Chapter 50: Rain is coming

On July 15th, at 8 am Huaxia time, Samsung and Apple officially announced that they will hold a joint press conference in Seoul, South Korea at 7 pm on July 16th.
The theme of the press conference is that we have some mysterious good things, and I want to show them to you.
After the announcement of the puppet, it immediately caused a global sensation.
People who are familiar with the technology circle know that Samsung and Apple have always been rivals. In the mobile phone market, the notebook computer market, and other fields, they have no choice.
Is it true that these two super enterprises are really going to be united now? Even the press conference?
Lenovo a month ago, the strategic cooperation agreement reached between Samsung and Apple had to be imaginative and full of expectations for tomorrow's conference. I don't know how these two super enterprises will bring about epoch-making black technology.
友 On the major websites and live broadcast platforms, netizens have talked a lot.
"Samsung and Apple are bound to be invincible to the global Smida!"
"The Big Four of China are dead this time! Even the powerful Apple company must bow to our Samsung!"
"Are you ready? Let us attend the funeral of the Big Four of China tomorrow!"
South Korea's all walks of life rejoiced and encouraged. In the past few months, Samsung has been so miserable by the four giants that its sales volume has dropped from the world's first to the seventh place in a straight line.
At the same time, the sky over China was shrouded in haze.
哎 "Ah, this news has been circulating for a long time, and now it is finally hammered."
"Samsung's hardware plus Apple's software, the Big Four should have a hard time coping?"
"I knew that today, it was not the time to start this war."
Uh ...
一个 An hour after the joint announcement of Samsung and Apple came out, at 9 am on July 15th, China time.
The Big Four suddenly issued a joint announcement and will also hold a press conference at 7 tomorrow night.
The content of the press conference is that we also have some mysterious good things, and I want to show them to you.
This time the whole world has been completely fried.
The announcement of the Big Four, the taste of Apple and Samsung is too obvious. In a simple sentence, there is a wind.
On the same day and at the same time, the six major players in the global mobile phone industry will hold conferences at the same time?
This is the first time in history, the two camps are absolutely forced to attack the rhythm!
Apple. Samsung vs domestic Big Four!
If you came and went before me as the prelude to war, then at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, it will be the most terrible Super General Assembly battle of the entire war!
One of the six giant players is not bad.
Global technology enthusiasts are all dumbfounded at this moment. No one expected that the response of the Big Four turned out to be so hard.
"Great for my Big Four!"
"Don't ask, just do it!"
"This Nima is a world war, but what should I do if I have to work overtime tomorrow night?"
Uh ...
The two announcements came out before and after, as if two blockbusters had been dropped around the world, which surprised all news media around the world.
The Associated Press, AFP, Reuters, Asahi Shimbun, CNN, BBC, ABC, AFP, Peninsula ...
Every news media in the world started picking up spears and guns, and immediately concentrated in Seoul and Shenzhen City, not to mention the new media and self-media that have always been very sensitive to news events.
According to incomplete statistics, there will be more than 4,000 TV stations and websites around the world at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, which will be live broadcast or rebroadcast. This is a unique event in history.
Uh ...
On July 15th, the peak matchup of the mobile phone industry has not yet started, and the financial market took the lead in a storm.
The world's major financial institutions have fought in support of Apple and Samsung's consortium, and have shorted the stocks of the Big Four and their supply chain companies.
At the same time, A-share and Hong Kong stocks staged a fierce long-short battle.
During the opening hours, the stocks of the Big Four and its related companies seemed to be riding on a roller coaster, going straight up and down, and fighting fiercely at every important juncture.
The major financial institutions did not hesitate to drop heavy money, and the short-term financing interest rate of the bond market skyrocketed by more than 200 points. The volume of betting contracts on the day reached an astonishing 4.35 million hands, creating a record high.
At the same time, financial institutions that support the Big Four are killing South Korea's KOSPI and the United States' Nasdaq, and going crazy to short Apple and Samsung stocks.
In just 30 minutes, Apple's stock price fell sharply by 7%.
Subsequently, Wall Street began to change things, and the giants, led by Goldman Sachs and Morgan, began to buy Apple shares in unlimited amounts and pulled the stock prices back.
Near the close, suddenly there were super funds hitting the market regardless of the cost. As of the close of the Nasdaq, Apple's stock price closed down 3.47%, and the market value lost nearly 40 billion US dollars.
我们 "We don't know who the opponent is, but he is as powerful as a monster."
后 When the stock market closed, the news agency interviewed President Jamie Dimon, he said so.
News analysis said that Jamie Dimon was alluding to a country in East Asia and was involved in the financial turmoil.
深度 An in-depth investigation by reporters also showed that about a month ago, Opal, one of the four domestic giants, had fallen into financial difficulties and was forced to reduce its salary by 20%.
But shortly thereafter, Opal suddenly received a large amount of mysterious funding support, cancelled the salary reduction order, rejoined the war with a more crazy attitude, and smashed an amazing amount of marketing funds around the world ~ ~ and the Korean people Crazy support, the nine major banks, the top ten wealth managers, direct shouting methods are different.
The mysterious force of a certain country in East Asia is quietly intervening in the war, delivering a large number of ammunition to the four domestic giants in a way that does not attract anyone's attention.
"Anyway, this ancient peak matchup has really come. We believe that the war in the mobile phone industry is not only a fight within the industry, but has risen to the level of a national war!"
著名 The famous host of CNN News Network, Cronkite, said in the concluding remarks.
Uh ...
Seoul, Samsung Group headquarters.
Ye Ye is deep, but Samsung Prince Li Zai and Apple Inc. are family members of Cook, but they are not tired. They are still nervously preparing every detail of tomorrow.
After all, this release is too important for them.
The two big super companies have emptied their homes without reservation, and they can't afford to lose in the war against the domestic giants.
"It's the 16th again, this day is a vicious curse!" Prince Li Zaihe said resentfully.
Every time he approaches the sixteenth day, he will suffer from insomnia and headaches, and the Big Four will attack on this day twice in a row, causing Samsung to suffer heavy losses.
Cook smiled and patted Lee Jae-chan's shoulder. "Li, don't worry, I know those Chinese manufacturers well, they are very good at marketing, but in this world, marketing is not enough. Eventually, You have to speak by strength. "
"With the accumulation of our two technologies, I can't think of any countermeasures for them."
"Rest assured, tomorrow evening, we will completely crush as planned, and hold a luxurious funeral for them!"
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