Chapter 351: If the brainstorming team can't, then go to the youth genius team!

Facts have proven that brainstorming groups are not omnipotent. Scientific research requires high IQ, but entertainment industry needs high EQ, and the rudder is smoothed by the wind.
What should I do?
It feels like everyone is out of touch with the times, and there is no talent for the entertainment industry.
At this time, Enran slammed his thigh and said, "Don't we still have a small brainstorming group, we are all old guys here, maybe we will give this task to young people and we will get unexpected results."
The small brainstorming group naturally refers to the Star University. Their average age is only thirteen, which is the age at which they can easily accept new things. Once humans have a grade, their thinking tends to become solidified.
A science fiction writer with a guide to the Milky Way, Douglas Adams once said.
First, any technology that was available when I was born is uncommon and part of the original order of the world.
Secondly, any technology born between my 15-35 years old is a revolutionary product that will change the world.
Third, any technology that was born after I was 35 is against the laws of nature and will be condemned.
These three are the famous three laws of Douglas technology, telling a tragic fact of the human world. No matter how you used to guide the trend when you were young, after you have reached that age, you will eventually be abandoned by the trend and become a young person. The old-fashioned diehards in your eyes are like you thought that your elders were not fashionable and very old-fashioned.
Trends are constantly evolving and belong only to young people. No one can live cool and cool forever. Even the most trendy people will eventually be abandoned by the trend. This is why we must learn while accepting the trend Classic reasons.
The Luo family looked at the staring dog brainstorming group, watching everyone scratch their heads and scratching their heads. They still couldn't think of any embarrassment. They had to announce the end of the meeting, and at the same time picked up the phone and called Ping Yuying. , Hiraha Sakura has taken over as the senior manager of Xuejie.
"I'll be back next Monday," Hirawa Sakura said on the phone. "This time I went to the Siberian Arctic Frozen Ground Research Institute. The students had a lot of gains. Because we donated materials and funds to the Academy, Russian scientists were happy. No effort was spared to do a good job in reception, and scientists have voluntarily sacrificed their holidays, giving lectures to students, and introducing their research results. "
Luo Jia nodded. "Let's do it until you come back from Siberia."
"I see." Hiraha Sakura said.
This is a short story of a poor man. In the former Soviet Union, the Siberian Permafrost Research Institute had a reputation and was the most prestigious institution in the field of frozen soil research. The research results are also extremely brilliant.
However, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the once powerful scientific research system quickly collapsed. Due to lack of funds, the research institute was on the verge of bankruptcy and the equipment was old. The low salary of scientists was ridiculous and precarious.
At this time, Xingchen University found them, provided funds and equipment, and sent personnel and venues from Russia. Everyone jointly set up a new frozen soil research institute.
This proposal shocked Russian scientists. After all, the first demand of human beings is to eat and wear warmth, and then to do scientific research.
In recent years, Russia has been sanctioned by North America. The exchange rate of the ruble has plummeted. Russian scientists have earned a monthly salary of only 7,000 yuan. The joining of Xingchen Technology has directly increased their wages by four times. There is also a huge bonus for completing research. Russia Can scientists work hard?
Many scientists from other institutes also want to move to Siberia. Although the work place is remote and bitterly cold, but the income is decent, and there are long holidays every year. Hot citron.
It is important to study frozen ground, because it is an area unknown to humans, whether energy and precious metals are stored under the frozen ground, and whether there are super bacteria that can cure humans and the dead are all very important research topics.
Especially the research on super bacteria, because the frozen soil was frozen for a long time, so there are a lot of Cretaceous and even pre-Cretaceous biological samples in the soil. Bacteria, such organisms, have strong survivability. Someday, if the frozen ground melts away, these ancient bacteria will reappear on earth.
In recent years, climate warming has become a trend. As the temperature rises, will the huge frozen soil of Siberia become a good farming land, and whether the Arctic Ocean Channel will be opened, these research topics will all be in the next many years. During the time, it has seriously affected the development of human society. As a company with a vision of Xingchen Ocean, Xingchen Technology has a great vision, and it is impossible to not get involved in these research fields.
As the so-called outside world must be settled, if you have n’t even studied things on earth, how can you go to study the stars and seas? That ’s unscientific. You have to eat bite by bite, and you need to walk step by step.
Therefore, under the leadership of Luo Jia, Xingchen Technology has invested in a large number of scientific research institutions around the world, from Antarctica to Siberia, from Pampas to Sahara Desert, and there are cooperative research institutes everywhere.
The research results generated by these scientific researches are shared by both parties, and they also serve as the teaching base of Xingchen University. Young students will have the opportunity to visit and study at these scientific research institutes, and exchange cordially with local experts.
In any case, Luo Jia believes that education is the most important thing for a nation. I haven't heard that any nation is bankrupt because of its emphasis on education. Therefore, he invested in astronomical funds at Xingchen University and established the world's best teaching. system.
One student, several teachers, and Xingchen University's sub-bases all over the world. Such favorable conditions can make any university in the world unmatched.
Such a large investment regardless of cost will reflect extraordinary value in the near future.
In a blink of an eye, on Monday, Shen Lang returned from Siberia and was called to Luo Jia's office.
The little geniuses were very happy when they heard of the tasks. The last time they worked together to help electric car companies to develop a marketing plan based on the primary holographic projection. The results were extraordinary. The three major automakers have continuously attacked the world. Among them are The futuristic marketing also contributed to the quality and technical reasons.
Geely was shocked directly. Boss Li found out that the original project was initiated by the young geniuses of Xingchen University. He immediately sighed, feeling that Luo Jia was really terrible. He not only grasped the present but also the future. In the future, almost one-third of the world's best geniuses will enter Xingchen Technology. It is so great to plunder intelligence resources so madly.
What is most important in the 21st century?
So what is more important than talent?
With a large number of talented stars, there is no limit to the future.
"How is the research project entrusted to you?" Luo Jia asked with a smile, facing Shen Lang and others.
The reason why Star University sends the little geniuses all over the world is not just to travel and increase their knowledge. Every time they go out, they are carrying tasks.
The mission of the young geniuses this time in Siberia is to do a scientific research project to study the impact of global warming on neighboring Russia.
The geographical location of Huaxia is really ridiculous. There are too many neighbors, and these neighbors are extremely cluttered. A large part of them have also fought against Huaxia. Historically, they are rivals.
Speaking of old enemies, most people will immediately think of neon, worrying that neon will rub against us again.
But to be honest, Neon really didn't dare to shoot at Huaxia warships, because the United Nations established based on the Yalta system after World War II had two special countries, one was Germany and the other was Neon.
According to Article 107 of the Charter of the United Nations, Germany and Neon have no right to war as defeated countries in World War II. The United Nations prohibits the use of force between countries, except for Germany and Neon. If Germany and Neon dare to launch an attack, All countries of the United Nations have the right to wage a full-scale war against them without the authorization of the United Nations.
Therefore, if Neon ate the bear heart leopard and dared to fight China twice, it would not be a matter of provocation, but a disruption of the post-war order. Even North American fathers could not keep him because of the United Nations and post-war order. It was made by the five big hooligans.
Gu Beiyin is a sweet southern girl with big eyes, big eyes, and a little dimple when she smiles. She has prepared the materials and is ready to report the results of the investigation in Siberia.
In the first phase of Xingchen University, among the 13 super talents, only she and Chen Qingyue were girls, and the rest were monks, which meant that there were more monks and less meat.
I hope that the number of girls will increase in the second part of the school in September. Although love is free, geniuses learn together, grow together, work together, and eventually become husband and wife. Luo Jia also likes this story.
"Don't stand up, just sit and talk." Luo Jia said to Gu Beiyin, "No matter Xingchen Technology or Xingchen University, we don't talk about seniority, the relationship between superiors and subordinates, freedom and ability are our themes. "
Gu Beiyin said with a sweet smile, "Sure enough, President Luo is still good to us, so I sat and said."
Enron said, "Well, let's talk about your research results. I look forward to this. Under the circumstances that global warming is already an established fact, the impact on the world structure and economy will be extremely profound."
"It's hard to imagine how much benefit Russia would receive if the tens of millions of square kilometers of Siberian frozen soil were thawed, if the Arctic Ocean ceased to be frozen, and the Arctic Ocean route from Asia to Europe opened. Too strong Russia, Russia should continue to weaken and, by the way, attract hatred for our country. "
Those who hold the same idea as Enron are by no means a few. Luo Jia's father, Comrade Luo Ning, is a typical Russian and Black, day in and day out pondering how to dismember Russia and take back Baikal and the like.
Luo Jiating understood the ideas of Enron and his father. After all, in history, Russia occupied the most territory in Russia, India occupied South Tibet by Russia, and counterattacked Vietnam ’s self-defense was also Russia ’s black hand. , Or the result of Russian trading.
Gu Beiyin cleared his throat and said sweetly, "After field observation and research in Russia with my classmates, I feel that with global warming, Russia will be in great trouble and there is a great possibility of splitting again. "
After listening to Gu Beiyin, Luo Jia and Enran were shocked!
All experts are predicting that with global warming, Russia will become the largest beneficiary country. Lands that are not suitable for survival will be able to be cultivated. After the passage of the Arctic Ocean, the route between Europe and Asia will no longer need the Suez Canal. The gains are huge, and Egypt is probably bankrupt.
However, these little geniuses at Xingchen University have reached the opposite conclusion that Russia will fall into the abyss of extinction with global warming. This kind of argument is very strange and far exceeds Luo Jia and Enron's expectations.
"Quick, talk about your reasons!" An Ran asked, impatiently.
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