Chapter 761: Measurement and control station

Yi Zhanfei cut off the communication with seriousness on his face.
At this time, he was facing a dozen sturdy new humans, among them there was even a level six. These people do not belong to the settlement of Shanshi County, but the people of the settlement of Huangjing.
Behind Yi Zhanfei, there are also a dozen new humans standing.
But in terms of level, Yi Zhanfei is definitely at a disadvantage.
Li Tiancheng, who was headed across from him, had three claw marks on his face, which made him look very hideous. He is already a seventh-level new human, looking at the end times, he is definitely a character.
But now, what do these self-defeating guys say, let them return to a man named Lu Chuan?
Of course, the reason why he would sit down and talk to the other party was that the way the other party appeared was too shocking, because they arrived here in a corpse dragon.
Not only the corpse dragon, but also thousands of bloodthirsty claws.
As a result, he was naturally jealous.
For the unknown, what he has to do is not to refuse, but to understand. I don't know the details of this guy in front of me, so I naturally want to find out through this kind of contact.
The seventh-level new human, except that he can't fly, is similar to Superman, so naturally it is impossible to subdue to others. In his concept, he is the savior-like existence in this last days.
With such a tyrannical ability, he led the settlement step by step from weak to strong through continuous killing. How could someone run over and say that he would surrender and then surrender?
Thinking that bringing the corpse dragon and bloodthirsty claws over can be convincing?
"Captain Yi, the matter of surrender is not a trivial matter, and it is not something that can be handled casually. Behind me, 300,000 people have entrusted the decision-making power in my hands. Moreover, if you want to surrender, you have to give something out Will there be a bargaining chip for me to return?"
Li Tiancheng spoke unhurriedly, and then he pointed at the corpse dragon and bloodthirsty claws in the sky, shook his head and said, "If it's just relying on these, I don't think we need to talk about it."
The defensive power of the Huangjing settlement is definitely very strong. With a large number of weapons concentrated, it makes this place like an excitement.
The first stage of the strategy formulated at the time was to defend and gather all the survivors around to strengthen oneself.
Now the first stage has been completed, enough defense force to ensure that this place is not threatened by zombies.
The second stage is to go out.
But now, I am only ready to go out and embark on a road of expansion. Who would have thought that this group of guys who fell from the sky would think of something, let them return to them, and still live 800 kilometers away?
After Yi Zhanfei received a call from his boss, his whole attitude changed.
Hearing what Li Tiancheng said, Yi Zhanfei smiled lightly and stood up and said, "Also, if that's the case, let the boss have a good talk with you at that time."
When talking, Yi Zhanfei increased his tone.
Li Tiancheng's face changed, his eyes shrunk, then he recovered his calm, and said, "We are waiting for you."
Yi Zhanfei nodded, then led his hands, climbed to a corpse dragon next to him, and then hung himself on the armor of the corpse dragon.
When everyone finished hanging up, Yi Zhanfei made a gesture.
The commander zombies in the sky immediately issued an order, and the corpse dragon slapped the flesh wings fiercely, and then in the dust, the huge corpse dragon rose into the sky and was accommodated in the huge group of corpse dragons in the sky.
Soon, this corpse dragon group disappeared into the sky.
Li Tiancheng had been staring at the group of corpse dragons to leave, only to breathe a sigh of relief. The opponent was aggressive and too secretive, which caused his anxiety.
"Chief, why should you let them go?"
Behind Li Tiancheng, there was a strong man who was about 1.9 meters tall, and he asked buzzingly.
Li Tiancheng smiled, suppressing his inner anxiety, and said: "Since ancient times, the two armies have fought, and do not kill them. What's more, we really don’t know anything about them, but you have also seen that they can control zombies, if It’s better to tolerate it if you don’t cause trouble."
"But you see their arrogant look, I can't bear it." The strong man said unconvincedly.
Li Tiancheng didn't speak, the other party spanned nearly a thousand kilometers, this strength is not what they have. Although there is air force in the settlement, it is only a few helicopters, and there is really no way to be like them.
Listen to the other side's tone, they are just one of many troops.
Hundreds of corpse dragons, thousands of bloodthirsty claws, this strength can almost wipe out the settlement, if there are more, he does not fear corpse dragons, but what about others? A single tree is difficult to support, and ultimately it cannot change the ending.
The other party is not an idiot, of course he knows that he has arrogant capital.
Just now, the other party received a communication and left. Obviously, he didn't want to waste his energy and wear it down. This also shows that the other party is loyal.
Maybe the next time the opponent's boss arrives, it's time for a real showdown.
In the last days, the weak will feed on the strong, and he will succumb no matter how strong.
Struggling is just adding some bargaining chips for yourself.
In the sky.
The corpse dragons are flying in the sky. When wearing battle armor, although it has no power armor and cannot be compared with a real exoskeleton battle armor, its defense power and communication are the same.
"Sir, why are we retreating?"
"Yeah, with our current strength, we can completely make them succumb."
In the team's communication channel, there was a voice of inquiry.
Yi Zhanfei smiled and said: "The boss's communication just now, he asked me to take down a measurement and control station as soon as possible. Maybe you did not stand at a higher position and did not understand the importance of satellites to us. With satellites, you can Let us be more than twice as powerful."
There is no way. Weapons under the modern warfare system rely too much on satellites and radars, and many weapons cannot be used without them.
Huang Jing's settlement is not that simple to win. The other party has been dragging it because he wants to explore the reality of his own place. Yi Zhanfei dislikes this kind of tug-of-war.
Didn’t they say to consider? I asked them to wait for the boss to think about it. I wonder if they will have the confidence they are today when they face hundreds of thousands of corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws?
Huaxia's measurement and control network is based on a center, and then consists of more than a dozen measurement and control stations, as well as maritime measurement and control stations, etc., which jointly build nodes that connect each satellite.
Once in the war, other measurement and control stations were destroyed, and there are still satellites such as your maritime measurement and control station that can continue to work. Some are hidden, and there are measurement and control stations that are not known to the outside world.
The measurement and control station and the settlement have always had ideas, but they have not been able to implement it.
A phone call from the boss came, naturally, it was executed as the highest instruction. Therefore, Yi Zhanfei immediately began to adjust the target with the troops under his command.
Through the light projector, it is easy to see the target that was found before.
This measurement and control station is about 600 kilometers away from Zhongzhou City. It is built in a valley. It does not play a hidden role here. After all, this measurement and control station is also one of the more famous in China.
A measurement and control station does not sound great, but in fact it is very large, with hundreds of staff.
When Yi Zhanfei arrived here, he could see zombies wandering everywhere below.
A measurement and control station is not a very difficult thing. The direct difficulty lies in the fact that there is no way to start it. There are many things involved, such as electricity, networks, and personnel.
Since the boss wants to take this place, Yi Zhanfei will naturally have nothing to say.
"Clean up." Yi Zhanfei gave instructions.
"Understood, sir." There was a sound on the communication channel.
As the corpse dragon landed, hundreds of new humans unlocked their hanging state, drew out their battle knives, and rushed towards the zombies here. The new humans who can follow Yi Zhanfei are truly elite. They are not only high-level, but also rich in combat skills.
The entire measurement and control station adds up, and there are not even a thousand zombies, only a few alienated zombies of level 4 and 5 are there, which is nothing to Yi Zhanfei and the others.
Especially Yi Zhanfei, already a sixth-level alienated zombie, he can deal with it.
It took about an hour and the battle here ended.
Next, the corpses of these zombies are cleaned out. This work is generally not the responsibility of the new humans, but the ragers and swifts. There are hundreds of them coming with the team and hanging on the body of the corpse dragon.
Under the command of the commander's zombie, the ragers were busy and carried the body out.
Considering that there will be people working here, these corpses are all carried outside, and they are transported to the valley several kilometers away through the pods brought by a few corpse dragons to be dropped.
The land is full of bones in the last days. No one thinks anything wrong with this kind of corpse throwing in the wilderness, it is normal.
Two or three hours later, not only was the corpse cleaned, but some dirt was also cleaned up.
"Let’s mend this place and try not to let the zombies outside come in." Yi Zhanfei patrolled around. The measurement and control station was actually a closed place, but after the end of the world for so long, some places were damaged.
After winning this place, Yi Zhan will not have the turn to worry about the rest.
Report this matter to the settlement, and someone will naturally be responsible for this matter. At that time, this will become a garrison point, and new humans and zombies will be sent to garrison here to protect the staff here.
Once the measurement and control station is up and running is just the beginning, you still need to crack the measurement and control station, and you can use the satellite after you have the management rights.
These tasks are not easy and easy.
"Give the technicians a headache." After Yi Zhanfei finished the report, he laughed, and the combatants were happy. They only need to concentrate on fighting, without so many worries.
In the face of zombies, a monster without intelligence and consciousness, you don't need to use your brain at all, you can play with them in the palm of your hand. This kind of opponent will naturally have no troubles at all.
After the repair was completed, Yi Zhanfei didn't stay here, and he led the team to hang on the corpse dragon, commanding the corpse dragon group to rise into the air and leave here.
The end of the world is like a barren land, it is worth to explore and appreciate this ruined beauty of the end of the world.
Any city is like a treasure. There are too many treasures waiting for you to explore and find. You may encounter an advanced zombie battle, or you may flee like burning your ass.
No matter what the situation is, Yi Zhanfei is enjoying the fun very much.
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