Chapter 365: The start of the school season and the contest

Shanghai Capital.
Luo Jia has been really busy recently. Xingchen University moved from Baoshan to Chongming. The second period of small geniuses officially entered the school on September 1. As the principal, Luo Jia must attend the opening ceremony and make a speech. The new semester begins. Later, Luo Jia will also discuss with Xingchen University Management Committee about the specific arrangements for the new school year.
To put it simply, it is to learn from the experience of running a school last year to improve the way of education.
For example, in the new school year, the frequency of outdoor exercise will be reduced, and it will be a kind of exercise to bring young geniuses to climb Kunlun Mountain. However, the geniuses of Xingchen University are too young to reach the age of snow mountain climbing.
Not to mention the failure of the mountaineering plan, but also dragged the soldiers of the military to fear and fear. After all, these young girls will be the backbone of the country in the future. In the event of an accident, no one can bear the responsibility. In addition, some of the classmates became sick after returning from the Western Region.
People who have studied life science will understand that the reason why bear children toss from morning to night is like never being tired. They are so energetic that even strong adults are not opponents. There is only one real reason. When humans were young, the anaerobic system was not fully developed, and children were powered by aerobic energy.
Anaerobic main explosive power, aerobic main endurance, children using aerobic energy, it will last a long time, all day and night are full of energy, happily take a nap, and use aerobic and anaerobic dual supply A capable adult is simply no better than a child.
However, there is also a huge disadvantage of using aerobic energy alone. It is easy to cause excessive energy loss. If the bear child is crazy for a whole day, but the parents do not stop in time, the bear child will be sick immediately.
Some children were still alive and well yesterday. Suddenly they caught a cold and fever overnight, and their parents were often confused. Why was the weather suddenly sick because of the wind and the beautiful weather? The reason is actually here.
"The amount of activity can be reduced appropriately, but the difficulty should be retained." Luo Jia said: "For example, we changed the activity from climbing the Kunlun Mountains in the no-man's land to the more mature climbing conditions of Changbai Mountain, Altai Mountains, etc. Cultivating students' sense of cooperation is very helpful. Geniuses are generally arrogant. Teamwork is often what they lack, and it is a targeted project that we should focus on in education. "
"Another important point is courage. Diving lessons, desert island survival lessons, and paragliding lessons. These lessons are excellent. Star University is equivalent to a small tough guy sky group. There are so many difficult opponents in the world. The courage to die in the end cannot do great things. "
Everyone nodded, following Luo Jia's proposal, and came up with their own consideration. At present, it is not the brainstorming team in the conference room, but the directors of major departments and laboratories. They are in charge of the company's operations and will also Make suggestions for the operation of Xingchen University. After all, everyone is working as a teacher and student when they are not working.
In general, this monster-level school at Xingchen University is a unique existence on earth, with more teachers than students.
Take Shen Lang as an example. Not only did Luo Jia's Kaishan disciple accept Luo Jia's guidance, he also learned electrical and mechanical studies with Enran, learned nanomaterials with Anbang, and learned electricals with Ling Feng.
Shen Lang's education is not only Luo Jiayuji, but also several others. Several teachers racked their brains and pondered how to make Shenlang's education better. Such treatment should be unique in the world.
The second strange thing is that the students of Xingchen University are actually employees of Xingchen Technology.
Based on the principle that fat and water do not flow outsiders' fields, geniuses completed high school courses, and after passing the exam, they began to follow the instructor into the laboratory.
The Wen family brothers accepted Yinghui as a student. Now Yinghui spends half of her time in school and the other half of her life in the life sciences laboratory. The teacher's preaching and teaching, coupled with the opportunity to contact the most cutting-edge and top-level research in the field, has made the talent of Xingchen University We have a very high starting point.
Not to mention the same age, those doctoral and master students who have read half-life books are also beyond reach. Students from other universities at Star University have been standing on the shoulders of Big Mac Star Technology since the first day of enrollment and have a lot of resources. It's too scary.
With such a high starting point, Xingchen University scores well. In the laboratory, half-old children can often be seen wearing lab clothes. Because they are not tall enough, they can only operate the test equipment on the bench.
Protection and doting?
It does n’t exist, do n’t look at their low stature, there are a lot of people who have completed the calculus before the age of seven, and there are many people who can downplay the historical records. They are neither adults nor vulnerable minors, but this The most special group in the world is born with a unique genius.
The rise of Xingchen University has also greatly stimulated China's education sector.
In just one year, China Education has completed an unprecedented and unprecedented reform, completely abandoned the quality education theory of mistaken children, and returned to the correct track of training competitive talents.
At present, the Chinese education community is breathing a sigh of relief. Our students may never be better than the genius of Xingchen University, but they must outperform their peers in Europe and the United States in the future.
The situation is no longer obvious. Today's global civilization is still a fiercely competitive pattern. North America has repeatedly educated us with trade sanctions. We must give up our illusions and be ready to fight at any time.
The cake is so big in total, the Chinese people want to live a affluent life, there is only a way to die, when to break the blood of the Koreans ’heads, to frighten the hearts of the North Americans, and to stop the Europasian ’s heart This week, the rise of the Chinese civilization is considered a success.
Luo Jia repeatedly mentioned his ideas in several far-reaching public speeches. He did not dislike any country, and he even liked to watch neon anime. The reason why he wanted to neon with South Korea and with In North America, the only reason to die with Europe is that they are standing in the way of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
In addition, Luo Jia also implanted another idea in society: education creates wealth. In this world, there are all kinds of poor countries, but none are impoverished because of education.
The world is big and the education is the biggest. The state and schools are responsible in this regard. Don't try to push the issue of education to the society. This is written by the children of the Chinese nation. Educating them is the common responsibility of the entire nation.
Under his influence, Huaxia began to study neon, launched public kindergartens, returned to the six-day class system, shortened the winter and summer vacation time, reduced extra-curricular learning, and switched to special training in schools.
In short, the state must take responsibility for the education of children. Don't push it to parents. Parents are very busy, and most parents have not learned education and do not know the correct education methods.
In this regard, neon neighbour Huaxia has done a good job. Neon elementary school students are very independent and polite, love to learn, and even better, Neon has long realized that children are the most in the world. Jinshan Yinshan cannot exchange precious wealth.
As a result, they set up a large number of public kindergartens. Huaxia kindergarten usually waits for two or three years of age. Neon can be two or three months old. Put the child in the kindergarten and the parents go to work. According to the latest statistics, Neon's fertility rate has begun to pick up, while Huaxia is still falling.
A nation without a child has no future, and without a child, like Europe, it will be occupied by an alien nesting dove. Colonel Gaddafi predicted in 2006 that the great uterine tactics will make Europe complete in decades. Occupied.
Want to occupy Europe, where the war is so fierce, the refugees have more children.
In fact, the world is still far from the era of harmony and unity. Evil is still very powerful, and may even become the source of the next three wars. If Huaxia wants to avoid the worst outcome, it should solve the problem of housing prices and education as soon as possible so that young people can Dare to get married and have children.
Historically, Huaxia has always loved children and was eager to educate. There is an old saying, there is no filial piety, there is no filial piety.
Suppose that one day, the Chinese people who love children's love for education will be unsustainable in future generations, and there is no doubt that it will be the pot of the authorities.
"We need to strengthen the promotion of Xingchen University." Luo Jia said at the end of the meeting: "Whether we are willing or not, in fact, Xingchen University has already become the benchmark of the Chinese education industry. Every move is being imitated throughout the country, so we must Ensure the accuracy of public opinion ... "
Luo Jiazheng said. Suddenly he saw Enran raise his hand. This guy was amazingly talented and always liked to use it with one heart. Luo Jia was in a meeting, and Enran brushed his hands while listening.
It's not that Enron's attitude is not correct, but that his brain reacts too quickly, just like a high-performance server, and it is too wasteful to do one thing at a time.
"General Luo, anyway, the conference is about to end. It just happened that the North American CDC would hold a press conference. Let's take a look?" Enron proposed.
"CDC? Are those guys going to announce the matter of super mitochondria?"
"Oh, mad, UU reading is obviously the super mitochondria we found."
"It's not worth your anger to lose your body, so just stay strong and fight hard."
The meeting room exploded immediately, and it seemed that there was no intention to continue the meeting. Luo Jia asked Enran to turn on the projection and turn the channel to the North American scene.
The process was very simple. The director of the CDC came forward to explain and clarify the major incidents of crazy transmission in recent days.
Following Huaxia Xingchen Technology, the North American CDC has also discovered super mitochondria. In the next step, the CDC will combine North American scientific research forces to conduct research in the field of life sciences.
Its main attack direction is consistent with Xingchen Technology, and it is also the activation of the human immune system.
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