for others.
The sound is still ringing. It has fifteen minutes of time. Forget it now, it's actually less than ten minutes, and there are still five minutes to ring.
While there is still time, before the zombies disappear, Lu Chuan needs to confirm the situation in Linping City.
The bloodthirsty claws who just got together are scattered again.
Several new human teams entered Linping City, one by one shrank inside the building, all of them kept silent. The current situation is not something they can move at will.
Except for the captain using a telescope to observe, everyone else stayed there.
There were violent zombies outside, they roared, but they were covered by this extremely sharp voice.
The sharp voice, not to mention the zombies, even the new humans, was also upset by hearing it, only feeling uncomfortable all over. Even if you cover it, it doesn't have much effect, it's the same as drilling in your ears.
The whole city has this kind of sound. They don't know what makes this kind of sound. If they know, they all want to blow the culprit to their heads with one shot.
ten minutes.
It's been ten minutes, and the sharp sound like a glass is still ringing, which makes them feel a sense of despair They don't know what is the end.
The team scattered on the outskirts of Linping City, the observing captain, still saw the anomaly in the sky.
Especially Wei Lihui, once before, now sees that Bloodthirsty Talon killed the corpse dragon in the same way. No matter how slow he is, he knows that this must be abnormal.
"What is the reason?"
The feeling that these bloodthirsty claws gave him, always felt a little abnormal, but it couldn't be said.
Holding the telescope, these bloodthirsty claws only stayed in the sky for less than a minute after slaying the corpse dragon. They were broken into pieces, scattered in all directions of the city, and finally disappeared.
Wei Lihui was a little surprised, always feeling that these bloodthirsty claws seemed to have thoughts or were under some control.
It's just that among the violent zombies in the city, no matter how puzzled and curious, they have to be suppressed.
Now is not the time to take risks.
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