Chapter 732: Ask the sword high

When the colorful glazed sword light left the Ascension City, and once again broke through the sky, and left the world directly, the entire Ascension City was silent for a moment, then the city was full of uproar, the lights were on, countless sword repairs Leaving the house in a hurry and looking up, could Ning Yao soar through the border? !
Chen's mansion on Taixiang Street, renamed Chen Ji's old old sword immortal Chen Xi, is now a teenager's face, originally walking in the corridor night tour, just the first person who discovered the vision, Chen Ji currently has his true identity and realm They are all hidden, so they still follow a close-knit maid behind them, as an optional way of blocking eyes. In fact, every year in this flying city, Chen Ji is one step closer to Chen Xi, the former sword swordsman, so "boy" Behind the swordsmaid, the maid who was the deceased, was farther away from death, and then closer to the height of Kendo.
Chen Ji sighed, feeling that Ning Yao sacrificed this fairy sword, a little earlier, there would be hidden dangers. Otherwise, wait until the refining is completed, in order to break the bottleneck of the fairyland, and enter the soaring state. The most suitable thing is that although Chen Ji is not clear why Ning Yao did so, since Ning Yao chose to act in such a risky manner, I believe that she has her own Of course, Chen Ji certainly would n’t go to the point and draw a reason, so as to reason with Feishengcheng Dayi and Ning Yao who was only temporarily holding the position of a hermit. In the past, Chen Ji, as the former head of the Chen family, Chen Qingdu ’s most important line of incense In addition, it is not such a small belly, and now Chen Ji is not enough. Looking for Ning Yao? Ask the sword? Find it.
Then Chen Ji frowned, not only he and his maid, but almost all sword repairs disturbed by the vision, found that Ning Yao, who was wearing a snow-white robe, and the negative sword Yujian left Feisheng City, it seemed that they wanted to travel somewhere.
The fair-looking young maidservant couldn't help but whisper: "Beauty is like a jade sword like a rainbow, and man and sword light are beautiful."
In the past, the top tyrants of Taixiang Street and Yuhu Street often cultivated female sword waiters with a few sword fairy embryos. They were extremely kind and treated in the future.
This very good-quality maidservant, named Yanqi, was given the surname Chen.
Chen Yanqiu has long admired Ning Yao. I always feel that women in the world, like Ning Yao, are really beautiful.
Ning Yao's trip to the mountains and rivers without warning was still wearing a golden robe, and he stepped on a long sword. The long sword hidden in the sword box was named Jian Xian.
Chen Ji had intended to match her up with Chen Sanqiu in her early years, but Chen Sanqiu couldn't always forget that Dong, and Chen Ji lost his mind.
Chen Ji's expression was solemn, "Ning Yao deliberately stayed away from Ascension City. To entice those ancient existences to take this opportunity to siege herself, she must cut the cause and effect so that many roads that have arisen for her will win, and no one will fall on the head of Ascension City on."
Ning Yao can't be stopped from leaving the city, and he can't help the first half.
Chen Ji laughed and said: "The state is not enough, do you really want to drink together?"
Chen Ji deliberately slowed down the break through the borders these years, so it hasn't been long before he was among Yuanying's, otherwise he was among the five realms too early, and the movements are too great, so it is difficult for him to hide his identity. In today's bleak days, Chen Ji wants to spend more than a few years. Anyway, until this skin bladder reaches the age of the weak crown, it will be late to go out again. Just look at the growth of young people such as Qi Shou and Gao Yehou. Within a hundred years, Chen Ji was unwilling to restore his "Chen Xi" status.
Chen Yanqiu was a little curious about whether the sword light was the legendary flying sword that Ning Yao never sacrificed easily, and cut the fairy.
Chen Ji was a little curious about whether the sage of the Confucian Temple, now sitting in the sky, could not stop the fairy sword from being "naive" and could only avoid its sharp edge, or did not even think about it at all.
This is important. Seeing the Weizhi book, this involves the true attitude of the Middle-earth Confucian Temple to Feishengcheng, whether it has been in accordance with a certain agreement, and is not bound by Jianxiu.
In the end, the sacred saint is just watching the wall, and is only responsible for monitoring a brand new world. At the same time, in accordance with the rules of the ceremonies, he also monitors a soaring city and records the merits of the world. It is generally guarded against all sword repairs. This is what Chen Ji cares most about. If it is the former, the Ascension City a hundred years later is willing to treat Confucianism with courtesy, and it is completely clear of the grudges of the world. If it is the latter, Chen Ji Don't mind asking Chen Tianmu as Chen Xi in the future.
As long as it is a sword repair, who hasn't got a temper?
Chen Ji suddenly asked with a smile: "Yuan Qian, do you think our adult bureaucrat is beside Ning Yao, dare to say a few heavy words, can you be like a big master?"
Chen Yanwei thought for a moment and replied: "In the early years, outside Ningfu's gate, Ning Yao seemed to actually follow the master of the hidden official. As for returning home, the slave-maid estimated that our master of the hidden official was hardly heroic. Listen It is said that every time the hermit has drunk alcohol in his shop, it will be like a thief at the entrance of Ningfu, and I do n’t know the true or false. Anyway, it is the same on the wine table in the city. What ’s more, there is a poetry The drunkard said in a stern way, patting his chest to ensure that he saw the hidden officer, and he came home late one night, knocked on the door for a long time, no one opened the door, and did not dare to , he kindly accompanied the hidden officer to sit together At dawn, whenever he thinks about it afterwards, he will make a bitter tear for Master Hermit. "
Chen Jiqi smiled and said: "In the past, the wine table atmosphere of Jianqi Great Wall was so simple. When the two readers came, they began to become unsightly and unsightly."
Chen Yanqiu hesitated and said, "Actually, the slave-servant misses Master Yinguan more."
Chen Jixiao asked: "Do you think Chen Ping's brain is better?"
Chen Yanqiu shook his head and said: "The slave-servant just felt that the hermit was a human being and was calm, so no one else had to worry about making mistakes."
Chen Ji nodded, "Correct solution."
Ning Yao took the sword alone and went back to the "sword" monument standing on the easternmost part of Feisheng City.
Her sword is extremely fast, and it's like a fairy. The sword looks like a mountain and river magical power. The sword breaks through the sea of ​​clouds. During the period, it passed through a thundercloud with lightning. When it was close to it, it was completely crushed by Ning Yao. broken.
Putting the sword into the box and falling next to the stone tablet, Ning Yao leaned back on the stone tablet and began to close his eyes and raise his mind.
Ning Yao made the nearby Ascension City Jianxiu evacuate immediately with his heart, trying to get closer to Ascension City.
Dozens of sword repairs greeted each other, and then without hesitation, the royal swords left here one after another.
It didn't take long for Ning Yao to sacrifice the "naive" sword, and the Confucian saints sitting in the sky had already noticed that something was wrong, so instead of stopping the immense journey of the fairy sword, he immediately communicated to the Chinese Temple of Literature.
The world is everywhere, the vision is surging, the earth is shaking, many grounds are arched, and mountains are suddenly collapsed and broken. A long-standing ancient ancient body has a huge shape, just like a huge who has degraded the world and has been convicted and punished. Finally, they had the opportunity to make up for the merits. After they got up, they stepped on one foot and stepped on the ridge on the spot, creating a canyon. These long-standing ancient existences were slightly slow at first, but they only waited until a pair like a deep pool. His eyes became golden, and he immediately regained his divine glory.
In addition, there are several bleak abyss Daze, there are also a few majestic postures to see the sky, wrapped in a majestic mountain and river luck, with a breath, you can swallow a thousand miles of heaven and earth aura, even The water transport swallowed into the abdomen together, instantaneously dried up Daze and dried up the trees,
In the midst of death, this ancient existence that either slept soundly or chose to watch with cold eyes is now invariably clear. If there is another hundred years of silence and inaction, it can only be put to rest, killed by the neck, and eventually it must be killed by those outsiders. Beheaded, expelled, or detained, and among the outsiders, the woman sword repairer with a bit of familiar breath on her body is the most damn, but the strong breath with a natural overwhelming force makes most people dormant everywhere The ancient remnants of the ancient world are all fearful, but when that fairy sword "innocent" travels far and wide in the world, and then can't bear to kill this person, she must completely cut off her way! This person must not be allowed to successfully become the first ascending monk between heaven and earth!
In the south of the world, the monks of Tongyezhou had to evacuate far from the land of right and wrong.
Fate, or some so-called deserving people who have been in high positions, are deduced and laughed. At the same time, a group of monks who finally created the prototype of Xianfu Mountain was almost desperate. In fact, the casualties of the monks were not large. Most of them were some ants in the five realms, but the newly built ancestral hall was received by an inexplicable behemoth. A horizontal arm waved and shattered at will. In addition, hundreds of miles of heaven, earth, aura and mountains and rivers were all condensed by it and moved together.
It's just that on the way of migration, a pair of golden eyes stared at a haunting hill with hazy light and strong luck. It changed the route slightly, ran away, and stepped heavily on it, but failed to crush the mountain and water array method. There is no longer too much entanglement, just glanced at a young monk who looked up at it and continued to fly on the ground. Thousands of tall and burly figures step on the ground step by step, and every time they land, they will cause a thunderous burst of thunder.
The immortal hilltop of Xianfu, one of the ten young candidates in the world, was a supernatural platform built by Liu Xiazhou monk Shu Sunstroke.
I just don't know why it was the fifth world that came from the gate of Tongyezhou. If it wasn't for the diary report that leaked the celestial machine, nobody knew he was the young master of Liuxiazhou Tianyudongtian.
A black-clad scholar opened the folding fan in his hand and stood side by side with Shu heatstroke. He smiled and said: "Brother Shu, in fact, we can stop it. It's a big opportunity, and the water will not flow out of the field. Brother Shu and I joined hands. It also has a favorable geographical position, and the odds are not small. Once it succeeds, the reward is great. Tian Yu will not be blamed. "
Shu Zhongshu, who wears a robe with a robe like a gorgeous sunset, smiled and said: "I don't believe this but Brother Chen Wen, I'm worried that if one is not careful, the transcendent platform will make wedding clothes for others."
"Chen Wen" from Luju, Beiju, folded the bamboo fan, tapped his heart gently, turned his head to look at the distant figure of the ancient existence, his eyes were full of loss, as if watching a fairy Qianxijian pass by Unable to keep it, the young scholar said sadly: "If you don't accept it, you will be suspicious. The brother Shu is not heroic enough. It is my good brother who is here, to ensure that both parties will talk and laugh tonight and sit on the ground to divide the spoil.
Shu Sunstroke asked: "Good brother? Brother Chen Wen seems to value this person?"
Chen Wen nodded and said, "Both fight side by side, make money together, and fight with each other. In short, they are both enemies and friends. I met very well, but in the end, I was still very good. The good man was a defeat for half of my men. "
Shu Zhongshu smiled and said: "I don't think so."
Chen Wen knocked his face lightly with a folding fan and complained: "Kindly warn Brother Shu that there is a custom in our Luju, Beiju, to beat people to death, don't hit your face."
Shu Zhongshu raised his head and smiled: "What a Taiping Mountain female sword fairy."
It turned out that between the two people's talks, among the native monks of Tongyezhou, only one female crown chased away with the sword. Yujian passed the edge of the detached platform boundary, and finally stopped the way of the ancient remnant.
Compared to the Tongyezhou monk who was good at escaping from trouble, the northern part of the world where Fuyao monk lived in a group was led by a man with imperial demeanor. Guan Huangting is generally the same, forcibly dragging an ancient remnant. It's just that Huang Ting, who broke into the Jade Plain here, is purely bored, looking for a fight. As for Fuyaozhou, a pure warrior wearing a big frost treasure armor, it is to make money and make a fortune.
In the west of the world, a young monk with one hand holding a bowl and a tin rod in hand, and gently fell to the ground, detained an ancient remnant in a lotus world.
The young monk looked down, and in the palm of his hand, the blossoms of the thumb were as small as a mustard seed. The ancient remnant was as small as a mustard seed, and it was turning in vain. It was still in vain, but it caused only a little ripple.
To the east, a young female crown in the Xuandu Guanxian vein meets two half-year-old monks in the middle of the palace and joins forces to hunt down one of the ancient remnants.
Even so, there are still four fish in the net that have come to the "Sword" monument.
Ning Yao had been waiting for a long time. Before that, no one was around. She played the hopscotch over and over again, but she was still bored. She squatted on the ground, found a pile of stones of the same size, and flipped her hands over and over again. , Play with gravel.
Just waiting for Ning Yao to notice the traces of those ancient remnants, he stood up immediately, and the existence that was the first to be near the sword inscription seemed to be in touch with the remaining three remnants, and did not rush to act until the four giant behemoths each occupied one side Just happened to besiege the stone tablet, and they slowly walked towards the Ning Yao who lost the innocent fairy sword temporarily.
Ning Yao encircled himself by them, just tapping his toes and kicking the stones out.
She glanced casually at one of the ancient remnants, which had to be thousands of Chen Ping, who had just practiced boxing?
Ning Yao's mouth twitched slightly, and she was quickly pressed down by her again.
She raised her hand, and a fairy sword came out of the sheath and was out of the box. Ning Yao held it in her hand.
At the same time, there is no need to ask one of the innocent flying swords with the "naive" sword, and cut down the immortals.
Instantly pierced the head of an ancient remnant, the latter seemed to be suspended by a slender thread.
Slashing the Immortal casts very fast. The entire ancient remnants are like being imprisoned by swords and silk threads. As long as they struggle a little, they will tear out countless huge scars.
Ning Yao Yinshen traveled far away, holding a sword fairy.
A shrinking land like a monk in Ascension Realm, a supernatural power, a small figure suddenly appeared in front of the thousands of tall ancient remnants, she held the sword in both hands, and a sword light cut diagonally.
At the same time, on the earth, the subtle sword blazes up like clouds and mist, and the land is thousands of miles away, as if in the white clouds.
High in the sky, the clouds gathered like a sea, and they fell slowly.
There is no such thing as a small world.
A remnant of an injustice smashed with his arms, Jin Guang lingered all over his body, Pang Ran's body was still falling like a sword in the sea of ​​clouds, fighting with his arms and Jin Guang against those solidified sword lights.
The huge body that was cut into two halves by a sword light of Ning Yao Yin God, the golden melt was like the blood of a monk who was involved in the process, dragging each other and wrapping up to make up for the wound.
Sword Immortal Slashed again and again, compared to other battlefields, orderly slashing the immortal sword gas cage, an immortal soldier rank long sword dragged out hundreds of thousands of sword lights, there is no rule at all.
Fight against the enemy purely with sword repairs and great lethality.
Ning Yao showed a thousand-faced figure wearing a golden robe. Yufeng left the sword stele, holding a long sword formed by the sword gas, one sword cut off the head of an ancient remnant, and another sword was nailed into the head. , The who lost his head temporarily slammed and fell back, stepped on Ning Yao Faxiang ’s foot, and then shook his wrist to penetrate the long sword that ran through the head of the survivor, and pierced the ancient survivor again, like the headless body Take the lead.
Ning Yao Faxiang crushed one arm of Ning Yao Faxiang, and the other arm tried to break Ning Yao Faxiang's ankle. Ning Yao bent over and grabbed Yu Ning's wrist. He pulled it hard and threw it away.
As for Ning Yao ’s true body, which remains in place, the real enemy of this fight is not the ancient remnants of these four statues that are difficult to be truly killed, but the celestial disaster that is slowly forming.
They want to suppress Ning Yao with a world disaster caused by the fairy who broke the bottleneck while the fairy sword was innocent.
Ning Yao Zhen, who seemed to have nothing to do, just stood on the spot, quietly waiting for the catastrophe. From the beginning, she made the worst plan, even if the "naive" could rush back to the battlefield, It is very likely that she will deliberately slow down the return speed, so that when her Ningyao Avenue is damaged, she will find a chance to reverse her identity and become a sword master from the sword waiter.
Ning Yao doesn't think that the sword spirit that looks like a stubborn girl can succeed, it is worthy of the name naive, really naive.
The four ancient remnants seem to be unable to get close to Ning Yao ’s true body, but in fact, Ning Yao is also difficult to cut
After being killed, there is always a resurgence. There are countless large and small golden rivers and streams in a thousand miles, and then in a flash, the golden body can be reshaped, and then Ning Yao's fate sword will cut the fairy and the sword. Qi Yunhai, Ning Yao Faxiang, and Ning Yao Yin God holding sword immortals shattered their bodies one by one.
This is the only crux of Jianxiu, either flying swords or sword spirits, which are extremely deadly, and they are the best in the world, but they are the only ones who are afraid of the sword falling.
If there are several excellent magical skills, or similar means to isolate the world, the golden blood symbolizing the root of the avenue will be detained separately, or refined on the spot, this fight will end earlier.
Because of the golden blood flowing like rivers on the earth, Ning Yao Feijian and Jianqi are sharp, even if they can be cut and smashed at will, but as a "basic thing of the golden body of the gods", which is more refined than the spirit of heaven and earth, it can never be like ordinary. As far as the enemy is concerned, as long as the Feijian cave penetrates the body and soul of the opponent, you can linger the sword in the small world of the human body, and smash the monks one by one like the heavenly blessing cave.
However, if there is no sky-trigger that becomes more and more obvious, even if the two parties continue to consume according to this situation in the long run, one will damage the golden body and the other will consume the mind and spirit, Ning Yao still has a greater chance of winning.
Because the golden blood that seems to fit the heaven and earth avenue, even if the flying sword does not damage the slightest weight, but the ancient remnants want to gather together to reshape the gold body, there will be a congenital loss.
These four ancient remnants are obviously very different from the ones that Ning Yao killed earlier. Those that existed before will not be so difficult to kill.
Ning Yao looked up, and there seemed to be a golden halo hanging in the sky, like a golden eye of an ancient high god, staring at himself.
On the earth, the four ancient remnants of the ancient world melted like snow, and turned into a whole sea of ​​golden blood. Finally, a tall golden stood up in a flash, and a round of golden halo, like the law of later generations. Baolun just hangs behind the who restores his true appearance.
Then on the arm of the deity, the avenue emerged, each with a golden dragon and python.
The gods overlook the world.
Jian Xiu asked Jian Tianting.
Ning Yao raised his head high and looked directly at the who finally stopped hiding his identity.
According to the secret archives of the Summer Palace, among the twelve high-ranking gods in the ancient times, the armored person has a single-eyed person, who is responsible for rewarding and punishing the world's genus Jiaolong and the aquatic fairy. Hualong Chi and Dragon Slashing Platform.
This high-level deity damaged on the ancient battlefield in the ancient battlefield, after the fifth world has been silent for thousands of years, is not only repairing the avenue, but also slowly matching with the Heaven and Earth Avenue, so it is the Heavenly Tribulation itself.
No wonder it is so hard to kill.
No wonder Bai did not use a sword to kill this remnant, because it was already a part of the world.
At this moment, without asking a sword, it is not Ning Yao.
She has long been aware of all existence related to the true dragon, whether it is far or near, whether it is a person or not, who has spoken but not spoken, Ning Yao has not been pleasing to the eye for a long time.
Destiny Flying Sword Sword Immortal hovering over Ning Yao's shoulder side, Yin Shen Guiqiao, Ning Yao wearing Jin Li, holding Jian Xian.
At this moment, Ning Yao narrowed his eyes, somewhat surprised.
First a sword light broke through the sky, and the destination seemed to be near the flying city.
Then a more complete snow-white sword light broke through the sky, and a straight line passed through the head of the god. The sword light became clearer and clearer. It was a little girl in snow-white clothes, but just passed by. , Snow white clothes were wrapped with countless fine golden silk threads, she was dizzy and drunk, slurred and squeaked, and then swayed, and finally the whole person fell onion and slammed into Ning Yao. The ground at the feet.
The ancient deity that once again damaged the avenue disappeared silently and left.
Ning Yao didn't hesitate to wait until he ascended.
She bent down, "naive" the sword spirit of the little girl's figure, just like pulling a radish, and pulled the little girl out.
Ning Yao asked: "How to say?"
The little girl sat cross-legged on the ground with her arms around her chest and her cheeks screamed: "Don't say."
Soaring into the city.
A young Confucian scholar who had traveled so far found the spitting Zheng shopkeeper at the wine shop, and Bi Gongbi Jing said: "Zhao Yao met Mr. Zheng."
Today, the wine shop business is booming, thanks to Ning girl's sacrifice sword and long-distance travel, the noisy city is all looking for wine and drink.
Zheng Dafeng got up with a smile, "It's gratifying."
Zhao Yao nodded gently, without denying the great chance.
Young looks, but the real age is already four.
Zheng Dafeng was actually the earliest in Lizhudongtian janitor. Among many children, he was the most optimistic about Zhao Yao. When Zhao Yao left Lilizhudongtian in a bullock cart, Zheng Dafeng had a few words with Zhao Yi.
Every time when Zheng Dafeng went to the school, he often talked to Mr. Qi about teaching. Zhao Yao was watching the game, and occasionally poured wine for "Mr. Zheng".
Zheng Dafeng and Zhao Nao put their shoulders together, "Zhao Nao, beautiful girl here, you come late and leave you not much. Uncle Zheng helps you choose a few, the surname is very famous, where you live, Fang Ling a few, temperament Anyway, the level is high and there is everything. I compiled this booklet and sold it to my friends to collect the money. Your kid will be fine. Just patronize my wine shop business. If you sit here, the readers are the most popular, especially young Promising and good-looking, Uncle Zheng, I just ate a little bit of the loss of my age, otherwise I wouldn't be able to turn to you. "
Zhao Yao smiled bitterly: "Mr. Zheng, don't make fun of your juniors."
Zheng Dafeng said in a serious way: "How to make fun of such big events, such as spreading leaves and spreading incense?"
The Taibai sword body, one of the four fairy swords, is divided into four, and is divided into four.
Chen Ping'an. Liu Cai, Fei Ran, Zhao You.
The blade with the most lethality, the blade with the most sword energy, and the heaviest hilt, carry the remaining half of the blade inherited by Baiye swordsmanship.
In the end, there are four young people, one for each.
Zheng Da's shopkeeper squeezed two acquainted drunks with his ass, dragged Zhao Yao to sit at a wine table, and asked for two bowls of the best and most expensive wine in the shop.
Zheng Dafeng asked softly, "Why are you here?"
Zhao Yao laughed: "I'm more curious about this new world, there is no special reason."
Zheng Dafeng sighed lightly. Forget it. There is no three hundred and two silvers in this place. This kind of silver grabs the heart.
After drinking a bowl of wine, Zhao Yao suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance. He left and left Zheng Dafeng.
Zhao Yao seemed to wander casually to the door of a street.
Ning Yao Yujian is extremely fast, and uses a blind eye method, because there is a little girl sitting behind him.
After landing at the gate of Ningfu, Ning Yao put his sword into the box, and the little girl sat on the ground.
Ning Yao walked up the stairs, and the little girl had to stand up and follow Ning Yao.
Zhao Yao thought she would take a look at himself, and he just said hello, never thinking that the woman was just unaware, Zhao Yao had to cry out, "Girl Ning."
Ning Yao stopped and turned to ask, "Are you?"
Zhao Yao laughed: "Li Zhudongtian, Zhao You."
Ning Yao asked: "Then?"
Zhao Yao was speechless and was about to speak. I saw the strange little girl who did n’t know her identity. She pulled on Ning Yao ’s sleeves and said naively:
Mother, our father lived well. Taibai's sword tip, mother, you have a discussion with your father, will I be the dowry in the future? "
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