Vol 3 Chapter 1184: Mutation

"Brother Yuan, I'll go!"
Before the reckless giant Han stood out, he was two meters tall, and it was like a hill standing next to Feng Yuan.
At this time, Feng Yuan shook his head: "The exploration mission has just begun, and there will be days for you to fight in the future. In this case, let the aliens go."
"Xenomorph, you go."
Feng Yuan's voice just fell, and a very different-looking creature jumped out from the grass on the side. The other party had dog limbs, but the head was oval, and the mouth was dripping with corrosive liquid. The liquid was scattered on top of the stone, and the original cyan stone instantly became varnished black.
This is the abyss egg that Chen Feng brought back from the abyss before!
Those worms that were originally egg-shaped and then crawled after hatching are those worms that are heterogeneous creatures that are extremely strange and have the ability to change genes. When they metamorphize, the heterogeneous larva uses the genes of other organisms After the mutation is completed, they will be attached to the prey's mouth first, and then crawl along the opponent's throat into the belly. After completing the metamorphosis, they will be broken out.
This alien-occupied creature is a mutant canine. When the body was invaded, the canine was already at the golden peak. Just because of a mission, the mutant creature was severely damaged. Even if it is cured, it cannot be cured. Therefore, , Became a alien boarder.
Heterogeneous can change its own genes. Originally, this creature had no wisdom at all, but after occupying the dog's body, it developed a simple thinking ability. After a period of familiarity, it mastered the mutation. body of.
Along the way, danger can occur at any time, and this alien has acquired a strong sense of smell and speed because it has invaded the hound's body!
Just when Feng Yuan only took this mutant zombie as a trial stone, it shot!
At the moment when the alien species appeared, the mutant zombies also started to fight back, a tongue spit out desperately, and attacked Feng Yuan aggressively, and there was a great stance that Feng Yuan was alive and dead!
The well-prepared alien species will certainly not let it jump off the top of the mountain towards the master who is close to Fengruo, and his head suddenly makes a loud roar.
Xenopus has super strong healing ability. It has just been wounded with a weird bear recently. But now, the wounds on its body have been fully recovered. The eyes are pale green, giving people a strange and inexplicable sight. In addition, its hair has grown wildly, completely covering the ugly body of the past, and can't see the original breed at all.
This heterogeneous occupies the occupant's gene. Because of this, its appearance has also changed suddenly!
Fluffy and split ends, ash-like brown, very dim, like a slightly rusty blade, refracting the cold light of death under thunder and lightning. It looks weird, but I do n’t know why, it also gives people a kind of Unspeakable sense of evil.
The speed of mutation zombies is very fast, and the response is also excellent. The deadlocks that are often difficult to avoid are resolved one by one. It seems that it does not want to fight with different species at all, and once again escapes from the gap towards Feng Yuan!
Evolution gives all living things one thing in common, that is wisdom. This is the magic of evolution. Even the creatures evolved from corpses have the ability to distinguish!
It turns out that this is its real purpose. From the beginning, it didn't think about competing with the same monsters. All it wanted was delicious food!
Seeing that the mutant zombies were getting closer, Feng Yuan's heart was as flat as ever. He knew that even if he was heterogeneous, he would never have any danger. I saw the muffled giant behind him had taken a step forward. If something unexpected happens, his huge rock punch is not vegetarian.
Suddenly the mutant zombies rushed to pierce Feng Yuan with his long tongue.
Danger is here!
However, the eyes of the alien species were twice as strong as the fierce flame, and the movement was much faster, and a pair of sharp claws sprang out. Suddenly, the sharp claws caught the body of the mutant zombie. Under the tear of great strength, the alien tear one of its arms apart.
Everything happened so quickly that the xenogeneity showed strength beyond the cognition of mutant zombies.
Suddenly attacked, the mutant zombies fell from the air without any precautions, but this was not the end. The mutant zombies fell to the ground, and they were chased by different species. They even clasped the legs of the mutant zombies with a pair of claws. Then I pulled it hard, listening to the sore tearing bone fracture, and even the two legs of the mutant zombie were torn!
Broken flesh, dripping rotten blood, and sensuous white bones were spread on the ground on the spot, and the surrounding was stained with black.
Despite the broken limbs, the mutant zombie still did not lose his fighting spirit. It growled, ejected the tongue in its mouth, and greeted the alien head with lightning, trying to smash its skull! Unfortunately, it is useless. The heterogeneous two heads on one side and the other side are not hit. The mutant zombie misses a shot and wants to recapture. However, the heterogeneous head is a beat, and it was the first to use its mouth. The whole tongue of the mutant zombie was bitten out, leaving it unmovable.
Even the last resort was limited, and mutant zombies could only sit and wait.
The alien species is completely crazy, the sharp claws pierced the head of the mutant zombie, pierced the head shell, and directly inserted into the brain cavity. The claws agitated, and the mutant zombie's brain was instantly messed up. The claws also exerted their strength again, and the brutal torn mutated zombies' heads were split into left and right halves, bloody, like a coconut run over by a truck, and the muddy road was filled with white juice.
The course of the battle can be described by instantaneousness, and the terrible degree of the alien species is beyond Feng Yuan's imagination.
I have to admit that the other party is just a killing machine. What is more terrible is that the other party has a super strong understanding. The other party is different from other creatures. Feng Yuan has seen some of the beast-tamer's magic pets, those magic pets. Equally devoted to death and killing, but compared to the alien species, it seems like something is missing.
Heterogeneous has a strong learning ability.
Not long ago ~ EbookFREE.me ~ The other party was also severely hit because of fighting with a giant bear, but this time, in the face of agile and super mutant zombies, the xenogenes showed absolute calmness and hit with an absolutely crushing attitude. Kill each other.
"The other party seems to be getting stronger!"
The commander aura was blessed by the animal trainer on the alien species. In the past, Feng Yuan relied on this ability to manipulate the other party, but now, Chen Feng has found out strangely that the alien's eyes are no longer blind allegiance, but have more thinking It is thinking about its relationship with Feng Yuan.
For some reason, Feng Yuan suddenly felt a little stunned. At this time, he just wanted to end this exploration as soon as possible. The alien state was a little loose. It didn't take long for the other party to advance to the next level!
But at that time, its aura of loyalty can never suppress the other party. Once loose, the strength just showed by the different species will definitely cause terrible damage to the team.
"It needs to speed up a bit!"
Feng Yuan looked into the distance, with a sense of urgency in his heart.
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