Chapter 214: Lowest electricity price in the world

Luo Jia finally stood in the center of the conference room, with a calm look, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly.
Although there are not many people in front of her eyes, Luo Jia is very clear. The six cameras set up around it may indicate which big brother's offices are connected. At this moment, I do n’t know how many eyes are on the Internet through the Internet. Staring at himself.
The composition of the national team is more complex and the mentality is more complicated. Once Carmen Vortex Power Generation is launched, the domestic energy industry is bound to reshuffle. Some energy leaders will take this opportunity to skyrocket, but many people will lose their rights.
Kissinger said that rights are the best aphrodisiac.
Those who have the right can use the right in their hands to get countless money. Even if they are old, they can still have the youthful flesh of the girls and deprive them of their rights. It is better to kill them directly.
Luo Jia can imagine that there may be more than one or two people in the national team. They would like to explode on their own and explode into a pool of meat. They have to step on their bodies with two feet to relieve their hate.
Luo Jia had no choice but to face it, no matter who they were or whether they had powerful powers.
Luo Jia first looked around with a smile, and then brought the laptop with him to the big screen. He cleared his throat, and said quickly and firmly, "The characteristics of the Carmen Vortex Street power generation array determine this power generation system. combination."
"Simply put, if a small coastal island has few residents on the island, only a small 10M power generation array is needed to solve the energy problem of all residents on the island."
"In this case, we can use our small array, a single machine with an output of 5M, the two machines are linked, and the smallest multi-link control system is included."
"I believe that such a small power generation array should be welcomed by the Nansha Shoudao officers and soldiers. It has a simple design, easy maintenance, and no huge noise from diesel generators."
"I have seen some documentaries about Nansha and Xisha. The officers and soldiers on the island are actually living very hard. Without enough fresh water, bathing and growing vegetables are very serious problems."
"And our small power generation array can cost three cents per kilowatt hour. With such cheap electricity, large-scale desalination can be carried out."
"According to my understanding, the cost of desalination includes the following items: chemicals, electricity, permeable membranes, depreciation of fixed assets, equipment maintenance costs, and management costs."
"Among them, medicine costs five cents per ton, electricity costs 3.2 yuan per ton, permeation membrane replacement costs five cents per ton, fixed asset depreciation costs one dime per ton, and equipment maintenance and maintenance costs four cents per ton. , The overall management cost is a dime per ton. "
"In short, without considering loans and employee salaries, land-based seawater desalination costs more than four yuan per ton. You may think that the four yuan cost is not great, but considering that there are no power plants on the island, if you use diesel to generate electricity, If that happens, the cost will easily break through the 20 yuan mark. "
"And we can reduce the cost of desalination on the island and Shanghai to one yuan per ton."
"And we have land-based arrays in addition to sea-based power generation arrays."
"Of course, land-based power arrays are not as efficient as sea-based ones, but they can also solve the problem of electricity use in remote areas of China."
In an army camp located somewhere in Huaxia, the old veteran general heard the words and immediately patted the case. For some reason, he suddenly felt a sore nose.
The general remembered the post on Kunlun Mountain. During the snow-sealed season, officers and men who lived in the post often could not go down the mountain for several months, could not eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and accompanied them with canned food and dry food all day long. It should not be treated as such.
On the islands in the south, island guards and soldiers do suffer from a shortage of fresh water. Although supply ships regularly send fresh water to the island, the number is limited after all, and the local climate is hot, and fresh water storage will deteriorate soon. Chemicals.
The general drank fresh water after adding the chemical preparations, and he was so impressed with the taste that he could not swallow it. When he used it to cook, the food had a strong taste of preservatives.
Although small power generation arrays cannot solve all problems, they can solve most problems of the military.
To build a cold storage for food on Kunlun Mountain and a desalination plant in Xisha, the cost of electricity can be as low as three cents per kilowatt-hour, which is too cheap! Cheap is incredible!
"This ... this is exactly what our military needs most!" The old general exclaimed.
At the Beijing Regent Hotel, Luo Jia's introduction is still going on. Since there are ultra-small power generation arrays, there must be a super huge high-efficiency power generation array.
When a long string of numbers is displayed on the screen, the scene is almost suffocated. The maximum power generation capacity is 3000M!
what is this concept?
The concept of delivering 3 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour to the inland is enough to solve the electricity problem of millions of residents!
So far, the world's strongest thermal power unit is a 1000M supercritical unit, and the installed capacity of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station is only 22500M. Only 7.5 sets of such super power generation arrays are needed, which is equivalent to building another Three Gorges !!
Oh my god...
Luo Jia said with a smile, "It is well known that the higher the installed capacity of thermal power units, the lower the cost, the same is true for our Carmen Vortex Street power generation array."
"The cost of a small power generation array is about three cents, and the cost of the most efficient super power generation array can be reduced to less than two cents."
"Of course, this is just the cost price. If it is really supplied to the whole society, the price will rise a lot. After all, power generation companies, power grids, and power operation and maintenance all cost money. Employees have to eat. Transmission is also lossy. of."
"But after our calculations, the average electricity price after it will eventually be popularized in China should be around a dime."
"Now our civilian electricity price is more than 50 cents on average. Commercial and industrial electricity costs about one yuan. Seriously, it is not cheap. Take the most developed North America in the world as an example. Five gross, four for industrial electricity. "
"If we can reduce the average electricity price to a dime, then we will throw the world away from energy costs!"
" I once said that Singapore's life is given by air-conditioning. They are a tropical country. Without air-conditioning, there will be no large-scale productivity, because people are about to die of heat, and there is no way to work."
"It's the same for us. Cheap energy will make everyone in Huaxia more comfortable. When it's cold in winter and hot in summer, turn on the air conditioner instead of calculating electricity."
"As for the promotion effect of low electricity prices on industry, it is very huge. I believe everyone understands that it will lead our industrial products to be far ahead of the world in price."
The field experts continued to be silent. In their hands, they all have a laptop connected to the Internet. Through the computer, they can get in touch with the rear.
The most important guests of this briefing were actually those who did not come to the scene. At this moment, they were already stunned and stunned.
I never expected that the efficiency of Xingchen's power generation array would be so high that it could reduce the average electricity price to a dime.
This price will be the lowest in the world, no one!
Originally, the cost control of Huaxia's manufacturing industry was quite strong. If we cooperate with such a low electricity price, the future will be hard to imagine!
Who can stop a product with a dime of electricity and compete with the world?
This is the concept of sweeping the world in minutes!
At this time, General Manager He from the petrochemical system stood up, his brows froze, and he asked a very sharp question.
"Although new energy is good ~ ~, but what about the existing tens of millions of employees in our major systems? We can't let them all be laid off !?"
Everyone nodded one after another. This is indeed a serious problem. The power generation array of Xingchen Technology is too lethal. Once it is launched, countless enterprises will go out of business in minutes.
Businesses can go bankrupt, but it would be too cruel for those employees to be laid off, and they would be more likely to cause social unrest.
Luo Jia faintly replied, "I have actually thought about the question of Chief Engineer He. It is certainly not possible to lay off employees, but without layoffs, there are so many posts, there is no way to arrange so many employees for employment."
"So, since there are not enough jobs, we have to grab them."
Luo Jia's words were completely beyond everyone's expectations, and there was an uproar at the scene.
"We are state-owned enterprises, not a bandit, grab your sister!" Said a power gangster angry.
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