Chapter 126: Truth, small flaws can cause big troubles

After Luo Jia sent the partner away, Enron anxiously asked why he predicted that the Samsung battery would have an accident, and it felt amazing.
This issue of Enron also attracted the attention of other people. They quickly surrounded Luo Jia, and he vowed not to give up the truth without telling the truth.
"I'm not a wizard, how can there be any unknown prophet ability." Luo Jia said with a smile, "Go, go to my office, I will explain it to you."
So the group returned to Luo Jia's office.
Luo Jia rolled out a few sheets of white paper on his desk and drew sketches with pencils.
They are the structure diagram, discharge characteristic curve, and charge characteristic curve of the lithium cobaltate battery, as well as the structure diagram of the existing charging pile, the time-sharing diagram of electricity, and so on.
Although the stick figure is crooked, Luo Jia's general meaning can still be understood.
"Each design seems to have no problems, but when combined together, there will be a small problem. In the solutions announced by Samsung and LG, I did not see that they made plans for this problem, so Judging that they probably underestimated its destructiveness. "Luo Jia said.
Enron and others lie on the table to study. They are also one of the strongest brains in the company and even on this planet. If Luo Jia directly tells them the answer, it will be meaningless, and it will be more enjoyable to think of it.
Luo Jia sat on the sofa aside, made a cup of coffee, and continued to close his eyes and meditate.
It is completely different from the early days of entrepreneurship. The pressure is increasing. The cruel real environment is like a race. All are surrounded by Bolt-level opponents. Even Bell Labs has ended in person.
So Luo Jia must go all out. He spends a lot of time reading and researching every day.
As the head of the tough guy sky group, his work is like drawing a blueprint, making an accurate top-level design, and then handing over the details to his employees, step by step, turning the blueprint into reality.
This work is very important. After all, the sea sails on the helmsman. If the helmsman is crooked, the boat will go directly to the Mariana Trench.
Only ten minutes later, Luo Jia heard Enran exclaim.
It is indeed an extraordinary genius. Enron was able to understand Luo Jia's meaning so quickly, which made Luo Jia somewhat unexpected.
The ink pen quickly calculated on white paper, and finally Enron got a series of very complicated data. He pointed to the data and told Luo Jia, "The explosion is because the electrolyte interface is thicker!"
Luo Jia nodded, smiling, "You continue."
Enron said at a rapid speed: "The lithium cobaltate battery has the highest capacity among the six major lithium battery systems, but it has a defect that is its service life."
"The negative electrode of the lithium cobaltate structure is layered. During discharge, lithium ions move from the positive electrode to the negative electrode; on the contrary, when charging, the flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode."
"In order to increase the life of lithium batteries, Samsung and LG have injected nickel, manganese and aluminum into the lithium battery."
"The idea of ​​adding mixed materials and solving the life problem is not a problem in itself, but this time their extremely high design density means that their charging power must also be increased accordingly, and the problem of lithium anode plating in the fast charging process will be affected by this. The geometric multiple is enlarged. When the critical point is exceeded, the problem of anode lithium plating will cause the problem of sei thickening. "
"The lithium cobaltate structure just happens to be layered. If the sei thickens to a certain degree, it will bring about an increase in internal pressure and cause the lithium battery module to expand during the charging process."
After Enron finished his conclusion, everyone applauded at the same time, with clear ideas, conciseness and clearness. It was indeed the genius who took the Ph.D.
Luo Jia is also very happy, assuming that Enron has inherited the extraterrestrial heritage, this guy must do better than himself, but unfortunately there is no such option in this world.
Luo Jia and Enran started rapid calculations on the calculation paper. It was definitely a treat to watch the two of them fly like pens and use the pen and brain to calculate the things that would have required powerful scientific computing programs to do.
Everyone shook their heads, people are more deadly than popularity, really can't compare.
Luo Jia and Enran are just like two biological computers. They think too fast. If the brainstorm group is composed of a group of monsters, they are the two most fierce ones.
The time was not long, and the results came out. The calculation conclusions of the two people are completely the same. The problem of sei thickening will only occur during the high-power and high-density rapid charge and discharge process. In addition, the design of Samsung and LG is actually perfect.
The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant's nest, and now is a real example.
With the explosion in the direction of Ulsan, Samsung and LG, and even the entire future of South Korea, were all blown up and shattered.
Others applauded enthusiastically for the genius performances of Luo Jia and Enron.
Luo Jia shrugged his shoulders on the desk. "Actually, there is luck in it. Although I thought that their design might be wrong, I didn't expect it would be so terrible."
Everyone nodded one after another. What science needs is not rigor, but absolute rigor. Doing anything in the future will require more calculations.
"Let's get here today." Luo Jia said, "It is imperative that lithium batteries get on the train. There is not much time left for us. Although the front-end electronic control has been resolved, we still have to solve the back-end electronic control. That is also a huge issue. "
As Xingchen Technology intends to enter the automotive industry, Luo Jia also began to feel the sourness of the liver, and he was tortured by the back-end electronic control system.
How the front-end electronic control manufactures high-quality, highly consistent batteries, and how the back-end electronic control performs scientific management of tens of thousands of batteries.
It is only necessary to manage tens of thousands of batteries at one time. It is also necessary to study how the battery pack cooperates with the drive system to improve the efficiency of discharge and charging, and output the maximum power with minimum energy consumption.
How to ensure that the temperature of each battery is the same, in case one or two batteries in the battery pack decay too fast, how to repair, repair cannot be completed, and how to shield the damaged battery.
Anyway, in general, the back-end electronic control is also the lifeblood of vehicle safety, in addition to the mileage, vehicle maintenance costs, and so on.
Luo Jia and the entire hardware army are painful and happy. As a new company that has just been established for one year, it lacks accumulated experience in the large and deep automobile industry. Although the introduction of talents has been ongoing, it is still difficult to make up for the lack of experience in the short term. .
Luo Jia maintains a 16-hour working day. The office is full of coffee and Red Bull, and there are a lot of calculation papers and design sketches.
Although it is a paperless office, he is still a little accustomed to it and prefers to trust the pencil and draft paper in his hand.
After being busy for another two days, Xu Chunbiao finally returned from South Korea.
He didn't go alone, and he brought eight brothers from the security department.
Every employee of the security office was carefully screened by Luo Jia with the eyes of the sky. They retired from the field forces or reconnaissance units. The history is innocent, and the character and morals are impeccable.
The security office does not stand guards. They have special offices. There are 173 monitors in the office, which can clearly observe the entire base.
They will also patrol the company, but they wear the same clothes as everyone else, except that they have superb eyes and keep looking at the dark corners in search of suspicious intruders.
Anyway, more than 50 retired soldiers from Xu Chunbiao and the Security Office are all the defense forces of Xingchen Technology.
They are divided into five shifts to ensure that there are about ten people in the company at all times. The wages belong to the domestic first-class level. There is additional overtime pay for overtime.
Huaxia is an excellent public order in the world.
Luo Jia feels that at present these defense forces are enough, and it is not Mexico with guns and bullets. It is not necessary to engage a large group of macho men in black suits and sunglasses like in the movie. There is really something to do, or to fight 110 Spectrum.
Luo Jia asked Xu Chunbiao to sit on the sofa, then made two cups of black tea and handed him a cigarette.
Xu Chunbiao seemed a bit frustrated. He did as Luo Jia said. After arriving in South Korea, he split his way and went to the three major test sites in South Korea. He used a telephoto lens to photograph every move of the test site.
This is not a rare thing. Many car magazines and websites will send people to stare at the test site. Once there are any new models tested in the modern area, they will take first-hand spy photos and put them on magazines and websites. The majority of car enthusiasts read.
Luo Jia once read in the automobile magazine that even Alaska, Iceland, Norway, those test sites that specifically test the performance of cars in extreme cold conditions, there are also car paparazzi who are not afraid of the cold and are stationed for a long time.
In addition to the media, major car manufacturers around the world also need information on new models of rivals, and they will send someone to stare.
In short, according to Luo Jia's arrangement, Xu Chunbiao mingled with those car paparazzi and gathered on a hillside, waiting to film the scene of the explosion of modern cars.
However, due to the shooting angle, they didn't capture anything, and they didn't know where all the pictures and videos came from, so Xu Chunbiao was very disappointed.
Luo Jia smiled. Do you still have to guess those videos and pictures? It must be the power of the authorities of various countries. I knew that they were so enthusiastic that Xu Chunbiao would not be allowed to run this trip in vain.
After consoling Xu Chunbiao, Luo Jia let him go back to rest.
The brothers who went to South Korea on this business trip all took a vacation. After all, they had no credit or hard work. For a whole week, three people took turns on duty and aimed at the test field with a telephoto lens. They spent a lot of energy and effort on observation. physical strength.
The Ministry of Administration has recently set up a travel office. As the size of Xingchen Technology is getting larger and larger, as in the early days of the startup, it is no longer possible for the entire company to travel.
The role of the travel agency is to help employees reasonably arrange holidays and take advantage of the free travel benefits provided by the company.
Luo Jia insists that everyone go out for a walk. After all, only by feeling the world first-hand can we better understand the opponent.
All employees travel at public expense twice a year, no matter the destination, they can find a travel agency wherever they want to go, and let them arrange visas and accommodations on their behalf. Such favorable conditions are also considered to be unique among domestic high-tech companies.
Time flies quickly, UU reads Luo Jia continues to think hard to get back-end electronic control. At the same time, the three major automakers have started lithium battery on board plans.
At present Luo Jia has two troubles, both of which are big troubles.
High-energy electric vehicles with a range of more than 600 kilometers have strict electrical control requirements, and a new, higher-level electrical control system needs to be enabled.
Why is Luo Jia clinging to a new generation of electronic controls?
At present, it is only the first generation of Xingchen Technology. It has just started at a range of 600 kilometers. In the future, there will be higher-energy batteries coming out. Electrical control issues must be prepared for.
In the case that Xingchen Technology has not achieved high-energy electrical control, the three major factories are even more difficult, and their electrical engineers are rushed around.
Another issue is the anger of domestic giants.
They were shocked to see Luo Jia gave the best lithium batteries in the world to BYD, Great Wall and Geely, but they did not give them to them.
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