Chapter 6: Rainstorm is coming

After swallowing that white-lipped tree lizard, Fang Yun lay quietly in the nest to rest.
This time, almost two hours later, he digested the white-lipped tree lizard in his stomach, and he also successfully obtained ten points of biological energy.
This day, he didn't go out hunting anymore.
He needs a little time to digest the influence of that eagle!
He did n’t know if the eagle passed by here by accident today, or planned to stay here for a long time. If it was the latter, he would be careful when he went out to hunt in the future!
The eagle is very insidious. It usually flies at a height of thousands of kilometers. It is impossible to notice that once it is discovered by the other party, the eagle will dive down from the height of thousands of kilometers, and use the impact to insert the claw into the prey. In the body!
With his small body now, Fang Yun doesn't think he can resist the eagle's claws.
Originally thought that he had grown to more than 30 centimeters now, and it should be time to show his talents, but now it seems that he still has to be a man with his tail in his tail.
Under a camphor tree that embraces one person, Fang Yun looked up and looked at the surroundings. The place where he is currently is very dense with trees, which can be described as covering the sky and covering the sun.
The thick canopy covers the sky, so as to avoid attacks from the sky.
Three days have passed since the day the eagle was encountered.
In these three days, Fang Yun was still as usual, day and night, but he was more vigilant than before, and every time he went out to prey, he went to a place covered by a dense canopy.
In short, never go to the open grass!
In this way, his predation efficiency is greatly reduced, after all, there are many insects such as grasshoppers and grasshoppers in those grasslands.
In the past, these insects provided him with a lot of biological energy.
But fortunately, he is bigger than before, and he can prey on small animals like the adult black-spotted frog. In this area, the number of black-spotted frogs is not small.
In three days, he captured five young frogs and two adult frogs, which provided him a total of nine points of biological energy. In addition, he also captured a small gecko of about five centimeters, which provided him with three points of life. energy.
Plus the white-lipped tree lizard that was eaten three days ago, Fang Yun's accumulated biological energy now reaches 22 o'clock!
"System, bring up my property panel."
Fang Yun said softly, and at the moment his voice fell, a light curtain appeared in his mind.
List of host attributes:
Grade: 3
Bioenergy: 22/30 (obtained by hunting and prey, used for host evolution)
Points: 0 (rewarded by the system at the time of promotion, used to exchange skills)
Body length: 35cm
Diameter: 1.2cm
Strength: 0.2
Defense: 0.1
Speed: 0.4
Agility: 0.7
Spirit: 1.5
Physical strength: 1.0
Skill: Deadly Venom (1/5)
Reputation: 0/10000000 (You are not famous in this world)
Looking at the bio-energy column in the attribute list, Fang Yun's heart was excited, and within three days, he had harvested twenty-two bio-energy, and now only eight o'clock creatures can upgrade again!
This speed is not unpleasant!
Although the eagle made him dare not go to the open grass to eat insects, but only by hunting those small animals, also let his biological energy accumulate very quickly.
Of course, if he is now also eating insects in those grasslands as before, maybe he has now reached the condition of upgrading.
Insects can provide less biological energy, but they are more numerous and easy to prey.
In these three days, the eagle appeared twice, and Fang Yun also saw it hunted once, and this time Fang Yun saw that it grabbed a snake more than one meter long from the ground. !
The type of snake Fang Yun didn't see clearly, but when he saw that one of his kind became the food of that eagle's mouth, his heart became more awkward, and the risk factor of that eagle rose a lot in his heart.
And he was more determined that he did not want to go hunting in the open land!
As for why this eagle did not appear some time ago, it may be because the hunting range of each eagle is too large.
Perhaps in the past, this eagle was hunting in other areas, but there were fewer prey there, so I came here to fight the autumn wind.
Converged his thoughts, Fang Yun looked through the layers of leaves, and then looked towards the sky. At this time, the sun was already slanting westward, and it was afternoon.
No way, according to Fang Yun's observation, this eagle came here to sweep in the morning. In order to be as safe as possible, he compressed the hunting time in the afternoon.
Thinking of this, Fang Yun grinned bitterly. After he grew up, he must find a way to swallow the eagle!
Breathed lightly, Fang Yun suddenly twisted his body unnaturally.
He felt that the air today was a little damp and gave him a dull feeling.
"Is it going to rain?"
A flash of light flashed in my mind, and Fang Yun's heart suddenly appeared. No wonder today the cicadas in the woods became more noisy. UU reading
And he also found that there were still a lot of insects flying in the air, and several dragonflies hovered in the air above his head, seemingly catching those insects.
Saw this scene, Fang Yun's heart grimaced, it seems that it is really going to rain.
He has been in this world for more than ten days, and he has never seen a drop of rain, and it is normal that a rain is coming.
But he was a little worried. He was afraid of the kind of heavy rain that lasted for several days in a row. In this weather, it is obvious that his hunting difficulty will increase.
"Hurry up and try to prey as much as possible today."
Made up his mind, and Fang Yun crawled straight ahead.
Probably because of the impending rain, many frogs also appeared among the trees. They were also eating insects.
Frogs have a particularly strong reaction ability, and as long as they enter the insects they attack, they rarely escape.
Along the way, Fang Yun saw several black-spotted frogs and golden-lined frogs, but none of them could catch them, and all escaped under his eyelids.
In addition, he also saw a tiger frog with a size of more than ten centimeters. This kind of frog is estimated to be half a catty!
I don't know what it tastes like. This small frog like the black-spotted frog has eaten several kinds of small frogs, but he hasn't tasted it yet.
This kind of frog is too powerful, and it jumps very fast, which is not very good for hunting.
It was at this time that a black spotted frog appeared in front of him again. This black spotted frog didn't find the existence of Fang Yun, and actually jumped towards Fang Yun.
Of course, Fang Yun wouldn't let this opportunity pass. He bit the black frog directly and swallowed it into his belly.
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