Chapter 34: I want to complain

"Dear listeners, welcome to the news section brought to you by the traffic broadcast, and everyone from Global Focus will talk."
今天 "Today, let's talk about the increasingly fierce competition in the global mobile phone industry."
"It is well known that since mid-May, domestic mobile phone manufacturers have launched multiple rounds of campaigns against overseas mobile phone manufacturers led by Samsung and Apple. Among them, domestic manufacturers have for the first time surpassed the power of mobile phones. Mobile phone giant Apple Inc. "
"According to our latest news, this morning, at the World Trade Organization headquarters, South Korea initiated a formal trade lawsuit against a domestic mobile phone manufacturer headed by Huawei, accusing domestic mobile phone manufacturers of monopolizing technological monopoly ..."
Luo Luojia was driving on the highway and turned on the radio when she was bored.
Hey guys, because Samsung and LG could n’t get mobile assistant technology, they complained to the World Trade Organization?
Luo Luojia hurriedly turned up the volume, while listening to the gloating while driving.
After the host of Jiaotong Radio introduced the news background, he invited an expert from Jinling University of Technology.
"Rich!" The expert said politely, "Blaming us for a technical blockade? Don't forget, South Korea is also one of the signatories of the Wassenaar agreement."
"According to the Wassenaar Agreement signed by 33 developed countries on April 1, 1994, developed countries have imposed a strict technical embargo on our country and prohibited the export of high-tech equipment and materials to our country. This is the history of world trade. One of the darkest agreements on the planet, the only purpose of the agreement is to prevent the development of China's industry and technology! "
Experts from Jinling University of Science and Technology filled the show with indignation, but Luo Jia's heart was more helpless.
世界 This world is really unfair. Only a little bit of cheese was moved by the Koreans. They ca n’t wait to complain to the World Trade Organization. They cried, made trouble, and hanged themselves.
However, South Korea has not mentioned the technical blockade of our country for so many years.
佳 Luo Jia originally thought that there would be nothing exciting about news interview programs like this. Please ask an expert to express your patriotic feelings.
As a result, at the end of the show, they interrupted with a piece of latest news, which hurt Luo Jia's stomach.
South Korea not only lodged a complaint with the World Trade Headquarters. At a regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce held this afternoon, South Korean journalists also made a scene, claiming that China ’s technology blockade against South Korea was a hegemonic act, which was very unfair and so on.
的 The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce sneered twice, "First of all, technology sales are purely commercial activities, and our commercial companies have the right to freely choose cooperation partners."
其 "Secondly, it seems that these two reporters of Yonhap News Agency are not quite used to it. It doesn't matter. If you do this a few times, you will get used to it."
After Luo Jia heard the news program, she could not help but increase the throttle to increase the speed to the upper limit of the highway, 120 kilometers.
Obviously, Koreans are now in pain and have red eyes. The old saying goes well, dogs jump over the wall.
Luo Luojia does not know how they will move in the next step, but the situation is really dangerous. Samsung stands behind the entire South Korea. They can call hundreds of billions of dollars at any time and have countless partners around the world. The potential for war is amazing.
The robot project must be speeded up to prevent high-energy blows that may come at any time.
If the program is soft power, then the technology industry is hard power. The two are complementary and indispensable.
Uh ...
佳 Luo Jia found the change a long way from the factory.
The fence was raised from three meters to six meters according to its own requirements. The freshly applied cement was not completely dry yet. Barbed wire was installed on the top of the fence and sixteen high-definition cameras were installed.
The gate of the Sakai Plant was originally an iron fence that opened and closed automatically. Through the fence, you can see the internal situation of the factory. Now it has been replaced by a heavy overall iron gate. The entrance and exit need to pass through the iris recognition system, a tightly guarded look.
Luo Luojia called to let Hong Tao open the door. After entering the factory, he turned around and found that Hong Tao did a good job, which was basically the same as what he envisioned.
"I have bought all my living equipment, pots and pans, chopping boards, washing machines, refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners, dishwashers, sofas, beds. Anyway, according to your requirements, I bought high-end goods in Wanda, that is, Decoration can not be done, time is too tight, the ground is still cement. "Hong Tao introduced to Luo Jia.
Since my mom and dad are going to live in the factory, these things must be prepared.
The original two-story building in the factory was used for changing clothes or on duty. The inside was very rude. Luo Jia asked Hong Tao to take care of him.
"It should be okay to stay for a while, I don't know how long it will take to build a villa for my parents on my open space?" Luo Jia asked.
Hong Tao frowned. "It's more troublesome. You need to lay the foundation, grout, and wait until the foundation is completely dry before you can start building on it. Also, the newly built house can't live, there is moisture, decoration and formaldehyde pollution. Open the window for a while. "
"I estimate that it will take ten months at the earliest."
Luo Luo was surprised. It took so long to build a house. Will spring live next year?
Hong Tao thought about it, "Now there is a kind of movable wooden villa on the market. What you want, you can customize it with the manufacturer. After you finish it, drag it to the place with a flat truck and install it like a pile of wood. It won't take half a month, and it's all imported wood, and the quality is not bad. "
Luo Luojia thinks this idea is good. Many houses in Neon Country are made of wood. As long as the design is reasonable and the quality is good, the house is not worse than reinforced concrete, and the wood is tough and shockproof.
Wu Wuxi already has a manufacturer in this area. Luo Jia lets Hong Tao go and take a look. After reading, he doesn't have to return, just go back to the company.
Parents ca n’t come for a while, and they are worthy of their family. Watching their parents pack things up, Luo Jia can be depressed. Even the dog chain used many years ago must be brought. They said that when they came to the factory, they would raise a few. A watchdog, then this twenty-year-old dog chain can still be used.
Looking at that posture, I am afraid that my parents will have to load more than half of the stuff on the truck. UU Reading Book www.
In addition, the time to leave Pengcheng will not be short this time. Many old friends in the neighborhood will have a meal together, and they will also sit there.
Luo Luojia had to wait in the factory. Anyway, she was clean now. It was time to assemble the parts sent by Pang Yunhai and build her first robot army.
When it was dark, Hong Tao and Luo Jia video happened to have a set of ready-made wooden villas in the other factory, and the order made by the boss engaged in the financing industry, even the deposit was paid.
When the villa was not built, the boss got into the game because of the Ponzi scheme. I heard that the amount was quite large. He deceived the coffin of more than 10,000 old men and old ladies. Don't think of it for ten or eight years. .
The factory was worrying about how to deal with this wooden combination villa, and Hong Tao rushed there.
The other side said that as long as the cost price is sufficient, a full set of Canadian red oak materials, with two lofts and balconies on the upper and lower floors, totaling 1.2 million.
Luo Jia asked Hong Tao to take a mobile phone inside and outside the villa. This is a European-designed villa. Many Europeans and Americans in the movie live in such a house when there is a fireplace in the living room. Not to mention how beautiful it is.
At the moment, Luo Jia made a decision and asked Hong Tao to take down the villa and send it to the factory for installation tomorrow morning. In addition, he would also move the battery refrigerator into it.
的 The owner of that factory patted his breast to ensure that they had all the packages, and even gave them the sewage pipes. In addition, they sent a set of snooker tables produced by their factory to Luo Jia when he had time to play.
Hang up, it's dark.
Luo Luojia ate something casually, put on a suit of work clothes, entered the workshop, turned on all lights, and started to assemble her first robot.
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