Chapter 837: 11 in place

"Boss, the other party is confident."
Back at the camp, there are 3,000 new humans stationed here, built on a valley, surrounded by mountains, surrounded by corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws as a warning, safety is still guaranteed.
Lu Chuan nodded. He looked at the time and said, "In this world, the most taboo bosses are this kind of people. No matter how talented they are, they are just tasteless."
Yi Zhanfei shuddered and nodded quickly.
Pride and self-satisfaction, self-reliance on talents, this type of people is indeed a taboo of the superior.
"Boss, what shall we do?"
Lu Chuan raised his brows slightly and said, "Leave it to me to solve this matter."
Yi Zhanfei nodded. The first thing he thought of was the zombie bodyguard in the hands of the boss.
When Yi Zhanfei left, only Lu Chuan was left here, he showed a faint smile and closed his eyes.
Switching the perspective, Lu Chuan sees the scene in his mind and consciousness is the settlement of Luohe.
After realizing that it was impossible for the other party to succumb easily, and after talking to each other, Lu Chuan let the dozens of shadow blades that followed him follow the other party, and then swaggered into the Luohe settlement under invisibility.
The content of the negotiation will definitely inform Cao Yong.
Through this one, Shadow Blade successfully lurked beside Cao Yong.
Not only that, but also through Cao Yong, Shadow Blade tracked down the top figures in the Luohe settlement.
All of this is done silently.
Yi Zhanfei realized that this was because he had seen the Shadow Blade in Lu Chuan's hands. But Cao Tong and the others, they never thought that there would still be shadow blades in this world.
The time when Shadow Blade is really active is not daytime, but night.
Throughout the day, neither side moved.
After nightfall, Lu Chuan walked out of the camp where he was stationed, and in the dark, he approached a small mountain ridge five kilometers away from the Luohe settlement.
It has been used by the Luohe settlement to grow corn.
A large cornfield is growing well, and it can be seen that it will be a good harvest season.
Lu Chuan found a grass on the edge of the cornfield, then sat down, staring at the Luohe settlement, and said quietly, "Let's go."
In the dark night, there was nothing to see, but Lu Chuan knew that the Shadow Blade Legion he had made had already been dispatched.
The dozens of animals seen in the Hetian settlement are just the tip of the iceberg.
Only Lu Chuan knew how many shadow blades there would be.
The huge Shadow Blade Legion headed towards the Luohe settlement, no one could see them in the dark night. Using the night, they are the perfect assassins.
Lu Chuan did not stay here alone, there were hundreds of shadow blades guarding Lu Chuan's safety.
There is no need for Lu Chuan to move out in person, through the eyes of Shadow Blade, Lu Chuan enters the Luohe settlement by himself. Using this ability, Lu Chuan commanded Shadow Blade's actions well.
This time, the number of Shadow Blades Lu Chuan brought was two thousand.
Aside from the dozens of them by his side, there are still 1,200 Shadow Blades who were left behind in the biochemical factory, but were brought here by Lu Chuan.
In other words, the number of Shadow Blades that entered the Luohe settlement this time was 1,200.
Seven-level shadow blades, 1,200, even if they are upright, can destroy the Luohe gathering ground.
What Lu Chuan feared was actually nuclear weapons.
This thing really exploded, even if you have to finish it yourself, the Titan Biosphere has no way to withstand the nuclear explosion.
One thousand and two hundred shadow blades, they move extremely fast, in this dark night, you can't see them at all, they are already like a breeze, reaching the fence.
The wall was smooth, but the Shadow Blade turned a blind eye. The bone blades in their hands easily pierced these concrete walls and climbed on the wall.
The extremely sharp bone blade, as if submerged in tofu, almost made no sound.
The section Lu Chuan chose was the one with weaker defensive strength, so the Shadow Blades could easily jump over here like ants crossing the border.
Soldiers were garrisoned on the fence, but they didn't even notice the existence of Shadow Blade.
"I'm afraid that there won't be any stability in the future."
"Why? Don't you see the army is under pressure now?"
"But we have nuclear weapons, they dare not mess around."
"That's why there is no stable life. People are not vegetarians. Look at the overwhelming zombies controlled by others. With this one, I think the leader's actions are very dangerous."
"Then... what should I do?"
"What are you worried about? We can't decide on this kind of thing."
Lu Chuan only heard some of the conversations among the soldiers through Shadow Blade. The Shadow Blades had already crossed the wall and burst into the Luohe settlement.
Lu Chuan's perspective was also transformed into one of the shadow blades.
In the dark, silence is adopted here.
This kind of silence, not only sound, but also light is also restricted, and no light is allowed to appear.
In this way, only the luster of moonlight remained in the entire settlement.
With this gloss, it is enough to see the situation of the settlement clearly.
There are shadow blades that have entered it a long time ago, and you only need to sense them to know their location, which brings convenience to Lu Chuan.
The Shadow Blade rushed into the settlement, divided into dozens of teams, rushing in different directions.
The biggest team among them has a clear goal, which is the most heavily guarded place in the entire settlement. Don't think about it, but also know that this place is definitely a very important existence for them.
It is important because it has something to do with nuclear weapons. These warheads should be stored here.
"Their hearts are really big, and they don't worry that the warhead will explode and send the entire settlement to the sky."
In fact, think about it, they really have no place to hide these warheads except here. Outside of the colony, this is the end of the world, and there are zombies everywhere. They cannot guarantee the safety of the warhead, or they can use it at any time when they want to use it.
Only the settlements meet their requirements for quick operation.
Lu Chuan's idea is simple: kill the ruling class and control nuclear weapons.
For people like Cao Yong, Lu Chuan didn't want to stay in the settlement. God knows if they will cause any trouble in the future. The best way is to kill it.
Lu Chuan did not allow any factors of restlessness under his rule.
As the ruler of the Luohe settlement, Cao Yong cannot live without a light source.
In order to prevent the light source from revealing, a basement was built in his residence. It is usually carried out in this basement when working at night.
There is no progress in today's negotiations, and it is natural that Cao Yong cannot rest so soon.
It's only eight o'clock in the evening now.
People in the last days are accustomed to going to bed early. After all, at night, there is no light source and can do nothing but sleep.
Ordinary people can sleep, but like rulers, they cannot.
No matter how stupid people are, they also need to deal with necessary official duties.
The number of Shadow Blades that raided Cao Yong's residence was one hundred. This ratio is not low anymore.
As a man of the end times, he still attaches great importance to his own protection. If he relaxes, he might be killed by someone.
Cao Yong's residence is also heavily guarded.
In the darkness, there are many people protecting Cao Yong. They hide in some hidden places, and the outside world can't see them at all.
It may be difficult to enter with other people, but for Shadow Blade, entering here is like entering a man's land. There are also passages here, allowing them to enter easily.
The Shadow Blade that entered here immediately locked all the people here through the breath of life.
But they did not move because there was no instruction from the boss.
A team of Shadow Blades, with a clear goal, entered a target residence, then lurked down, waiting for Lu Chuan's instructions.
Like Cao Yong, or other high-level officials, around them, Shadow Blade had long looked at them, and their lives were actually in Lu Chuan's hands.
What really interests Lu Chuan is the location of nuclear weapons, which is the most important place.
Killing Cao Yong and the others, from Lu Chuan's point of view, was effortless, they were far less important than nuclear weapons.
After this team of Shadow Blades arrived here, Lu Chuan's perspective also switched to here.
This warehouse set up in the center of the settlement is protected by a tall city wall, which can be said to be the existence of a city within a city.
The walls are heavily guarded, even in the dark, there are a large number of soldiers patrolling here. It feels like a complete description.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly, there was no Shadow Blade lurking here, but it did not prevent the Shadow Blade from entering.
Mind issued a command, among which ten shadow blades flexibly approached the wall, and then looked for a good place to climb. After a few times, they climbed over, overturned the wall and entered inside.
Inside is a huge yard, bare, and no one can escape the eyes of the soldiers watching here.
But Shadow Blade, they are in stealth, they enter, and the soldiers watching here are not aware of it.
More inside, is a building built of reinforced concrete, like a hangar. The door inside was tightly closed. With the moonlight, Lu Chuan visually observed the thickness of the concrete, and the missile might not be able to penetrate it.
Seeing the structure of these Chuan has already confirmed that their nuclear weapons are here.
The Shadow Blades are seven-level zombies, and their sensitivity to life is stronger. It can be found that there are as many as 2,000 soldiers stationed here, and there are more than 500 new humans.
Looking at the entire Luohe settlement, the power here is the greatest, even higher than Cao Yong's own guarding power.
More than two hundred shadow blades approached the wall.
Not only them, but also the other Shadow Blades, they all lurked into each target. These goals are the high-levels of the Luohe settlement.
What Lu Chuan wanted to execute now was to beheaded, emptied all the upper layers of the Luohe settlement, and then controlled nuclear weapons. Basically, this settlement would no longer have the power to fight back.
With all the shadow blades in place, Lu Chuan sneered: "Kill."
This instruction represented the death of at least thousands of people, but Lu Chuan's heart did not make another wave, because he had experienced too many such things and had become dull and cold-blooded.
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