Chapter 975: Find a place

   At this scene, Lu Chuan was stunned.
   The dolphins became a skeleton after passing through the unknown millions of flying zombies. This scene is really a visual impact, like watching a Hollywood blockbuster.
   In the sky, thousands of crocodile dragon corpses float in the sky.
   Like imagine, thousands of aircraft carriers appear in the same sea area, one after another, what kind of scene will it be?
   The crocodile dragon corpse now shows this huge formation beyond imagination to the fullest.
   Except for the crocodile dragon corpse, the opponent's ground troops are not as many as imagined, occupying the largest number, but flying zombies.
   The other side's development method, in Lu Chuan's view, is the real development direction.
   Athletics, there is no occupation, it is mainly to destroy the opponent.
   With more mobile zombies, the odds of winning will definitely be much greater.
   "An Yuran may be in trouble this time." Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. The number of zombies in the other party should be larger than that of An Yuran, and flying zombies occupy a larger number. An Yuran will be very passive.
   Lu Chuan couldn't figure out why An Yuran picked this opponent.
   This competitive guy is a somewhat handsome man, and his face alone makes people feel a sense of sunshine. How should I put it, it is the type of sunshine overbearing president.
   This man's reconnaissance chose the flying zombies with the coexistence of speed and strength.
   Thousands of minions set off and scattered around.
   An Yuran’s porpoise dragons have all arrived here. At this point, An Yuran should have an advantage in reconnaissance.
  Since it is a strategy bureau, there are many issues to consider. The zombies in this man's hands began to invade and become a huge army of zombies. The blacks lined up here and then moved forward again.
   The distance between everyone is too far, it must be the camp that needs to be pressed closer.
  The strategy bureau is a tactical duel. The two sides deploy troops and generals, use terrain one by one, and then use each other's corpse seed to eat the other's forces.
   After eating, it needs to be transferred immediately, or the corpse seed should be replaced.
   In Lu Chuan's view, this type of battle is definitely a waste of time.
   Lu Chuan’s view is actually not mainstream. I don’t know how many people are addicted to this one, thinking that this is the true competitive spirit. The approach is rude and does not have any artistic sense.
  This kind of strategic bureau does not need to be over in a short time. It takes several days to meet each other.
   The distance is thousands of kilometers, and the terrain is very different. Sometimes you will encounter a river that needs to be crossed. Sometimes towering mountains have to be climbed. Sometimes it is necessary to cross the endless desert, snow, and swamp.
  Complicated environment is not a straight line.
   The whole day was extremely dull. In addition to reconnaissance, the two sides adjusted the direction of the zombie army, and also deployed the types of zombies to mix and match.
   Fortunately, users who have biochemical plants have strengthened themselves and have storage space, so they don’t have to worry about eating, drinking and sleeping.
   Not sleeping for one or two weeks, the effect is not significant.
   The next day.
   They still focus on reconnaissance, and the troops have been advancing.
   But compared to the first day, the second day of reconnaissance, the reconnaissance of the terrain is more careful. Because they already know some virtual reality between each other, and also realize where they will be armed and so on.
   On the third day, the forward's zombies had arrived at the corresponding position, and then entered a latent state.
   On the fourth day, the large group arrived at the designated location.
   On the fifth day, the battlefield quieted secretly again. Except for the appearance of the scout corpse, the zombies seemed to have disappeared in the entire space.
   As a bystander, Lu Chuan naturally knows where their corpses are arranged and how to hide them.
   "It's really boring, a waste of time, how can An Yuran play the strategy bureau?" Lu Chuan couldn't hold on to it after watching for five days. He stretched his waist and was a little curious about An Yuran's choice.
   But think about it, An Yuran has always been a very sensible and intellectual woman. Maybe she is really good at this aspect.
  Strategic bureaus can win more with less, and it is the way many people fight big with small.
   If it is like a wave of battle, weak is weak, and strong is strong. Apart from direct command on the spot, there is no power to change the ending.
   On the sixth day, their small units began to spy on each other, very vigilant.
   From the perspective of God, you can see that their rear is not calm, and a group of zombies are being mobilized, taking advantage of various terrains, and beginning to place troops.
   As a bystander, Lu Chuan felt that their strategic abilities were average, but in fact, this was because Lu Chuan was able to see the whole situation. If like them, in the game, this kind of strategic ability is already top-notch.
  The battles of small stocks appear from time to time in this battle space.
   Both sides are conspiracy and strange, the outcome is almost 50-50, and the number of zombies lost is slowly increasing.
   Lu Chuan is the first time to watch a strategy game like this, and he feels novel about their corpse species with zombies. After all, the battles between zombies, in the same level, if used well, many of them can be defeated.
  Also, zombies are not necessarily specified corpse types. The zombie troops that are mixed and matched sometimes play a huge role.
   An Yuran and this man had a battle of wits, each with their own victories.
  Occasionally, in a certain terrain, the two sides are the main forces meeting, thus forming a huge battle. In reinforcements, millions, even tens of millions of zombies will be killed.
   The mountains and plains are all zombies, mixed and torn and killed, the effect is like a super blockbuster.
tenth day.
   The two sides did not distinguish between the victory and the defeat, but many of the conspiracies they showed were an eye-opener for Lu Chuan.
   There is no victory or defeat, which means that the battle is cruel, and the losses on both sides are very huge.
   insisted till now, both sides can use all kinds of strategies, take advantage of all available terrain and so on.
   From Lu Chuan's point of view, An Yuran's disadvantages are actually beginning to appear.
   Many times, Lu Chuan is impatient to see, but because of this, Lu Chuan can't do anything. In the spectator mode, Lu Chuan and the people in battle are not even in the same dimension.
   Several times, An Yuran was hit by the opponent's tactics and suffered a great loss.
   Once or twice, there is nothing. As the number of times rises, An Yuran's disadvantages are revealed. Her strength is constantly being eaten up and her strength is weakened.
   The fifteenth day.
After    persisted for half a month, An Yuran finally gave up the competition and quit the competition after several failed counterattacks.
   She lost this game.
   The last few counterattacks were completely crazy, the crocodile dragon corpse crushed the ground zombies, the turkey dragon volley... swept across a whole sky, I don't know how many flying zombies were gasified.
   But none of this can change An Yuran's loss of this competition.
   Of course, the other party's loss was also very heavy, not much better than An Yuran. The only advantage is that if he wins, he will get a fund beyond imagination, and An Yuran, who can create hundreds of millions of zombies, 30% of the assets will be a jaw-dropping figure.
   After An Yuran withdrew from the battle, the competition ended.
   Lu Chuan did not stay either, and was kicked out of this fighting space.
"Are you OK?"
   For the first time, Lu Chuan sent a message to express his concern. If An Yuran loses, even if he experiences strong winds and waves, he will be lost and painful.
   30% of the funds have been deducted. God knows how long it will take to make up for this hole? First release https://https://
   After receiving Lu Chuan's message, An Yuran immediately knew about his battle. Lu Chuan must have been watching the battle and knew the result.
   An Yuran had a bitter expression on her face, but she said: "It's okay, it's just a bit unwilling to lose."
   Indeed, An Yuran has made wrong judgments several times before being weakened. If she was more careful, it would not be so.
   But on the battlefield, there will be no ifs. If you lose, you lose.
   Hundreds of millions of zombies died in battle, and 30% of the funds were deducted again. I don't know how long it will take to fill in this hole to have the strength to fight again.
   The battle at their level is so cruel, the gap between losing and winning is huge.
   Lu Chuan comforted: "If you lose, you lose. Well, no one is a 100% winner. You lose now, but you still have time to make a comeback."
   An Yuran nodded, and said in a low mood: "Lu Chuan, go back to the villa, I miss you a bit."
   "Good!" Lu Chuan should come down.
   Outside the sports center, after Lu Chuan received An Yuran, he drove a suspended sports car straight to the villa.
   Both of them hadn't eaten a meal for half a month, so they ordered an expensive set meal, and when they came up, they gobbled it up.
   For half a month, they feel hungry, but they can bear it.
   Now that the competition is over, they relax, they immediately feel hungry, and naturally they will not treat themselves badly.
   After eating, An Yuran needs to vent, so the two of them naturally went crazy.
   After all, it was her own woman who lost No matter whether she accepted it or not, Lu Chuan could not say nothing.
   The next day.
   After washing, Lu Chuan grabbed his jacket and went out.
   My own woman loses, so I naturally find the place back. Without self-diagnosis, after half a month of watching the battle, Lu Chuan discovered that as long as he was a little bolder, he could definitely fight for the big.
   Arrived at the athletic center, Lu Chuan walked to the open area, found a corner position, and then entered the opponent's name.
   The opponent is in a challenging state, but it is set to require consent.
   This is normal. He only fought one yesterday and lost hundreds of millions of zombies. In the next battle, he must be cautious, and he would agree to it if anyone challenged him. This can be regarded as a kind of protection, after all, the lost zombies need to be recreated and replaced.
   But it doesn't matter, Lu Chuan believes that he will agree.
  The simple reason is that he has suffered heavy losses, and there are hundreds of millions of zombies of all kinds. And Lu Chuan, there are only a million-level zombies, and the two sides are not at the same level.
   A challenger like Lu Chuan, he is naturally welcome, because this is a good person to give points.
   Lu Chuan hugged his arms and looked at the other party’s hanging strategy bureau icon, and did not hesitate to issue a challenge: "Send a challenge and agree to the other party’s strategic bureau request."
   What my own woman has lost, I must double to take it back, let him experience the taste of this kind of money before it is covered with heat, and it has to be vomited.
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