Chapter 288: My turn

At that time, Fang Yun actually froze for a while. It stands to reason that he should launch an offensive as soon as possible, bombarded and bombarded, and then get the big guy.
But because the opponent's appearance was a bit beyond his expectations, and in addition, some of his skills in such a deep sea could not come in handy. Just when he hesitated, the giant Melville whale went away.
It is not a pity that the creatures in this ocean are quite rich, so that he does not have to worry about the issue of biological energy.
The species here are basically huge versions of the creatures on the "Blue Star", crabs as big as round tables, deep-sea lobsters several meters long, octopuses and squids are also very common, basically more than ten meters .
Fang Yun's body runs unscrupulous in the deep sea, which is different from the "Blue Star". The sea here has light even on the bottom of the sea.
Of course, this light does not come from the sun, but the plankton on the sea floor. The body of these creatures will emit light. Many places on the sea floor have light because of the existence of this plankton.
This plankton is a bit like a parasite. They will be swallowed by some fish and shrimp. When these fish and shrimp die, they will drill out of the other's body.
This is Fang Yun's conclusion based on these days of observation.
He saw the corpses of many small fish, glowing all over, and then from them, there were strips of adult worms.
These adult worms are also glowing all over, and then attract larger levels of swimming fish to devour them.
The bottom of this planet is also very deep, and the deepest place has more than 20,000 meters-where Fang Yun has currently observed.
The bottom of the sea is not as silent as on the Blue Star. Large monsters live on the bottom of the sea, like the giant Melville whale.
"Unfortunately, the Kaiju beasts in this world are in a state of strict control."
Fang Yun learned on the Internet that those Kaiju beasts were the products of the original owner of the planet. Now the Blue Star people are also studying Kaiju beasts, but they are only studying the seventh-level Kaiju beasts.
However, there is no answer on the Internet as to whether a seven-level Kaiju beast has been created.
In fact, there is very little news about Kaiju on the Internet. This thing seems to be the ultimate weapon of the Blue Star people, and it is in a state of strict confidentiality.
Now the Blue Star is a subject. There are no enemies. The enemy's words are those monsters on the old soil and some powerful creatures in the "Forbidden Area".
"Speaking of it, what are there in the" Forbidden Area "?"
Fang Yun swallowed those huge crabs, while thinking about it in his heart, he directly suffocated, occasionally chewed twice with his teeth, crab yellow splash.
There are a lot of discussions on the "restricted area" on the Internet. Some people say that there is a certain magnetic field in the "restricted area", and some people say that there is a certain terrorist monster inside the "restricted area".
Fang Yun also wants to go to the "Forbidden Area" to see. After all, curiosity is the nature of all intelligent creatures.
But his mind was still sober, knowing that it was not time for him to go for a ride in the "restricted area".
About seven days later, Fang Yun began to rush back to the deserted island before, and I don't know how the big turtle's injury was.
It has been half a month since they came to Earth Star. With the resilience of sea turtles, they should have recovered almost.
When returning to the big turtle, Fang Yun browsed the web in a place where there was an Internet connection. His favorite place was a website called "Dog Putter".
A lot of sand sculpture netizens spoke very happy above. He likes it very much, and he found that he can post.
"It's finally my turn. I became a python. What do you want to ask me?"
This is a post published by Fang Yun on the forum. After he posted it, he didn't care anymore. After reopening the post, he found that there were a lot more replies.
"Nothing to ask. Before you became a python, I was already a python."
"Do you know Xiao Yan?"
"What the landlord said is true, I was killed by him."
"The dead will not lie, so what the upstairs and the landlord said is true."
Fang Yun looked down and felt more and more happy. Some people pretended to be a mantra and asked what Fang Yun was like now, and said that if he felt uncomfortable in the wild, he could go and treat him as a pet snake.
Fang Yun replied a few replies at will, and then hurried on, mainly because he is now closer to the island where the sea turtle is located.
By this time, Fang Yun could see the round back of a big turtle lying quietly on the island.
It seemed that he felt Fang Yun's approach, and the big turtle raised his head, then howled at Fang Yun.
At this moment, his sturdy limbs began to move slowly, the sickle-like toes were deeply inserted into the ground, and then pulled out again, leaving a deep trace.
The sea turtle entered the water and quickly swam to Fang Yun's side, whirling around him.
Fang Yun observed the situation of the sea turtle. The turtle shell still had cracks, but the situation was much better than before.
In this way, it is possible to carry out free activities.
Fang Yun was also very happy. He could finally go hunting farther away, and with the big turtle, he began to go far away.
After Fang Yun left the unnamed desert island, the human world really boiled because of the annual game of beasts.
Not only those prosperous places, even remote areas, but also excited by the arrival of this activity.
The contestants in this event are all based on the fleet. A fleet must have at least five ships, and they are all large ships of hundreds of meters in length.
It can be a floating big ship, it can also be a regular ship, and even a submarine can participate.
Up to now, suspension ships, submarines and other things have been put into civilian use. After all, the current situation of the earth star is very different from that of the blue star.
These things are not key technologies.
On the seventh day when Fang Yun and the big turtle left ~ ~ A hundred-meter-long ship broke down on the island where they stopped.
This is a civilian vessel, but also a fishing boat.
The boat encountered a problem and needed repairs, and then the fishermen began to take action.
The children above should be the children of the fishermen.
Unable to stay on the boat, they ran towards the island and ran half a circle along the beach. One of the boys suddenly stopped suddenly, staring at his opposite side with wide eyes, yelling in his mouth: "Look, what's over there?"
A total of three little boys and two girls came down with him. After hearing his yelling, they all looked in the direction of his fingers.
PS: Thank you for the 100 coins of Jingyuanxin
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