Chapter 691: Big contract

? The second Roshan is no accident. The price is five swifts and 25 kilograms of TNT.
Dealing with zombies, no matter what kind of them, is easy to deal with as long as you find the right method.
Like Roshan, it can be dealt with in a very violent way, that is, use the swift to rush over with TNT, and then blow it up.
Roshan seemed to be powerful, but in front of dozens of kilograms of TNT, he was only beaten.
"The second piece."
Two Roshans were solved in one day, and two Roshan unlock fragments were harvested, which made Lu Chuan a little excited. The next step was actually to solve the third Roshan that I knew, and then wait for the bloodthirsty claws and the survivors to find Roshan.
After checking the time, Lu Chuan led the exoskeleton mecha zombie army back.
Putting them in the wild, Lu Chuan is really worried. For example, if the dragon crocodile is unlucky enough to encounter them, and he is not there, the entire exoskeleton mecha zombie army will be scrapped.
If the exoskeleton mecha zombie army built with tens of billions of dollars was destroyed in this way, Lu Chuan would not cry.
Still bring the biochemical factory back to safety. In the non-siege mode, the biochemical factory is invincible, so there is no need to worry about any zombies appearing to die.
It took more than an hour to return to the biochemical plant.
Let the exoskeleton mecha zombie army enter the biochemical factory warehouse, Lu Chuan returned to modern times.
There is something bad about the last days, this is the night, and there is almost nothing to do.
Zombies are also very sensitive to light. If there is light in the dark night, I don't know how many zombies will be attracted. Without light, human beings can't do anything, and they are left to wash and sleep.
The next day.
Lu Chuan woke up, gently pushed Ye Lingwei's arm away, and then got up.
Ye Lingwei hardly reacted to Lu Chuan's movements, and had been sleeping deeply. After tossing for several hours last night, Ye Lingwei almost fell apart and couldn't bear it, so naturally she fell asleep.
After scrubbing, Lu Chuan sent Ye Lingwei a message>
After driving directly to the storage area, Yi Ran was already waiting.
Seeing Lu Chuan, Yi Ran passed the information in his hand to Lu Chuan: "Boss, look at it. These are all manufacturers capable of manufacturing armor."
Lu Chuan nodded and took it, then looked at it.
With almost ten lines of sight, Lu Chuan looked at it again and said, "Very good."
These manufacturers are all factories near Handong City, and their scales are similar. The economy in the past few years has been very good, allowing them to continue to expand, but with fierce competition and the economy is no longer accelerating as before, their business can only be said to be average.
"Are you following me or staying here?" Lu Chuan asked with a smile holding the information.
Yi Ran was silent for half a second and said, "I want to go for a walk, too."
"Okay, just follow it." Lu Chuan nodded, and walked towards the car with Yi Ran. The car was driven by Ma Xifeng. This trip was for business talks, so Ma Xifeng drove an S-class.
In fact, things like this can be handed over to the people below, and there is no need for Lu Chuan to act in person. However, considering the importance of this matter, Lu Chuan decided to go out on his own.
After boarding the car, Lu Chuan told Ma Xifeng the address in his mind. Needless to say, Ma Xifeng was already driving.
Yi Ran sat next to Lu Chuan, not knowing why, smelling the fragrance from him made Lu Chuan feel a little unnatural. The realism of this pretender system made Lu Chuan unable to complain. These zombies are like living people, with their own independent personality, and they don't seem like brainless people.
The other one, they are all stunners, which is simply a fatal temptation.
Fortunately, Lu Chuan always keeps in mind what they looked like when they were brought to the modern age, otherwise he really couldn't help making a mistake. It seems easy, but in fact, as a man, it is really difficult and difficult to refuse these peerless beauty at his mercy. It requires supreme perseverance.
At least now, Lu Chuan has not yet allowed himself to break through this bottom line.
Ma Xifeng's driving skills were very good, and the S-Class moved forward very smoothly and soon arrived at the first manufacturing plant. This manufacturing plant is located in the outskirts of Handong City, covering a large area of ​​more than 300 mu.
As a large-scale manufacturing plant, the strength of this place naturally needs no doubt.
Lu Chuan didn't want to come out with a scornful Oolong, and he didn't want to pretend, so he asked An Tong to find the boss of the factory in his own name.
Lu Chuan's current reputation is so big, the boss of this kind of manufacturing plant is in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of Lu Chuan, he is not qualified.
Upon receiving this news, the boss of the factory immediately leaned over his and took the management of the factories, waiting at the factory door early. No matter what Lu's richest man is doing, as long as he has been to his own factory, will the factory still worry about orders in the future?
Any fool knows how to do things that are harmless.
While waiting, all the employees of the entire factory stopped work. What they did was to clean up the factory to make the factory more tidy and hygienic.
Brilliant manufacturing plant.
No one has used this name until now. Just look at the name and you will know that its history is not small.
When Lu Chuan arrived, he was also taken aback by the scene here. The three thousand employees of the factory were pulled directly by the other party, and then set up a welcome formation here. The scene was naturally big.
But think about it, Lu Chuan can only smile wryly, his name seems to them to be worthy of attention, right?
The richest man in the world, for a businessman, it is definitely better to have a secretary from a province, even if it is at the semi-national level, it may not be possible for the other party to be like this. In the eyes of businessmen, official characters and business characters are different.
"Welcome to President Lu."
The owner of the brilliant factory is a very rich middle-aged man in his early forties with a small belly. The sky in mid-March was still a little cold, but the other party was just a shirt, and looked very energetic.
"Hello, President Chen." Lu Chuan nodded politely, and shook his hand.
"Mr. Chen, our boss has precious time and will only be here for half an hour. I hope you can arrange the time." Yi Ran, who was next to him, reminded him in a polite tone.
With 3,000 employees in his hand and the owner of a large manufacturing plant, Chen Mingyun is also the number one person. When other people dared to play with him like this, he had already become stubborn. But now it is Lu Chuan, he dare not even put a fart.
But when he saw Yi Ran, Chen Mingyun's eyes almost fell out. There were so many women he had played with, but none of them could match Yi Ran, not even half the level.
For a moment, Chen Mingyun almost felt that his eyes were not enough.
"As expected to be the richest man in the world, this secretary...tsk." Chen Mingyun just dared to think about it, and immediately changed to a serious look after discovering that he was in a gaffe. A joke, this is the secretary of the richest man in the world. It's okay if the secretary does something. He doesn't know if he is so famous. If he dares to look at the secretary of the richest man in this way, it is no different from death.
"Mr. Lu, do you want to look at the manufacturing line first, or our design department?" There was a pile of smiles on Chen Mingyun's face.
Lu Chuan said: "Look at the manufacturing line first. I need to understand your manufacturing capabilities."
"No problem." Chen Mingyun is still very confident about the manufacturing capabilities of his factory.
The greeted workers dispersed and returned to their posts.
Under Chen Mingyun's leadership, Lu Chuan strolled around the production line of the brilliant manufacturing plant.
"Most of the manufacturing lines of the Brilliant Manufactory are equipment that was updated last year. Mr. Lu, presumably you also know that the predecessor of the Brilliant Manufactory is a manufacturing plant with heritage." Chen Mingyun introduced.
Lu Chuan is just going through a cutscene. After all, the manufacture of battle armor is just a shell, which is not complicated and does not require too special craftsmanship. A small workshop can be manufactured. The reason why I look for these big manufacturers is actually their manufacturing speed.
Like the redesigned corpse dragon armor, it is more complex, has more protective positions, and the armor on the abdomen is thicker. Not only the thickness, but also the position of the hanger has also been redesigned.
Of course, these designs are in charge of the armor factory. After all, they already have experience. With the feedback from Lu Chuan, they can easily redesign them.
Not only that, Lu Chuan also designed a pod similar to an airship for the corpse dragon, whose main purpose is transportation.
This pod is Lu Chuan's big head this time.
There were three thousand corpse dragons before, plus the five thousand corpse dragons made now, the number of corpse dragons reached an astonishing 8,000. In other words, he needs eight thousand pods.
In the conference room, Chen Mingyun took a group of management to attend.
In fact, it was Yi Ran who introduced and discussed with their technicians. After the other side’s technicians have understood these technical indicators, the rest is the issue of productivity.
"President Chen, what is the maximum quantity you can manufacture in one month?" Lu Chuan said directly.
Chen Mingyun has obtained accurate data from his own technicians and management. To be honest, this capacity has made him frowned.
"President Lu, only one thousand sets can be manufactured in one month. The price of each set needs at least 600,000 yuan." Chen Mingyun thought for a while and gave this number.
Don't underestimate this thousand sets. As long as you understand how complicated and huge it is, you will understand that one thousand sets is already a very remarkable number.
This is a pod, although nothing has been considered, but looking at the requirements for lightweight, you know that the material alone requires preparation for at least a week. The remaining three weeks are the real manufacturing time.
Lu Chuan thought for a while, and said, "Okay, now you have someone prepare the contract, and we will sign it right away. A month later, I need to see these thousand sets of pods."
"Huh?" Chen Mingyun didn't expect Lu Chuan to be so direct.
A set of 600,000 is just his asking price, which in his mind is 550,000. But Lu Chuan didn't even counter-offer, so he agreed directly.
One thousand sets is a contract of 600 million yuan, which is definitely a big contract. The key is that the profit of this contract is at least 100 million yuan, which is definitely a huge profit for the manufacturing industry.
"As expected to be the richest man in the world, being rich is self-willed." Chen Mingyun felt that compared with Lu Chuan, he was a poor ghost. These six billion contract is a big contract for them, but thinking about the valuation of Baichuan Guihai Company, I am afraid that even the roots are not counted.
Like this kind of large manufacturing plant, there are dedicated personnel responsible for the contract, with a model, and soon the contract is printed.
Lu Chuan happily signed, and after Chen Mingyun signed the contract, the contract came into effect.
For specific information, Yi Ran gave the other party a USB flash drive, which was all in it.
After the contract was signed, Chen Mingyun couldn't help but curiously asked: "Mr. Lu, what are these pods for?"
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "These pods and battle armors are used for filming movies. A friend in Europe knows that China has good quality and cheap, and I asked me to do it. You know, this is very good. Friends, I'm sorry to refuse."
"This is natural, this is natural." Chen Mingyun thought and agreed with this statement. After all, some of the battle armors and armors that Lu Chuan had taken out before were all sci-fi and beautiful, and they were more just looks. There was only one shell for shooting. Movies are most normal.
Like why he was willing to spend 600 million to make these pods, Chen Mingyun did not continue to curiously ask, he was not stupid, he knew a lot of things too well, and it was not good for him.
After not staying here, Lu Chuan got up and left after signing the contract.
Lu Chuan still needs to implement the manufacturing of pods and battle armors one by one. I am afraid that this time he is really going to be a boy who has lost money. He needs 8,000 pods alone, which is several billion.
In addition, there is an improved armor of the post-corpse dragon, which requires another 8,000, and it is also billions of dollars.
If it weren’t for this amount of money, I could go to the account of Baichuanguihai Company, and I would not be able to support it just by relying on the private account funds I have left.
Now Lu Chuan has found a small loophole in the funds. The funds of Baichuan Guihai Company cannot be used to make zombies, but they can be used in modern times to purchase supplies.
Using this one, Lu Chuan can easily save a large amount of private account funds.
In a disguised form, more zombies can be created.
"Next one." Lu Chuan took Yi Ran to the S-class, and sent the address to Ma Xifeng, and then leaned on the car seat. This whole day, I don't have to think about rest. In order to save time, every family will fight quickly. To make a quick decision, it doesn't matter to spend more money, the key is to get things done in a short time.
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