Chapter 249: Luo Jiamen 1 running dog, the war began

In Luo Jia's home on Huaihai Road, Shen Lang received warm hospitality.
Comrade Luo Ning expressed great enthusiasm about his son being a teacher, and received the first disciple of Kaishan in his lifetime. He asked Shen Lang about his studies with Luo Jia in detail, and pointed out, "If Luo Jia is not good, Teach you, tell your uncle that I won't clean him up. "
Such a simple and rude stance moved Shen Lang abnormally. He couldn't help thinking of his father in the family, and the man's education level was not high, but he, like Comrade Luo Ning, was also very concerned about his education.
Luo Jia's mother persuaded Shen Lang to eat more lamb chops. She thinks Luo Jia can make a difference now. It should be attributed to the lamb chops that he has given him a lot since he was a child, resulting in a good brain development.
And she spared no effort to sell this amazing food such as lamb chops as a kind of martial arts secret to the children of her grandmother. She often told two grandma that Luo Jia loved lamb chops the most since she was a child. You see it too.
Therefore, in the entire family, lamb chops have become an indispensable staple food, and a series of unique methods of cooking lamb chops have been extended. Braised pork, steamed, garlic, and pan-fried, all eighteen martial arts are pitiful. Greeting on the lamb chops.
Many people who do not know the inside often wonder whether Luo Jia, a family member, is a close relative of the gray wolf. Otherwise, why do they endlessly and harm those happy sheep and humans?
"Well, it's so delicious, it just can't stop!"
Shen Lang nodded again and again, tearing a large piece of meat from the cumin lamb chop, and chewing with a mouthful of oil.
My mother was very happy, and she took two lamb chops from Luo Jia's plate and stuffed them into Shen Lang, completely disregarding the fact that Shen Lang had already smashed seven or eight consecutively, and was still full.
Luo Jia felt a little depressed when he saw that two lamb chops were missing from his plate. He began to wonder who was born with Shen Lang.
Or did she consider Shen Lang as her future grandson, and found that Luo Jia was single by her strength, and after she seemed to continue to be single in the future, she transferred her mother's love to other children.
After dinner, Shen Lang sat full on the sofa, feeling that the undigested mutton was coming out of his throat, even his breath was the smell of mutton.
When Luo Jia helped his mother clean up the table, Comrade Luo Ning, the famous smelly chess basket, urged Shen Lang to accompany him for two games. He felt that although he could not win Luo Jia, he could find some dignity from a twelve-year-old boy.
After three games of play, Comrade Luo Ning held his arms depressed in contemplation. He began to deeply doubt whether his IQ was out of order. Shen Lang whispered to Luo Jia, whether he had started too hard and should let his uncle win two games.
"Don't." Luo Jia quickly waved his hand, and said seriously to Shen Lang, "In that case, the next time you come to my house, he will be entangled in chess, annoying and annoying you. Everyone's energy is limited To achieve your goals, sometimes you have to learn to be tough with others, no matter who that person is, you can't stop you from moving forward. "
Shen Lang froze a little. He felt a power from Luo Jia's words, but Luo Jia's next move was more completely unexpected.
Picking up the car keys from the table, Luo Jia shoved the keys to Shen Lang, picked up a cushion from the sofa, and said to him in an undeniable tone, "Let's go out and take a turn, you come to drive."
Although at the company, Luo Jia taught Shen Lang to drive, but on the bustling Huaihai Road, and the time just happened to be late, Luo Jia actually let twelve-year-old Shen Lang drive. This kind of education is really incredible. .
"What you have to do now is to forget your age, because age has nothing to do with ability. Age cannot prove anything except to prove how long a person has lived." Luo Jia told Shen Lang.
After night, Shen Lang lay on the bed in the guest room, looking up at the ceiling, and sinking into long thinking.
He couldn't forget how his hands trembled with excitement when he drove on the road for the first time tonight, how Luo Jia, who was sitting next to him, helped himself overcome his nervousness and the love of his teacher and family.
The conclusion is obvious. Shen Lang is lucky. He has a good teacher who is hard to come by for ten thousand years. Luo Jia not only taught Shen Lang to study, but also cultivated his self-confidence, taught him the truth of life, and took him into a life destined to be wonderful and extraordinary. .
Shen Lang has great respect and love for his teacher.
In 1997, when the news of Mr. Wang Xiaobo's death came, countless netizens were distressed. They collectively replaced their signatures with Wang Xiaobo's running dogs to commemorate Mr. Wang's walking in the sky, and even named Wang Xiaobo's running dogs and published the book.
The reason why these netizens respect Mr. Wang Xiaobo is very simple, because Mr. Wang Xiaobo's outlook on life and values ​​have affected their lives and made them realize many truths.
Shen Lang felt that if he could become Luo Jiamen's next running dog, it would be great.
Luo Jia didn't know that what he had done had already planted a deep seed in the heart of a twelve-year-old boy. Over time, this seed would take root and sprout, becoming a mark that affected Shen Lang's life.
In the days when Shen Langgong became famous, he still used himself as a running dog under Luo Jiamen, and always followed Luo Jia's side, rushing into battles and bathing in the blood.
History will prove that accepting this student, Shen Lang, is one of Luo Jia's most correct decisions in his life. Even in the most painful environment, Shen Lang's faith in following Luo Jia has never wavered.
Late September.
A young team appeared at the foot of Kunlun Mountain. From there, they would start from there, take two days to climb the towering Kunlun, view the top of the mountains, and camp overnight in the mountain post, and then spend another two days. To get out of the mountains.
The whistle of the army rang, accompanied by soldiers from a reconnaissance battalion, the students of Star University set off, and they climbed up the narrow mountain road.
At first the geniuses were also full of spirits, singing popular songs that young people liked, and they were full of joy during the journey. Everyone shared the snacks they brought while watching the magnificence of the mountains, as if they did not realize that this was not travel, A severe test.
When the time passed noon, the sound of laughter gradually disappeared, and the sky was gloomy and terrible. It is likely that Kunlun's first snow this year will soon fall.
The legs seemed to be filled with lead, and the thin air gradually made it difficult for them to breathe. They had to work hard to ensure that they would not fall behind. Everyone gritted their teeth and, under the command of Shen Lang, held hands and encouraged each other. , Finally support to lunch time.
Lunch was cold bread with ham. The students sat on the ground, facing the cold wind, and stuffed the dried bread into their mouths. They were so hungry that they were thinking about the steaming meals in the cafeteria and using cold water. Pour the bread into your belly, and just deal with the barely full stomach.
Within ten minutes, the battalion commander issued an order to continue on the road.
The weather in the mountains is weird and no one can predict it, but the camp chief found out from experience that heavy snow is likely to fall in the evening. They must rush to the No. 1 campsite according to the plan, otherwise the heavy snow will cause the mountain road to be difficult and appear. Many unimaginable dangers.
The commander of the battalion was not wrong. Just less than two hours after they hit the road, heavy snow fell in the sky, and even the north wind became extremely cold. The soldiers stood outside the mountain road and used their bodies to form a wall of people. Prevent geniuses from approaching the cliffs.
There are also some soldiers, who are responsible for carrying back their weak classmates and climbing up the mountain on their backs.
The classmates have never seen such bad weather. They found for the first time that they were so fragile and so helpless in the face of difficulties.
Although they are the smartest geniuses in the world, they need to learn to be in awe in the face of powerful natural forces.
Fortunately, the camp leader shortened his lunch time, and after an hard hour in the heavy snow, they finally arrived at the camp.
It was a flat area in the mountains. Perhaps because the military often practiced here, they built a few small houses with gas stoves for cooking, which could accommodate more than 100 people to live temporarily.
The battalion commander looked around this group of frightened and exhausted teenagers. Obviously, they were unable to move forward. With a slight sigh, the battalion commander called the headquarters for rescue.
Finally, after a hot dinner, the girls were given the right to live in a mountain hut, while the boys and the soldiers were crowded in a march tent.
All night, Daxue showed no sign of stopping, the temperature plummeted to minus 16 degrees, and the roaring mountain wind was like the roar of countless beasts, making the students sleepless all night.
They snuggle together to warm up, miss their warm home, and are deeply annoyed by their lack of ability.
The weather in the mountains was erratic. The snow stopped suddenly in the early morning the next day, and the big sun re-suspended in the sky. Although the temperature was still low, the geniuses saw it ~ ~ Magnificent sight.
The mountains were wrapped in silver overnight, as if a group of giants wearing white armor stood shining in the sun. If there is a realm of the Kunlun gods in this world, these giants should be the guardians of the realm. .
After breakfast, the helicopter sent by the headquarters picked up the geniuses who failed the challenge. They boarded a military vehicle waiting down the mountain and returned to the nearest town.
Along the way, everyone was silent, thinking about many issues that had not been thought of before.
After entering the city, the mobile phone signal finally recovered, and the classmates quickly called home to report the news of their safety.
In addition, they were surprised to find that the morning when they set off into the mountains, a war had begun and it caused a sensation throughout the world.
After nearly two years of preparations, Star Technology and only three partners officially entered the international market. For the first time in history, they faced the incredible car giants.
What is even more incredible is that their first stop was to kill the base of the world's most powerful car manufacturer, Europe!
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