Chapter 512: 3-party transaction, life technology, reincarnation flower!

Amazing plants?
Helping humans instantly cross the long interstellar space?
Lan Yu ’s words immediately aroused great interest in Black Sword and Luo Jia. The so-called magical plants of plant civilization, in the final analysis, actually belong to genetic technology. Nowadays, when people hear the word genetically modified, they are as if they encountered a fierce beast. In the world of cosmic civilization, their transformation of biological genes has long gone beyond the understanding of earth people.
Lan Yu nodded slightly: "Yes, we have a magical plant called the flower of rebirth."
"I don't know if you have heard of the remote control technology of mechanical civilization? For example, I want to go from the residence of the blue star county to the black sword of dove star county, what should I do?"
"It's very simple. Assuming there is a robot around Black Sword, I can connect to the robot remotely through Star Network, manipulating the robot to go out for a walk with Black Sword, eat and drink together, of course, because I am attached to the robot's body , So naturally I ca n’t eat and drink, but I can remotely control the robot, stay with Black Sword, help him open the door, help him deliver tea, and even solve the troubles he ca n’t solve, as if I had a The machine is split. "
"This is the remote technology of mechanical civilization, and our botanical family does not have the ability to project robots remotely, but we can use the reincarnation flower to achieve remote control effects similar to mechanical civilization. As far as I know, all major civilizations should have Similar long-range projection technologies, but unfortunately, with the demise of civilization, these technologies no longer exist. "
After listening to the words of Blue Feather, Black Sword became very excited and said, "You are right! We used to have a kind of energy wing technology, which is projected through the network to create energy wings. Once opened, it is like turning itself into an eagle. , Across a few star counties, maneuver the wings of energy into those most dangerous places. "
"Unfortunately, now our energy civilization has lost this ability. Otherwise, when exploring the forgotten galaxy before, I did not need to lead the fleet at risk. It only needed to release the wings of energy, and remote control would work. Presumably, Mr. Pilot There should be similar technologies in the civilized world. "
Luo Jia nodded slightly, indicating that his civilization did have similar technology, but in order to maintain the mystery, Luo Jia did not tell them that he had a robot.
Hei Jian muttered in an envious tone: "Do you really have a set of plant civilization, our advanced technology is almost lost, but you still have so many good things, and that mysterious fleet is bad, it is because of this. Hunting you down, and Lan Yu, you know a lot. I can't imagine that you are a garbage guard. I thought you were a big man like a senior scholar. "
Because of the complete inheritance of science and technology, has plant civilization been hunted down?
Lan Yu doesn't know what to say, but it seems that this possibility really exists. Plant civilization is indisputable, always isolated from the stars, living alone and silently, without being too severely affected by the outside world. The biggest The impact may be just relocation.
Lan Yu heard from parents and grandfather that plant civilization will move every few hundred years. Since the beginning of the war, until now, plant civilization has been constantly moving.
The era of war moved to avoid war. After the destruction of mechanical civilization and the return of the stars to peace, the plant civilization continued to move, and I do n’t know why.
"Garbage is actually a good thing." Lan Yu shrugged and said, "If you are not afraid of getting dirty or tired, you can find a lot of rare gadgets and frigates left by mechanical civilization from the garbage discarded by people and land on the virtual warehouse of the dark web. The unclear star coins and gems, as well as many things that I do n’t even know by name, are all obtained from rubbish. "
"But I personally prefer to collect data. Someone ’s diary is hidden in those ancient data chips. When you read those diaries, it seems that they have entered their lives, seen their whole life, and felt their joy. Anger. "
"The in your eyes may be a precious time for others. A plush bear with missing eyes may have accompanied a little girl's childhood. She would sleep with that little bear and play with it. However, we will grow up after all, most people will become fond of old and new, and those things that were important to you are gradually forgotten and turned into nowhere to be placed. "
"As you all know, I picked up a frigate made of mechanical civilization, chasing the space in all directions, and flying across the sky with a sword. I touched the shell with striking scratches, as if I saw its medal of honor, and stayed on the restaurant floor. The wine stains may have been left by a certain soldier. After losing his comrades, he wept silently, drunk himself and drove off his dear friends. "
"Although I have never left the territory in my life, and even left the garbage galaxy countless times, I have read people ’s lives in the garbage abandoned by others, and by the way have learned a lot from the outside world. knowledge."
Lan Yu talks about her life, a huge dump, just like a forgotten world. Lan Yu grew up in this forgotten world, so his perspective, his thinking, his knowledge structure Are all different.
Luo Jia and Hei Jian nodded slightly, Hei Jian smiled, "Let's talk about how to use the reincarnation flower, blue feather, are you sure you can get this magical plant?"
Lan Yudao: "It should be no problem. Uncle Rosen likes collecting magical plants the most. Because he works in a garbage disposal factory and often cannot go home, he uses the flower of rebirth to interact remotely with his wife and daughter. I know. Uncle Rosen hid those magical plants underground in the factory. When he first asked me for dragon vines, the uncle took me to his secret base once. "
Black Sword nodded excitedly, "That's great. We now have a secret network, which can interact with data, and with the remote control ability of the reincarnation flower, you can go to the botanical territory to see it. If you encounter it again next time, Trouble, maybe we can use the flower of reincarnation to help you. "
Lan Yu said, "But there is still a problem. I don't know how to exchange data to the territory. At present, my only secret network connection tool is a picked up virtual warehouse."
"It is true that even if there is a reincarnation flower, it still requires ultra-remote data interaction. The reincarnation flower is like a robot, and the robot needs to be networked to remotely control it." Luo Jia quickly thought in his heart, "But all this is right I'm not a problem. The golden dome gave me a full set of drawings. My virtual warehouse was not picked up, but I created it myself. Data transmission technology or something is in my mind. "
Thinking of this, Luo Jia said, "I have a way to extend a few signals from your virtual warehouse, and then use these signals to connect the flower of rebirth. The specific operation should not be difficult, but I first need your virtual warehouse Details. "
"It is indeed Mr. Pilot. He also knows the seamless transmission of signals across space !?"
"The virtual warehouse is a product of rebellious civilization, and the rebellious civilization has disappeared from the stars for many years. Mr. Pilot knows the technology of virtual warehouse, which is too powerful!" Lan Yu and Hei Jian exclaimed in their hearts.
Lan Yu nodded: "I see, I will put the details of the virtual warehouse on the secret network server and hide for a few more days. I will also try to go to the garbage disposal plant and retrieve it from Uncle Rosen's secret base. Reincarnation flower. "
"By the way, Mr. Pilot, I was able to avoid a disaster this time, and it was all based on your guidance. According to the rules, I should pay a corresponding remuneration. I wonder what you need me to pay?"
Everything comes at a price. If Luo Jia always hangs on his lips, he believes in the theory of cost, and he hesitates without hesitation: "The genetic technology that can control metabolism to delay aging."
"It turned out that Mr. Pilot was interested in life science and technology. He was so lucky that he didn't pay me what I couldn't pay." Lan Yu was relieved.
"No problem," Lan Yu said with a smile. "I just have some information on metabolism control. I will upload the information to Secret Network as soon as possible so that you can download and read it at any time."
"I wipe, so easy? It seems that the price is less. Maybe I want some more technology from Lan Yu, and he will promise at one go. After all, I am his life-saving benefactor." Luo Jia thought.
"I don't see, you are still very rich." Heijian said in shock with confusion: "The metabolism control technology, our energy civilization only has a part of it, and its role is quite limited. It is nothing more than the human body in ultra-long-distance navigation. Freezing, maintaining ultra-low metabolism without dying, providing medicine to elites in the clan, delaying aging, enabling them to live longer, creating more value in the clan, and so on. "
Lan Yu shrugged and said with a smile, "Garbage is a world forgotten by people. If you work hard and add a little luck, you can get many unexpected good things."
"What kind of is this, life science and technology are picked up from the garbage dump, and the book has its own golden house. I think it will be changed to the own golden house in the garbage dump." Luo Jia secretly slandered, the garbage worker did To the extent that the enemy can be rich, Lan Yu is also no one.
The three-party transaction was quickly finalized. The main blue feather gave Luo Jia life technology as a reward to Luo Jia. At the same time, in order to satisfy the curiosity of Luo Jia and Black Sword, Blue Feather will use the secret network and the flower of rebirth to create a remote control effect to make Black Sword. And Luo Jia was able to inspect the territory of plant civilization.
Of course, the current conditions are obviously not suitable, and the transaction must be implemented after the territory is secure ~ ~ I go! Life technology and alien tourism, this is really handsome! "
After landing, Luo Jia jumped excitedly after taking off the virtual helmet.
For seven years, the golden dome has brought Luo Jia's knowledge, and gradually completed the quantitative change to the qualitative change. Using the secret network and the reincarnation flower, Luo Jia is about to achieve interaction with the stars and enter the world of stars by remote manipulation. How can Luo Jia not be excited.
"To hurry up and prepare the secret network data terminal, use the golden dome blueprint." Luo Jia muttered to himself.
So he closed his eyes, entered the countless folders in his mind, and opened the one that belonged to the secret network.
So far, Luo Jia's understanding of Secret Network and Secret Network data transmission mechanism is not enough. He just created the Secret Network tower and neural connection equipment according to the gourd drawing. In the huge folder, there are still Massive knowledge requires Luo Jia to learn and master.
Vaguely, Luo Jia has a feeling that the secret network is by no means as simple as it seems. This super network that spans the entire universe must hide some unknown secret.
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