Chapter 931: Natural coexistence

   The sound of aircraft cannons attracted more zombies.
   If the big Lagas mine field, you can still see the end in the sky, but if you are on the ground, you can hardly see the head. In the huge mining pits, you can see large mining machinery everywhere.
  As a result, there are really a lot of people in the Lagas Mine.
  Only in the Lagas mine, there are more than 30,000 workers.
   With the roaring sound, more zombies emerged from the farther mine pit. They gathered here, flaring their teeth and claws.
   Lu Chuan stayed in the cab and could see clearly through the projection.
  I am used to the bridge of the Moon. Now on the Global Hawk, the cab is already very large, but Lu Chuan is still a bit uncomfortable, thinking it is too narrow.
   "I'm still too low-key." Lu Chuan laughed sarcastically.
   No matter how big the Global Hawk is, it is just the shape of a super passenger plane, but the Moon is different. The length of 1,500 meters, if it is horizontally in the sky, is really terrifying.
   Immediately, Lu Chuan thought: "Sister, I was almost caught in the inertia of thinking. Modern thinking has a relationship with the end times?"
   In modern times, Lu Chuan needs to take care of all countries in the world.
   But in these last days, does Lu Chuan need to take into account the feelings of others? do you need?
  No need.
   Lu Chuan shook his head with a wry smile. He is the strongest in these last days. Whoever looks unpleasant to oneself will destroy whoever is unpleasant, and destroy whoever is unpleasant.
  In the last days, Lu Chuan promoted hegemonism.
   "Forget it, the Global Hawk is just right. If it is the Moon, if it attacks, it will not smooth out the place, and the mining machinery I want will not become a part?"
   Lu Chuan looked down the ground, giving Lu Chuan the feeling that the mountains and the fields were full of zombies.
   From the time the Global Hawk was born, its design concept was super large ammunition capacity, so the ammunition capacity of its five machine guns is very sufficient.
   Five machine guns kept calling names, and only the zombies approached, they were broken and fell to the ground.
   There are about three hundred zombies in one minute. The zombies gathered around are really not enough to kill. They only approached and were knocked down.
   half an hour later.
   The Global Hawk finally stopped hitting, even if it was a burst fire, the cannon barrels were already red.
   Thousands of zombies fell below, densely occupying a huge area. Looking down in the sky, it is still very shocking.
   "K001, lowered to a height of fifty meters."
   Lu Chuan issued an instruction, and then walked towards the position of the hatch.
   The Global Hawk lowered its height, and soon it was still fifty meters above the ground.
   From the open hatch, Lu Chuan jumped down. His clothes were blown in the sky by the wind. In the blink of an eye, Lu Chuan had already made a "bang" and his feet landed on the ground.
   sank slightly, raising a circle of dust.
   Looking around, there are all shattered corpses, and Lu Chuan frowns. Those directors should take a good look at what a real war is and what a terrible gun battle is.
   Lu Chuan stepped over the corpses and walked towards the mine.
   presents a vortex-shaped mine, and people in front of it are so small. The huge mining truck is like an ant in front of an elephant.
   Lu Chuan walked down and came to a mining truck full of iron ore. Lu Chuan was about 1.7 meters tall and only half of its wheels, showing how huge it really is.
   has been thrown here for nearly ten years. It has become rusty everywhere, and tires have long been scrapped. Whether it can be driven is still unknown.
   The door of this car is open. It should be before the end of the world, facing the zombies, this driver fled in a panic.
   "It's weird, why didn't he unload the ore, and then drive away with this giant? With the size of this car, no zombies would be able to stop it in the early stages."
   Just after thinking about it, Lu Chuan didn't bother to think about these insignificant questions.
  Walking in front of this mining truck, Lu Chuan's handprinted on it, and in a thought, with a "swish", this mining truck disappeared and was collected by Lu Chuan into the storage space.
   The storage space does exist as a bug with time. With its function, mining trucks weighing hundreds of tons can be retracted and unloaded as if there is nothing.
   Lu Chuan's heart moved, and an electric motorcycle appeared.
   It’s not small here. It’s not convenient to walk or run. But with this electric motorcycle, it's much more convenient, because I always carry it with me.
   Ride on the electric motorcycle, turn the switch, the electric motorcycle rushes out and heads for the next target.
  As long as he sees the machinery, Lu Chuan, regardless of whether it is a mining truck or a mining machine, puts it into the storage space. Lu Chuan doesn't care whether they can be used or not. Lu Chuan, who has a wolf nest, is really not difficult to repair these machines.
   If a big mine pit, it took Lu Chuan more than an hour before finally sweeping the mining machinery large and small into his storage space.
   is worthy of being one of the best mines in the world. There are more than 30 mining trucks in a pit. These big guys are of great value and their carrying capacity is amazing.
   "The second mine."
   Lu Chuan came here entirely for the purpose of evacuating this place.
   After two days in Brazil, Lu Chuan returned to Zhongzhou City.
   Located in the middle of the settlement of Shanshi County and Zhongzhou City, Lu Chuan put all his harvests in place. There were hundreds of large and small mining trucks, and a set of complex and huge mining machinery, almost invisible.
   They have only one characteristic, big.
   Of course, they have been in disrepair for a long time, making their appearance a little bleak, all with rust spots.
   But it doesn’t matter, Lu Chuan believes that after the restoration, they will look new and can be put into work again.
   When Luo Changqing led the technical staff of the Wolf's Nest, he was a little dumbfounded when he saw these big guys.
   They all know that the boss has magical powers, but to get so many big guys back, what does the boss want to do? In other words, mining mountains?
   "Boss, inspections take some time." With so many machinery, plus mining machinery, they really need time to adapt.
   Lu Chuan nodded and said, "As soon as possible."
   The process on Mars, Lu Chuan needs this batch of mining machinery to be put into use. Lu Chuan estimates that the construction of the steel plant will be completed within half a month.
Luo Changqing glanced at these machines and said with a wry smile: "Boss, I guess I still need to go back to the mine to get their accessories back. Nine out of ten of these mining equipment need to be overhauled, and many need replacement parts. ."
   It has been placed for nearly ten years, and many things are not repairable and need to be replaced.
   "Okay, I'm going to bring these accessories back for you." Lu Chuan didn't care. It took only an hour and a half to get to Brazil from here, and it didn't cost much.
   Lu Chuan was about to hand over things here to Luo Changqing, and boarded the Global Hawk himself.
   Seeing the boss leave, Luo Changqing sighed, with a sharp light in his eyes: "Let the wolf's nest fully cooperate. Three days, three days need to be checked clearly, and repaired within one month." First release https://https://
   What the boss cares about, he needs to go all out and finish meticulously.
   Complete with the fastest efficiency, only to leave a good impression in the boss's mind and prove your ability.
   Even if you are an idiot now, you know that the boss’s current situation is complete. There will be no more surprises. It should be possible to rule this land.
   The order of the last days has collapsed for so long, so that the boss's power is even greater than that of the ancient kings.
   It is foreseeable that when a new regime emerges, some of them will benefit greatly. At this time when they are about to win, they don't want to leave a bad impression on the boss.
   How terrible is the wolf's nest running at full capacity?
  The elites selected from countless survivors, each of them have real talents and learners. After bringing them together in the wolf's nest, the wolf's nest is now only 300,000 scientific researchers.
   The survivors in the settlements, as long as they meet the conditions, will be transferred to Zhongzhou City by the wolf's nest and work in the wolf's nest.
   In this way, the scientific research power formed is strong, and with the technology given by the boss, the scientific and technological power begins to surpass the pre-apocalyptic.
   Everything is moving in a good direction. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://
After receiving instructions from Luo Changqing, the Wolf's Nest acted immediately. Thousands of scientific researchers related to this aspect were transferred. They are not necessarily repairers, but their knowledge allows them to see that the problem is not possible. problem.
  There are really many people who have worked in large machinery factories, and they immediately became the backbone.
   In fact, these machines have only been left unused for a long time, and many of them have been cleaned before they can be put into use. Only some parts need to be replaced.
   Lu Chuan went back and forth, and it was only a day.
   The accessories that I brought back this time were enough to open an accessory city. There were mountains of accessories, some of which were still big ones, and were thrown out by Lu Chuan's old brain.
  Luo Changqing can only bring people to classify these accessories.
   "Boss, it is estimated that the restoration can be completed in about 20 days at the earliest." Luo Changqing gave Lu Chuan a time, which was his fastest speed.
   Thousands of people joined the battle, and the efficiency is definitely the fastest.
   About twenty days, it was in line with Lu Chuan's time expectations. He said: "Okay, just work hard."
Lu Chuan visited Shanshi County. The number of nearly 4 million people is no longer suitable for a small county. The continuous expansion and construction of simple residential buildings have taken Shanshi County to a certain scale. Up.
   Many survivors were assigned to live in nearby towns and villages, and gradually formed an urban circle centered on Shanshi County.
  The location of Zhongzhou City, facing the tall and cold wall, Sun Jiangong did not have the brain to draw the direction of development to face Zhongzhou City, but to develop westward.
   A large number of factories are set up around Shanshi County. These factories are all moved back from other places. They will be part of Shanshi County's complete industrial system.
  With the expanded security circle and the soldiers on patrol, the scope of people's activities has also increased, as if they are free, so that everyone's complexion becomes very good and their mental outlook is greatly different.
  The zombie army, they wear exoskeleton armor, and have nothing to do with zombies in appearance. Their existence does not affect people's lives.
   Human and corpse are rare to live together naturally.
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