Chapter 687: redefine

The corpse dragon landed in front of the city gate square. This square built after razing a large number of houses has become a favorite place for people. When Lu Chuan landed, there were already a large number of survivors surrounded here.
With the landing of the corpse dragon, the survivors here quickly retreated.
The awe of zombies, and even the fear of zombies at the level of the sky overlord, the corpse dragon, made the survivors only dare to observe from a distance, not to move forward at all.
Thousands of people watched, all pointing and pointing.
The new human forces stationed in the settlement quickly maintained the order here, but the effect was not great. Things like this, never seen before, unheard of, naturally attracted their strong curiosity.
I don't know how many people have heard the news, but they rushed over here.
"It's really the boss!"
As long as I saw the people in Lu Chuan, they all sighed that this matter was beyond their imagination.
Lu Chuan sat on the corpse dragon, smiling lightly, and then the corpse dragon lay on the ground, making it easier for Lu Chuan to get down from above. When Lu Chuan moved, he already jumped off and stood on the ground.
The corpse dragon lying on the ground was still like a giant, shocking.
Yi Zhanfei and the others came quickly, and after they dropped the corpse dragon in Lu Chuan, they arrived. They glanced at the corpse dragon with some fear, and after a little hesitation, they gritted their teeth and walked towards Lu Chuan.
"Boss." Yi Zhanfei and the others asked in unison, but their eyes floated to the corpse dragon behind Lu Chuan.
This thing is really novel, can zombies be tame? This is unimaginable for them. Zombies are like monsters without any emotions, thoughts, or wisdom. They are a kind of deformity. They can only be killed without being tamed.
But they are not allowed to know the facts in front of them. The world is so big that there are no wonders.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "If you want to see it, take a good look, this is a real corpse dragon."
The corpse dragon belongs to the fifth-level flying zombies. For humans, as for the Yi Zhanfei and others, there is no record of defeating the corpse dragon. There was a fight against each other, and the violent corpse dragon brought them hard to forget.
Seeing the boss talking, Yi Zhanfei and the others finally sighed and became relieved.
The boss is still the boss, they all thought it was their own illusion.
Yi Zhanfei's group of people is almost composed of five-level new humans, representing the highest level and the strongest group of people in the current settlement. Their courage is naturally the highest.
With Lu Chuan's permission, they became active one by one, like children, circling around the corpse dragons, trying to study the corpse dragons thoroughly.
Untimely, they will hear a burst of strangeness.
Especially for this set of armor on the corpse dragon, it is so exquisitely made that it almost protects the corpse dragon. The corpse dragon wearing this kind of armor is definitely more difficult to deal with.
Even Yi Zhanfei is so curious, let alone the survivors outside.
Lu Chuan said, "Let me see what they do to the corpse dragon. If you want to, let them see enough."
Originally arrived on a corpse dragon, it was for people here to know that there was a buffer. After they have accepted the corpse dragon, there will be a huge army of zombies, and they will be more receptive.
Let them see enough, let them discuss it, and naturally they will accept it.
Yi Zhanfei nodded and called dozens of new humans, standing around the corpse dragon. The new humans who were called were all agitated in their hearts. They stood hard-headed, and needed their backs to the corpse dragon, which was definitely a test.
With the power of the corpse dragon, if it violently wounds people, it will definitely be a bite.
Thinking of this, their backs are standing coldly.
Along the way, all the places Lu Chuan passed by received awe and curiosity from the survivors. For this mysterious boss from the beginning, they found that with the appearance of the corpse dragon, they knew far Not enough.
"The boss can tame and control the zombies.
"Just think about it, even I feel high. The tide is high, and the materials in the city, don't you take as much as you want?"
"Zombies can be used by oneself, and this world absolutely allows oneself to gallop."
"As expected of the boss, I really am not the protagonist of this world."
The survivors of modern civilization that have accepted it, what they say is naturally with the previous internet terminology. One by one, Lu Chuan, who was leaving, used their gossip and brainstorming imagination, and analyzed the various reasons why the boss was so bullish.
For example, why the boss can come and go freely in the wild, why the boss can have so many supplies and food, in the final analysis, it is because of the ability to tame zombies.
Countless brains have been opened up, about the boss for a while, forming a more exciting history of rise.
These Lu Chuan had long expected. After arriving at the headquarters, the people here also stared at Lu Chuan for a while, with curiosity and puzzlement in their eyes, but more of them were still in awe.
How terrible is a person who can tame and control zombies?
The action style in the settlements of Shanshi County has always been based on efficiency. There is no such thing as a muddle-headedness in everything. This style is exactly what Lu Chuan emphasized and brought.
So when he arrived at the headquarters, Lu Chuan immediately went to the conference room.
The management who had known the boss' arrival a long time ago, under the alarm of Shilong, everyone had heard the news.
In Ruoda's conference room, more than a hundred people sat in their respective positions.
Lu Chuan sat directly on the upper head, just looking at the people below. All of these people have reached their current positions step by step through elections, and each of them is incompetent.
The guard that Chubin is in charge of is actually responsible for the role of supervision. For those who are indiscriminately filling their numbers, or who have a vegetarian diet, they will eventually pass a special assessment and will be directly removed from their positions.
It is precisely this kind of department that is similar to the internal affairs supervision, and those who can serve as management in the settlement are undoubtedly the real elite.
Wu Jiang stood up: "Boss, except for those who are going out to perform tasks, all are present."
Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Okay."
Looking around the people below, Lu Chuan said, "What I have always emphasized is efficiency, because in the last days, time is not money, but life. Now it's the topic."
As the boss, Lu Chuan did everything in one word in a place that was reformed into a company.
Giving power to them is only management power, the real core power, Lu Chuan does not need them to intervene at all. Lu Chuan, who owns a biochemical factory, doesn't need anyone to point to him. In the last days, when there is no democracy, Lu Chuan will kill anyone who refuses to accept it. It is such simple violence.
"First, military and political separation will be carried out in settlements."
"As a new human being, staying in a settlement will only waste oneself. People can only grow and become stronger when they fight. If you are satisfied with your current status, I can guarantee you will soon Someone surpasses you in strength and replaces your position."
"The position you are in is not static."
"A sixth-level new human, and a fifth-level new human, in fact, I don’t need to think about it, but I also know how to do it. Don’t tell me what kind of veteran it is. This is the end of the world. People who dare to fight, not people who stay in the office comfortably."
A few simple words, the amount of information brought is huge.
At the bottom of the management, everyone's face changed slightly, but more of them were still happy. For new humans, the best way to climb is to become stronger.
They are not allowed to discuss, let alone ask questions, Lu Chuan's will is to decide.
Lu Chuan paused, and then through the light projector in front of him, under the effect of AR light and shadow, the picture taken by Lu Chuan was transformed into light and shadow, turning this place into a corner of the city.
Of course, this is not the point. The point is the huge Roshan tumbling on the street. It is too huge. It goes through not only the zombies on the street being crushed into meatloaf by the tumbling Roshan, but also Vehicles on the street.
Some of the protruding balconies were shattered by the rolling Roshan.
The place where Roshan passes is absolutely like hell. The street paved by the flesh and blood of zombies has a strong impact on the vision. Even those who have experienced the end times have a sense of horror.
If a survivor confronts it, in this street, it is almost impossible to hide, and will be crushed by it.
No one can estimate how heavy Roshan is, but watching these abandoned cars being crushed into discus, one knows how heavy it is.
After they finished reading, Lu Chuan said: "Adjust the current strategy of the New Human Forces and change the decapitation to finding Roshan zombies. Once you find it, don't act rashly, just report its location immediately."
The boss said that the entire settlement is naturally operating efficiently.
The first is to carry out the army. The separation of politics, the military department began to let in some capable ordinary people, holding some civilian positions, they have very little power, more like the logistics department.
And the liberated new human management, they are beginning to adapt to the newly created battle armor of the settlement, preparing for the upcoming field reconnaissance.
The importance of battle armor has always been emphasized by Lu Chuan, so the arsenal immediately developed a suitable battle armor for the new human forces.
Due to the use of the points system, the arsenal only provides standard armor for the new human forces. If you want a better armor, you need to exchange points for it. A good armor is not easy to build, and the materials used are very particular. It is not fair to assign to them. Simply let them work hard to earn points, and then exchange points for them.
The higher the status, the higher the standard armor provided.
Hierarchy is implemented in settlements, and it can arouse people's motivation.
Don't think that it will be safe just by scouting.
In fact, is in the wild, and fighting is everywhere. Sometimes they will be found by zombies, and when fleeing, they need to be torn and killed. Sometimes, when you pass a certain place, you also need to clean up the zombies here.
Some zombies with ranks are more powerful and agile, and sometimes battles happen inadvertently. These zombies, they will not be polite to you, any movement and breath of life will attract their crazy attacks.
Only by going out of the settlement to the outside world, can a person's potential be stimulated, let him grow, break through himself, and become stronger.
Whether it is the alienation level of the new humans, or the fighting skills.
Neither of these can be achieved by relying on training. It needs to take risks with one's own life to get it.
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