Chapter 70: Mr Seagudson

Mr. West Goodson is sixty-two years old. He is a physicist and works at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
At the same time, he is a determined liberal and a vegetarian.
He advocated for refugees, refused to use furniture made of non-environmental materials, and lived in a small house with a garden on the outskirts of Stockholm.
Although he owns a Volvo hybrid electric car, he still insists on cycling to work every day.
Only when he took his wife to the vacation house every summer, the Volvo car would be driven out and basked in the sun.
Mr. Sigudson had a scar on his forehead. It was on a cold night. He was forced into the corner by three Pashto-speaking young men, using a fruit knife to force him to hand over his wallet and mobile phone. He also beat him up.
When it was found that Mr. Sigudsen was using an old Nokia mobile phone, three Pashto-speaking young men felt furious and scolded him as an old-fashioned pharaoh. He also used the same one as a brick. Hard vintage phone, slammed into his forehead.
Since then, he left that dark red scar.
The next day, Mr. Seagudson appeared in Congress in anger, protesting the lack of fraternity and care in this fallen country, accepting refugees, but not giving them enough money to spend, so that the young among them would be in darkness. China is in danger.
Mr. Seagudson is full of sympathy and guilt for the three young people who speak Pashto.
"What we are doing is so bad. Why ca n’t we give our social welfare more to the refugees? Refugees are good people who need compassion and care. If they have enough benefits, they will never offend me like this. of."
All in all, Mr. Seagudson is such a man with great sentiment.
He came to the office on a bicycle in September as usual.
His assistant Anderson, very excited, handed him a stack of photocopy paper.
"Sir, take a look, this is a journal called Xingchen, which has a paper on energy wave technology. They even invented an energy transmission chain that can be switched at will!"
Mr. West Goodson frowned angrily. "I must point out that photocopying others' works at will is a serious piracy, and I refuse to accept it! If we need this academic journal, why not buy one?"
Anderson hurriedly said, "Sir, the stars are only available in China."
那就 "Then let the Academy of Sciences in Huaxia's office, and then mail it back quickly."
Anderson blushed. "Sir, you don't know. Xingchen is a Chinese periodical. Even if it is mailed back, we can't understand it."
Mr. Sigudson frowned, his moustache tilted up, "What the hell, academic papers are published in English, which is a common practice in the world. Energy wave technology is currently the hottest topic in the scientific community. They do n’t even publish English papers. , Do n’t they even care about the Nobel Prize?

"It's September now, and we award in October every year. This year they will definitely not be able to keep up, but next year they still have a great chance. If they are willing to perform well and find enough nominees."
Mr. West Goodson mumbled, but he glanced at the copy paper brought by his assistant, which was all in English, and asked curiously, "Don't you say there is no English version?"
"This is a translated version of Stanford University," the assistant explained.
"Unauthorized translation of other people's works is also a serious blasphemy of intellectual property rights. Stanford University is the world's leading top research institution. Do they not even understand this? It ’s not like you know it. Against intellectual infringement. "
Assistant Chen felt wronged and helpless, and he had to tell the truth to Mr. West Goodson.
"According to the news from Huaxia, Star Magazine will not have an English version. It is not available now and will not be available in the future," said Anderson. "Not only is Stanford University, but in addition to Huaxia academia, pirated versions are used worldwide. There are already hundreds, but none have been authorized. "
The upright Mr. West Goodson has almost made a case. Respecting copyright is a minimum moral standard for a scientist.
The world is pirating star magazines?
This is too shameful!
Anderson paused. "And, Star Technology, which studies energy wave technology, has publicly stated that they will not apply for the Nobel Prize."
Mr. West Goodson opened his eyes wide, and he could not believe his ears.
The Nobel Prize is the highest honor for science and technology workers in the world. The temple of science. Anyone who is awarded the Nobel general should cry with excitement and thank Dade for the award committee.
What about energy wave theory and technology?
For a while, the old man felt dizzy and wondered whether the world was changing too fast or whether his high blood pressure had recurred.
"Shame is the bottom line for a scientific worker!"
"I refuse to read a pirated journal, not to mention unauthorized translation!"
"Remove it from my eyes! This is an insult to me!"
"I'd rather go to than let anyone insult my honor!"
Mr. West Goodson shouted rare, and the young Anderson had to hold those illegal pirated books and left his office.
After Anderson left, Mr. Sigurdson paced back and forth in the office ~ ~ with a confused and anxious expression.
A well-known scientific research that changed the history, and did not intend to apply for a Nobel Prize, they were too lazy to even publish the English version of the paper, which is too much to understand.
From early morning to noon and then to evening.
Mr. Lucy Goodson has no intention of working. When he opens the webpage, scientists all over the world are discussing energy wave transmission technology. Only he is ignorant of this amazing research.
The soul is suffering painfully, wanting to know the truth, the desire to learn, and Mr. West Goodson's most important honor and morality, doing a crazy fight.
At dinner, his wife made his favorite vegetable ball, but he couldn't eat it, put on sportswear, and jog in the park.
运动 But exercise does not calm down Mr. Sigudson. He was lying in bed late at night with his eyes staring straight at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep for a long time, and his wife's sometimes snoring sound came from his ears.
"Hell! I can't stand it!"
Yoshi Goodson shouted, jumped out of bed, rushed into his study, turned on the computer, and looked for an illegal translation of the Star Periodical.
His wife woke up from a dream, thinking he had a sudden mental illness, and almost called an ambulance.
Fortunately, Mr. Sigudson quickly found what he wanted. The world was watching piracy, and illegally translated papers were already omnipresent.
He narrowed his eyes and stared at the screen. From early morning until early morning, Mr. Sigudson did not leave his study, did not drink a drop of water, and all his attention was attracted by the wonderful content of the thesis.
Wait for the sun to rise again, when it touches the northern Europe.
With a sigh of relief, Mr. West Goodson finally reached his conclusion.
"Well, really sweet!"
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