Chapter 830: Spore Might

  The city of sports, the most lively place, of course, is the sports center.
   Here, you can lead to battle spaces.
   The formation of every battle space means that someone is competing.
   The ranking of the leaderboard changes every moment. After all, in this athletic center, there are simultaneous competitive battles, sometimes as many as tens of millions.
In the case of    few, you can also find out that millions of games are in progress.
   Millions of games are no longer a small number. With onlookers, there are almost no less than hundreds of millions in this sports center.
   This is the second time Lu Chuan has come, and the strangeness is stronger.
   Same as last time, arrived at the competition center through teleportation.
  Athletics Center is an independent space, and then it is connected with countless fighting spaces. As long as you determine the competitive requirements, the competitive center will instantly generate an independent fighting space.
   To put it differently, it directly created a space. This kind of ability, compared with this kind of ability, God is simply weak.
   Appeared in the sports center, it gave Lu Chuan the feeling, how to put it, it is like an airport terminal.
  Of course, you can say that you are a demigod here, because you only need to authorize the connection of thoughts, and you can control everything with your mind, such as what competitions you want to watch and what you want to query.
   "Do I need a mind connection?"
   "Are you authorized?"
   is very simple. When you enter here, this kind of thinking connection will connect with you. If you don't need it, just refuse it.
   When you need it, you only need to have your thoughts together, and the thought connection will appear again.
   Thinking connection, or thinking communication, is a kind of communication ability that truly super civilization possesses.
   Maybe after hundreds of millions of years, human beings will evolve to all communication, just through thinking. Then some backward planets, if they have wisdom, will regard humans as gods, right?
   Except for God, how can it be possible to communicate through thinking?
   Lu Chuan didn't feel anything, and found that he had connected his mind to the program of the sports center.
   At this moment, as long as Lu Chuan thinks about it, countless materials will be gathered for Lu Chuan as soon as possible, and then presented in his mind.
   Another result of thinking connection is the presentation of mental images.
   It is like your memory, it can come to mind directly, and play like a memory. The effect of opened eyes is almost the same, once you close your eyes, it will expand infinitely.
   "Check the rankings."
   Soon, a list appeared in Lu Chuan's mind.
   At the beginning, Lu Chuan was still a little uncomfortable.
   found a sofa, and then Lu Chuan sat down and closed his eyes. Suddenly, this ranking is clearer in my mind, and the feeling of being on the spot is even more wonderful.
How do you say   , what kind of form you want, you only need the mind.
   In my mind, in fact, everything is possible. It is more like an imaginary space. This technological power is really not imaginable by humans.
On the    ranking, the top 100 rankings have hardly changed, which shows that they will not compete easily anymore.
   But the list below the 100th place is constantly changing.
   Lu Chuan's previous ranking was about one billion, but now under the query, he has reached the 1.7 billion ranking.
   In a short time, so many people have met the requirements to enter the city of competition.
   "More than two billion people come from two billion spaces? A modern era and an end-of-day era require more than four billion spaces, is it possible?" Lu Chuan opened his mouth wide, unimaginable.
   The cosmology that Lu Chuan thought of, is the earth big enough? But in the solar system, the mass of a single sun is ten thousand times that of the earth? Then in the Milky Way, the solar system is just insignificant.
   Is the Milky Way bigger?
  Look at the outside world, the Milky Way is not even a dust in the universe.
   Human beings cannot see more, but they also know that there are billions of galaxies in the universe like the Milky Way.
  Outside the universe? Maybe outside the universe, there will be existences beyond the universe.
   Calculated like this, four billion spaces are nothing at all.
   did not entangle this question any more, Lu Chuan took a look at the most popular competitive battle, which is shown here.
   chose the most popular one, and Lu Chuan chose to enter.
  In an instant, Lu Chuan disappeared from the competition center, and he already appeared in this chosen battle space. But here, Lu Chuan became like a soul, using God's way of observation.
When    Jin came, this place was already torn to heat.
   Hundreds of millions of zombies are torn and killed here, and there is no strategy at all, because they choose the most direct and violent way, which is the big battle.
  The decisive battle is to show each other's forces and launch a wave.
   On the bright side, there is no tactic for this kind of battle.
   But in fact, there are still some, such as on-the-spot command skills, which can be used to mobilize some corpse species to use their advantages against certain zombies and gradually expand this advantage.
   It’s just that in many cases, when hundreds of millions of zombies are involved, it is basically a wave. The fight is who has more zombies and is more advanced.
   On the battlefield, level advantage is very important, followed by quantity.
   Like now, there were some tactical command adjustments at the beginning, but when countless zombies were strangling together, there was no command to speak of, they were all fighting each other.
   Don’t worry that they will make a mistake, they have a strong ability to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, knowing who is the enemy and who is their own.
   "This alone cut off the disguise of the enemy."
   Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, one of Sun Tzu's art of war was broken.
   No need to look, as long as you get close, you can sense the enemy and me, and you can pretend to be a fart, which is impossible.
   On the battlefield at this time, hundreds of millions of zombies collided together, and they were armed, like an ancient army charge, and slammed into each other in a passionate way.
   In the combat space, hot weapons cannot be used, but cold weapons can be used, including armor, or exoskeleton armor.
  In other words, modern thermal weapons cannot be used on weapons.
   Otherwise, there are many guys in the hands, even nuclear bombs, if they can be used, they will detonate directly in the space, and there are not enough zombies to kill.
   There are some, which have been exchanged for the technology of the universe age from the mall, how can they be played?
   The zombies on the ground overlapped frantically, slashing the weapons in their hands towards each other's heads and necks. These are the key points.
   Don't look at it, but also know that there are a large number of commander zombies in command.
   And in the sky, there are countless corpse dragons, bloodthirsty claws, and many flying zombies that Lu Chuan doesn't recognize. They are entangled and torn away frantically.
   The corpse fell like rain, smashing into the army of zombies under the black pressure like the sea.
  Billions of zombies, even if they want to kill, they can't be killed casually.
   is the number and level of the fight. When the strength of both sides is equal, in fact, it depends on who has more troops.
   Lu Chuan stared at him the whole time, because he knew that he needed to learn this.
   As the most popular battle, neither side is unnamed. On the competitive leaderboard, there are thousands of characters.
  Through God’s perspective, Lu Chuan could see that both of them were in the back, both staring nervously at the front line. They could also use God’s perspective to see clearly every place in the battle space.
   When they need to make adjustments, they will send instructions to the commander zombies through their minds, and then the commander zombies will accurately fall on each zombie.
   This kind of combination makes their command really make the battle a lot more exciting.
   Among the zombies, there are also some corpse species that can restrain certain corpse species. If used properly, it will indeed gradually form an advantage.
There are not many zombies in Lu Chuan’s hands, because Lu Chuan feels very common to its effects, but here, there are a lot of poisonous camels. They all split their backs, and then they are huge. The venom sprayed into the sky, showing a parabola, hitting the enemy's rear.
   As soon as the venom hits the ground, it will turn into a huge poisonous mist, covering a large area.
   When I first started, I really couldn't see anything.
   Within a few minutes, these zombies shrouded in poisonous fog, they fell down one by one as if they had rickets. Although they were still alive, they also lost their combat effectiveness.
   "Poisoned camel guys are so awkward?" Lu Chuan was a little surprised. This type of unit that he didn't value himself was simply abnormal in this kind of battle.
   It was Spore Shooter that really caught Lu Chuan's attention.
  Here, Lu Chuan saw the Spore Shooter for the first time. They were made in a large number, all hiding in the back, protected by other zombies.
   "This is the Spore Shooter?"
How do you say    Spore Shooter, it is not small, like a small Roshan.
  The difference is that it has a head, and in the huge back, there is a crack like a mouth with a round structure similar to a sucker.
   only saw the crack open suddenly, and then the disc shrank suddenly.
  In the huge sound of ejection a cloud of blue liquid was sprayed out by it. The blue liquid was dragged for a long time in the rapid motion, like a meteor passing by.
   This blob of blue liquid, after flying over a few kilometers, slammed into the extremely dense group of zombies.
  Imagine, what would happen if a mass of liquid was smashed down quickly with this kind?
   It must be liquid splashing around, as long as the zombies in the range are all stained with liquid.
The spores are dividing cells. When it touches these zombies, some zombies begin to become qualitatively. Some zombies burn up, some are corroded, some are vaporized, and some are frantically divided into cells. Ground meat.
   According to different qualitative changes, spores will make different changes.
  Like fireworks, the horror of the spores made Lu Chuan feel its abnormality for the first time.
   "Hey! His grandma, this is a seventh-level zombie?"
   Lu Chuan had a stunned feeling, because Lu Chuan saw some eighth-level zombies, and under the changes brought about by the spores, they eventually died.
   This kind of invasion from the genetic level is indeed powerful, and it is simply impossible to prevent.
   categorizes it as level seven, and Lu Chuan has a feeling of bullying level eight.
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