Chapter 833: 27. Postscript: opponent

As the Wayne family began to taste their own dinner, in a private room of this special pub, the big men from Asgard were waiting for a certain here. The important moment comes.
As one of Asgard’s nominal commanders, Sol’s expression at this time is not very beautiful. This is normal. In history, any defeated person who was forced to sign a surrender treaty will not be happy.
But over a decade of ruling career, Saul has become a qualified king. At least he knows that in matters concerning the future of the country, there must be no personal emotions.
Compared to his gloomy face, the expression of Hella, the Queen of Hades sitting on his left, is a complete shame and madness.
"I will take this opportunity to kill him!"
Hella clenched her fists and whispered, "As long as you kill him, everything will be resolved and all problems will no longer exist!"
"Sib. Hawke, this guy is the real source of all evil!"
"But my grumpy sister, you can't kill one can kill him in this land...otherwise we don't need to humble here."
An illusory figure appeared beside three people. He pulled open his chair and sat on it. Although this guy looked like a ghost, he was dressed like a king. In fact, in the kingdom of Asgard, the so-called The two kings rule, more like the three kings... Loki is the king hidden in the shadows. When Sol and Hella need his evil wisdom, he will always come up with a proper method.
But this time, even the tricky Rocky couldn't reverse the decline.
"Shut up! Rocky!"
Hella scolded irritably:
"It's all because of your bad plan that let us fall into this dilemma! If you are still alive, I will cut off your head without hesitation and hang it under my throne! Let everyone watch See, the end of a fool!"
"I'm starting to blame me again?"
Loki chuckled without fear:
"Earth people take up the entire galaxy step by step, they didn't do it to us because it was not cost-effective, but sooner or later! Sooner or later, they will not tolerate a part of the galaxy that does not belong to them. Could it be that they will expand outwards and the final war will come Before, was it wrong to find new territory for our people?"
"The only mistake is probably that your army stupidly stepped into a world full of bugs without any plans... and see what good things you have done! The colony we finally found, now Almost eaten by bugs!"
The quarrel of the sister and brother made the thoughts of the gods even more confusing. Sol yelled, and the golden thunder and lightning moved back and forth in the box. He took a deep breath and looked at Hella and Loki in front of him. Say:
"Enough! We are not arguing here!"
"Yeah, we are here to humiliate and surrender... Also kneel at the foot of victory and pray for him to show mercy and send an army to rescue our people...Look at us, three wastes! Even our own No one can protect!"
Rocky said eccentrically: "But it's nothing, after all, we can't even protect our parents..."
"Shut up! Rocky!"
Queen Shiv couldn't help it anymore. She patted the table and shouted:
"Everything is up to you. Without your mischief! If Sol is not obsessed with revenge for his stupid brother, we are still allies of the king, and we will not fall into this stupid situation now!"
"Ah! Don't mention that name before my eyes!"
Hella yelled, and Loki also got up from the chair, spread his hands and asked:
"Heve, what's wrong with you? Where did that brave general go? Have you become weak with the child? You have forgotten the evil deeds that the overlord has slaughtered our world, it seems One of the biggest traitors among us, the one who wants to surrender to the overlord the most, is actually the great queen of Asgard, right!"
"Yes! That's right!"
The pregnant person always has a strong temper. After Shiv is stimulated, he simply speaks the deepest thoughts in his heart:
"When Saul was trapped in Saka Star, I met Cyber ​​with me! At that time, I begged him to let Saul go. Saul had a greater mission and should not waste his life. In the matter of wiping the buttocks of my younger brother who is only in trouble!"
"But look, even if Solfe tried to save you, what about you? Now you are still the same as before! Only trouble! Rocky! The source of all evil, you! You are all evil source!"
The queen's hands clutched the tablecloth in front of her, and she shouted excitedly:
"Cyber ​​puts you back to punish Saul for betraying him! Now he has achieved his goal! Without you! They were supposed to be the best brothers! Not now that they wish to kill the enemy's enemy!!"
"You destroyed everything! Rocky! You destroyed everything!!"
This rare rage caused Hella's momentum to be crushed, and Loki, who faced Shiv's anger directly, wanted to say something at this moment, but finally closed his mouth.
Because Shiv said everything was true...he cheated others, he couldn't cheat himself...
"Sol, I know you are uncomfortable..."
With tears in his face, Schiff grabbed Sol’s arm and placed his palm on his slightly swollen belly. This proud general was more like the most vulnerable woman at this time. She buried her head in Sol’s arms and whispered. Say:
"But it's time to end this hatred...I don't want our children to live in the fear of dying at any time in the future, we are not his opponents, we should admit this, and think about the people in desperation. .. Which is more important?"
"Will it ruin our hatred, or Asgarde's eternal heritage?"
Sol's fist clattered and the green muscles burst, but in the end, he hugged his wife tightly and sighed a long time, his face that hadn't changed much, full of helpless exhaustion.
"Okay, okay... all of this is also the time to end."
The soundproofing is very good, and the door of the enclosing box is pushed open. Saber wearing a trench coat walks into the box with a bottle of wine. In his other hand, he holds a man who looks only 7 or 8 years old. It's not too small. It has 8 points similar to Cyber. It has black hair and inherited May's big eyes. He followed his father curiously and looked at the weird guys in front of him.
When the ghostly state of Rocky saw Cyber, he shivered and disappeared in place, while the others turned their eyes and looked at Cyber, who walked into the room, and looked at the overlord.
"Dad, who are they?"
Embraced by Cyber ​​in his arms, the little asked softly, "Are they your friends?"
This question made Cyberber laugh. He sat on the throne and swept the people in front of him with a calm eye. He said in a deep voice:
"Of course, my little ones, they can be my friends or not... it depends on how they choose."
He opened the bottle and poured a glass of wine into his glass. Looking at the complex-faced Sol, he whispered:
"I'm right, King Sol?"
Saul stood up violently at this moment, his whole body was exposed in the floating golden lightning. That kind of scene could not make Cyber ​​move, but the child in his arms widened his eyes, he grabbed his father's hand , Shouting loudly:
"Look! Dad! He is a magician! Like Uncle Strange and Grandpa Hognes, he is a real magician!"
"No, no, my little Titch, he is not a magician..."
Cyber ​​reached out and patted on his son's head. He looked at Sil, who said quietly:
"He is Thor... the master of Thunder and Lightning, a powerful warrior, an incompetent king, a weak brother, a confused son, and..."
Cyber's eyes looked at Schiff again, his voice softening:
"And a...qualified husband, maybe like me, becomes a qualified father."
Saul walked towards Cyber, step by step. The latter sat in a chair and looked at him. When the distance between the two was 5 meters, Cyber ​​said:
"This distance is enough, if you intend to pierce my heart with your lightning, this distance is the most powerful!"
"Kill him! Brother, kill him!"
Hella stood up excitedly and looked at Sol: "Kill him, everything will end!"
Little Tick jumped out of Saber's arms. He stretched out his hand and wiped out. Two dark red daggers appeared in the child's hands. Between the blades shaking, the space was broken. His small face was full of pretend The fierceness that came out roared towards Sol like a lion:
"Don't hurt my dad!"
"No, the war... is over."
Saul shook his head. He looked at Little Titch. He sighed and closed his eyes: "War, there will always be a loser..."
The king knelt on one knee, his hands spread open, and a reshaped judgment gun appeared in his hands in the throb of lightning, and he raised it high:
"Overlord Cyber ​​Hawk, Asgard admits defeat, we will surrender to you today...please help us repel the Xinghai Zerg that besieged us and rescue our people..."
Cyber ​​looked at Thor, who had completely lost his hostility in front of him. He did not immediately pick up the scepter. He turned his head to look at an angry Hella. He said softly:
"Does the Kings of the Two Kings rule? Is Sol alone?"
"Don't expect me to surrender to you!"
Hella gritted her teeth and looked at Cyber ​​with a hateful look:
"Death will never give in..."
"is it?"
Saber pouted, and the phantom of the Black Dead Emperor appeared behind him. Under the dark hood, a flash of cold light flashed away. At the next moment, the fierce Hella, like a weak patient, collapsed on the ground, Shepherd was picked up again.
"You! What did you do to me!!!"
Hella didn’t even have the power to lift her finger. She could only look at Cyber ​​with anger and send out a weak roar. In the face of this roar, Cyber ​​would reach out and try to reach out to touch Tic of Sol’s Judgment Gun. Retrieving his arms, he whispered:
"I just, took away your proud death... that's all."
Cyber ​​reached out and picked up the scepter of God in Thor's hand, the spear of judgment. He stood in front of Thor and pressed his scepter against his shoulder:
"In the name of Overlord, from today, Sol Odinson, I declare that you will be the only and eternal king of Asgard... Asgard will become a part of human civilization, and you. .. you will also be eligible to enter the Supreme Council of the Union for the Survival of Humanity, on behalf of your people, to ask for the help of the civilization of the earth. I believe they will not refuse..."
"And you, Hella... your madness makes you unsuitable to be a king, your throne is forfeited!"
Saibo threw the gun of the trial to Saul. He turned away with a small curious face still curious. At the moment the door closed, he said softly:
"This is the last kindness I gave you, Hella... there won't be another time. As for you, Sol... if you really understand the final arrangements and expectations of Odin and Queen Friega , Then welcome back..."
"I would love to have a drink with you..."
This made Saul couldn't help but leaned over his head. After a few minutes, the door of the box was pushed open again, and he got rid of his father's little Titch probe and looked at Saul in the box. Suddenly, with a smile, he held a trial gun and beckoned to Little Tic:
"Little Titch Cyberson!"
"Huh? What? Uncle God King?"
Ticky looked up, and saw that Thor handed him the trial gun in his hand. The latter reached out and patted on his head:
"You like it, right? Then it's for you...your father is a hero, and I am a loser...I still don't deserve his friendship. In short, you are welcome to come to Aska next time Be a will become a VIP of God Realm."
Queen Hive also reached out and pinched Little Ticky's cheek. She kissed the child on the forehead and whispered:
"Perhaps our soon-to-be-born child, the next king chosen by heaven, can be like Saul and your father, and eventually become good friends."
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