Chapter 69: Gold shop

   After solving these people who dared to reach out to him, Lu Chuan had to pay attention to the zombie dog.
   Sensitive to terrifying sense of smell, terrible memory, and execution power that must be executed even if death, all means that the role of zombie dogs is greater than imagined.
   This kind of function that allows oneself to give instructions within a certain range, and the function of micro-control control is even more anti-sky.
  How much does a zombie dog or an alienated zombie cost?
   400,000 zombie dogs, 600,000 alienated zombies.
  The cost of hundreds of thousands can solve the trouble without knowing it, and it won't cause any trouble to oneself. It is a big killer.
   Handong City Duoyunxuan Auction Company.
   Lu Chuan showed up here with An Tong and Yang Biao. At such a stop, Lu Chuan may not have the style of a boss, but Yang Biao and An Tong's compelling style all set off Lu Chuan's identity.
   A suit of seven wolves, with Lu Chuan's figure, looks decent, sunny, and generous.
   In the warehouse of the biochemical plant, what brand is there?
   Not to mention the top ten domestic brands, they are the top ten international brands, and they are full of warehouses.
   Lu Chuan chose the seven wolves, mainly low-key.
   There is no way, I came here to send items for auction. If you play such a high-profile game, you should be very rich. Would you like to auction a hammer?
   Ways of travel, this time Lu Chuan has lost his money...I came by taxi, which is a bit too high-profile, taking into account the electric buses of millions.
  Duo Yunxuan Auction Company is an extremely powerful auction company in Handong City, with a wide range of auctions. In fact, it was the jade auction here that Lu Chuan decided, which is even more famous.
   was short of money, Lu Chuan could only give away the jade bracelets and antique ceramics he got last time.
   Don’t ask for much, it’s a huge gain to have millions.
   Lu Chuan now has nothing more than money for meals. The biochemical plant is like a bottomless pit, no amount of money can be filled. When it's time to spend money, the last days need to expand, and modern times need to expand, all of which need money.
   It takes at least one month for the disassembly to generate benefits.
   Zhao Hu has hired a few auto repair apprentices, and a warehouse has enough goods for him to be busy for a long time.
   Bodyguard, secretary, Lu Chuan's style is enough.
   Stepping into the Duoyunxuan auction company, the front desk immediately greeted you warmly: "Sir, welcome to Duoyunxuan, what can I do for you?"
   "Send some small objects for photographs." Lu Chuan said quietly, calming himself down.
   "Okay sir, please come with me." The receptionist gave a faint smile and made a please gesture.
   To treat every incoming customer, it is necessary to perform the highest style reception.
   In the following process, Lu Chuan was led to the VIP area, and a waiter brought tea when he sat down. A receptionist who accompanied Lu Chuan merely obeyed the instructions instead of asking for any information.
  It took only half an hour to come in from Luchuan and leave to Luchuan.
  In this process, the identification took some time.
   Here, there are two ways.
   One is a commissioned auction.
   One is bought by an auction company.
   The former may get higher returns, but it will take some time. For example, auctions only take place at a certain time, which takes time to wait.
   In the latter, the transaction is completed directly. However, the price is naturally estimated by the auction company. As long as you agree with it, you will sell it to the auction company at this estimated price. A one-time buyout and subsequent auctions belong to the auction company.
   Generally, those who come to the auction company will choose the former, because there is a possibility that they will be extremely hot and bid a very good price.
   sold to the auction company, in case you lose your eyes, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, you will sell them for millions of dollars, absolutely crying in the rhythm of the toilet.
   Lu Chuan chose the latter, a pair of glass jade bracelets, in his hand ceramic antiques from the Song Dynasty, at a discount of 7 million.
  Lu Chuan, who is in urgent need of money, no matter what the final auction price will be, what he needs is funds that can be used in the short term.
   "Unlock the sound."
   "Unlock emoji."
   "Unlock and dress up."
   "Unlock intelligence."
  Four instructions, the uncle zombie seems to be alive, it was still pale and sick before, but there was a smile, which seemed much more natural. Two dumb eyes finally had some luster.
   Unlocking Uncle Zombie, this is because Lu Chuan has feelings for Uncle Zombie.
   Like Zhong Tong, Lu Chuan did not intend to unlock them.
   People, once you have feelings, or when zombies are like living people, you can't use them as tools or machines.
   Uncle Zombie finally spoke, its voice is thick and very magnetic.
   For Lu Chuan, all zombies will be extremely respectful, and there will be no trace of disrespect. After implementing Lu Chuan's instructions, it is 100%, and there will be no discount.
   Even if it is death, they will not hesitate.
   Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Take them well."
  Unlocked Uncle Zombie, in order to deal with the troubles when he is away. With the characteristics of zombies, if anyone breaks into here, the result can be imagined, they will definitely be killed.
   caused this kind of trouble, not what Lu Chuan wanted to see.
   "Understood, boss." The functions of Uncle Zombie are unlocked, but many features are still difficult to change. It is more emotional, but it is still affirmative.
   Intellectual unlocking does not mean that it can be synchronized with normal humans. In terms of information, the lack of information is still great.
   Having intelligence, like wood is better, at least it will give the outside world a better impression.
  Gold jewelry store, no matter what city, is an industry where more people invest.
   However, the threshold for this industry is still somewhat high.
   Especially in the international metropolis of Handong City, investing in a powerful facade starts with tens of millions, and over 100 million is nothing new.
   Similar to this category, Lu Chuan can't play.
   While the scale of gold jewelry stores is smaller, it is difficult to make money in this kind of international metropolis.
  Why in recent years, jewelry stores have moved to third- and fourth-tier cities? In fact, in metropolises, they cannot compete with chain stores or large-scale jewelry stores.
  The larger the city, the higher the recognition of the brand.
   Of course, it's not that small jewelry stores have no place to survive. They are more often found in places like streets and lanes, either in residential areas or in dark places behind certain pedestrian streets.
  All they can do is the business of the low-level people, and there is not much profit.
   In the warehouse of the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan has gold jewelry worth tens of millions. If it were through Li Kangsheng’s shop, it would have shrunk to only about four million ~ not worth it.
   Moreover, gold jewelry will not be a one-off sale.
  How much gold will there be in the last days?
   This is simply impossible to estimate, it is a huge number beyond imagination.
   controls the zombies, it is very simple to get this gold.
   It can be said that in the future, Lu Chuan will have countless gold that can be supplied to modern times. Opening a gold jewelry store is nothing more than establishing a channel for shipments.
   brand gold jewelry store, it is design and so on, but what Lu Chuan wants to say is, is it bad design?
   There are countless gold jewellery, all of which are designed and can be sold on the counter.
  The way...
   In this short term, no one will be able to find out where you came from. When the scale becomes larger, even if someone wants to check, how far has Lu Chuan himself grown by then?
   Seven million, Lu Chuan smashed two million out. The transfer fee of 500,000 yuan was transferred to a clothing store and then renovated.
   If you want to be high-grade, you are sure to spend a million in renovation costs.
   Luchuan’s gold and jewelry store does not involve purchasing and other departments. It only needs shopping guides.
   I don’t understand, Lu Chuan can dig people.
   I went to the major gold and jewelry stores and took a short time after I got the number. I just talked over the phone directly. In front of the 50% higher basic salary, these shopping guides skipped without hesitation.
   The commission is certainly important, but when there are results, there is no result... The basic salary is more affordable than the commission.
   Besides, selling gold jewelry, isn't it also a commission?
   was willing to spend money, just half a month, this gold jewelry store completed the renovation.
   (Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you very much!)
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