Chapter 151: Power waste is a big problem. The solution of Xingchen Technology

? Time is not long, Luo Jia's notebook is full of text, and neither Enron nor Hong Tao disturbed him.
Until the afternoon speech began again, Luo Jia returned to his seat and continued to make his own notes while listening to the talk on the stage.
Luo Jia was ranked in the penultimate appearance today, and before him was Professor Yan Lu, who was also from Tsinghua University, but he criticized Professor Ouyang from the beginning to the point.
Professor Ouyang and the people of Huaxia Power Grid are a bit ugly. Huaxia Power Grid is the most enthusiastic in promoting all-electricity. It is not necessarily to say what environmental protection and feelings are, more probably because of benefits.
Many people take it for granted that with a large increase in electricity consumption, the power grid will be frightened and will try their best to prevent similar things from happening.
In fact, the power grid is not afraid. They want more power to use, after all, the more power they use, the more the power grid benefits.
Moreover, our country is really too fierce in terms of infrastructure construction. For the power grid, the power consumption has increased greatly, so it is necessary to expand it. What is wrong with this?
In 2010, China's annual electricity consumption was 4 trillion trillion hours, but by 2017 alone, it had increased to 6 trillion kilowatt hours.
Power consumption has increased 1.5 times in seven years. Is there a problem?
There is no problem. The strong infrastructure and power grid transmission capacity have been continuously strengthening and strengthening this large network.
To date, Huaxia Power Grid is already the world's largest power company, and the number of patents filed each year exceeds even the Huawei Group, which is famous for its scientific research.
As long as the society develops, electricity consumption will continue to increase. Ten trillion kilowatts, two trillion kilowatts, and thirty trillion kilowatts. These seemingly unattainable numbers will be realized sooner or later.
Professor Yan Lu's point is very clever. He regards the waste of power grid as his main attack point.
As is known to all, wind power and solar power are mainly green energy sources, and the utilization rate is actually not high. Twenty percent will be discarded, and thermal power generation will encounter problems at the peak.
Professor Yan Lu's point is clear. The larger the power grid, the more waste it generates. These wasted costs will eventually be attached to the people.
When Professor Yan's speech was over, warm applause rang out.
As a Chinese, when he heard the word waste, he was naturally uncomfortable. Professor Yan attacked the waste phenomenon of the power grid and prevented the widespread use of electric cars.
At this time, the host in a black dress walked to the microphone with a smile and announced that the next lecture would start in ten minutes. The speaker, Star Technology President, Luo Jia.
Now you can relax at this time, go to the bathroom, have a cup of tea or something.
There are two kinds of people in this world who will spend only 700,000 hours in their lives, often hanging on their lips.
One is an idealist who wants to change the world and do everything possible to realize the dream of the stars and the sea.
There is another person who is short of time. They know that their life span is limited, so they cherish the moment.
Unfortunately, Ye Wuchen belongs to the latter.
She left Concord Hospital under the of her driver and babysitter.
The parents are always very busy, and they don't meet a few times throughout the year. Every time Ye Wuchen comes to the hospital for a follow-up visit, he is accompanied by the driver and babysitter. Ye Wuchen is used to this.
The inspection took longer than expected, so Ye Wuchen did not call Luo Jia yesterday.
The test results are very optimistic. Thanks to the development of medical technology, Ye Wuchen's congenital heart disease has been well maintained.
Ye Wuchen's health is a godsend. No one ever imagined that a young girl who had congenital heart disease since she was a child can recover so well, which is absolutely a miracle.
Sitting in the car, Ye Wuchen was very happy to call Nie Xiaodou and told her that her body was becoming more and more like a normal person.
Nie Xiaodou is also very happy for her girlfriends. They have known each other from the time they wore crotch pants. When they were in elementary school, Ye Wuchen in Nie Xiaodou's memory was always hospitalized, and he always represented the classmates in the hospital to visit she was.
At that time, Ye Wuchen was so thin, his skeleton was small, and his face was as pale as snow. Nie Xiaodou was really afraid that she would suddenly die one day.
In a blink of an eye, Ye Wuchen was nineteen years old. Not only did she not die, she lived more and more wonderfully, her body became healthier, and as a girlfriend, Nie Xiaodou was really happy for her.
Ye Wuchen had to go to Luo Jia's phone from Nie Xiaodou, and then dialed in, but he heard the message that the phone had been turned off. Luo Jia was in a meeting and was preparing a speech. To avoid interruption, he turned off the phone.
Ye Wuchen was a little disappointed and looked bored out the window.
"Miss, where are you going next?" The driver asked in a deep voice.
Ye Wuchen thought for a few seconds, then his eyes glowed.
"Yes, I'm going to Africa this time. I heard that Ethiopia is the earliest place of human origin. I'm going to take a look there and send me home. I can't wait for the next trip to Africa." Ye Wu Chen said excitedly.
The driver nodded slightly without raising any objections.
The family has already decided that no matter what Ye Wuchen wants to do, it will not stop her.
After all, for parents, it is more important for a daughter to live happily.
So Ye Wuchen took his luggage from his home and immediately set foot on a flight from Beijing to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
With only 700,000 hours in his life, Ye Wuchen didn't want to waste any minute.
Until the moment he took office, Luo Jia stopped the ball pen in his hand.
He is now famous, but he rarely shows up in public. So when Luo Jia stepped onto the podium, the audience inevitably exclaimed, because many people knew for the first time that the owner of the famous Star Technology So young.
But to be honest, people think of Luo Jia differently from those scholars and professors before. After all, in their consciousness, Luo Jia is just a businessman. What a businessman can say is nothing more than how to develop and how to make money.
The forum has been going on for a whole day, and many people are tired.
Luo Jia saw some people stand up and walked outside the venue. They were going to skip Luo Jia's speech and listen directly to the last scene.
Compared with a copper-smelling businessman, scholars care more about the opinions of professionals.
Luo Jia was awkward to stand on the stage, but he recovered quickly, smiled, and said to the people who left: "Since Professor Yan just raised the issue of wasted electricity, let me talk about it. The application of super capacitors in the field of energy storage. "
As soon as Luo Jia's words fell, the scene was skeptical.
Many aspects of energy storage projects are advancing. At present, the academic community has not found a solution for supercapacitors, and more of them adopt water conservancy energy storage methods.
Although everyone knows that Xingchen Technology is very strong and is called the toughest guy group in the science and technology field, but they have just solved the battery and electrical control and inserted their hands into the field of energy storage?
This seems a bit fast.
There is a whiteboard for the speaker behind Luo Jia. As usual, he quickly writes on the whiteboard. First, there are two structural forms of super capacitors, an electric double layer structure and a Faraday structure.
Luo Jia used an ink pen to directly cut off the Faraday structure, and pointed out that the use of oxidized metal as the main material for this structure would bring the defect of too high cost.
Then he started to talk about the idea of ​​Xingchen Technology.
Xingchen Technology's research line is an electric double layer structure, which includes positive and negative electrode current collectors, porous carbon electrodes, separators and electrolyte components.
The separator is between the positive and negative electrodes, which separates the two, but allows the negative and positive ions in the electrolyte to pass freely. The charge can move through the separator. The electrolyte is used to conduct the charge. The charge forms an electric double layer on the positive and negative electrode contact surfaces. .
This is more professional, only a small number of people in the venue can understand.
But it is precisely these few people who can understand, a very shocking look appeared on his face.
"What's the situation? Xingchen Technology has made the energy storage capacitor?"
"Not very clear, but the theory seems very hard. They use activated carbon as the main raw material, and the cost must not be higher."
"This design is OK. Although the carbon pores they have made have not reached the nanometer level, they should be sufficient for large-scale energy storage."
"I'm afraid those who went out just now will regret it. They missed the chance to witness history."
Experts have talked in private. Since Luo Jia dared to attack such a deep technology on the stage, I am afraid that Xingchen Technology has probably killed the super capacitor energy storage project.
As Luo Jia continued to explain the technical characteristics of supercapacitors, the mouths of the audience became bigger and bigger.
Especially the professor Yan who gave a speech before Luo Jia had an expression of cricket, and he was speechless.
He has just mocked the grid for a lot of waste every year, and Luo Jia has come up with a solution. From the current point of view, this solution is still very reliable, just don't know the cost.
Scholars headed by Professor Ouyang, who are inclined to promote full electrification as soon as possible, and experts from the power grid, are anxious to step onto the stage and hug Luo Jia's parents.
Xingchen Technology is a real cow fork. Only a little more time, they have already researched super capacitors so deeply?
Judging from the current technical indicators of Luo Jia, it should not be far from practical applications.
Supercapacitors are a very complicated existence, and it takes more than 30 minutes to explain all the technical theories.
Seeing that the time has expired for a few minutes, Luo Jia has just talked about the chemical properties of high-density carbon, and scholars are most concerned about resistance, discharge power, and cost. Luo Jia has not started to talk about it.
At this time, the hostess in a black dress couldn't help but stepped forward with a smile, interrupting Luo Jia's speech.
"Mr. Luo, I'm really sorry, there is a time limit for the forum speech. If you continue to talk, you will take up the time of the next speaker." The host kindly said to Luo Jia.
Luo Jia shook his lips. Also, there are still people waiting behind him. The announcement of the super capacitor technology here was made by him temporarily. Unfortunately, time is not enough.
After all, it is not a problem to write 50 or 60 papers on the technology of super capacitor alone, which is a very important scientific research achievement.
"go away!"
"Don't interrupt his speech!"
At this time, there were people who were dissatisfied and the host was very embarrassed ~ ~ She hurriedly explained that the forum speech arrangement was stipulated, and it was not her intention to interrupt Luo Jia.
A skinny old man in a white shirt stood up and said Shen Sheng: "I am the next speaker, from the National New Energy Task Force. I am willing to give up my lecture time, so there should be no problem?"
Everyone applauded, Professor Ouyang also stood up, his voice was very excited and said: "I propose that in the next time, let Mr. Luo make their super capacitor technology clear. Many people present are studying this field. If not today, Let Mr. Luo finish what he said, I'm afraid we will all lose sleep after going back. "
There was laughter from the audience and everyone agreed.
Now that so many big men have spoken, the host in a dress hurriedly stuck his tongue out and stepped back from the stage, leaving Luo Jia completely at the scene.
Luo Jia smiled, "Since the seniors are willing to listen, I will continue to talk."
"Here's a question about resistance ..."
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