Chapter 314: Novartis, go against it!

Brazil, Amazon rainforest.
The old saying is good, money can make the ghosts grind, and in this rain forest far from the civilized world, there is no law and order. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can also grind the ghosts.
The fat sheriff's body turned out to be extremely flexible. As soon as the ship came ashore, he jumped up to the dock and showed a charming smile to Wei Chen who was holding a cigarette.
"All the reefs in the river have been blown up by us. You see, our boat has arrived unobstructed and arrived here smoothly." The sheriff said, rubbing his hands.
Wei Chen glanced at the small fishing boat that the sheriff was riding on. This boat was small and equipped with two Yamaha external gasoline engines, carrying about two tons of cargo.
Now that it has successfully passed through the rapids to the simple dock in the village, it can be seen that the road should be clear, and the shallows and reefs have been cleared by explosives.
"When you return to Manaus, you will naturally receive the money." Wei Chen said lightly, "There is one more thing. Our scientific research bases should not be disturbed by anyone. The town must be guarded by others. Three or four people are here. "
With a smile on her face, Sheriff She patted her plump chest and assured Wei Chen that from now on, this is the private site of Xingchen Technology. Whoever dared to come here to make trouble would mutter them with a machine gun.
Wei Chen didn't say anything. He has been stationed in Brazil for three years and is already familiar with everything in front of him.
The jungle not far away has already been cut down and built into an airstrip. Now even the river channel has been blown up. The traffic of the base will not be a problem in the future.
It is the local military and police who cut down forests and blast rivers. Their original duties were to protect rain forests and animals. Unfortunately, in the interests of the country, their duties cannot be eaten. Brazil is the place where the rich are the boss.
Wei Chen walked towards the village. Construction workers are rebuilding this barren village. If the people in the village want to enter the city, Xingchen Technology will send them to Manaus. If they want to stay, they will give them a security job. Patrol the rainforest and the river, and pay them at the end of the month.
In short, under the paving of money, everything was quickly settled.
The experimental building and the dormitory building are rising rapidly. Every day, dozens of small planes land in the jungle. Even the cement used to build the building is also transported by plane. Now the river channel is opened. Both volume and freight can be reduced.
Wei Chen came all the way to the airstrip. The runway was cement that had just been laid a long time ago. Only propeller planes could be taken off and landed. A steel-frame warehouse was built at the end of the runway.
At this moment, a small twin-engine aircraft is preparing to take off. The rear hatch of the aircraft is unloaded and stuffed into a large water tank. The water tank is a black fish cultured by Wen Chengfeng.
鱼 This fish is not only powerful in combat, but also amazing in its survivability. It can survive a long time even without an oxygen pump.
"Are you ready? Europe is anxious for it." Wei Chen said to Wen Chengling.
魏 For Wei Chen, black fish is used to eat, braised, stewed, and can also be made into fish meatballs.
Suddenly, Wen Chengling had other feelings, and he was reluctant to look at the black fish.
Over the years, the Wen family brothers have been living with the black fish. They are like the army that the Wen family brothers personally trained, ready to rush to the battlefield and avenge their parents.
"Well, we can go." Wen Chengling nodded slightly.
Uh ...
Europe, Switzerland.
When he returned to Novartis Group again, Wang Liguo brought an aquarium made of black plexiglass. He couldn't see what was inside. Two colleagues from the European branch lifted the box one after the other.
丰 The plump blonde female secretary asked Wang Liguo to go to the president's office. Cheng Yu frowned, and asked inexplicably, "Shouldn't we go to the biological laboratory first? We came with things."
Wang Liguo was also a bit wrong. Novartis's biological laboratory is not in this building. According to the previous agreement, the black fish should be sent to the test at this moment, and Sim Khan will then hand over the samples and experimental data to Wang Liguo.
Time is running out. Why can't you do anything besides drinking tea and chatting while going to Sim Khan's office.
Secretary Wu said with an apologetic smile, "I'm not quite sure, but the president explained, after you arrive, go to his office first."
Tong Wang Liguo frowned and nodded, so everyone took the elevator, carried the heavy aquarium, and came to Simhan's office.
The secretary pushed open the door, and saw that not only Sim Khan was in the large office, but also the three executive directors of Novartis Group, as well as a two-spotted old man with golden silk glasses and two young men next to him. It looks like it should be a researcher.
Seeing Wang Liguo's arrival as expected, Xi Simhan showed a shameful and helpless expression on his face, and he stood up and said, "Mr. Wang, you have worked hard."
"Let me introduce to you, this is our executive director, Mr. Graff, the family of Mr. Graff, who was involved in the founding of Novartis Pharmaceuticals and is the veteran of the company."
After all, Sim Khan is a professional manager with a good culture. The board of directors is his boss. Now the bosses have put it together. Sim Khan has not complained and still performs his duties.
"This is Professor Pierre from the Lausanne University of Technology."
After introducing the members of the board of directors, Xi Simhan began to introduce two white-skinned scholars. He said a lot of prominent titles to prove how good Professor Pierre was, but Wang Liguo was confused.
Lausanne Polytechnic is of course very powerful. In this world, the best universities are almost all English schools. In addition to the high-level institutions in North America, they are Oxford in the British Isles and Cambridge is better, but the British Isles School still speaks English.
Of all non-English universities, Lausanne Polytechnic and its sister school, Zurich Polytechnic, are the highest ranked. Pierre can be the director of the Department of Life Sciences of Lausanne Polytechnic but the level will never be low, but the problem is that this matter and he have Relationship?
Simhan showed an embarrassing expression and was about to explain to Wang Liguo. At this time, Director Graff stood out and said, "Professor Pierre is an expert we have specially invited to solve the problem ~ ~ Professor's team through research It was found that the southern gourmet mermaid has a natural genetic defect. It is well known that piranhas are always team actions. The reason why they are terrible is largely due to this biological characteristic. "
"Professor Pierre found through experiments that the key genes of the piranha team were dismantled, and through neuromedicine intervention, it may be possible for the piranha to kill each other ..."
Graff is very energetic, and Professor Simhan nodded frequently, showing a proud look.
He didn't wait for them to finish talking, and Cheng Yu, who was impatient, interrupted them suddenly, "Wait, what do you mean by saying this today?"
Although Graff had already made up his mind, he knew very well that these dark-haired and dark-eyed guys came from the behalf of Star Technology. In this world, no one wants to be against the powerful Star Technology, including Novartis. Included.
So Graff intends to express his euphemism as much as possible. Stroke Yu and Wang Liguo said: "In fact, we are also a last resort. Lake Constance is a public water area, and there are many tourists on weekends. If you follow the plan, go to the lake It ’s not appropriate to put ferocious Chinese black fish in here to fight the piranhas who fled into the lake. "
"Professor Pierre's method is not necessarily effective, but it is low-key enough, so we hope that the professor will give it a try first, and if it works, there is no need to trouble everyone."
Tong Liguo frowned, took the phone out of his pocket, and prepared to ask Luo Jia.
Suddenly, Cheng Yuqi's lungs are about to blow up!
The black fish that can fight against piranhas has gone through a lot of hard work to get from South America to Europe. Now Novartis is back again, this is a three-year-old kid! ?
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