Chapter 545: If NATO sanctions me, I will sell a few buses to Iran

Time came to June. In order to inspect the construction of the star bus system, Luo Jia broke the sky for two days, took Shen Lang to Qinghai Lake, and lived in a five-star hotel just opened by the lake.
From Shanghai to Qinghai Lake, the process is very smooth. Flying buses of various models are seamlessly connected, which only takes one hour and fifty minutes. Luo Jia is satisfied with this speed.
After all, it has only been more than a month since the release of Xingchen Bus. Today's air bus system is still in the trial operation stage. Only a few cities in China have been opened. The ultra-large-scale bus construction under the responsibility of the infrastructure crazy monster is still underway and can achieve such operational efficiency It is quite impressive.
At the same time, Huaxia ’s behavior of using a flying saucer as a bus caused a huge uproar in the world. All countries have exploded, and people from the public to the high-level have been shocked.
After all, it ’s a flying saucer. The magical thing that only exists in science fiction movies has been used by Huaxia as a bus. It costs two yuan to get on the bus, and it is capped at twelve yuan in the urban area. It is free for the elderly and children.
Take a look at your own bus, and then look at the name of Huaxia, but it is actually the behemoth of the flying saucer. It makes people cry without tears, and an indescribable sorrow comes to mind.
The gap is too big. It looks like heaven and underground. On the most awesome video sites, Chinese people talk every day and show off their own air bus system. The western people who eat melon have witnessed all this, and they really do n’t feel the taste, envy, envy, hate, etc. Emotions vary.
However, folk voices are still second. The real big trouble is that the market value of the Boeing and Airbus giants has plummeted, and the prospects are bleak. It is because Xingchen Technology is very chicken thief. Using bus products, it has cast a fortune in North America and Europe. Sword of Morris!
Brussels, Belgium.
NATO headquarters, referred to as NATO.
"The two have been waiting for a long time, please come with me. Regarding the threat that Huaxia poses to the world, we must also ask the two to know everything in a while." A blonde secretary in her forties said.
She then led Boeing's President Mirrenberg and Airbus President Fabris towards the parliament hall.
"Rest assured, we have prepared a large amount of information, which proves that Huaxia and Xingchen Technology are malicious to the world and are the most evil forces on earth!"
"Please make sure that NATO takes action to kill the axis of evil!"
The two presidents said separately that the female secretary was unwilling. She knew that Boeing and Airbus hated Xingchen Technology so much because their business was seriously threatened.
Soon, they entered the NATO parliament hall and in front of the bureaucrats of various countries, rebuked the bad behavior of Star Technology.
"As for the super flying machine with a speed of Mach 3, as a bus sales and operation, Xingchen Technology is absolutely crazy!"
"So far, we haven't built any aircraft with a speed of Mach 3, which is a typical unfair competition!"
"If Xingchen Technology is allowed to engage in unfair competition, a match between our three-speed bus and our subsonic passenger plane will cause major damage to Western interests!"
"There is no doubt that Star Technology is the enemy! We must stop them from seizing aviation supremacy!"
The presidents of Boeing and Airbus spoke generously on the stage. They said a lot, but in summary they all had similar meanings. It was just that Xingchen Technology was abnormal, very dangerous, and must be killed.
After the inquiry, the two presidents left, and NATO lawmakers began group discussions about whether to use the official strength of NATO to sanction Xingchen Technology.
The results are obvious. At the end of November 2019, for the first time in the 70 years since NATO was established, China was listed as a hostile force for the first time. This is an important signal that tells the world that peace is impossible. There is no other choice. East and West Definitely the final battle.
Under such a background, how can Xingchen Technology stand alone?
In the past, NATO and the West have been very afraid of sanctions against Star Technology, because Star Technology holds the lifeblood of the global economy, and sanctions against Star Technology are simple, but Star Electric, optics, search, systems, semiconductors, energy, entertainment and other industries have a huge impact in the West. Power and market share, once sanctions are made, Star Technology is uncomfortable, and the West should not think about it.
However, the situation gradually lost control. When Star Technology extended its black hands to space, life sciences, and controllable fusion, it was equivalent to moving the foundations and lifelines of the West. Things have developed to the point that even if the strong man has a broken arm, he must also The extent to which Xingchen Technology fights to break the net.
Qinghai Lake.
On vacation, Luo Jia suddenly received a call from General Secretary Lu Junlin. After all, the big brother was a big brother, and the general received the news that NATO would sanction Xingchen Technology in advance, so he immediately asked the secretary to inform Luo Jia.
Luo Jia seemed to have anticipated it, and did not show too surprised. He nodded slightly: "It's finally here, thank you for reminding me, and thanking the old man on behalf of me, just say that I know it. , And will immediately fight back. "
Lu Junlin snapped suddenly, "Xie needn't be necessary. They are all their own brothers. Although Xingchen Technology is an enterprise, we, the big men, have never taken the tough guy sky group as an outsider."
"Just you said counterattack? How did you counterattack? NATO represents the entire Western power, and they have not sanctioned you in the past, mainly because your technology and products have too much influence in the West, and sanctions may provoke civil unrest."
"However, this time is different. The NATO parliament passed the sanction resolution in its entirety. Even if no one objected, the attitude was extremely resolute. Obviously, it was a preparation for the strong man to break his arm. Even if he lost hundreds of billions of dollars every year, he would curb your development."
Luo Jia smiled, "In fact, things are not that complicated. If NATO sanctions me, I will sell a few buses to Iraq. Of course, this kind of thing will only be approved by the general. Please report it to his elderly people. I don't really want to sell it to Iran. I mainly make a gesture. If I'm right, NATO will not let it go. "
What the hell!
Secretary Lu on the other side of the phone was completely dumbfounded, his chin almost fell to the ground, and for a long time there was no speech, Luo Jia was not anxious, waiting quietly.
"I said, Mr. Luo, are you cruel !?"
"Selling the Star Bus to Iraq, this is not a threat at all, but the life of NATO!"
"Your bus has exceeded the speed and ceiling of the Blackbird reconnaissance plane. There is no missile system in the world to prevent it. The old hooligan of the country of Iran really dared to go directly over North America to throw thunder! Once they When you buy Xingchen Bus, people in North America will never want to sleep well again! "
At the moment, Secretary Lu is throwing himself into the five-body body that Luo Jia admires. He is indeed the leader of the tough guy sky group. Luo Jia's start is really dark.
In this world, although the major powers are known as the hooligans, the hooligans are actually rules. After all, they have a great career, and they do n’t have to fight for it every day. No one can afford the hot war and fight the trade. The war was over.
The trouble is that there are more than two hundred countries on the earth, some of which are true hooligans. They are not afraid to wear shoes with bare feet, their brains are hot, and they dare to fight desperately with anyone.
If Luo Jia really sells the Star Bus to Yiguo, then the excitement will be great.
Let's put it this way, the performance of the recent connection to the Star Bus is the North American SR-71 blackbird reconnaissance aircraft. During more than 30 years of service, the Blackbird has never been caught up by missiles, maintaining an amazing record of victory. .
The speed of the Xingchen bus is similar to that of the Blackbird. The maximum ceiling is nearly 10,000 meters higher than the Blackbird. They are almost flying to the top of the stratosphere. There is no such thing as a world that can hit it, and the speed can exceed three times the speed of sound. Intercepting weapon!
If the country really gets a few star buses, the West will be in trouble, and the trouble will be big!
Who knows what those neuroses would do with the Star Bus? Aside from waging war, I ca n’t stand going to Washington every day for sightseeing?
"Secretary Lu, you would like to give some advice. The general still needs you to blow the hair. After that, I invite you to eat cumin lamb chops." Luo Jia said.
"What the can I say !?"
Lu Junlin complained: "Everyone plays commercial games. How come you are in the tough guy sky group and start to die !? Rabbits are anxious and biting people. You can play this card and be forced into a dove by North American bald eagle. ! "
"Dove?" Luo Jia was puzzled.
"The bald eagle was anxious, and his hair was anxious, otherwise he would become a pigeon." Lu Junlin explained.
Hahahaha ~
Luo Jia smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be humorous, but then again, you are a bit overwhelmed. The warfare is actually fighting in the heart. I won't really send people to talk to Iraq, but I will let out the wind. And wait to see the response from North America. "
"It's pretty much the same." Lu Junlin nodded: "I guess if you just let the news go out, North America will have to fry the pan! After all, they can't afford the loss. If the country has a star bus, UU reading For North America, it's the scariest thriller ever, and the White House will never let it happen. "
"Even if you reach your destination, short-distance and regional buses can be sold. Supersonic intercontinental and global models can only be used by ourselves. Even if we have an iron relationship with us, we can't sell even a screw! This thing is a strategy. No one in the world, except us, can produce the most powerful suppression effect. "
Luo Jia repeatedly nodded, "In fact, I think so, don't you know that I always like to turn my elbows inward, and we should use the good stuff first."
Lu Junlin and Luo Jia had a very good relationship, and they almost knew nothing. The two first discussed the matter about the same, and then Lu Junlin went to the general to report.
Xingchen Technology is not an ordinary enterprise. As long as it does not do anything extraordinary, the national team must try to protect the tough guys. Therefore, after the general nodded, consensus was reached in many aspects soon.
So, before NATO really started to sanction Star Technology, the shocking news that made the West tremble was fresh.
According to the roadside news agency, Xingchen Technology is in secret talks with Iran and will sell several buses to them.
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