Chapter 775: Volley

Hargeisa was not far away from the border. When these three formations took off, they were captured by radar and reported back to Xia Min's hands for the first time.
"What a coincidence."
Xia Min only stayed in Hargeisa for three days and was about to evacuate, when the opponent's fighter plane openly invaded the border of others.
The US imperialism is indeed arrogant and unscrupulous, and has not considered more at all.
Like international pressure, in the eyes of the US imperialism, it is nothing at all. From a series of wars, it is not difficult to see that once the U.S. imperialism recognizes it, it will not change due to external factors.
"Captain Udade is a fighter plane of the U.S. Empire. Four F16s and two F22s."
Xia Min reported that Xia Min would not interfere with what to do next, but left it to Udad to decide.
In these three days, it was just a matter of letting the soldiers who were studying know how to fire.
Does Somalia have an air force?
Since there is no such thing, as long as the fighters appearing in the sky, they can be beaten directly. There is no need to learn how to confirm the identity and service of the opponent.
It’s really the day when you need to learn, and it’s not too late to learn, but now it’s not needed.
In the barracks, all the subordinate officers were summoned immediately.
Udad sat on the upper head. He looked around at the people below, and said in a deep voice: "Just now, the U.S. fighter planes openly invaded Somalia. We used to have no ability. We could only swallow our breath and endure them. Humiliation to us."
"But now it is different. We have the power to defend our national dignity. Why do we have to endure this kind of humiliation and pain?"
"Maybe some of you think that I am not a traitor, but do you think that if we don't rely on external forces, we can have the strength and situation we are now?"
"Now, they abuse us again, this breath is absolutely unbearable."
"Let the Meidibao go to hell."
Uddard snarled. He was in his early fifties, but his blood was not cold yet. It is another matter to be manipulated by the people behind it, and now it is obvious that the people behind have sent these weapons in order to strike the American imperialism.
In this case, Udad didn't mind being a sharp edge in the opponent's hands in the case of two different things.
He hadn't thought about life and death since he embarked on this path until now.
The people below are all people who are not afraid of death, otherwise they would not risk losing their heads and become soldiers. In Somalia, this is a high-risk occupation.
"Yes, let the U.S. Emperor go to hell."
"I wanted to beat them a long time ago."
"Chief, we will do what you say."
All the officers were enthusiastic.
No matter how much fear of the American emperor, how could they let this opportunity have the opportunity to beat the other side to find teeth?
In Somalia, there is nothing that can't be lost. The revenge of the U.S. imperialism allowed him to come, and the Somali people are not easy to bully.
Uddard laughed and said, "Very well, beat them down."
Everyone rushed out and appeared in front of the air defense missile vehicle.
From the time they found the fighters entered Somalia, the radar had spotted them, but the other party did not realize that they had been spotted and they were still flying towards Hargeisa.
Super high intelligence, only complete automation.
So the soldiers here didn't have any difficulty in operating them. Now they were only captured by radar, and they were not locked.
Once locked, the other party will find out, but it will startle.
"Turn off the radar now, and you can't stun the snakes." Udad is also a decisive killer. Since he has been hit, he will beat them all at once.
All fighters, he will stay.
As long as they appear over Hargeisa, this set of anti-aircraft missiles is really as powerful as the other party said, and it can completely knock them all down.
At such a close distance, they could not escape even if they wanted to.
Moreover, he wanted to show the people of Hargeisa how he defended Somalia's airspace.
One thing that can be accomplished at one stroke is to maximize the benefits.
Xia Min's military literacy is absolutely super strong, and the deployment of air defense missiles was handled by him. In terms of camouflage and concealment, it is also first-class. Even if a fighter plane is flying in the sky, it is difficult to detect the existence of air defense missiles in the first place.
After turning off the radar, the next step is to wait.
If there is nothing wrong, they will arrive over Hargeisa in ten minutes.
Xia Min had been walking with Udad with his arms in his arms, staring at the sky, but from time to time he reported: "They are over Mende Town. They are over Salah Town."
The reports again and again made Udad curious.
Xia Min explained: "Leader Udade, we have a more advanced radar system, and their every move is under our control."
Udad's face changed a little, and he recovered.
Think about it, too, how can the other party hand over the most advanced radar to one's own hands, and they will definitely keep one. When I was selected to be their agent, I was already prepared for this.
Xia Min didn't think that Udad's expression was still cold.
Six minutes later, Xia Min looked cold, and said: "There is still a minute, they will arrive in the sky above Hargeisa, and they can make preparations."
Udad nodded and commanded loudly: "Turn on the radar and enter a combat state."
All four radar cars are turned on.
After just a few seconds of booting, it only took one second to lock the six fighters.
Alec said in the correspondence: "Guys, we are about to arrive in the designated area, and we all cheer up. We will make a few laps above Hargeisa and then return."
This mission will be very easy, so Alec didn't explain much.
The pilots who can perform missions abroad are all elite-level pilots. They seem to be relaxed, but they understand what needs to be done.
"Captain don't worry, their bullets can't keep up with us."
Everyone laughed, Hargeisa had no weapons that could threaten them. As far as they are too old to lose their teeth, they may not have anti-aircraft weapons.
How to say it, it is like walking around in your back garden.
While talking and laughing, they can already see this city on the surface. There are almost no high-rise buildings, and a series of low-rise residential buildings make this city look huge.
"Okay guys, let the untouchables below feel our existence." Captain Alec laughed.
The next moment, he suddenly accelerated, causing F22 to burst out louder and whizzed away.
Six fighters appeared in the sky above Hargeisa inconsistently.
The next second, with a smile on his face just now, talking about Alec from Somalia, his smile solidified and his eyes widened.
"Fak, I was locked by radar."
"me too."
"What's the matter, doesn't it mean that they don't have air defense weapons?"
"Damn, they locked me down, God, this is F22."
There was a mess in the formation, and every pilot yelled.
Yahito calmed down after only a few seconds. He said loudly, "Guys, calm down, maybe it's just that they caught us on the radar, they can't hit us."
Both F16 and F22 can be said to be the representative fighters of the U.S. Empire. They have super high performance and are always unfavorable on the battlefield. They have encountered any kind of danger, and now they are just caught off guard.
Indeed, who would have expected that Hargeisa will have radar capable of catching them?
Especially this kind of radar, suddenly turned on, without a hint.
"Damn, these incompetent intelligence personnel will all be hanged. They are negligent of their duties and are wasting taxpayers' money."
Gray roared. At this moment, the F22 he was driving made a crazy beep that the missile was locked.
The next moment, I saw only the city of Hargeisa below, twelve missiles rose into the air from several places, soaring into the sky, and rushing towards them.
"Damn it, dodge."
Ya Shishi shouted, he himself was locked by two missiles.
The entire formation was evasive in panic.
The rear of the command headquarters was also a little flustered, watching nervously. Now they can only hope that two excellent fighters can dodge the missiles.
I saw twelve missiles flying into the air, advancing at an unimaginable speed in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they were already pursuing their target.
"Too fast, this missile is too fast."
In the shouting, two F16 volleys were blown up and broken into pieces. The pilot above didn't even have a chance to escape, and together with the fighter, it was broken into pieces.
The other two F16s only struggled for about two seconds longer than the first two, and they were also blown up by the volley.
The hearts of Alec and Gray suddenly became terrible.
Behind their fighter planes, four missiles were still approaching. They had already made various actions, but they were of no use and could not be thrown away.
Even though they had already released the decoy bombs, these four missiles seemed to have golden eyes, ignoring these decoy bombs, and unexpectedly made evasion and bypassed these decoy bombs.
Only seen in the sky, four missiles dragged their long tails, and instantly hit the two F22s, and they were also exploded in the air.
With the transitional confidence, Alec did not parachute and escape for the first time. Instead, they hoped that the F22's excellent performance could get rid of these two missiles.
Almost the remaining missiles of a fighter plane, after losing their target, they detonated in the sky and turned into a huge firework.
The wreckage of the fighter plane splashed down everywhere.
Such a wonderful scene gave the people of Hargeisa a stunned feeling. They had never imagined that here, the local garrison could knock down these majestic fighters.
For a time, the entire Hargeisa people were cheering, like a grand scene that hadn't been seen in a long time, making them enthusiastic about it and making them feel crazy.
For many years, Somalia has never had this experience.
But now, six fighters were directly blown up in the sky over Hargeisa, and none of them could escape. Is there anything that can encourage them more than this?
In the temporary headquarters of Ethiopia, there was a dead ashes, and everyone showed an incredible look, as if a rooster had laid a nest of eggs.
Somalia, when does it have the strength to knock down F22?
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