Chapter 811: lie

Fifty sets of exoskeleton suits tailored for the tyrant T-003 were produced in just one day.
In the doomsday biochemical factory, Lu Chuan brought all the other 70 tyrant T-003s to Somalia and formed a special force composed of 100 tyrant T-003s.
Its particularity is that it will deal with ground armored targets.
The tyrant T-003 that has been equipped with these exoskeleton armors, although only half, but they are such a stop, that kind of sci-fi sturdy atmosphere, all rushing to the face.
At a glance, even Lu Chuan had to admit that they really looked very strong.
"Boss, President Zhong Hua has made a positioning for exoskeleton armor and other products." Shui Lingxuan pointed to the exoskeleton armor on the tyrant T-003 and said.
Lu Chuan noticed that there was a mark of Baichuan Guihai Company on the chest of the exoskeleton armor.
It seems that Zhong Hua has begun to implement the exposure plan.
The first step is definitely to strengthen the existence of Baichuanguihai companies, such as these armed forces.
It can be said with certainty that the first time Baichuan Guihai Company will be under tremendous pressure. This pressure will not only come from China, but also from all over the world.
However, Lu Chuan is already prepared, but for this matter, he still needs to communicate with his relatives.
"Arming the Tyrant T-003 as soon as possible."
Lu Chuan gave an order, since it has now been marked with the mark of Baichuan Guihai Company, it means that he must transfer his loved ones.
Lu Chuan, the Baichuan Guihai Company, is not afraid, because they will return it as soon as they take it away.
But Lu Chuan still didn't want to worry about his relatives.
"Understood, boss." Shui Lingxuan nodded.
While the US was still in the reconnaissance period, Lu Chuan didn't have to stay in Somalia. He left the underground arsenal and took the Global Hawk directly.
The limit height of the Global Hawk is 50,000 meters.
At this altitude, it is almost impossible for an aircraft to threaten its existence. The maximum speed of Mach 12 means that the opponent’s missiles are not even qualified to pursue them.
And at this kind of height, no one can find the existence of the Global Hawk.
Crossing from Somalia towards Yemen, this straight-line approach took Lu Chuan only one and a half hours before returning to China.
That night, taking advantage of the darkness, the Global Hawk landed in his hometown.
When he saw Lu Chuan standing outside the door in the night, Lu Chuan's parents were all surrounded by this surprise.
But immediately, they became worried again.
"Son, have you committed something? Why come back silently at this time?"
Both Lu Minjun and his wife changed their expressions greatly. When their son came back this time, he came back too suddenly and unexpectedly, and they couldn't allow them to doubt.
Lu Chuan couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Parents, do you really dare to think, what can I do? Your son's current status and status, they dare not touch me at all."
"But when you ran back so suddenly, we were also worried about you." Lu Haixiu said.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Mom, didn't I miss you, so I ran back."
The Lu Min Army has not been the same Lu Min Army this year.
There is a son of the richest man in the world, who won't come to favor him?
With a broad vision, what big leader hasn't he seen? These leaders who used to be aloof now all respect him.
"Okay, it's rare for my son to come back. I will wait for the kid to sit down and drink water to talk about the big things." Lu Minjun said nothing, but Lu Haixiu didn't say anything.
When he sat down, Lu Minjun said seriously, "Son, is there really nothing wrong?"
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly and said, "If something happens to me, will you be so safe?"
"Okay, it's okay." Lu Minjun didn't talk any longer, but asked about the company. Although he pays attention every day, how can the content on paper be more true than what his son personally said?
About the Baichuan Guihai Company, Lu Chuan only knows a rough idea, so what he can say is nothing more than a rough idea.
Despite this, Lu Minjun and Lu Haixiu were shocked.
Their previous conception of the world's richest man was only a few hundred billion dollars, but now it seems that this is not the case.
"Son, in other words, do you now have a net worth of several trillion dollars?" Lu Minjun asked silently. He could no longer imagine what kind of concept it was.
What is a rich and enemy country?
In front of him, this son can truly be said to be a wealthy country.
After chatting for a while, Lu Chuan said, "Parents, this time I came back. There is indeed something wrong. You said you, you don’t want to go out and walk around when you have time. It’s boring to stay at home all day. Now, you are going with me tonight, and then we take Weiwei and the others, how about a trip around the world?"
If you let your parents go out alone, it's impossible.
But if you bring Ye Lingwei and the others, everything is not a problem. After all, in the hearts of their parents, this is a daughter-in-law.
Lu Haixiu, who was still hesitant at first, nodded immediately: "Really?"
Before they did not go to Handong, they were mainly afraid of disturbing their lives, but they wanted to pick up their grandson as soon as possible.
Lu Chuan said, "Of course it's true. Our family is just having fun. Mom, then Weiwei will not be alone."
Lu Minjun frowned and said, "What, you are not only Weiwei?"
Regardless of all this, Lu Haixiu said happily, "Son, is this true?"
Being a mother is naturally different. Of course, I hope that my son will be better. This is not a woman's perspective, but a mother's perspective.
Seeing Lu Haixiu's expression, Lu Minjun immediately closed his mouth.
He has been a wife for many years, how could he not know what kind of excitement his wife is now?
Sure enough, Lu Haixiu gave her husband a hygienic eye, and said: "What do you know, my son is the best man in this world. What does it matter if there are more women? It's not that he can't afford it."
Yes, Lu Minjun knew that he didn't need to say anything.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm not a person who plays with feelings. I just get along with each other, so I walked together."
"Okay, it's so decided, I'll go to pack my luggage now." Lu Haixiu smiled, and went straight upstairs to pack.
Lu Minjun said helplessly on his face, "Your mother has this temper."
Lu Chuan took the opportunity to sneak outside: "Dad, I will meet my brothers."
When they got outside, Zhang Li and them had already been waiting outside the villa. When Lu Chuan assigned them to their parents to act as bodyguards, they stayed by the Lu Min Army.
Counting it all up, even though there were twists and turns in these time, it was still well protected.
Zhang Li They looked fanatical and respectful when they saw Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan nodded, don't know why, there was always a sense of trance, Zhang Zhang and the others were all following his capable men.
It's just that the biochemical factories are constantly upgrading, and stronger corpse species appear. These early zombie types can only be used in this kind of place.
Speaking of it, there is a feeling of killing a donkey.
In fact, Lu Chuan knows that this is the inevitability of product upgrades. It can only be said that seeing them makes Lu Chuan remember the past.
After saluting them, Lu Chuan said, "Thanks for your hard work."
The zombies don't need these, but Lu Chuan still said.
When Lu Chuan came back, the village naturally knew that it was already crowded with people outside.
Of course, Lu Chuan couldn't see what he was doing. He came out to say hello to them, chatted for a while, and cared about his hometown.
With a character like Lu Chuan, this area is naturally remarkable.
The government's power was used to completely build this village into a national model village. The town and county have also benefited a lot.
In short, the life in the village now is not comparable to before.
Driven by Lu Chuan's investment, they have shares, and they can enjoy the dividends that allow them to live a well-off life almost without working.
It can be said that Lu Chuan holds a high position in their hearts.
Lu Chuan came back suddenly this time, so the officials didn't get the news, otherwise Lu Chuan was sure that he didn't have to think about leaving, they would definitely keep coming over to see him.
Lu Haixiu's movements were very fast, and it took just over ten minutes to clean up. In fact, she didn't pack anything, just a few sets of clothes. She has let go for more than a year. In fact, she doesn't lack anything.
Leaving this time, it may take a while to come back, so tension them and leave together.
In the open space outside the village, the Global Hawk was parked and watched.
After knowing that this was Lu Chuan's plane, all of them made strange noises.
They had never seen this plane.
This Lu Chuan is really developed. Why does this kind of airplane cost hundreds of millions of dollars? People buy it when they say it. Could it be that the world's richest man has too much money to spend?
It is also the first time for Lu Minjun to have this kind of experience ~ In front of the villagers and elders, naturally there is a light on his face, only that he has not lived in vain in his life.
The appearance of the plane is not within the consideration of the Army.
Boarding the plane, the Global Hawk worked with two engines under Lu Chuan's instructions, and then under the eyes of everyone, the huge fuselage was lifted into the air in a vertical manner.
"I was talking about how such a big plane landed. It turned out to be a vertical takeoff and landing."
"What kind of plane is this, it's too powerful, why haven't I seen it?"
"Joke, this is the private jet of the world's richest man. Is it imaginable? It must be the most expensive and best airplane in the world."
Watching the takeoff of this Global Hawk, I don't know how many people sighed.
Some young people naturally took out their mobile phones and took another frantic shot. This is their capital to show off. When the time comes, it will be posted to the circle of friends and various groups. Isn't it the envy of countless people?
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