Chapter 617: committed to

All of Lee Gongzi's entourage, in a panic at the moment, all madly fled to the surrounding frenzy, they all expanded their speed to the extreme, there is no way, in Fang Yun In front of the of killing, they have already been scared to break the courage.
At this time, Fang Yun's body tissue was undergoing rapid reorganization. In less than a minute, his body had been completely reorganized.
This speed shocked everyone present.
"The recovery ability of this creature is too abnormal?"
The warriors of the immortal peak who watched this scene in the distance, after seeing this situation of Fang Yun, looked at each other one by one, and all thoughts came to mind.
"The strength of the universe venerable level, coupled with this kind of perverted recovery ability, it is no wonder that you can kill the young son Li." The white-haired old man in the distance flashed a consciousness.
Of course, this is also because of Fang Yun ’s strength. Otherwise, there is no way to break through the defense of Li Gongzi, but in this battle, Fang Yun ’s recovery ability also played a decisive role.
Otherwise, it would not be his turn to attack at all, and he would have been split in half by an axe by the young man Lee, and then hung up.
Under the attention of everyone, Fang Yun hurriedly flew towards one of Li Gongzi's companions. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the other party and then beheaded the other party on the spot.
As for the other people, no one fled at this time, and everyone was killed.
It was at this time that Fang Yun's eyes suddenly looked at the white-haired old man and others, and several of them suddenly burst out at this time.
"This, this senior."
The old man with white hair was stared at by Fang Yun. At this time, he had to stand up daringly and greeted Fang Yun. He was terribly panicked.
Before, they originally wanted to leave, but it seems that even if they escaped, it seems to have no effect. After all, the presence of the universe venerable level in front of them. If they want to find them, they directly give this planet It ’s not a search.
Unless they fled away from this planet, they had a ray of life, so that they came into space, in fact, if there is something wrong, they are ready to escape.
In addition, the battle between Fang Yun and Li Gongzi is indeed a very beneficial battle for the warriors of their immortal peak, and it has a very big effect on their breakthrough.
"Adult, we ..." The old man with white hair seemed to want to guarantee something, but I only saw the python that was staring at him before, and suddenly turned his eyes away at this time.
Fang Yun urgently glanced at the white-haired old man, then turned his eyes away, and then looked at Tang Guo on the planet.
Looking at the familiar face of the other party, there was a complex look on Fang Yun's face. Indeed, he had never seen this Tang Guo for many years. Originally, he thought Tang Guo was gone, but he didn't expect to meet here .
Tang Guo, suspended in mid-air, was still in a comatose state at this time. Fang Yun tried to call Tang Guo with his mental strength, but still no response.
With a mouthful of breath, Fang Yun directly sucked the Tang Guo into his mouth. Of course, he did not swallow the Tang Guo into his belly, but only left it on a certain part of the mouth.
Tang Guo is now in a coma, he can only take her away in this way.
After putting Tang Guo in his mouth, Fang Yun turned around and left the planet. He knew that there would be a big battle next.
The former man named Li Gongzi obviously had a big figure behind him. Now he killed the other person. The big figure behind the other person will not let it go. So, the next battle must be Inevitable.
But Fang Yun did not have any emotions of fear. To be honest, now, he has no fear in this universe.
"Hoo." He exhaled gently from his mouth, and then Fang Yun continued to gallop into the deep space.
The white-haired old man who was looking at Fang Yun before and his party was completely relieved at this time. They escaped a robbery. Several people looked at each other at this time, and then they turned back to the planet. It's gone.
Next, they need to go to retreat and digest their sentiments from the previous battle.
"Huh ... I didn't expect that the adult didn't have any trouble with us." Besides, on the planet, among the crowd, the bearded pedestrian, one of them said with a smile at this time.
"Yeah, my heart was about to jump out before, and I thought the adult was going to shoot us." A woman said with a tongue out, which looked a little playful.
"This adult left at this time, it feels like the fire has been diverted away." Some people thought about it, and after hearing his words, the others also became silent. They all pondered, thinking This person seems to be right.
Like this level of existence, even if the other party is just a star beast, but its intelligence is definitely not lower than those of them, but also much higher than them.
He killed Li Gongzi in that situation. Obviously, he must have known that he had provoked a master of the rank of Cosmic Venerable.
This departure is equivalent to saying that the firepower is diverted from their planet.
"Hey, I hope this lord doesn't have anything to do." Bearded sighed at this time, and the others nodded one after another.
"Okay, hey, that adult Ji has his own appearance, but boss, this is the second time we met that adult, I think, the big python we met in the sea before It must have been this adult. It ’s very similar, and both sides are powerful. "
At this time, a team member smiled at the beard, and the beard twisted his beard at this time, and then said, "There is indeed a possibility, this adult and the one we encountered in the sea before. An adult is just a difference in body shape, but for this level of existence, it is very easy to change your body shape, and it is also a very common thing. "
"Hey, we met this adult twice, and it seems that our luck is very good, maybe this year will be a good year."
People who had spoken to the beard before laughed and said with a smile at this time, others were looking forward to it.
And when the bearded people were talking, the other side, Fang Yun already had no idea how far the flying speed went out.
Fang Yun's speed is very fast now, in a blink of an eye, it is the distance between a month and a moon, but this is also slow. If he is under full speed, just crossing through space is enough to make him overturn How many planets.
But while galloping, he suddenly felt that his communication equipment had a message.
He who can now contact him must be Nebula.
"Is there something wrong with the alliance?" In Fang Yun's mind, such a question immediately appeared, but he said that he was not in a hurry.
Because even if the alliance encountered any attack, it is not going to manage it anymore, because now he is almost saying goodbye to the alliance, and he did not participate in the construction of the alliance many years ago.
In this alliance, he can't let him restrain himself or the like.
Just say, let's see what the problem is.
After turning on the communication equipment, the face of the nebula immediately appeared. The appearance of the nebula that just started to appear was a little anxious at first, but immediately after the appearance of Fang Yun, it was a surprise.
"Master Ulopolos." Nebula couldn't help but shouted loudly, but then he took a breath, and then suppressed his inner excitement, and then even said: "Master Ulopolos, Nebula Hello to you. "
"Just talk about it, what's going on with me this time."
Fang Yun was reluctant to engage in these red tapes, and the ashamed Nebula asked.
Hearing this, Nebula paused, and then said, "Adult, it's not really a big deal, just saying ... It's just that the adult has been away for a while, so I'll contact you."
Hearing the words, Fang Yun was a little speechless. It turned out that the reason for him was because he thought what had happened.
It ’s just that he is also clear about what the nebula is so interested in. On the one hand, there may be more or less some emotional existence, but his presence can make the Nine Heavens civilization live longer here. A world, and more competitive.
"What about the people who have entered the gray fog organization now."
Fang Yun thought it was okay to be idle and it was okay. It would be better to ask about the students who went to the gray fog organization.
This opinion was considered by him, so he is now more concerned.
"Looking back to adults, the people who are going to the" gray fog organization "are still pretty good. After that, we have sent some people into it. Now, the manpower in the" gray fog organization "has reached more than 300 people.
"Huh?" After hearing this Nebula's words, Fang Yun couldn't help but be frightened, because they actually sent so many people into the "gray fog organization".
He originally thought that this Nebula would not send them into the "gray fog organization" anymore, but from the perspective of now, the other party is still doing things according to his previous arrangements.
"Adult, now that our college system has been established, there are a lot of masters in the domain that are produced, and sending some people into the" gray mist "organization can also afford it."
Seemingly seeing Fang Yun's doubts, Nebula immediately explained to him.
Fang Yun nodded his huge head, and then said, "You did a good job. By the way, those students got what they got after they entered the" Gray Mist Organization "."
Hearing Fang Yun talking about the business, Nebula's face straightened up, and he answered seriously, "After entering the 'Gray Mist Organization', they basically worked for the senior inside."
"The" gray fog organization "will issue a large number of tasks from time to time. These tasks are free to choose, but it is said that each month has a corresponding task indicator. If the indicator is not completed, then only some remuneration can be deducted. . "
"How are the casualties there?" Fang Yun asked again after hesitating.
It is said that Nebula's face is even more solemn, and he responded randomly: "The casualty rate is still quite large. Now the casualties are about 16%."
Speaking of this, the look on this nebula's face is much darker. ~ ~ He also knows that these people who go to the "gray fog organization" are all young people, but now, they are He fell because of his orders.
"Well." Fang Yun responded faintly. "How about our overall strength now? Is Luo Feng breaking through now?"
When I saw Fang Yun, I still remember Luo Feng. Nebula felt more shocked and happy than he was remembered, because the relationship between him and Luo Feng was far more than ordinary people.
So I was very happy to see Luo Feng being hung by Fang Yun.
"Return to Master." Nebula replied with a smile, and then said: "Master, now Luo Feng's strength is stronger than before, and the overall strength of our alliance has been greatly improved."
"It's just that the friction between us and the nearby small countries has become more and more frequent recently. I'm afraid it won't take long before the war will start."
Nebula's face is a little dignified. In their view, now they are mainly cultivation and recuperation, then other things are not so good. Those small countries are all safe and well divided, absolutely stronger than anything.
But now, the tree is quiet and the wind is constant, he is doubtful. The reason why these small countries are having friction with them is that some people are playing ghosts behind their backs, but they say that they have not been found for the time being.
"Well, got it."
Fang Yun is not as good and worried. Since this Nebula always says that there are no big problems, then there is no big problem, just treat it as an ordinary situation.
"You guys, be careful, I will travel outside for a while, and I will come back after waiting for the right opportunity."
Fang Yun promised this Nebula that he must go back again because there is a turbulent space in a certain territory of the Union, and there is no accident there, it is the place where he went back.
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