Vol 3 Chapter 998: Capture the island!

Open up new territories.
What an exciting thing.
If they can occupy the island in front of them, it is tantamount to opening up a new territory for order. This is a tribute to the sky. Many of them will be promoted. In the future, some people will even be able to lead a battleship alone.
The professionals or fighters who can participate in this battle are all elites. They are not a group of people who are afraid of death. On the contrary, most of them come from the blood camp. They are used to seeking truth in the killing. On the contrary, some people are because of their companions. Instead of death and depression, they will use extremely fast speed to adjust their state and participate in another battle wholeheartedly.
The level of the superior has been preliminarily set up. If you want to rush forward from the lower level, you can only rely on credit. However, it is difficult for the order to obtain considerable credit.
The surrounding enemies are basically cleared, and geniuses are constantly emerging. Some people ’s dramas are often staged in order. To have everything, in addition to desperately, you need luck to meet enemies with greater merit.
And now, the barbaric giants are likely to succeed in their future. As long as they win, they are the ultimate beneficiaries of this battle.
Wealth, status, power.
In the future, all of them may reach the level of the ship and become the management of a ship. As long as they win this victory, all of them are possible.
A series of gunfire sounded.
The appearance of the legendary giant whale will undoubtedly increase the courage of the soldiers. Although the enemy looks so ugly and terrible, the human warrior also has powerful equipment and close comrades in arms.
There are many enemies on the island!
The barbaric giants have occupied this place for some days, and even established a considerable tribe. The energy storm has some impact on the dimension plane. When the doomsday just happened, the dimension cracks were very small, even if there were monsters coming, the number was not the most. There will be more than a hundred, most of which are dozens or even a few.
And now, energy storms have come twice. Those storms have affected the surrounding dimensions, like deep divers. If there are thousands of them in a large ocean, it would not be possible to change them in the past. A scene, but now, it really has happened ...
In addition, it is easier for the strong to step on the other side of the dimension. Previously, because of the dimension wall, at most it was only the golden rank. Now, Chen Feng has even met the epic rank shuttle. This can't help but make people wonder, if time passes, if the energy storm changes suddenly, will there be more challenges waiting for human beings?
This is a question of great dread, and once things really change towards this, then it is very likely that in the unknown years, the human world and the other world are fully integrated into one. No, this is not a world It's that simple, but it's possible that several worlds, or even dozens of worlds, can be merged.
In this world, the corpses, zerg, beasts, and humans occupy the mainstream. Even so, humans are already in danger. Once the other worlds have completed their integration, such as deep dives, barbaric giants, or Naya people, all appear. , It is not a simple four clan force, but a real race for hegemony!
There is nothing wrong with human beings facing the bad side, but if you look at it from other directions, it may be more beneficial to Chen Feng. As a mortal who wants to become a divine residence and has begun to work hard, Chen Feng is most in front of him. The difficult thing is the population problem.
Chen Feng confirmed one thing on the island where the Naya people live. That is that divinity is a conversion of faith. Now, Chen Feng obviously has amazing believers, but those beliefs have not been transformed into a ray of divinity. That is, Chen Feng's number of followers is not enough!
Because of this, if in the future one hundred people can step into this land, then Chen Feng will be able to capture his soul and become his own believers. By then, Chen Feng can gather countless believers and condense belonging to Own deity!
Of course, these things are no knowledge for the soldiers. As a confidant of Chen Feng, Xu Hongzhuang, combined with all kinds of details, discovered some clues. The soldiers who were far away from Chen Feng had already deified each other.
God cannot look directly!
The soldier kept this commandment in his heart.
Xu Hongzhuang didn't feel complacent because she won a little victory. The barbaric giant couldn't give in so easily. Even if the barbaric giant was baptized with justice without knowing it, the opponent still had an amazing number. This is not an easy task. War, because the competition between them has just begun, Xu Hongzhuang stopped Wang Xudong, who wanted to kill the ring, Shen Shen said: "Keep calm, the trump card needs to be finally lifted, you must shoot at a critical moment!"
The soldiers of the blood battle camp are a group of lunatics, and as the position increases, the degree of madness will increase exponentially, just as Wang Xudong is not familiar with Xu Hongzhuang. Xu Hongzhuang knows little about the second leader of the blood battle camp But one thing, Xu Hongzhuang knew Wei Xun. In the early days of the order, she fought side by side with each other. She had witnessed the madness of the other side countless times!
As a confidant selected by Wei Xun, he can naturally glimpse the leopard through the boss's control. Before the battle has already begun, some people have already died. Wang Xudong is crazy and crazy, and his personality is incompatible with Xu Hongzhuang, but the other party also knows how to respect the strong And, it is regarded as the confidant of order-focused cultivation. Once the other party dies here, Wei Xun will definitely become furious, because the other party has put too much effort into Wang Xudong's body.
Moreover, when Wei Xun is not present, Wang Xudong is the soul of the Blood War Department. Once the opponent has three strengths and two shortcomings, the momentum of the Blood War Department will plummet. In any case, Xu Hongzhuang cannot let the other party fall into madness and put his own safety at risk!
Wang Xudong frowned. The original beastly face seemed particularly embarrassing at this time. For him, the battle in front of him was a rare opportunity. His purpose was to use this battle to complete the promotion, but Xu Hongzhuang wanted to be an ace. What is the trump card? The last card used to decide the winner, which means that he has to wait a long time to participate in the long-awaited battle.
"The big picture is the most important thing, I will give you the opportunity you want!" Xu Hongzhuang said in a condensed voice.
Wang Xudong knew the other party ’s intentions, and even if he was unwilling, he knew the importance of the overall situation and nodded helplessly.
Good steel is used on the blade.
Wang Xudong is very strong.
But this is not the other person fighting alone. Xu Hongzhuang needs to increase her strength into a fist. When it is suitable to shoot, give the enemy a thunder attack!
Xu Hongzhuang ordered his men to fire continuously, while controlling the legendary giant whale, and strangling all the barbaric savages who dived into the sea. The barbaric giants are amphibians. This is similar to deep dives, but the number is far less than the previous few days The submersible, therefore, has little impact on the legendary giant whale.
On the contrary, the legendary giant whale killed the Quartet at this time, and killed the barbaric giants that had infiltrated the sea. The legendary giant whale has a strong harvesting ability. This is a one-sided slaughter with the magic martial artillery!
"what is that?!"
The shout of the soldier came not far away. Immediately afterwards, there was a trace of movement on the distant coast, and then countless barbaric giants came out, standing away from the cannon fodder and making a roar.
Wang Xudong's eyes seemed to have a suppressed desire for fighting. He put out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, saying with a strange voice: "Those guys have realized the coverage of the magic martial artillery. Once we are deadlocked, for us, deadlock Going down is bad! "
At this time, Wang Xudong was trying to persuade Xu Hongzhuang to attack, and a slight invisible blood had appeared in his eyes, and his expression seemed quite strange. It seemed that the current picture made him excited and joyful, and he took a deep breath. Seems very satisfied with the taste of this blood.
Xu Hongzhuang also knew that the fighting had reached a state of stalemate. If it continued like this, the barbaric giant might not really wake up from shock, and by then, the obstacles to order would increase again.
Xu Hongzhuang gave her final order after thinking for a while!
A chaotic killing.
There aren't many tactics at all in this kind of battle. It is a courage to move forward!
Xu Hongzhuang gave the command to attack, and at the same time, the sword in the palm of his hand appeared in the hands, and Shen said, "Start the attack, you are in the back, and everyone in the blood fight department participates in the war!"
A cruel smile appeared in Wang Xudong's eyes, and he nodded: "Let's go!"
Xu Hongzhuang nodded likewise, then flickered like a phoenix jumping towards the island, and an orange-red light passed by.
A barbaric giant tried to resist, but just opened his arms, and his chest was marked with a scary wound. Then the whole body becomes two halves.
Xu Hongzhuang is like an offensive horn. After witnessing Xu Hongzhuang ’s amazing feat, the ship is also speeding forward, making a few loud bangs, and the deck is attached to the edge of the island, and then the soldiers participate in the immediate battle in!
— "Fireball!"
— "Ice Gun!"
— "Strong Acid Arrow!"
— "Dungeon Spike!"
— "Petrochemical!"
Dazzling spells are pouring out in madness. These are all the capabilities of long-range professionals. The fighters present are all elites. They have participated in many battles in the past, so there is absolutely no problem in coordination. Cannon fire coverage and then long-range attacks. Here After that, the real blood battle begins!
Xu Hongzhuang's strength is very strong. As a legendary stage, when the war intentions soared, the explosive power generated was unimaginable by other life forms!
At this time, the barbaric giants that came into the eyes of Xu Hongzhuang all became the targets of slaughter. After a series of attacks, dozens of barbaric giants had fallen into the pool of blood, and their bodies were divided into two and scattered aside.
The fighting continues.
With the sound of a huge earthquake, many strong barbaric giants crawled out of the ground. They are cave creatures, and they like the cold environment. Therefore, in the past, many barbaric giants hid underground.
Cold flashes of light!
Don't look at the strength of these barbaric giants just coming out, but in Xu Hongzhuang's view, it is still not enough. She almost killed seven or eight enemies without much effort.
Things seem simpler than she thought, but despite this, Xu Hongzhuang still did not relax her vigilance. She looked around. Anyone staying with Chen Feng for a long time may inherit the other party's cautious attitude.
"Come on!"
Xu Hongzhuang knew that Wang Xudong could not bear it anymore, so when she realized that things were not as bad as expected, she immediately gave an order to the other party.
The fact is the same. Seeing his soldiers fighting the barbaric giant so vividly, Wang Xudong's eyes became extremely red, but without Xu Hongzhuang's order, he could not appear now, he was waiting, just when he noticed When he couldn't wait any longer, Xu Hongzhuang nodded, which was not weaker to the sound of nature for Wang Xudong.
Wang Xudong's horror gesture landed on the island. A barbaric giant discovered a new enemy. The opponent punched Wang Xudong's chest. Even if he hit a powerful blow, Wang Xudong's figure only shook slightly, and then nothing happened. I patted my chest ~ EbookFREE.me ~ I opened an angry roar!
The orc's resistance is very high, and at the same time there is the blessing of the realm, like this level of power, to him, it is like scratching it, there is no lethality at all.
A horrible energy field spread, and Wang Xudong laughed and gave a roar. This sound seemed to have a strong coercion, which made the surrounding barbaric giants look awkward when they heard it, and a dim look appeared in their eyes.
A splash of blood.
Wang Xudong's hammer fell directly on the barbaric giant in front of him. There was almost no possibility of defense. The opponent's body immediately became a pool of meat!
"All will die!"
The roaring sound of Wang Xudong sounded. After seeing the enemy in front of him, the patience of the killing was completely exploded at this moment. His eyes were completely devoid of human emotions. Instead, he was mad like a beast. This roar was too scary. The horrible ability made the seven-hole barbarian giant near him start to bleed out, and even some weak barbarian giants died on the spot!
The terrible sound of passes by!
Wang Xudong completely released himself at this moment. He didn't need to think about other things, he just had to kill him blindly, and this is exactly what Wang Xudong is best at!
The number of savage giants is still expanding. If it is conventional killing, their performance is by no means so weak, but they are now benefiting from a state of horror after the explosion, and they have not even shown half of their strength.
The warriors of order will not give the barbaric giant a chance to relax. With Xu Hongzhuang and Wang Xudong's charge, the warriors are like chicken blood, like a rock rolling down from the top of the mountain. Enemies are crushed into flesh!
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