Chapter 749: Supernatural power

The title of the world factory is not just talking about it. Its manufacturing capacity is definitely the world's first.
With this kind of foundation, the supplies in the military port are naturally always sufficient. Whether it is ammunition, or other parts supply and so on.
Lu Chuan laughed at all of this.
Standing in front of this ammunition depot, behind him was Jiang Manlou, and a whole new human force.
"Boss, how to move?"
Jiang Manlou inquired that it was 1,300 kilometers away from the settlement, and the only way was to bring the corpse dragon back.
Lu Chuan glanced at Jiang Manlou and smiled lightly.
At this point, Lu Chuan did not intend to conceal his storage space.
This kind of concealing the head and the tail, with the strength of Lu Chuan now, there is no need to be as careful as before. His current identity is the identity of the savior.
In other words, it is not an exaggeration to call yourself a god.
Letting them know the storage space was actually Lu Chuan's thoughts after a long time.
In the last days of this time and space, no one can threaten him. With the biochemical factory, the survivors cannot threaten themselves with the zombies in their hands.
In this case, I don't have to hide it, let them know it generously, and let them get rid of any thoughts, and end this apocalypse with one heart.
Lu Chuan walked to one of the shelves. There were a total of 24 ship-launched missiles, each weighing hundreds of kilograms. As long as any ship hits one shot, it will be more fortunate.
Putting his hand on the shelf, Lu Chuan thought together.
In an instant, together with the shelf and the twenty-four ship-launched missiles on it, disappeared.
Jiang Manlou's eyes almost popped out, staring at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, almost unable to believe their eyes.
If the big frame and the missile disappeared in front of them.
If it weren't for them to keep staring, they might even think that their eyes were spent.
Without waiting for them to figure it out, Lu Chuan walked to another shelf. Similarly, the missile and shelf on it disappeared once again.
In fact, these missiles are emergency ammunition that can be quickly transported out of the ammunition depot in an emergency, otherwise normal missile storage is not like this.
This time, Jiang Manlou and the others could finally see clearly, it was not that they were dazzled, but that they really disappeared.
"How can this be?"
Jiang Manlou was dumbfounded and unbelievable.
But whether they believe it or not, Lu Chuan is still collecting ammunition here.
Before the change, Lu Chuan could not finish the installation here, but now it is different. It has expanded to a space of 464 meters and there is no pressure to install it here.
Jiang Manlou and the others, in this kind of dazed expression, saw Lu Chuan sweep the place, basically there was nothing left.
"Go, let's go outside."
Lu Chuan ignored the sluggish expressions of Jiang Manlou and the others. Lu Chuan had expected their expressions a long time ago. The storage space is amazing. This ability to send and receive freely is like shocking magic.
"Yes, boss." Jiang Manlou and the others reacted, with a look of fear on their faces.
In their hearts, they felt a deeper awe for the originally mysterious boss. What kind of magical powers is it to take away the entire ammunition depot?
Thinking of the boss still being able to control tens of thousands of zombies, coupled with this supernatural power, it is simply a replica of the gods, how can they be disrespected?
When he arrived at the berth at the military port, Lu Chuan was full of curiosity.
What is the military port? Generally, ordinary people are not allowed to approach it. You can only see it in pictures, movies and TV.
Similar to what I have imagined, there are warships docked on the berth. Anyone who sees it will feel a sense of insignificance. These are arguably the largest weapons of war in human history.
Jiang Manlou and the others had inspected it a long time ago. The warship must be good, but it hasn't been activated for more than eight years. It has been left unattended and naturally needs maintenance and repair.
Some of the warships mainly had problems with electronic equipment, and some gears lacked gear oil, which required maintenance.
In short, it is not such a simple thing to make it move.
In these last days, talents are withered, and it is difficult to find people if you want to maintain and overhaul. This is not a joke, it is really difficult for the human situation where there is no one.
Of course, talents can be cultivated, but there are already few people, and people are needed in all aspects. Naturally, there will not be too much to be allocated to this aspect. Plus, it's not easy to cultivate.
But Lu Chuan had Lu Chuan's ideas. He saw these warships as if they were precious.
"Next, it's time to show the real technology."
Lu Chuan didn't laugh. He just emptied the ammunition warehouse. It was just a trivial matter. Next, he took these warships away directly. I wonder what kind of expression they would look like when they saw it.
"Boss, do you want to go up?" Jiang Manlou asked, he was all curious, what exactly did the boss take over here?
The previous idea is of course the ammunition depot here.
No one knows how to use these big ones, and they need to be overhauled before they are used. There is no need to count on them. They are docked here, and they are more of furnishings.
This is a warship. From the point of view of Jiang Manlou, anyone would be curious. Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally wants to go there and take a look.
Like myself, after the capture, he went for a few laps on one of the guided missile destroyers.
Lu Chuan shook his head and said, "No, but you better be prepared."
"What preparations?" Jiang Manlou naturally didn't understand.
Lu Chuan did not explain, but stood on this berth and placed his hand on one of the guided missile destroyers. With one thought, this behemoth disappeared on the sea in an instant.
"Oh my God."
In an instant, as long as the new humans that I saw, they all screamed.
Unlike the underground ammunition depot before, there are only a few new humans. Above the military port, almost all of the new humans are there, and they have been staring at the boss.
In their minds, the boss is too mysterious, it can be said that the dragon sees the head and misses the end.
Under the attention, who would have thought that when the boss pressed his hand on the warship, the warship disappeared in the next second?
I am afraid that the supernatural event is nothing more than that.
As everyone was stunned, Lu Chuan walked to another frigate again and pressed it with his hand to also put it into the storage space.
A cube with a side length of 464 meters is not a big problem to install these warships, so it can be said to be placed at will. These dozen or so warships will not take up much space when they are installed.
One ship, another ship.
Like performing a magic show in front of the new humans, Lu Chuan took all the warships away in one go.
Not only warships, but some auxiliary ships were not spared either.
Lu Chuan’s fancy is naturally the repair dock in the military port. It is not a problem for the storage space to fit the entire dock. It can only repair ships like destroyers. There is no way for aircraft carriers to enter the dock here. .
As a result, Jiang Manlou and the others witnessed the big dock and the equipment inside, all confiscated by the boss.
Just like the autumn wind swept away, the entire warship became empty in just a few hours, with almost no valuable targets left.
Do not……
The boss’s demolition has not yet ended. Like the air defense weapons around the military port, they were not spared. They were all taken down by the boss.
Every new human stared at Luchuan the whole time, witnessing the whole process.
Some bolder ones were already discussing on the communication channel. The shock Lu Chuan gave them was really too great, leaving them in a daze.
They don't believe in ghosts and gods, but what they see now cannot be explained.
The boss's hand pressed, the scene where the warship disappeared was really shocking.
After Lu Chuan demolished this place, seeing Jiang Manlou and the others dumbfounded, he smiled lightly and said, "We will stay here for one night tonight, and we will leave for home tomorrow morning."
"Yes, boss."
Not to mention the current Lu Chuan orders, even before, no one would resist.
The emptied ammunition warehouse is just used for rest, otherwise the night falls, and God knows what zombies appear, this is definitely the end of the world when you don't go out in dark.
Next, naturally, it goes without saying that the new humans prepared some dry food arbitrarily, and they will eat on the spot and deal with it.
The corpse of zombies, under Lu Chuan's instructions, all landed on the buildings of the military port, and the general port was covered with black.
This night, no accident happened. With zombie alert, everyone had a good night's sleep.
Early the next morning, the mighty flying army of zombies left the military port.
There were no waves on the return journey. The flying zombies that impacted the zombie flying legion several times were torn to pieces before they moved.
Two hours later, he successfully returned to the settlement of Shanshi County.
"You guys have a good rest." Lu Chuan greeted him, riding away on the Shenlong. Since he let them know, Lu Chuan wouldn't ask them to seal it.
Therefore, in just a few hours, everyone in the settlement knew this magical power about the boss. Many people don't believe it. After all, how could this kind of magical power be possessed by humans?
In the scientific age, the market for ghost talk is very small, and it is extremely difficult for people to believe it.
Of course, believers also have them. After all, the boss can control even zombies. This was originally an unexplainable place. Now that he has this kind of magical power, what is so strange?
When it comes to the boss, plus there is no limit on this in this apocalyptic lack of entertainment, it has become a hot topic, and it is what everyone is excited to talk about.
Ever since, various speculations followed, such as the logistics in the settlement.
The consumption of millions of people is so huge, but I haven't seen any convoy transporting materials to the settlement. Originally, this was a question that nobody dared to guess and discuss, but now Lu Chuan's magical powers have to make people think of something.
Once you combine the boss's ability to retract freely with this logistical problem, it is not difficult to imagine that all this is done because of the boss's magical powers.
After all, in terms of logistics, the boss will visit once a month and stay for a long time. When he leaves, the warehouse has changed from being empty to full.
The logistical staff have all been ordered to seal, and they are not known to the outside world. Now that the boss has disclosed this magical power, it means that the ban on this area does not exist.
Therefore, in the descriptions of these logistics staff, Lu Chuan's degree of deification even increased.
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