Chapter 65: Rally

Zhang Dongning was stunned. It turned out that Xingchen is an academic journal, which contains some recent research results of various research groups of Xingchen Technology.
Before any scientific research project starts, the theoretical framework must be perfected, so Xingchen Technology not only makes products, but also does crazy theoretical construction.
Now, they have printed theoretical research journals into volumes and become a brand-new academic journal.
Zhang Dongning got the first issue of Xingchen, the first edition in history.
Zhang Dongning forgot that Di Wuchang was on the opposite side, and his eyes moved quickly on the lines of text.
As an expert in chemistry, Zhang Dongning used to read English and German academic journals, and suddenly returned to the most familiar Chinese characters, feeling really comfortable.
After all, Chinese is his mother tongue. Those square characters are wonderful, and only those who really understand it can understand.
An interesting research was published in the Xingchen Chen issue.
Using energy wave technology, wireless charging can be achieved, and at the same time, it can measure whether a person is obese.
As we all know, 70% of the adult body is water. Water can conduct electricity, but fat does not conduct electricity, so when energy waves pass through the human body, resistance will be generated.
Using scientific methods to calculate the resistance, you can get the precise fat content, so you can know whether your girlfriend has obesity ...
This is a typical straight guy thinking. The guy who can write this article is probably a single dog.
Even if my girlfriend is a bit fat, I ca n’t say it.
What's more, you still use energy waves to poke others to see if she is lying, which is a serious fool.
But this article is just an interesting embellishment in the entire journal. It is more professional to unable to be more professional. It is an amazing in-depth research!
The reason why energy waves can propagate is because the researchers of Xingchen Technology have discovered a special controllable waveform.
The reason why 避免 can avoid the impact on humans is because they invented the compound trajectory technology.
Arrange complex multiple energy orbits in the space at the same time. Once these orbits are in contact with a living body containing water, an active avoidance strategy can be adopted within 0.01 microseconds.
Don't talk about the people at home, this kind of energy wave bridge that can be erected freely and can switch tracks at will will not even hurt the dogs at home, the goldfish in the fish tank!
I'm too smart. The scientific research staff of Xingchen Technology is definitely a genius among geniuses!
They let the energy waves avoid water, and all living bodies are water-containing. In this way, the problem of energy waves touching the human body is perfectly solved.
Zhang Dongning felt his hands shaking and was speechless in surprise.
Obviously, Xingchen Technology is a group of geniuses and lunatics. They can write wonderful papers on energy field control, they can also use energy waves to poke girls, and do some strange research.
"Wonderful! This is the most wonderful academic journal I have ever seen!"
Zhang Dongning was thrilled, "It's so strong, I'm really astonished at the strength of your company. These articles are enough to be published in top journals, if translated into English."
"There will be no English version." Di Wuchang shrugged. "Because Chinese is our only mother tongue. If anyone can't understand it, it's not our problem, but they should learn Chinese."
"The Star Monthly Magazine will only be sold in China, not in Germany, so I will bring you a copy."
谢谢 "Thank you! This is so precious, I will definitely collect it and read it carefully when I go back." Zhang Dongning said.
Didi Wuchang smiled, "We will not put articles that really involve core trade secrets in journals, but I hope that after reading them, you can understand something about what we are doing."
For the first time, Zhang Dongning's idea of ​​staying in Germany was severely tested.
Those wonderful papers and studies with big brains made him understand how powerful Star Technology is.
More importantly, this company seems to be very interesting, allowing its researchers to do whatever research they want.
If you can work in such a company and work side by side with those geniuses, it should be a very meaningful thing, right?
After saying that, Di Wuchang stood up and seemed to be leaving.
Zhang Dongning was confused. He was still waiting for Di Wuchang's invitation to wonder what kind of salary Xingchen Technology was willing to offer him.
However, Di Wuchang did not mention it.
Before he left, Di Wuchang handed a business card and a form to Zhang Dongning.
"This is my business card and the company's salary and benefits table." Di Wuchang said, "We need you, but because you are a returnee with experience of studying abroad, you will not be offered a higher salary than others. That is not fair. Talents are talents, whether they are domestic talents or talents coming back from abroad, they are all treated equally. "
"You have been away from your hometown for ten years, right? It is not easy to be alone, pay attention to your body. If you want to go home someday, Xingchen Technology welcomes you."
Chandi Wuchang left, dragging his suitcase, and rushed to Munich overnight to see the next target.
以来 Since the reform and opening up, there has been more than one study abroad wave in the country. Up to now, the number of people studying abroad each year has reached as many as 600,000 to 700,000.
Numerous elites have learned overseas and are scattered in all corners of the world. Luo Jia's task to the Ministry of Human Resources is to contact these advanced intellectuals.
Stubborn melon is not sweet. High salaries may get talents, but they may not get people's hearts, and it will also damage the company's original salary system.
So Di Wuchang was not humble, he visited in person and showed enough sincerity to Zhang Dongning. As for whether he would like to go back, it depends on his own choice.
Picking up the form, Zhang Dongning found that although Star Technology was founded shortly, it is a very formal and systematic company.
Salary, benefits, bonuses, all institutionalized, unlike some startups, how much money is awarded, depending on the mood of the boss.
At present, the salary level of Xingchen Technology is definitely domestic first-class and very attractive.
But after all, the national conditions are different. China is not yet a developed country. The salary of Xingchen Technology is slightly lower than that of working in Germany's top 500.
Zhang Dongning, holding the business cards of Star Magazine and Di Wuchang, stayed up all night.
钱 For anyone, money is really important, and no one can deny it.
But everyone has a family.
He remembered the village where he was born ~ ~ On the west side of the village is a mountain. There are sweet springs on the mountain. The springs run down and merge into a stream at the foot of the mountain. The stream passes through the village and enters the village. The big river of the Huai River.
When he was young, Zhang Dongning and his friends often swim by the river and touch the fish. They raise their fires by the river, wear the branches to catch the small fish, and grill them on the fire.
Although they didn't even have salt, the pieces of grilled fish were really fragrant. They took a bite of the crystal white garlic cloves, and their wonderful taste filled the mouth and nasal cavity.
Although Zhang Dongning is financially free and he can eat more expensive salmon and caviar, the best fish he has ever eaten in his life is from the big river called Huaihe in his hometown.
明年 By next year, my parents will be sixty years old, and I don't know if my father's old cold legs will still be painful in every windy and cold season.
Although Zhang Dongning also has a younger sister, the younger sister is already married, as far away as Chang'an. There are only parents in the family, but the father and mother are both old.
The sky was bright, Zhang Dongning went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee.
In the kitchen, there are wolf and sauce vinegar bought from Chinese supermarkets, chicken essence, Shexian bean paste, and half a bottle of Laoganma.
Zhang Dongning looked at his kitchen.
I have been in Germany for ten years, but he still can't fall in love with beer and elbows. He loves hot and sour potato shreds, bean sprouts, dumplings and dumplings, and old lady with rice.
He returned to the living room with coffee, Zhang Dongning took a deep breath and dialed the phone according to the business card left by Di Wuchang.
September, the first pure Chinese top academic journal Star, officially launched.
At the same time, the Human Resources Department received a secret instruction from Luo Jia and blew the rally number to the Chinese elites scattered around the world.
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