Chapter 8: Bucket of gold

Hang up the voice call, Luo Jia exhaled, and touched his back, it was soaked.
My parents were businessmen who opened small factories, and Luo Jia had been watching from an early age, so he could barely cope with things like negotiations.
"I have a lot of money in the future, so I must find a helper. It's too much trouble to play everything in person." Luo Jia mumbled.
Yang Shouting agreed to put the money into Luo Jia's Alipay account as soon as possible. One hundred thousand yuan is not a small number for a student. This is the first money Luo Jia made in his life, and he was a little excited.
Luo Luojia did not return to the dormitory, but instead circled along the plastic track, calming her mind and thinking about future issues.
"After the money is in hand, leave half of it to pay for the server, and leave the other half to the mother. In any case, keep the house at home first," Luo Jia thought.
"Classmate, can't you fall asleep with the purrs of your roommate?"
I was walking. Suddenly someone talked to Luo Jia and looked at the sound. It turned out that it was two girls in the fat world. When Luo Jia fell on the side of the runway, they were the first to discover it.
"It was you." Luo Jia walked with a smile. The two girls were sweating and panting, resting on the runway.
"It's hard enough, are you going to take part in the marathon? Run in the morning and run in the evening?" Luo Jia said.
什么 "What, isn't this the fourth year of graduating from senior year? I hope I can look better when I am looking for a job, so I try my best to lose weight."
Luo Luojia carefully looked at the street lamp, and then she was surprised. "Two sisters, compared to the last time I saw you, it has been significantly reduced. I am afraid that it is a dozen pounds thinner? The clavicle is coming out soon."
The girls laughed and the flowers were trembling. The reason they worked hard was not to be seen by others. Who would give up milk tea and hot pot if they didn't care about the eyes of others.
"Not so much. I lost four pounds. Zhao Xuan is stronger than me. She has lost five pounds." The girl with short hair seemed to be more cheerful. She said to Luo Jia, "We originally planned to run five kilometers. , But Zhao Xuan's knee hurts a bit, so take a rest here. "
"Knee pain? This is not a good phenomenon, not to mention that the meniscus is worn out." Luo Jiaxin said, "There is research on exercise and fat in biological theory. After all, they have helped me, and they should help them."
"Sister, I have a program that can accelerate weight loss, and the damage to the knee is much smaller than you are now, do you want to understand?" Luo Jia said.
"Really?" The two girls blinked their eyes.
"Judge the truth is very simple, according to what I said, you try to see the results a week." Luo Jia smiled, "Anyway, for the great cause of weight loss, a week is only a short time."
璇 Zhao Xuan nodded again and again, "What should we do?"
"It's very simple. The plastic runway is 400 meters long. You walk 350 meters along the runway. In the last 50 meters, you sprint with all your strength. You guys, you ca n’t eat any sugary food. Eat more egg white and lean meat. "
"This way you can lose weight quickly?" Zhao Xuan doubted.
The specific principles are very complicated. Luo Jia took a few minutes to explain to them, and at the same time, they were called Wang Fan and Zhao Xuan.
"It seems quite reasonable, why don't we start tomorrow and try according to Luo Jia's plan?" Wang Fan asked Zhao Xuan.
"Well, it's so decided, if it really works, we invite you to eat hot pot." Zhao Xuan said.
"I will talk about it at that time." Luo Jia said vaguely, he has been very busy lately, and he did not mean to talk about these two, she just wanted to help them.
At this time, Luo Jia's cell phone rang suddenly, making a pleasant sound.
Ding 咚 ~
"Alipay arrived, 100,000 yuan."
Yang Shouting called the money so quickly?
Luo Luojia's heartbeat accelerated, and he pretended not to care, and waved at Wang Fan and Zhao Xuan, and walked to the boys' dormitory.
After a short while, Luo Jia's figure had disappeared under the dim street lamp, and Wang Fan only took a breath. "Someone gave him 100,000 yuan?"
"So much money, it doesn't look like he cares a lot, it won't be a rich second generation."
Uh ...
With conscience, Luo Jia is not a rich second generation. He is so poor that he can't open the pot. Seeing that he is going to rent a house with his parents.
"Mom, did you sleep with Dad?" Luo Jia worried about her home and called her mother on the way back to the dormitory.
"Not yet. Your aunt has just left. They both plan to buy our house and help us pay off our debts."
"No, if the aunt's family really wants to help, it would be better to borrow money directly. I think I want to take advantage of it?"
别 "Do n’t talk nonsense, it is your aunt, after all, whoever sells the house to you is not yours. If you sell it to your aunt, it is your own family."
"Mom, why don't you understand? Auntie is pretty good, isn't this auntie? He's a monkey-monkey. He used to work as an accountant at a bus company in the early years. You wouldn't do that. Forget it so soon? Had it not been for my dad to help him settle, he would have been squatting in prison long ago. UU reads He now wants to buy our house, and he is definitely going to knock it on.
"Why isn't your child big or small? The past is in the past. Your uncle has changed now. The family is in a hurry to use the money. Your uncle is willing to pay the house price all at once. It is already helping us. Now the market is not good. People in the intermediary company said that the house is difficult to sell now, and it is difficult to sell. It will take a year and a half, and the creditors are blocking the door. We ca n’t wait that long. "
Hey ~
Luo Luojia sighed deeply and frowned, "So you and your dad have decided to sell the house to your aunt-in-law?"
"Roughly the same."
"Are there any discussions?"
"How to discuss? Money can't be changed out of thin air, besides, let ’s take care of our little things, and your dad has the final say. Grandpa and grandma die early, and your dad has hurt your aunt since childhood. You know that."
"I see." Luo Jia was frustrated. "In fact, I also distressed my aunt. I married such a man who was not in my forties or sixties. I didn't say clearly on the phone. So, I can buy a train ticket tomorrow morning and I will be home at noon. You Stabilize my dad first, and wait until I get home. "
"Go to school and do something home?"
"I miss you, isn't it enough to go home and see?"
"Then you need to pay attention to safety on the way, I will go to the market tomorrow morning to buy food and make your favorite cumin lamb chops."
"My mother, my mother, so you say, you have a bad heart all your life, you want me to go home, but you say that it is important to learn, knowing that you will definitely lose the house, but I do n’t want to refute their face. It's an adult. Listen to me this time. Don't ask my dad to sign an agreement before I go back. "
Hang up, Luo Jia directly bought a high-speed rail ticket to go home tomorrow morning.
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