Chapter 789: Find

   The roar of cars, the speed of new humans is fast, but after all, it is still too slow compared to cars.
   Several kilometers, constantly approaching.
   Jiang Kaicheng broke out in a cold sweat. He was only a fifth-level new human, and among the people who came out this time, there must be someone stronger than himself.
   Level 5, the muscles are tough, but they still can’t defend against bullets.
   is stronger than ordinary people, is the resistance to bullets. After penetrating the muscle, the strength of the muscle will restrain the bullet, preventing it from rotating and rolling, causing internal damage.
   If you get one or two shots, you may be alive, but if you get a dozen or so shots, you will die.
  Especially hitting the key, there is no need to expect to live.
   "Hurry up."
   Jiang Kaicheng yelled, Qiangzi and the others were silent, only knowing that they were gnawing their teeth and running wildly.
   Once caught up by the opponent, there is no possibility of being alive.
   This group of executioners are cruel and cruel. Thousands of Chinese people at first killed them when they said they were killed. All kinds of horrible torture have been used on Chinese people, and life is better than death.
   Especially women, they were abused day and night, and finally died.
   Don’t expect the other person to be kind, because they don’t deserve to be called human.
   The collapse of order in the last days, human nature seems to have been released, and the demons in their hearts emerged. They swallowed people's reason, and sometimes they were completely happy to kill.
   holding his gun, he rushed forward.
   The wild in the last days is deserted. For more than eight years, the weeds have grown for a few rounds. When I walked, naturally there was no car so fast.
   I want to take the road, but on the road, it is more difficult to escape than a car.
   The roar of the car engine was getting closer and closer, causing Qiangzi and the others to sweat.
   Now their speed can no longer be faster.
   Jiang Kaicheng had a touch of despair on his face, but there was a fierce light in his eyes. He stopped abruptly and shouted: "Brothers, I can't escape, fight with them."
   Qiangzi and the others are also people. They all stopped, each holding their guns and starting to find a suitable position.
   "Head, there is a house over there." The sharp-eyed Qiangzi saw a building not far away.
   Jiang Kaicheng didn't hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, he rushed over with his gun.
   When a group of people arrived here, the building is actually a residence of a farmer, somewhat similar to a small villa.
   Jiang Kaicheng rushed in first, there were no zombies inside, so the fight was avoided.
   These people are all warriors who have experienced many battles, and they know how to do it without instructions. One by one, they found suitable sniper points and mounted the guns.
   They carry light weapons, but the so-called light weapons are actually machine guns.
   The physique of the new human beings, carrying a machine gun is nothing at all.
   And Jiang Kaicheng, carrying a sniper rifle, rushed to the second floor, and at a window, pointed the sniper rifle outside.
   There is no glass here, the window is empty.
   Soon, there was the sound of cars.
   They also knew that Jiang Kaicheng and the others were hiding here. After approaching, the new humans jumped out of the car, and then moved slowly, relying on the car.
   These cars are all specially modified. In the front of the car, the armor is thicker than the tank, and the sniper rifle is also difficult to penetrate.
   "These bastards!"
   Jiang Kaicheng cursed, but with a sniper rifle, through the scope, he still locked a new human with an arm exposed.
   Putting this arm into the cross star, Jiang Kaicheng shot without hesitation.
   In the sight, an arm was knocked into the air, rolled in the air, carrying blood, and then fell into the grass.
   With a scream, the white new human being hit, he screamed, clutching his arm.
   At this moment, his head protruded slightly.
   is this thread that gave Jiang Kaicheng a chance.
   It was the second shot. The white man’s head was splashed with blood, half of his head was lifted off, and his head fell.
   The next moment, Jiang Kaicheng closed his gun and began to transfer.
   Almost the moment Jiang Kaicheng left the window, several bullets came over.
   Don’t underestimate the people on the opposite side. The new humans’ abilities are very powerful in learning. They are almost all sharpshooters.
   Among several cars, the machine guns mounted on them began to blast and suppress the buildings.
   The extraordinary power can suppress the machine gun, so this type of shooting is very precise, almost pressing on the window and so on. In the bursts of several machine guns, Qiangzi and the others could only hide, and did not dare to go out.
   While suppressing, the convoy pushed forward and kept getting closer.
   Jiang Kaicheng panted heavily. He knew that the other party's heavy weapons were about to fire. Then, they had nowhere to escape.
   "Think of a way to fight back, so let them press, we don't even have to pull back."
   Jiang Kaicheng shouted in the communicator, now they don't have the extravagance to escape, just thinking about whether they can pull a few backs, this is their blood.
   Qiangzi turned over, and then reached the wall of the house.
   Raised his leg, Qiang Zi kicked on the wall.
   The thin city wall was kicked out of a hole immediately. Before the opponent didn't respond, Hadron stretched out the barrel of the gun, and then frantically shot at these cars.
  In the instant exchange of fire, unexpectedly, the other two machine guns turned out to be muted.
   Jiang Kaicheng seized this opportunity, and the sniper rifle was stretched out again, and the fire broke out.
   The bullet went through the hole of the opponent's machine gun, and the head of a black man who had just controlled the machine gun burst. There was no scream, but he was overturned to the ground.
   just fired a shot, Jiang Kaicheng was already holding the sniper rifle and switched positions.
   The opponent had already advanced to a suitable position. Behind the car, with the suppression of firepower, several people carried anti-tank missiles and fired at the house.
   Several anti-tank missiles dragged the flames and rushed over.
   "Get down."
   Jiang Kaicheng yelled, but he jumped out suddenly, and jumped out in the window on the second floor.
   And the strong sons, they all lie on the ground.
   Boom! !
   In the violent explosion, the powerful impact was wantonly in it, swept everything in the house, and shattered the contents inside.
   Qiangzi and they only feel like they are in hell. If it weren't for their physical fitness, which was ten times stronger than ordinary people, this kind of violent explosion would be enough to stun them here.
   "It's over!"
   There was a "buzzing" sound in their ears, and the violent explosion caused them to fall into a state of deafness.
   Compared to this deafness, what makes them desperate is that they seem to be surrounded.
   On the Global Hawk.
   Lu Chuan actually let the Global Hawk leave, but Lu Chuan thought of the information about San Francisco. This is the second largest number of Chinese cities in North America. According to the surviving ratio, it is impossible to have no Chinese.
   But in this settlement, there are no Chinese at all.
   Don't talk about San Francisco, and Los Angeles?
   The strange place in Luchuan is here. Given the number of Chinese in North America, they will definitely be there.
   Global Hawk’s reconnaissance technology is naturally top-notch.
   Don't look at it has left, but the location of San Francisco is also within its detection range. High-altitude cameras, as well as high-altitude cameras, can capture some situations as well.
   It was Lu Chuan's vigilance, and some abnormalities were quickly discovered.
   "Enlarge these."
   Through the high-altitude camera, Lu Chuan gave instructions.
   Then, what appeared in front of Lu Chuan were Chinese characters that saved lives.
   Lu Chuan confirmed again, there is nothing wrong, this is indeed a Chinese character. Here, there are Chinese who use Chinese characters to save lives. Of course, Lu Chuan is very concerned about him in a foreign country.
Immediately, under Lu Chuan's instructions, the Global Hawk raised its nose for the first time, climbed frantically, and then adjusted its head at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and once again returned to the sky above the San Francisco settlement. .
   At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the stealth power of the Global Hawk could not be captured by the radar below.
   Then, Lu Chuan saw the troops dispatched from the San Francisco settlement, it was the few people who were chasing off.
   In the high-altitude camera, this type of camera can distinguish between male and female even a puppy. Naturally, you can clearly see these people. They are yellow people and Chinese.
   Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes and sneered.
   It seems that there are some stories that I don't know.
   "Everyone prepares, we have work to do, and our compatriots below need our help." Lu Chuan's tone was flat, but it made Li Tiancheng and the others excited, and began to check their armed equipment one by one.
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