Chapter 363: Warhammer

The news about Fang Yun and the sea turtle still spread. There are always people who can't control their mouths, and some people quietly sell this news to others after learning the inside information.
But the people who first got the news were the most prepared.
Five days later, large troops began to depart. On the side of the Z-32 gathering area, a dozen teams set off from the port and galloped into space.
All of these dozen teams are heading towards the area where Fang Yun and the turtle are located.
This incident not only set off heat in the Z-32 gathering area, but also dedicated personnel broadcast the incident by radio or television signals.
This type of communication uses a special method of communication, which has the characteristics of instantaneousness, so there is no need to worry about the distance. The result is that the TV signal can only be received after thousands of years.
Of course, this technology can only be used in more lively places, because the communication distance is too far, it will cause the signal to weaken.
Therefore, multiple signal towers are usually established in an area. These signal towers strengthen the signal immediately after receiving the signal, and then continue to transmit the signal.
Because of such a reason, this method of communication can only prevail in such a lively area. It is useless to build so many signal towers in remote areas, and the cost cannot come back.
The Z-32 gathering area has a lot of people moving towards Fang Yun and the sea turtle activity. There are also more people paying attention to this hunting activity.
"Damn, it's best to capture this ancient starry beast, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out here in a while."
In a cell, Randall looked forward to seeing the relevant news, caught the horror python, and confirmed that the guy was just a starry ancient beast, thus proving that he was not controlled by the pathogen.
Otherwise, he must stay here for a few years, or even a dozen years.
In space, Fang Yun and the sea turtle wandered quietly. Occasionally, they saw a meteorite lying in front of them, and then Fang Yun bombarded with a laser, blasting the meteorite into several large pieces.
He didn't know yet that there was a team currently coming towards the area where he was, the purpose was to hunt him and the big turtle.
There are a total of 21 fleets coming here.
Thirteen teams of gold diggers, including Roger and their team behind the big team, as well as seven large company hunting teams and a fleet of Tianhe Empire.
The distance between these twenty-one teams in space is actually very far apart, but compared to the entire empty space, it seems very close.
"Damn, the Tianhe Empire actually took out their star destroyer."
In the lonely space, two huge spaceships moved forward quietly. In the command room of the spaceship in front, one-eyed Roger scolded uncomfortably.
The best result of this incident is that the team that went to catch the giant python and giant tortoise all returned without success. They seriously injured the two giant beasts, but let the other party escape.
Then the two spaceships picked up cheaply behind them.
But when he saw the dispatched team, one-eyed Roger knew that this time his plan was about to fail.
Needless to say other teams, but the Tianhe Empire dispatched a star destroyer, plus three more ordinary interplanetary fighters.
Although the Star Destroyer is only a victory class, the turbo laser gun on it is very powerful, much more powerful than the turbo laser guns on these ordinary space ships.
In short, let the star destroyer of the Tianhe Empire encounter the two terrifying star beasts. The latter must have nowhere to escape, and can only be killed by a good boy.
Of course, he didn't know that Fang Yun had killed a star destroyer early on, even though that was in cooperation with the Great Will.
The Star Destroyer of the Tianhe Empire also did not know that their goal had killed one of their colleagues this time, and they were full of confidence when carrying out their mission this time.
"Mr. Major, this time our target is suspected of two pathogens. You should promise Major Boll to let him come with us."
Inside the rest cabin of the Star Wars Victory Warhammer Starship, Ms. Kerville looked at the captain in front of him, feeling a little helpless.
At the age of seventy-eight, Redick was a very young character in a combat system like the Star Destroyer Team. However, because of his noble background, he was promoted to a major at this age and has his own Starship.
"My first officer."
Redick, who was drinking black tea, put down the cup and looked at the Bohr in front of him, "You all said, it is just suspected, if it is not a pathogen, two ordinary star beasts, and I need to cooperate with another guy to cope with the enemy. Well, this is really ridiculous. "
"Mr. Keville, I hope you remember that the El family is a family with countless legends and empire glory, and I come from there. The pride of the El family does not allow me to do such a timid thing."
"What's more, what about the two pathogens?"
"Warhammer will blow them up, maybe you can think about it in your mind at this time, and when we bring back the fruits of victory, what kind of celebration party will come."
Redick stood up and walked over to the command room indiscriminately. He was fed up with his cowardly first officer.
"If it wasn't for the empire's arrangement, who would need such a mate?"
Redick shrugged. "Look, how much I love the empire. I have such a deputy by my side, and I have never complained to the empire. I have always maintained the elegance and courtesy that nobles deserve."
Arriving in the command room, Redick began to question the corresponding staff.
"How about, should we enter the target area?"
He looked at a display on the side and said, "Have you detected any special energy fluctuations?"
"Mr. Captain."
A staff member in front of Redick replied: "For the time being, we have not detected any unusual energy fluctuations, maybe we can move towards ..."
The staff member was about to make suggestions, but at this time, a "beep" alarm sounded suddenly from the sound of the instrument in front of him.
"Mr. Captain, there is an abnormal energy signal!"
The atmosphere in the entire command room suddenly became tense, and everyone began to stare at the instrument in front of them.
Xavier in the rest cabin also came over, his face full of dignity.
Redick's heart was also tense. The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the prestige of the pathogen have been spread all over the world. Even if he is arrogant and arrogant, he will be nervous when he is about to face a real pathogen .
But he is the easiest one, and he is still a little excited in his heart, because if both pathogens are caught by him, he can get a lot of military merit.
In addition, even two ordinary catastrophe-level beasts are very valuable.
But when he thought about this, he forgot to give the order. The following Keville looked anxiously and couldn't help saying: "Everyone is ready, ready to attack immediately!"
"In addition, notify the hunter fleet to respond to attacks at any time."
And after hearing the orders of Kevier, Redick suddenly turned to his face, his face was ugly, he couldn't help turning his head and complained: "Kevier, I know what to do, you shouldn't give me orders at this time. . "
After saying this, he repeated angrily before Redick's previous orders, and ordered: "Warhammer rushed to the forefront, as soon as he encountered a pathogen, he would beat me fiercely."
"Oh, open the holographic picture, I want to record this scene."
At that time, this picture will be the capital he won at a certain party for the group of noble ladies cheering for him.
"Master Captain, you should order them to open the shield as soon as possible, not attack."
At this time, Redick behind him whispered a whisper.
The moment the two sides encounter, it is possible that the other side will attack. Although the star destroyer in kilometers is more flexible than the spaceship, it still looks inadequate in front of disaster-level star beasts or pathogens.
The tactic required at this time is to open the shield in advance, use the larger star destroyer to attract the attention of the opposite side, use this method to inform the opponent, and fight here.
After the shield is turned on, even if it is attacked by the other party, there will be no problem.
At the same time, the flexible fighter group dispersedly outflanked ~ ~ to harass opponents.
Next, the star destroyer closed the shield and launched an assault on the enemy.
However, although he was kind, Reddick in front did not appreciate it. His expression froze, turning around again at the next moment and roaring towards Kvir:
"Kevil, how many times do I have to say, I am the captain!"
"Don't give me orders instead."
"You really should learn this course of interpersonal communication. Your unreasonable behavior can't bear an elegant and polite nobleman."
After scolding him towards Redville, Redick turned around, and then reiterated the previous statement that Redville gave him to the staff in the command room.
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