Chapter 917: Swarming

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This year, Musk's space exploration technology company has become the world's largest rocket launcher with revenues of more than 2 billion US dollars.
Ranked second is the Joint Launch Alliance, a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin.
Northrop Grumman, Ariane Space in Europe, Khrunichev in Russia, Isro in India and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan.
The most competitive company in the world is basically here.
Washington Hotel.
The press conference of Baichuan Guihai Space Company was at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and in North America it was 3 o'clock in the morning.
Musk slept very peacefully, a rare good night, but this good night was interrupted, and a quick phone call came in.
People with their status and status will have several numbers.
Many people know that ordinary numbers will choose to shut down when they are resting. A small number of one or two numbers will be turned on 24 hours a day, and the people who know are the most powerful cronies, or the most important partners, or the dear ones.
Although he was disturbed, after opening his eyes, Musk was not angry. Instead, he rubbed his face to regain his energy before answering the call.
"I am Musk."
At the end of the phone, an assistant’s voice came: "President, Baichuan Guihai Space Company has just announced that they will sell a series of rocket-related businesses, including the world’s largest launch center. In addition, their rocket performance far exceeds ours. 50% rocket technology in hand."
A simple sentence shocked Musk's spirit.
He has always spent a lot of effort on space companies. He is very familiar with global rocket launches. He is also very familiar with Baichuan Guihai Space Company, and he also knows some inside stories.
The strength of Baichuan Guihai Space Company is very abnormal. It has launched more than 30 heavy-duty launch vehicles at one time and built the space-based weapons of Baichuan Guihai Group Company.
This kind of news, people at his level, naturally know.
After learning about the technology of Baichuan Guihai Space Company, Musk felt extremely pressure.
But now, Baichuan Guihai Space Company sells rocket manufacturing and rocket launch business?
Just froze for a second, Musk's first thought was to take down this piece of fat. If you get the rocket manufacturing and rocket launch business, it will definitely be a qualitative leap for a space exploration technology company.
"I immediately booked a ticket to China for me and formed a team of experts. I need to evaluate all of this."
Without hesitation, Musk made the decision.
At the same time, the United Launch Alliance also received this message as soon as possible.
The Joint Launch Alliance, established by the two giants, has a strong political background. It has been approved by the Ministry of National Defense and has been undertaking the launch tasks of government departments and the Ministry of National Defense.
Although the space exploration technology company has become the world's first in terms of revenue, it is naturally not enough to compare with the United Launch Alliance when it comes to technical strength.
They still didn’t respond in time to the piece of fat suddenly thrown out by Baichuan Guihai Space Company. After all, Baichuan Guihai Space Company’s strength is too strong. With a parent company with a valuation of tens of trillions of dollars, it is definitely rich. ,No one can beat it.
As for technology, the rocket manufacturing and launch technology of Baichuan Guihai Space Company should be the most cutting-edge in the world. On the surface, they do not recognize it, but in their hearts, they still acquiesce in Baichuan Guihai Space Company's industry first status.
For a long time, the United Launch Alliance has not regarded Baichuan Guihai Space Company as a competitor. After all, the nature and scope of their businesses are different and there is no competition.
It should be said that there will be no intersection between each other.
Now it seems that it is obviously different. Baichuan Guihai Space Company, which wants to sell its rocket business, gave them some new ideas. For example, in terms of performance they said, if it really surpasses so much, if they can win these technologies, the impact they will have will be hard to estimate.
"Warner, I hope to take down the business they sold off." For the first time, the vice president of Boeing put the call to the hands of the president of the alliance company Warner.
"It's not just me, but Lockheed Martin is the same. This is not just rocket technology. Think about it, what field can it affect?" The vice president made a hint.
Werner replied immediately: "I will ask the experts to certify now."
"No, the Secretary of Defense has just called. He hopes that you can send a team of experts to confirm each other's technology as soon as possible." Boeing's vice president woke up: "There is news that Space Exploration Technologies and Europe The Ariane Space Company has already taken action."
Werner frowned, and competition meant a lot of value.
However, thinking of the task this time, it seems that it has been separated from the commercial business and brought some political factors. This means that no matter how high the price is, I am afraid that these technologies will have to be obtained.
"I'll do it right away," Werner replied.
The first time, at dawn, the United Launch Alliance gathered its engineers together to conduct research on the data released by the Baichuan Guihai Space Company.
At the same time, a salvo of 30 rockets from the Somalia launch center was analyzed, and so on.
Somalia launch center, they have a lot of information, after all, the Somali launch center is already open. Among these materials, as experts, they are most shocked by this kind of technology.
The geographical location of Somalia does not have the conditions to establish a launch center.
However, Baichuan Guihai Space Company built the world's largest launch center here. This also shows that Baichuan Guihai Space Company's technology in this area is already ahead of the world.
If these technologies get a breakthrough, it means that launch centers can be built anywhere in the world.
Based on this alone, these technologies are invaluable.
As the top engineers of space companies, they still know space-based weapons in space. The volley of thirty heavy launch vehicles completed the construction of this huge space-based weapon within a few hours, which represents the excellent and excellent [.] bearing capacity of these launch vehicles.
In particular, they calculated the speed of these rockets and found that the rocket still exceeded the speed of any rocket by more than 30% at full load.
Don't underestimate this 30%, it may be ten years, and there is no way to get such a high improvement.
Moreover, the rockets of Baichuan Guihai Space Company have stronger carrying capacity. The specific data is not known yet, but it is not difficult to find from the space-based weapon modules that the carrying capacity of the other party is very amazing.
The whole meeting lasted a full day.
Regarding the performance of the rocket, and why Baichuan Guihai Space Company would sell the rocket launch business, a lot of speculations were also made.
There are several speculated results. For example, Baichuan Guihai Space Company has a more reliable method of delivery. However, through analysis, it seems unlikely that humans are still unable to replace the rocket.
With current technology, it will be difficult for a hundred years.
So, why would Baichuan Guihai Space Company sell this business?
For this, no one can guess the results.
The next day, the Ministry of National Defense once again passed a secret telegram requesting the acquisition of some of the technologies of Baichuan Guihai Space Company, and the funds will be secretly funded by the Ministry of National Defense.
The representatives who heard it were at least the vice president leading the team.
They led a team to appear in Handong City, and immediately asked Baichuan Guihai Space Company for the identification technology. No matter how bragging the Baichuanguihai Space Company is, they still need to test the technology to see if it is the same as the published results.
Baichuan Guihai Space Company responded immediately, and directly arranged for them to take a special plane to the Somalia launch center on the same day for testing.
The company headquarters in Handong City is just an office. Both the rocket and the launch center are in Somalia.
Many companies, including Musk, waited three days before boarding the special plane to Somalia. Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation used some privileges to allow this plane to reach Somalia directly.
More than ten hours later, the special plane arrived in Somalia.
Somalia, which does not have any air defense, will naturally not do anything to this special plane, plus the launch center area, all are in the hands of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the special plane.
When they arrived in the sky above the launch center, even though they had seen this launch center in the picture, Musk and the others were as shocked as their hearts
Thirty huge launchers stood here, almost covering the ground.
The straight passages are spacious and long, and their main function is actually to facilitate the movement of the rocket transporter.
Special planes land on these passages, which are no less than the runways of the airport, allowing special planes to take off and land easily.
Among the representatives who came this time were Europe, polar bears, island nations, and even representatives from Asan. The wealthy and wealthy local tyrants in the Middle East also sent representatives. They are not short of money. What they lack is technology. In the past, this technology was not sold by the rich. Now that they have the opportunity, they will certainly not let it go.
In fact, they knew how much they knew or knew about each other. When they got off the special plane, they all looked at each other and could see the shock from each other.
Who would have thought that Baichuan Guihai Space Company would build such a huge launch center here silently, without telling the world?
When the group came down, the convoy here had been waiting.
"Your first stop will be the rocket factory underneath the launch center. You will be in the laboratory and feel for yourself how awesome the rocket technology we have is."
"The second stop is at the launch center control tower and launch stand."
As the leader of the team, Li Yinghua gave an explanation.
Among the people who came this time, apart from the presidents and vice presidents of the companies, were engineers. They are all real experts, so Li Yinghua does not need to introduce more, they will test it personally.
This sale is an order from the head office, even if Li Yinghua doesn't understand it anymore, he must execute it.
The only thing that made Li Yinghua feel pity was that this launch center, which was named the world's largest launch center, was no longer the pride of Huaxia people.
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