Chapter 474: Deep learning neural network!

The time comes to the next day. The brainstorming team has a regular meeting every Monday, but if it suddenly gathers outside the regular meeting, it means that the company needs to arrange temporary tasks, and the priority of such temporary tasks is often compared. high.

In the huge conference room, the number is much smaller than before. Luo Jia knows that due to the start of the space program, more and more scientists are stationed at the Jiuquan launch base to solve various incurable diseases on the scene, but these scientists who are not at the headquarters , Will also participate in the conference remotely through video, so the fighting power of the brainstorming team is still extremely powerful.

I walked to the podium, Luo Jia will tell you that the Semiconductor Alliance is developing 3D chips and has achieved success. It will be put into mass production in recent months.

Suppose that the west is threatening the star technology with optical projects. For example, they have created cameras and sensors with higher definition. Luo Jia will not temporarily convene a brainstorming group. After all, the camera cannot pose a major threat to the star technology.

但是 "But semiconductors are not the same. It is too important. It belongs to the field of absolute hegemony. It must maintain total suppression of the West! They must not be allowed to make a comeback, even if they reach a level comparable to ours," Luo Jia said.

"I'm going, isn't it domineering? Keep the total suppression of the West, unknowingly, have we been so arrogant?"

"In this world, we are the pioneers in the field of science and technology! In the future, we must gradually adapt to this role change, after all, there will definitely be a lot in the future, the case of the West desperately chasing us."

Scientists have thought in their hearts that before everyone tried their best to challenge the West, but now they are completely reversed. From the challenger to the defensive side, they have become the object of the challenge, and they need to adapt for a while.

Similarly, Western scientists are slowly adapting to their roles, letting go of their arrogance and listening to the voices of distant East seriously, but unfortunately, from thrift to luxury, and from luxury to thrift, Huaxia adapts to the role of leader far Faster than the West. So far, most Westerners still live in the Industrial Revolution and colonies, bringing them the glory they once had, and refused to face reality.

If you see more and more Western xenophobic behavior against Chinese people in the news, such as Chinese women being abused for no reason, being beaten on the subway for no reason, letting Chinese people go back, do n’t be surprised, because exclusion is The more instinctual response human beings face to threats, the more severe the rejection, indicating a higher degree of threat.

Luo Luojia saw that the brainstorming group's expression quickly dignified. After all, it was the smartest group of people on the earth, knowing that she was serious.

Because Xingchen Technology holds semiconductor hegemony, further, they use the world's strongest processor to establish supercomputing hegemony.

The star supercomputing clusters throughout China have directly increased the degree of automation of China's scientific research to an unprecedented level. If interested, even elementary school students can use supercomputing to make a model of the Big Bang, which has greatly expanded the boundaries of science and young people. Vision.

The ancients have long told us that to be good at work, we must first sharpen our tools. Humans are different from animals. One of the main reasons is that we have advanced tools.

Chinese young people who have used supercomputing since childhood and have continuously simulated cutting-edge technology will undoubtedly have a broader horizon than young people in foreign countries. Foreign young people also want to use supercomputing to study, but suffer from no opportunity, so the gap between them and Chinese teenagers is gradually widening .

This phenomenon is the legendary educational hegemony!

If a nation has even hegemony in education, what can it stop in the future?

He took the lead to move the whole body. The leading edge in the semiconductor field is the basis for the overall leadership of Huaxia. Luo Jia has emphasized this point more than once in his column.

刷刷刷 ~

Luo Luojia did not make nonsense. After explaining the situation, she took out the whiteboard and wrote quickly on it.

In simple terms, the so-called 3D chip is chip stacking technology. Traditional chip design is like a bungalow, and 3D chip technology is like a building. Under the same area, it achieves higher computing efficiency. However, the technology level of bungalows and building applications Different materials require different strengths of raw materials.

After writing, Luo Jia said earnestly: "Graphene is an epoch-making new material. Carbon nanotransistors and resistance random storage cells made of graphene can be constructed perpendicular to each other, as shown in Figures 1 to 3, forming a logic The 3D chip structure of the interleaving layer of memory and memory effectively expands the bottleneck of data transmission ... "

Luo Jia began to explain the technology. Of course, these technologies are inherited from the golden dome, but Luo Jia is a hard-working person. He is used to integrating the technology of extraterrestrial civilizations, and combining with the reality of the earth, to form a completely new plan.

罗 With Luo Jia's explanation, scientists gradually realized that 3D chips can also stack sensor chips constructed of graphene nano-transistors into a more powerful single-chip.

In this way, the chip has become a hive, interconnected with each other, but the independent computing and highly collaborative capabilities have increased extremely. It seems to be a different design than before. No matter when resetting the architecture or even building a supercomputing cluster, Luo Jiadu puts more emphasis on overall performance, but when designing 3D chips, Luo Jia put more emphasis on independent computing ...

"This is a deep neural network !?"

I am indeed the boss of the semiconductor department. Fang Yuanchu first responded, stood up excitedly, and exclaimed.

After a lapse of time, everyone was excited, staring at the dense data and formulas on the whiteboard, and staring at Luo Jia to draw a crooked sketch of the deep neural computing architecture.

"Yes!" Luo Jia said calmly, "It is well known that there are four steps to solving the learning ability of artificial intelligence: machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and deep learning neural networks."

"Machine learning technology is the first generation. The IBM group defeated chess master Kasparov's supercomputer Deep Blue is one of the representatives. Although it is relatively simple, Deep Blue is indeed the first generation of artificial intelligence learning prototypes made by humans."

"With the development and evolution of machine learning, Google ’s Alpha Dog was born and defeated the world ’s strongest chess player in the Go battle. Lee Shishi of South Korea and Ke Jie of our country were in the limelight for a while, but ordinary people I do n’t know. Google ’s Alpha series is more than one solution, but a collection of many solutions. In addition to the Alpha Dog as we know it, there is Alpha Zero. "

"On October 20, 2017, the Alpha Dog, which was inconceivable in the eyes of ordinary people, was crushed by its fellow brother Alpha Zero, with an absolute advantage of ninety-nine to zero. Since then, Google has established research and development based on Alpha zero The direction, as for the Alpha Dog, it is more hype to the outside world, for everyone to talk about the existence of after-meal, Google ’s real technical line has been established as early as the end of 2017, not Alpha Dog, but stronger Alpha Zero! "

罗 When Luo Jia talked about this, the brainstorming scientists nodded one after another, just as Xingchen Technology would not leak the true cutting-edge technology, and the technology Google showed to the world may not be their most advanced.

Real technology enthusiasts know that in terms of hardware, carbon nanotubes plus 3D chip technology, coupled with quantum computing technology, are the real killers in the West, and in software, the artificial intelligence learning mechanism represented by Alpha Zero , Will be China's primary rival in the next hundred years.

After a pause, Luo Jia continued: "The people have always thought that Huaxia can create CPU and memory chips, even if it catches up with Western chip hegemony. This idea is actually a beautiful and simple wish to us."

"The world is very complicated, and the world ’s top-level intelligent semiconductor field is even more complicated. Just six months after boarding the semiconductor throne, Western challenges followed, and I have no doubt that 3D chips are just the beginning. The West is still in other aspects , Waiting for us. "

所以 "So I decided to bury a deep-water bomb while solving the 3D chip technology, which is the deep learning neural network you see now."

After speaking these words, Luo Jia observed everyone's reactions. In general, most scientists were very excited, but there were also many people who showed a worried look.

Xiaoxingxing, the artificial intelligence assistant launched by Xingchen Technology, has been operating on the basis of the third-generation learning mechanism, that is, neural network learning. Due to the existence of technical bottlenecks, Xiaoxingxing's potential has not fully exploded.

If the learning mechanism of Little Star is changed from the third-generation neural network to the fourth-generation deep learning neural network, then the potential of this artificial intelligence will be released a lot, and it can engage in more complex work.

Luo Jia turned his eyes to the Wen brothers. "The Ministry of Life Sciences needs to refuel. Metabolic control technology involves food and agricultural safety. I will consider North Korea only if I can ensure that everyone can eat even without work. Attempts in the direction of artificial intelligence and robots, the current deep learning neural networks are just a pre-set condition, we may or may not use it, it depends on people's acceptance of artificial intelligence and the expansion of social productivity. "

The Wen family brothers felt embarrassed, but still nodded lightly, determined to work harder in the future, and there were golden domes in other directions for technical guidance. Only life science was crossing the river by feeling the stones. It is no exaggeration to say that In the case of the golden dome, it is quite difficult for Xingchen Technology to develop such a powerful life science department.

But what unexpected to Luo Jia was ~ ~ Due to the rapid progress in the field of life sciences, a very bad chain reaction has also occurred.

Immune system activation can fight the virus and deal with most diseases. This has led to people paying less and less attention to physical exercise. Parents who are enthusiastic about education allow their children to devote more time to school. They feel that there are fewer physical education classes anyway. I won't get sick because of that, just spend more time learning knowledge.

成年人 Adults who do n’t understand self-discipline are even more so. They smoke and drink, and do n’t care about their bodies. Anyway, there is a star technology support for health, and they ca n’t die. It's over!

For this reason, Luo Jia also has a headache.

Seeing that everyone had no comments, Luo Jia announced the meeting.

As a countermeasure, Xingchen Technology will launch its own 3D chip in the near future. To this end, all technologies from optical technology to chip packaging need technological upgrades to adapt to new production arrangements.

For this reason, all departments will fully cooperate with each other while implementing 3D chip research and development tasks while prioritizing execution. After all, semiconductors are the core technology that must not be abandoned.
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