Chapter 885: 3-axe

Hundreds of missiles, under the interception of interceptor missiles, were shot down more than two-thirds when they were five kilometers away from the wall.
   was only shot down in the last two kilometers.
   is just a consumed interceptor missile. There are a lot of them, and the total amount is about 1,000.
   This kind of interception does not have a 100% success rate. There will be a part of it that cannot be intercepted the first time, and it needs to be intercepted a second or even a third time.
   Fortunately, under this kind of consumption, hundreds of missiles were still stopped.
   The wall is tall and strong, but under the saturation attack of hundreds of missiles, it can't be held.
   From the beginning of the construction, Lu Chuan has never looked up to the wall to completely block the enemy.
   It is envisaged that some walls will be collapsed, but the length of this type of collapse should not be very long. There are gaps in the walls, but the two sides can still block the gap.
   In a defensive battle, having a wall is much better than not having a certainty.
   At that time, there were too many people in the colony. If they didn't find something to do, they would eat and sleep all day long, and live like a moth. This is not what Lu Chuan would like to see.
   Really, they will be abandoned in a short time, and they may cause trouble.
   Let them repair walls, dig dungeons, consume their time and energy, and let them earn from labor is the long-term solution.
   Hundreds of missiles have now been intercepted, but when the opponent launches missiles again, he does not have so many interceptor missiles available.
   An average of three interceptor missiles are required to intercept an attack missile, and it is not possible to intercept the opponent’s missile every time.
   But Lu Chuan couldn't avoid the disadvantages in the defensive battle.
   Especially now, after the opponent's zombie army is dispersed, the missile's role is not as big as imagined.
   After giving the opponent a chance to breathe, the next step will be a big counterattack.
   "What is the most famous thing about China, is its firepower output."
   Lu Chuan stared at the picture at the holographic projection, spent a lot of effort in arranging the zombies, and there are a large number of drones, how could it be so easy for the other party to extinguish it?
   During the Liberation War, China had a phobia of insufficient firepower. Now that it is stronger, it is naturally playing firepower output desperately.
   As a rising star, but China’s rocket launcher development has topped the world.
   The powerful firepower output, capable of firing a 480-kilometer rocket launcher, absolutely stuns the world. The development of firepower output has reached a crazy point.
  Lu Chuan naturally learned this kind of firepower advantage. With such emphasis on missile technology, how could he drop the rocket launcher?
   At this time, in Nakasu City, thousands of rocket launchers were already placed in the city. After the three waves of missiles were launched, the strike point was finally corrected.
   Lu Chuan gave orders, very calm.
   And these rocket launchers operated by zombies have automatic correction and locking functions. The zombies only need to press the launch button under Lu Chuan's command.
   The 24 rocket launcher should be able to let the opponent experience the fear of being dominated by firepower.
   Thousands of rocket launchers are launched at the same time. I am afraid that only big countries can have this kind of scene. Ordinary small countries, the power of the whole country, may not have so many rocket launchers.
   Most of the equipment in Lu Chuan's hands came from China's military base.
   Lu Chuan now controls about one-third of China, and it can be said that he has inherited more than one-third of China's equipment.
  The existence of the wolf’s nest has attracted hundreds of thousands of top scientific researchers. With their efforts, it is not a problem to transform this rocket launcher.
   Defense does not necessarily just wait for the opponent to come.
   While the opponent has just appeared, use his greatest firepower to weaken the opponent's strength first. This will reduce a lot of pressure on the defense, and it is possible that from the beginning, the victory of the siege will be determined.
   Countless rocket launchers were launched, turning the entire sky into these guys with long flame tails.
   The opponent's zombie army has dispersed, but this kind of dispersion is actually quite dense under the indiscriminate blow of the rockets.
   When Tu Chengzhi saw a locust-like rocket in the sky, he couldn't help showing a wry smile.
   Tu Chengzhi stood on the spot, just staring at these rockets and pounced.
   The booming explosion sounded into one piece, and the whole ground trembled, and it even gave people a feeling that the ground was about to be blown apart.
   "It seems that this opponent will not be so easy to deal with this time."
  In the beginning, the opponent didn't look like a defense at all, but rather like an offensive side. From missiles to the current rocket launchers, they completely used his waiting advantage to the extreme.
  It is certain that under this kind of blow, I will definitely lose a lot.
   If this is the case, it would be a bit naive if you can also hurt yourself. The number of zombies brought by yourself this time is definitely beyond the other's imagination.
   At the seventh level, he knew that he was the attacker, and then he was crazy.
   put all the financial resources into this, and at the same time use his own power to make his company earn trillions of wealth in a short period of time.
   Under this kind of huge wealth accumulation, the number of zombies in his hands, counted by every count, exceeded 2.3 million.
   According to the development trend of the seventh-level biochemical plant, it is already rare that the other party can have one million zombies.
   And the other party spends energy on the wall and this missile, it is certain that the number of zombies on the other side will be less than one million, maybe only seven or eight hundred thousand.
   Among these seven to eight hundred thousand, most of them will still be low-level zombies.
  Tu Chengzhi has no doubts about his chances of winning. Victory is only a matter of time.
   The overwhelming rocket bombs really exerted the firepower to the extreme, and countless zombies were torn to pieces and killed.
   Some are not dead, but their bodies are incomplete, and there is not much difference between death and no death.
   For the severely injured zombies, Tu Chengzhi did not have a trace of emotional fluctuations in his eyes. As long as he wins, these zombies can be repaired, it is nothing more than money.
   The zombies were originally the monsters in his hands. They were just a kind of capital. They were unconscious zombies. He didn't have a burden to use them. It was more like a set of numbers in the game.
   A violent explosion, this time lasting five or six minutes.
   The beating number, Tu Chengzhi knew that this was the number of zombies he had lost. After being hit by missiles and rockets, the number of casualties of zombies reached 300,000.
   This number made Tu Chengzhi very painful.
   "Asshole, I see how much ammunition you have." Tu Chengzhi felt fierce.
   After a wave of rocket attacks, the battlefield suddenly became quiet.
  Tu Chengzhi was not idle, he kept issuing instructions.
   Numerous corpse dragons began to land, lowering the rocket launcher they were hoisting. A missile launcher set up the missile and aimed it at Nakasu City.
   "Next, I will let you know what firepower is."
   Tu Chengzhi was suffocated. Now he gritted his teeth with anger. There were nearly 400,000 casualties. This loss made him crazy.
   As expected, the casualties will not be so large, he can bear it.
   But he still underestimated the opponent's firepower. The dense zombies array increased the power of the opponent's rockets and missiles by a notch, which also increased his loss by a notch.
   Now that the opponent's three axes have passed, it is time for the offensive team to perform.
  Tu Chengzhi has piercing eyes and looks out in the direction of Zhongzhou City.
   Lu Chuan, who was sitting in the office of the owner of the biochemical plant, looked calm at this moment.
   After the rocket launcher is empty, it can be said that the long-range firepower in his hand has basically been consumed. Next, it came to the opponent's blow.
   "The wall will probably not be able to hold it."
   "At least one tenth of the urban buildings in Nakasu will be destroyed."
   "After the siege, it may take one or two times to clean up."
   Lu Chuan's thoughts seem to be a little floating.
   But Lu Chuan just wandered for a second, and then he recovered.
   When the other party saw that his remote strike had stopped, he thought he could sit back and relax?
   Of the three axes, I only used two boards, and one board is still useless. It is too early to be happy.
   Among the seven-level zombies, what is the strongest?
   It can be said that the spore shooter, after all, its spore material is really abnormal.
   From Lu Chuan's point of view, the truly strongest is actually the first Shadow Blade unlocked. Its speed, its invisibility, its agility... more like an assassin, an assassin coming and going without a trace.
   A few shadow blades may not have much effect, but Lu Chuan's crazy violent soldiers in the past month are all shadow blades, and their number is terrible.
   There are more than four hundred thousand shadow blades. Even Lu Chuan feels crazy when he thinks about it. This number is absolutely desperate.
   No one would have imagined that he would hold such a huge seventh-level shadow blade in his hand.
  Lu Chuan's character was originally the kind of person who likes to go slant with the sword.
   Staying in Zhongzhou City unchanged, letting the opponent violently bomb them, passively beat them, this is not Lu Chuan's style.
   Lu Chuan’s dictionary has always admired the sentence that offense is the best defense.
   Just as a defender, this is an unchangeable identity.
   Identity cannot be changed, but the way of defense can be changed. That's why Lu Chuan suffocated his breath and used missiles and rockets to attack the siege who appeared first.
  In terms of speaking, missiles and rocket launchers are just an appetizer.
   What Lu Chuan valued was actually the Shadow Blade Army.
   The number of Shadow Blades arranged by Lu Chuan outside the city early in the morning has 300,000. Since Lu Chuan didn't know where the siege fighters would appear, they were scattered around Zhongzhou City.
   After knowing that the attacker appeared, Lu Chuan's first direct command was sent to the Shadow Blade troops to gather them toward the location of the attacker.
The speed of    Shadow Blade was not far away from the original. Soon, more than one hundred thousand Shadow Blades had been gathered around the zombies army of the Siege under the blast of rockets.
  The shadow blades of the invisible hand will not show the red and blue halo of the enemy and us, which also makes it difficult for them to be spotted in this kind of attack.
   When the bazooka bombardment was over, the 300,000 shadow blades did not arrive, but the number of shadow blades around the attackers reached 200,000.
   "Want to fight back?"
   "It's not that easy."
   Lu Chuan muttered to himself, his eyes with killing intent: "Shadow Blade, kill."
   Shadow Blade, who had long been waiting for Lu Chuan's instructions, did not hesitate to pounce on the zombies of the siege after receiving the instructions from Lu Chuan.
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