Chapter 397: Blue Star Cheers

"They are from the Tianhe Empire, there is no need to do so."
The expression on the face of that member of the parliament became extremely serious. "It seems that they may be the last resort. Is it possible that they have encountered some electromagnetic wind?"
The electromagnetic wind will occasionally take shape in space. This natural landscape is a life-threatening killer. Through data analysis, many pilots died under the electromagnetic wind.
"With the strength of the Tianhe Empire, the electromagnetic wind should not be able to stop them. I will wait for a while to see if I can connect them."
The meeting room, which originally seemed a relatively relaxed atmosphere, suddenly became a little heavy at this time, and they all did not expect that the people of the Tianhe Empire would be so disadvantageous.
Time passes by one minute and one second.
In the end, three minutes passed, and as a result, nothing happened.
The strength of the Tianhe Empire is very strong. If it is faced with a smaller electromagnetic wind, it will come out from the inside in three minutes. Now they ca n’t contact the opposite side. What is the trouble?
"Damn, why is it so bad."
Fiji XII cursed at this time, this time he had the existence of the Tianhe Empire, and originally thought that things were going in a good direction.
The Tianhe Empire wants to find a civilization with their unique methods. Of course, this is not to give him a name, so he can know where you are.
But compared to their equipment, the instruments of the Tianhe Empire are undoubtedly more accurate, and with the help of the people of the Tianhe Empire, they can live comfortably on the Dome Planet.
After all, in the space around him, there is a pathogen that has reached the third form. No matter who is sleeping, it is uneasy to sleep, and I want to find a way to get rid of them.
"Your Majesty, there is still no way to reach the Tianhe Empire."
The Member of Parliament who spoke earlier said again, "Huh? Your Majesty, there is a living body approaching our planet."
Fierce XII was slightly stunned. What it meant to have a living body was approaching their planet. He hurried to the councillor.
I can only see that this member of Parliament pressed a few buttons on the side of the table in front of him, and a scene of 3D projection appeared in their field of vision.
In space, a fleet is marching forward, and their direction is exactly where Domstar is.
"It's a fleet!"
The congressman shouted in horror at this time. At the beginning, he thought it was the fleet of Tianhe civilization, but later discovered that this was not the case.
The spaceships on the other side do not have the special flag of the Tianhe Empire, and their organizational structure is different. In the ranks of the Tianhe Empire, they are led by two star destroyers.
"Damn, what's that?" The parliamentarian shouted again.
I saw that at this time, at the end of the fleet, a huge creature suddenly appeared, and that was a huge turtle.
This turtle is very large, and its diameter is almost 20 kilometers long. It is almost an asteroid. It looks very shocking.
But shortly after the turtle appeared, a figure emerged from the rear of the team, leaving the fissures of the XII pupils trembling.
A python.
"This ... two creatures, it wouldn't be ..."
Fidelity XII thought of a possibility in his heart, which made it all feel absurd.
How can this be?
He suspected that the reason why they were unable to contact with the Tianhe Empire was because the fleet of the Tianhe Empire was engaged in battle with this fleet, but it seemed that they had failed.
But this is really terrifying. The fleet with two star destroyers can be lost. How powerful is this fleet that suddenly emerged?
"Everyone heard the order, and Dom Star immediately entered the highest alert state."
Fiat XII took a breath at this time, and was very decisive, "The fleet immediately set off and intercepted the fleet for me."
At this time, the whole planet was sirens, and all people, under the guidance of relevant personnel, entered the corresponding air-raid shelter.
At the same time, ships near the Dom Star orbit circle also began fighting for the entire Dom Star.
"Honer, you must make a quick decision."
In space, Fang Yun yelled to Horner, they must fight this battle as soon as possible, because if it is too slow, maybe the reinforcements of the Dom Star have come over in the end.
"Yes, sir."
Horner nodded heavily, and they directly ordered the space fortress in the team to start, and began a devastating energy cannon attack on the planet below.
At the same time, the several cargo ships were also working at this time and began firing pressurized laser guns towards Dom Star.
Dome Star has no way to dodge, so when targeting this kind of attack, it can only be honestly withstood.
And this planet does not have a partial defense system for the entire planet.
Fortunately, their fleet also came in front of Fang Yun. This fleet is much colder than Fang Yun. All the ordinary fighters have some buildings similar to the Battlestar, but it is definitely not so. It's huge.
Before this fleet approached, Fang Yun launched a fierce attack on the other side.
The swollen laser beams lased past, only to see above this space, there was a brilliant beam of light lit up again.
I don't know how many fighter planes were destroyed at this moment.
At the same time, the Blue Star fighters were also dispatched, and they also flew towards the opposite fighter group. In addition, the big turtle also rushed past.
This guy is just like an asteroid. UU reading rammed all the way, because the opponent's speed is not as fast as him, and the firepower can't cause any harm to him, so the big turtle can play hard against those fighters.
And Horner, on their side, is constantly attacking Dom Star.
At that time, the Battlestar used its firepower to the extreme, but at this time, the weapons fired from it were more nuclear weapons.
Like the Tianhe Empire, it has a kind of fire dragon gun, which is a masterpiece of nuclear bombs, miniaturized, and particularly powerful.
In Battlestar, not only are generators of various energy weapons stored, but there are also a lot of traditional weapons, in order to function under such circumstances.
Laser cannons and supercharged laser cannons cannot turn, and cannot strike targets precisely like nuclear bombs.
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