Chapter 820: Open your eyes and talk nonsense

   After the frenzied blow, the US military gradually approached.
   But when they arrived here, they could only see many anti-tank launchers deformed by the bombing, and a heavy sniper rifle.
   There is not even a corpse here, obviously the other party has left.
   "They must not be far away."
   "Let the air force do reconnaissance."
   "Headquarters, we need reconnaissance support."
   Various kinds of calls rang again.
   is only a few minutes before and after, and the other party will definitely not be able to escape far.
   Through the evacuation direction, there are some footprints, you can clearly see the direction they left.
   Aircraft Carrier Command.
   Through analysis, they quickly reached a conclusion.
   "Damn, they used light projectors, and created a scene that confuses our eyes with light and shadow effects."
   An expert shouted and hammered the table hard.
   Unfortunately, even if they knew it, for the time being, there was no way to solve this problem. The light and shadow effects are too realistic, almost the same as reality, you can hardly find any difference.
   The ingenious disguise can deceive electronic eyes, human eyes, and satellite high-altitude cameras.
   Obviously, they were defeated under this kind of light and shadow effect, allowing the opponent to succeed in a sneak attack close at hand.
  You will never know where there will be an ambush, because the powerful light and shadow effect is completely integrated with the terrain. Only when you break into the range of the light and shadow effect, you will find something abnormal.
   Lieutenant General Chester still knew the effects of light and shadow. He said, "Is it the light and shadow effect of Baichuan Guihai Company?"
   "General, yes." The expert replied.
Lieutenant General Chester was a little furious, and said: "This Baichuan Guihai company, how can he put such an important technology in the hands of a group of terrorists? Also, all members of Congress are responsible for this incident. The Ministry of Defense They have seen the use of light and shadow technology in the military a long time ago, but they turned a blind eye to it. What a bastard."
   From the moment it appeared, anyone who was not an idiot realized the role of light and shadow in the military.
   For the Chinese Army, they obtained this technology the first time, and a large number of light projectors were put into use. Under this kind of light and shadow special effects, military intelligence has almost come to a standstill in the past year.
   Even if the Blackbird ventures into China, it is difficult to obtain useful information. It can almost be said that the Blackbird, an ultra-high-altitude, ultra-high-speed reconnaissance aircraft, is placed in a useless place.
   In this case, the of Congress still suppress the Baichuan Guihai Company everywhere, instead of using the market in exchange for this technology.
   "To disperse the squadron, we must find these people."
   "Also, let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intervene in this matter in the name of supporting terrorists."
   In a rage, Lieutenant General Chester quickly issued instructions.
   Actually, I don’t need to say much about Lieutenant General Chester. All the reconnaissance forces were put in, but the attack on this unit of the US military was like sinking into the sea.
   The gunshots on the battlefield gradually subsided.
   Tanks, armored vehicles, and cars are still burning, and there are screams of wounded people everywhere.
  Medical soldiers are running around, treating some wounded with bleeding. But there are some, but they are helpless, their injuries are too serious, they can only watch them die in pain.
   The corpses were gathered together and lined up.
   Soon, there was a big line.
   Every U.S. soldier is depressed, working silently.
   Soldiers were on guard for the four strikes, and several armed helicopters hovered in the sky.
   Six transport helicopters stopped slowly from the sky.
   The medical soldiers who had prepared for a long time sent the wounded to the transport helicopter, and they would send them to the field hospital in the rear at the fastest speed to perform operations on these soldiers.
   Soon, a set of numbers appeared in front of Lieutenant General Chester.
   237 people died and 144 were injured.
   Nearly four hundred casualties directly maimed this 1,000-man army. What is before them now, is it going forward or returning?
   Looking at this set of numbers, Lieutenant General Chester also looked sad. He knew that this hardly existed achievement in the history of the modern US military had appeared.
   This is a shame, surely it will shock the world, right?
   There are war reporters here, I am afraid that all of this cannot be kept from the outside world.
   These war reporters used live broadcast to shoot, and the battles here were already appearing on major websites in the world.
   Some war reporters directly broadcast live here.
   There were burning tanks everywhere, blood everywhere, and the corpses of American soldiers lay on the ground. Some of the entire upper body was gone. This was the result of a heavy sniper rifle. It was extremely cruel.
   It is conceivable that these pictures have caused a sensation, and they have made the headlines of major media.
  Especially when the corpses of the American soldiers are arranged in a row, the shock is shocking. It is hard to imagine that the famous American army will be defeated like a disastrous.
"Friends in the audience, the U.S. military was attacked just now. Unfortunately, this attack has killed at least two hundred U.S. soldiers and injured about two hundred U.S. soldiers. What surprised us was that in this series of attacks, The US military did not even see the enemy and suffered heavy losses."
   "Like now, there is no enemy at all."
   "Just now, fighters and warships' ship-launched missiles bombed the front, but what we can see is only some discarded equipment."
   "Look here, everyone, there are huge craters, except for ploughing here, there are no dead bodies at all."
   War reporters, after the armistice, began to introduce them live excitedly.
   With the cooperation of the cameramen of, they ran around everywhere, sending all the things that happened here to the outside world by means of live broadcast.
   I don’t know how many people are watching the live broadcast. The real battlefield is increasing the number of people watching.
   Through the screen, it is indeed impossible to see the people who attacked the US military. Under the fire of the US military, there were no corpses, which is really mysterious.
   If it weren't for the heavy weapons that were discarded here, people would wonder if this was a movie made by the US military, not a battle.
  The question is, who on earth attacked the US military?
   Who is it that you can use this mysterious method to cause heavy losses to the US military, without even a single wounded?
   Obviously, no one can answer this question now. The focus of the attention of countless people is the powerful warfare capabilities of the US military. Why is it that people have been attacked on such a large scale, but there is no news about intelligence or reconnaissance in advance?
   In Somalia, these heavy weapons in the picture are not something that local warlords can possess.
   There are dozens of anti-tank launchers alone, which shows how much firepower the U.S. military has suffered in an instant attack.
   And some American soldiers arrived here and started to pack up the anti-tank launchers and discarded heavy sniper rifles. They need to use these weapons to determine some information.
   What they didn’t know was that there was a rock cave just two kilometers away. Uddard and the others hid here, and then adjusted the light projector at the entrance of the cave so that it covered the periphery of this cave.
   In this way, the rock has disappeared visually, and no matter how you detect it, it is impossible to find this place.
   It's difficult to escape.
   So using this method of black under the light, in a way they did not expect, is the best way to escape.
   At the same time, the US Department of Foreign Affairs gave a note to China and delivered a speech.
   "We have reason to suspect that the Baichuan Guihai Company was involved in this attack. Because we were attacked mainly because of the existence of light and shadow effects, which made our reconnaissance methods useless."
   "Baichuan Guihai Company has an inescapable responsibility in this incident."
For the first time, countless people suddenly realized the terrible light and shadow technology of Baichuan Guihai Company. Some people have already jumped out to make an analysis. For example, using light and shadow technology, a light and shadow topographic map can be made, and then projected to cover it. On the real terrain, it can be fake.
   The U.S. military must have suffered from the loss of this light and shadow effect, allowing people to succeed at close range attacks.
  Light and shadow technology has always been useful in the entertainment industry, and there are some concerts and various activities, but who would have thought that its role in the military is even more abnormal?
   Huaxia responded immediately: "Could it be said that American products were bought and used in the wrong place? Does this matter have anything to do with the manufacturer?"
   For the first time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs used a mischievous reply to change the previous serious and rigorous diplomatic rhetoric.
The official website of Baichuan Guihai Company also made an explanation on this matter for the first time: "Baichuan Guihai Company’s light and shadow technology is sold in more than 50 countries around the world, and the sales volume of optical projectors has reached 700 million units. It's just an ordinary commodity."
   did not answer positively, but the meaning inside and outside is already obvious. This is how my products are sold in all countries in the world. Who knows who uses it in the military?
   Seeing the U.S. Army of Baichuan Guihai Company, he was so angry that he vomited blood.
  What are ordinary goods?
  Who doesn't know that the light projector has Ordinary people can't develop the light and shadow effect inside. The content of ordinary light projectors is all fixed and cannot be developed. You can only purchase light and shadow effects from the application store.
   If you want light and shadow special effects, you need Baichuan Guihai Light and Shadow Company to have this ability, that is, special private customization.
   In this case, you told me that this is a normal product, and it is normal to appear in Somalia?
   These light and shadow effects are really customized at all. They are combined with the geographical environment of this area. All this is not the function of ordinary optical projectors.
   Such a brazen reply, they can think of it too?
   How do you say, it's just opening your eyes and talking nonsense.
   As the overlord of the world, the American emperor does not need to reason with you at all. Naturally, it does not listen to your answers, but does its own way.
   For example, a fleet of aircraft carriers set sail from Hawaii and went straight to the Taiwan Strait. They need to use this method to force the Chinese government to give them an explanation on the issue of the Baichuan Guihai Company.
   At the same time, a new round of sanctions against Baichuan Guihai Company was issued again.
   It is only one day since the last sanction.
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