Chapter 817: 11. Apocalypse: Infinite Conquest

The number of multiverses is 200,000. Gao Tianzun made it very clear to Cyber. With the exception of a few multiverses, most of the universes are managed by the life court. Of the few multiverses are actually not rare, and the concept of multiverses is too grand.
Take the timeline world where Gao Tianzun once batted with Barbatos. Before being completely filled with loopholes by Cyber, it will not be regarded as one of the multiverses, but there are still countless lives living there. , Is a theoretically complete world.
There are many worlds like this in the multiverse. The rules of these universes are strange, but the development potential is not strong. There is a general name in the life database: the lower plane.
The explanation is a bit simpler. For example, in the ancient times, the blocked earth, including and certain dimensions, are regarded as the subsidiary dimensions of the earth. They may not be as wide as the earth’s dimensions, but life in those dimensions Look, there is no doubt that it is also a real world.
Such planes are born every day for one reason or another, and it is difficult for most of them to be truly promoted to be members of the multiverse, but if the luck of these worlds is good enough to stop the crisis-ridden development period, then they will also exist. Down, and will continue to expand until the end of the world, or for special reasons, get promoted.
The Tribunal of Life strictly manages the multiverse, but for these subordinate planes of little significance, it is a completely let-off gesture, allowing a capable existence to continuously ingest the dominance of these planes in the multiverse. At this level, wars and conquests within the multiverse are actually very frequent.
In a sense, Cyber's transformation and enslavement of hell, the use of dark space, etc., all belong to this category of conquering war.
In the eyes of the multi-universal giants, letting some "children" collect these scattered resources scattered in various corners of the universe is a very beneficial thing for the development of the multi-universe system itself. .
At this moment, in the other group of stars that are far away from the Moubis civilization circle, and even unable to measure with the meaning of the normal distance, a conquest of the lower plane is ongoing.
The defensive method comes from this lower-level civilized coalition army. There are humanoid interstellar regiments, interstellar mother nests similar to bugs, and a crystal creation army that shines with some mysterious light.
All life from this azimuth capable of entering the starry sky is gathered together. They formed an army in the vast sea of ​​stars, and across from the heroes of the enemy, there is... a kind of demon!
Endless, demons rushing out of the sonic boom tunnel of seventeen mother boxes distributed above the dim star sea.
They are ugly, they are mad, they roar and scream in praise of the God of Darkness, and their bodies roll among the stars, forming a turbid stream under darkness.
Even the coldest star field cannot resist the erosion of this turbid current, even the most shining stars must be extinguished under their ravages.
This is the army of annihilation on the day when civilization completely fell!
A tall figure was sitting on the throne suspended in the starry sky. His figure resembled the already sealed Thanos Thanos. Even the face full of tyranny and majesty looked like a copy of the guy. But unlike the purple-and-gold suit that Thanos likes to wear, this more imposing guy wears a relatively simple blue armor.
It is similar to metal, but some rock-like armor covers his stretched muscles with red emblems and stripes, and golden streamer lines. At the core of this armor is A round piece of dark red crystal.
He sat on his throne, indifferently, without a trace of anger, looking at the civilized coalition that was still resisting in the ravages of the Demon Legion, he had no contempt, no disdain, nothing...
Those dark red eyes beating peacefully, brewing some kind of majesty that is more cruel than the end, like a high god, and will not drop their own grace generously because of the screams and prayers of mortals.
He is the of darkness, the ruler of the apocalypse, the tyrant among the tyrants, the of the new god...Darkside!
According to the supreme existence of the apocalypse's behavior mode, he should not have felt interested in conquering such a subordinate plane war. In the past, he just waved his hand, his heroic new warrior and endless The demons will complete the conquest for him, and his eyes should be placed at a higher place.
However, during this time, the mood of the Dark God is not happy, even if his subordinates are conquering more subordinate planes for him every day, and even look at the multiverses scattered in the hands of different big brothers, but this This ever-expanding conquest can no longer make him excited.
The reason is simple... the shadow that once enveloped his mind is back!
When Jacques Khan, his father, learned that his powerful father was trapped on the wall of origin, he still couldn’t forget the joy of Daxed’s heart, which means that it is likely to have reached the multiverse The father of the class can no longer control his life with power.
So he grabbed the power of his elder brother, poisoned his mother, and with the help of his uncle Wildland Wolf, took the position of the ruler of Apocalypse. It turned out that Dakside was indeed a qualified tyrant and conqueror.
But he never imagined that his father was still alive, and even in the case of the endless stars, he can still bring his existence into the apocalyptic star that has been ruled by Dakside.
"My disobedient son brought me enough debris for creation, and I treated everything in the past as never happened..."
It was only this sentence that was passed by Gakhan to Kersey’s mind, but only this sentence, he had to send his most trusted war lord, his uncle, to ingest more for the father of the dead ghost. There are so Dakside's opinion there are no pieces of special value...
Such a controlled situation is undoubtedly a challenge to the hegemony of Dakside, and the most suffocating is that as the of darkness, after fully grasping the power of the powerful Omega rays, he desperately discovered, I still can't resist my father...
This situation was a devastating blow to the Dachside’s overlord’s ambitions, so that he was not very willing to stay in the Apocalypse in the most recent time. Of course, Kakhan could not escape the wall of origin by himself. In other words, he can't actually influence the reach of Keside's rule, but the God of Darkness feels that he needs some entertainment to relax his urgent nerves.
That's why he appeared here...and his appearance has also made those brainwashed demon army more crazier and more bloodthirsty. Under their claws, the Alliance of Civilizations retreated, regardless of Is it a steel warship, or a weird worm's nest, even with those shining crystals, are all broken in front of these dark minions, and the minions try to please their supreme master with cruel slaughter, but unfortunately, their master This kind of massacre is not interested at all.
Duckside had completely lost patience with this boring tug-of-war that seemed to never end. He stood up from the throne, clenched his fists in both hands, and the crimson light burst out of his eyes. Under the will of Germany, the crazy omega ray instantly turned into a red doom that shrouded everything, and everything in front of it, whether it was the Alliance of Civilizations or its own incompetent dark minions, was shrouded in destruction together.
"I am Dachside, the of darkness!"
His voice echoed in the dead crimson universe, oppressing all beings.
"I am your new ruler! This strong body is my holy temple! Everything is one, everything is mine! Everything is at Dakside!"
The ruined sky fire ignited from the center of the crimson light curtain. Under the will of Dakside, everything in front of him began to burn.
"When I ordered you to surrender...3 billion voices followed!"
The illusion of Apocalypse shines in the darkness behind Dachside.
"When I crush your resistance... There are three billion hands to follow!"
"When I stare at your eyes filled with fear, smashing your arrogant dreams, smashing your weak and weak heart, six billion eyes follow!"
The entire dark stars tremble under the crimson flame, twisted and entangled by Dakside's infinite Omega rays, like an invisible big hand, and finally melted under Dakside's steel will It is a twisted entity.
He walked down the throne step by step like a giant. The demons lay in terror among the stars and shivered in the dark. They didn't even raise their heads to look at their tyrannical prince.
"Duckside has never been born in your sad civilization, and there has been an existence like me!"
"And the meaning of my existence is to make this sad and weak everything no longer exist!"
The of darkness stretched out his left hand, and with the movement of his fingers, the twisted figure trapped in the light curtain in front of him also drifted away. He said in a deep voice:
"I will throw you into an eternal with no exit and no end! There, I will kill your souls! Fear you! Make you humble to pray! In the end... I will give you kind death!"
"Now! Kneel! Give in to your tyrant! Offer loyalty, and then everything about you!"
The dark minions trapped in the crimson light curtain lowered their heads in the twisted void in front of their eyes. Even if every time a companion was drawn into the burning flame and burned to ashes, no one dared to resist, No one even dared to speak out.
They were wiped out of their minds, and there was only endless loyal loyalty to Dakside. They shouted the name of the lord:
"Dying for Duckside!!!"
This roar of hoarseness soon showed the only way out for the civilized warriors who were swaying and facing destruction. Among them, the warriors who did not want to lose the last most precious thing, turned and fit into the fire of the end, and The rest, shaking their bodies, kneeling on the ground, and soon, a new voice rang out in this completely fallen universe:
"Death! Die for Duckside!"
"Humph, meaningless!"
Seeing victory at his fingertips, the God of Darkness lost all interest. He turned to break through the space and disappeared in this subordinate plane. He had been away from Tianqixing for too long, and it was time to go back to his own dominance.
However, at the moment when the Dark God returned to the Apocalypse, the worst bad news made the Dark God's mood even worse.
"The Wasteland Wolf is dead?"
"Moubis wasteland is occupied by a group of legions from the starry sky? Where have we suffered two defeats?"
The whole earth of Apocalypse shuddered in Duckside's anger.
"Good death! If he didn't die... I would strangle him personally! He smeared me with a disgusting failure of perfect conquest, which made me unbearable...and those pieces... I've had enough!"
"I'm fed up with all this! Everything should obey me! Obey the Duckside!"
"Apocalypse... Armed! Let those miscellaneous people see, we... why do we deter the stars!"
"The legion led by me personally... I will personally return ten times! One hundred times! One thousand times! Ten thousand times the shame to the legion... I will take you to their starting point!"
"Apocalypse ruled by me!"
"Do not accept... fail!!!"
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