Chapter 354: Star Technology also has a tertiary industry

Enron and Luo Jia were shocked by Shen Lang's words. It was indeed a natural general that Luo Jia was fierce enough. However, Shen Lang was even fiercer than Luo Jia. He even planned to let the entertainment industry collectively lay off. In the future, he will use virtual stars to come Replace real stars.
Shen Lang explained calmly, "Of course, it is still very difficult for virtual idols to completely replace entertainment stars, because there is always a huge gap between virtual technology and real humans."
"Furthermore, some outstanding talents are irreplaceable, such as the singing of Faye Wong and Zhao Peng, and acting skills of old bones like Grandpa Li Xuejian."
"But in the entertainment industry, in addition to talented players, there are a large number of stars who don't have any talents. They only rely on appearance and hype, which is also known as the existence of small fresh meat."
Speaking of which, Shen Lang frowned slightly. "Actually, we do n’t think Xiaoxian meat is bad, beautiful face and flesh. We should admit it is pleasing to the eye. However, in a normal entertainment circle, Xiaoxian meat can It exists, but it should never be mainstream. "
"Because entertainment and culture are also a war, across the Pacific Ocean is the powerful Hollywood, and crossing the Adriatic from east to west is the base of literary and cinema, Europe."
"Cultural war is not that we close the door to entertain ourselves, but that we want to challenge the global dominance of a series of giant companies such as Warner, Paramount, Disney, etc. Can't we rely on small fresh meat to complete the challenge?"
"So, we need to transform the entertainment industry to make China Entertainment more combative. The first step of the transformation is to clear the source, capable stars, welcome them to stay, and have little fresh meat without the ability to survive on traffic, please They all stand back. "
Luo Jia repeatedly nodded. Shen Lang was indeed a military genius. His starting point was simple, everything was for war.
If you want to fight against Hollywood, you must have a stronger star training system, special effects production system, script arrangement system, etc. than Hollywood.
This kind of thinking is very good. Culture does not come from entertaining behind closed doors. In the future, films shot by China will stand in the global market and compete on an equal footing with Hollywood.
Shen Lang went on to introduce the students' brainstorming plan, using the starting point of the Chinese website's fantasy fantasy system, against the Marvel universe in Hollywood, using the national man against the day, and using the special effects group composed of the star technology technology house, against the light and magic industry And Pixar.
In Shen Lang's head, the so-called feelings of literary youth do not exist at all. In his opinion, this is a cultural war, and the war is to catch confrontation and fight fiercely to the end.
"This plan is very good!" Enron waved his fist and said, "Marvel Universe is the most combative presence in Hollywood in recent years. If we can compete head-to-head with Marvel Universe, no matter whether we win or lose, we will have The extraordinary historical significance, at least shows that we dare to challenge the strongest in the field of film and television! "
Luo Jia also agreed to challenge the Marvel Universe. As the beginning of this cultural war, it was indeed crazy, but also very encouraging. What is needed is this crazy dog ​​spirit.
Marvel Universe dominates the global box office. What is it like day and night, rush up, bite!
"Okay, that's it!" Luo Jia slammed the table and said, "From now on, the team at Star University will be responsible for this cultural war, and the headquarters will provide unlimited financial and technical support. Next year, our movie will be on the big stage. The screen, and the incomparable Marvel Universe, are just a wave ahead! "
Enran asked Shen Lang: "If the starting point of the acquisition is completed and the Star Universe is created, which stars do you plan to sign? There are a lot of resources on the side of Human Resources Di, which can let the Human Resources Department set up a star brokerage company."
Shen Lang shook his head and said, "It is not needed at this time. The Star Universe is a bold innovation and attempt. We not only intend to build a hero system against Marvel, but also intend to introduce full CG technology to create a magnificent world of stars. "
"That is to say, Star Universe will create a unique purely technical genre in the entertainment industry. We do not invite any of our stars. We all use virtual stars and use the huge rewards for stars for technological innovation and change."
"Some people say that the Hollywood special effects company headed by the light and magic industry is the hero behind Hollywood's global domination. For the first time, we will point directly to the technology giant behind Hollywood and use technology VS technology."
Luo Jia and An Ran applauded excitedly. Shen Lang can. Even a star is not invited. All the funds and energy are used to attack the technology. The spearhead is the world's largest film special effects company, Light and Magic. industry.
After finalizing the plan, Luo Jia brought his proud disciple, Shen Lang, to find the software chief Li Moran.
"Special effects software is definitely no problem." Li Moran said, "Now the hardware department and software department are considered as a combined office. Our task is to cooperate with the hardware department to engage in low-level embedding, low-level assembly language, and low-level logic of machine language. The workload is not particularly large. . "
"Besides, we also have a subsidiary, Xingchen Industrial Software Group, and Bai Xianyong can also help share some of the work."
Film special effects software is actually a branch of industrial software, focusing on visual effects and 3D modeling, image rendering and other tasks.
Whether it's the famous light and magic industry, or Pixar Studios, which have been acquired by Disney, these world's most powerful special effects companies, the software they use is, without exception, individually customized, and the functions are extremely powerful, and you Not available on the market.
However, Xingchen Technology has the world's strongest industrial software development system. There is no dedicated software. Let Li Moran and Bai Xianyong develop a new one.
"I said, have you forgotten that we have a rendering engine project and have been working on it for more than three years?" Li Moran reminded Luo Jia.
Luo Jia froze, "No, when did I order the rendering engine?"
Li Moran said: "Sure enough, you forgot. When the company first moved to Baoshan, you developed an interest group plan, a smart inflatable doll, and a game rendering engine. These were all projects established at that time. You also gave the interest group a Money for them to buy an algorithm server. "
Luo Jia suddenly realized, and patted his mind gently: "I remembered that there was such a thing. The head of the theoretical math group Jiang Dong, their group of anime dead houses, they like the old fan and old games of the last century. However, due to the age, the pictures of Lao Fan can no longer be seen, the game has no special effects at all, and the picture details are greatly distorted. "
"So Jiang Dong's group of people proposed to use their spare time to develop a general rendering engine, so that they can re-optimize the rendering of decades ago, to meet the viewing needs of fans."
Li Moran nodded, "You'd better go to Jiang Dong to find out, to see how much their general rendering engine has achieved, even if it is an amateur project, that is not to be underestimated. After all, our company is full of people His mother is a dead house, one more bullish than the other. "
"Doesn't the group that engages in inflatable dolls make amateur research into the company's industry? The news from Xingchen Chemical said that we are currently the world's first manufacturer of inflatable dolls. It has a reputation in the industry and simulates warm inflatables. Dolls have a monthly sales of over 100,000, which is in short supply. "
"Even in the Netherlands, we used the inflatable dolls we made to set up a red light district. There is no real person in the entire red light district. All the customers are our inflatable dolls. The business is too hot, and it has affected the business of the traditional red light district. This year In the first half of the year, more than a dozen strikes have been held in the traditional red light district to protest the inflatable dolls we have made, which have caused them to lose their jobs and significantly reduce their income. "
"And this trend is spreading wildly all over the world. Various countries are launching red light districts operated by inflatable dolls. At the same time, countries have begun to use a large number of inflatable dolls ~ ~ Whether it is against ethics . "
Luo Jia heard Li Moran's words, and he was sweating. The company's technical dwellers were too hardcore. At first, Luo Jia had a bad taste and approved the research on their inflatable dolls. Whoever thought that after a few years, Star Technology actually became As a global giant in the field of inflatable dolls, Xingchen brand inflatable dolls, like an unstoppable torrent, instantly captured the global adult products market.
When thinking of a cocky head man in a cockpit, he excitedly carried the delivery box into the room, opened it, and took out the inflatable doll with the star technology rotating galaxy mark. Two eyes glowed green, and he placed the soft and warm inflatable doll on his cheek. Rubbing gently with a beard stubble, Luo Jia had the urge to give himself two slaps.
If you accidentally become the world's largest manufacturer of adult products, this is what is going on.
"Let's go, I'll go to Jiang Dong first to find out the situation," Luo Jia said. "If they have off-the-shelf rendering engines, they can save us a lot of trouble."
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