Vol 3 Chapter 1280: Sad and happy

For Lu Wei, the weird thing standing in front of him at this time naturally caught his attention.
But Lu Wei didn't take the liberty to attack. After all, from the current situation, the other party seemed to ... maybe ... probably standing on his own side.
Of course, Lu Wei still made the proper defensive posture. After all, the ability of the fallen druid is too terrible. In the face of this strange strong man, even if it is an friendly army, he must be careful.
The druid's attack was far more than that. At this moment, it suddenly rose into the air, then opened its arms, and began to roar through the sky. The thunder and lightning continued to twist like a dragon and a snake. Spell attacks are enough to cut through space and split the century.
The next moment, these sky-light Raymonds became entities, with electric pythons, thunder dragons, three-headed dogs, and giant bears.
An energy of destruction, killing, death, severing all vitality, sweeping the Quartet, this energy is directly enveloped in the range of hundreds of meters, and the surrounding creatures, whether in the dark area or the slaughter army, have a dull expression, It's unclear what happened around.
At this moment, a legendary wolverine in the gnolls screamed at the neck, unexpectedly, it turned around and left!
It's not that it doesn't want its dignity ... but that it is afraid. From the majestic thunder and lightning, it knows deeply that it can't take the blow at all. If it is forcefully approached, there will only be a dead end!
The wolves were not afraid of death, but at this time, as a legendary powerhouse, it already knew the fact that the priest could not perform divine magic.
Is it ...
Shendi really lost?
Lost in Rose's hands?
If you can come here from another level, naturally there will be no cowardly people, because from the beginning all the creatures of the slaughter army will know that this is a battle of divine residences, and the Lord God has planned for countless years, this time it will be a An inevitable victory!
Of course, the sudden changes in the battlefield are likely to result in death, but for most powerful people who have reached the legendary level, there is no such worry at all. After all, even if they die, their strength will be favored by the Lord God. Sent to the kingdom of God.
But now, as the priest loses his ability to perform divine magic, it is not surprising that some high-level officials have extra thoughts.
Has the Lord God been defeated?
Defeated in the hands of the owner of the dark area, and was killed by Rose directly? !!
If this is the case, once you really die, you will completely lose everything, start again with a worm, and even the soul will be devoured to become the currency of some evil creatures.
There are not many high-level executives with this idea on the battlefield, but this scene undoubtedly surprised most soldiers of the Slaughter Corps.
The other person wants to escape is simply a foolish dream.
With a loud noise, the wolf man who stepped into the legendary stage was immediately bombarded by the thunder. It was originally just a scorch. With the powerful flesh of the legendary stage, it will not die, but the next second, its body Suddenly it began to swell, and the colorful internal organs and blood splashed in the mid-air, just like the brilliant blooming night sky smokes, gorgeous and beautiful ...
The companion died, and the remaining masters finally lost their backbone. They roared and screamed, but have gradually calmed down. Although still sad and angry, they ca n’t wait to occupy this land, but the terror in their hearts has defeated the hatred ...
"Woohoo ..."
At this moment, some of the old wolves and lizards suddenly looked up and began to mourn into the air. These old priests only made waves visible to the naked eye through sounds. In addition, these sounds spread out in all directions. , As if telling, sad retreat instructions!
The faith of the Slaughter Corps is completely broken!
At this moment, the initiators who originally wanted to destroy the land were kicked out!
The massacre legion is just crazy, not innocent, they have never participated in such a huge battle, and naturally never suffered such humiliation. At this time, many massacre soldiers who fell in the pool of blood uttered strange weep The sound, like madness, started yelling!
At this moment, they are mourning, regretting, mourning ...
With the orders given by several priests who had high hopes in the ethnic group, many leaders also issued some screams of wailing, and then resolutely turned around and rushed past their starting position.
"Woo ..."
The monsters let out their sorrows at last, finally finally speeding up, leaving the battlefield like a reincarnation, and soon disappearing from the eyes of everyone ...
They have to return to their own level ... back to the icy world that is also dark and lightless!
Watching the soldiers of the Slaughter Corps start to run backwards, the coalition forces formed in the dark area are completely crazy, and many demons are even excited to attack their bodies with weapons!
Extreme madness will cause the demons to fall into a state of unintelligence. At this time, they are basically tumors in the team, because not only they attack themselves, any creatures close to themselves will become their targets.
In addition, the dark elves also fell into a certain madness. The dark area was their homeland. The divine house lost its traces, which caused a lot of dark elves to panic. Now, when the massacre legion declares failure, it begins to escape. It was only then that the hanging hearts of the dark elves finally began to flatten.
But the dark elves knew that the enemy would not be afraid of this land. Instead, they would accumulate enough anger because of failure and then invade it. By then, the flame of revenge began to rise. The dark elves and the souls on this land. Destiny is truly going to perish.
Therefore, the dark elves will not miss such a good opportunity, they will beat the water dog with pain!
The horn of revenge had sounded, and the surviving dark elves, demons, and dark creatures began the orgy.
The dark area is in the abyss, and all creatures are used to killing and death, so it is not sad for the departure of some partners, because no one knows when they will die.
But for the human reinforcements, although it won the victory, it was a terrible victory without cheering. People stood as dumb as they were, and did n’t talk too much, just boasting that they had returned from hell.
The next step is to take care of the battlefield. Although this fierce battle of life and death lasted less than an hour, the intensity of it has caused countless veterans to frown.
Countless dead bodies are lying on the ground crookedly, and even more seriously injured are dying. Every minute, there are many wounded who are too late to be rescued to cut off their vitality ... A total of 10,000 came to this land There are only 7,000 surviving human beings, and 3,000 people have remained on the land in the dark area forever.
Some strong human beings who have been forced to their limits, even if they win victory, take violent potions that have many injuries to the body, but now they are half dead and weak, many comrades with good relations touching the corpses of their friends and crying.
The scene of the tragedy was staged in minutes, and Yan Kuan was at the moment of life and death ...
This battle not only belongs to men, but also to women. Many women became awakeners at the end of the day, and as excellent warriors, came to this land together.
Now, Yan Kuan is lying in the arms of Chen Zixiu, his chest panting like a ventilation box.
These two people can be regarded as a pair of fate. No one knows anyone before the last day. They know each other in the last day, but because the most important people have left their own experience before, even if they have a good relationship with each other, they never know No one has pierced the last layer of tissue.
Therefore, the relationship between the two people is so vague, and no man is seen.
Just a few minutes before the end of the war, Yan Kuan was attacked by a gnoll assassin, his back was penetrated, and even his heart was almost pinched. If another person died, he would have died, but He Yan Kuan was a The strength-type awakener persists until the moment of victory!
"Zixiu ..."
Yan Kuan exhausted all his strength to barely spit out these two words. The voice was very soft and soft, as if full of exhaustion and weakness, causing Chen Zixiu to rain like a mad man, shouting like crazy:
"Don't talk, don't talk, your injury is serious, but you will definitely be fine ... therapist! Therapist! Come on a therapist, the nerd is dying, who will come to rescue him ..."
In Chen Zixiu's ability to awaken, she could cure minor injuries, but she was exhausted and she was seriously injured. Not to mention healing others, even her own wounds were bleeding.
There are countless wounded on the battlefield. Almost everyone needs first aid. Even if Li Siyu starts to rescue without a break, it is still a waste of money and he cannot get the first time treatment!
"Zixiu ... I know I'm not saved ... Before I die ... Let me finish my speech ..."
Yan Kuan's rude face had been stained with red blood spilled from the nose and nose, but he still held out his hand, put his palm on Chen Zixiu's face, and looked at the soul-wrenching face, shaking. Lips said:
"Zixiu ... for the past six months ... it's so nice to have you by my side ... together with bitterness and intimacy ... to kill monsters all together ... Zixiu, if there is a chance in the next life ... I don't want to be your comrade in arms ... I want to be your ... Want to be your man ... "
"Without my next life, I don't want my next life. If I have any wish, I will try to achieve it in this life! Hold on, don't hesitate to hold on to me ... I'll take you to the therapist to stop bleeding and repair your injuries, and wait for you to recover After that, I promised you everything, we will never be separated for life, and we will be the closest companions ... "
Chen Zixiu was too excited. For her, the first day of the last day witnessed the family being persecuted by zombies, and her boyfriend who had been together since high school, was also bitten by a red blood pupa in order to save herself. Two cuts, these repeated blows, so that Chen Zixiu's heart has long been out of love.
However, people are not plants and ca n’t be ruthless. Chen Zixiu thought that he would only live alone in his life. But since she met Yan Kuan ’s atrium, she woke up again. They fought daily for a common goal, derived from pure comradeship. A wonderful relationship, but neither of them broke through that layer of window paper ...
Now, life and death are just around the corner. The comrades-in-arms who share the same sorrows don't have so much anxiety and confess their feelings to each other, but it seems too late ...
"Well ... be the closest ... I need to take good care of you ..."
Yan Kuan wanted to say something more, but the blood spit out from his mouth was getting more and more. Obviously, his almost pinched heart had reached the limit, and his vitality had reached the end.
Chen Zixiu was holding Yan Kuan's body, crying and weeping, crying like a bleak and bleak under the moon at night, echoing on the battlefield for a long time, she was struggling and stubborn to stand up with Yan Kuan's corpse, her leg bones With a crunching noise, the muscles at the wound were torn to a large extent, and blood was flowing continuously, but she still hobbled and shouted with a hoarse exhaustion:
"Therapist! Therapist, come on a therapist ..."
On the other side, there are also scenes of tragedy:
"Tang Qiang, Geng Zhenghua, Zhang Chuan, Zhao Chu ..."
Kang Yuanning stood up, holding his body, he was insufferable ~ EbookFREE.me ~, twitching his throat, looked around, wiped the blood on the corners of his lips, and finally shivered his body toward A pool of rotten meat walked next to it.
That's Zhao Chu's body ...
What a glorious Zhao Chu once was, carrying countless sweet auras, and counted as the goddess of countless men's souls, but she was brave enough to sacrifice on the battlefield and was trampled by an ogre, and she hated Jiuquan ...
This fierce battle has caused a lot of new generations of advanced masters of order to be deeply wounded. Kang Yuanning has witnessed the growth of these close friends, but now ... who could have imagined that a battle had taken so many lives.
"Kang Yuanning, don't be too sad, they died well!" On the one side, a man with a broken arm and blind eyes came over to help Kang Yuanning.
"Dead so well? One died well ... Today, three companions died well ... So, tomorrow? What about next month ... Will the monsters in the future be stronger and more ... Can we really survive the next month ... Is it true? Is the fate of our awakenings the battlefield ... "
In the end, Lin Ying was sobbing and crying. The death of too many companions touched his heart. He was worried and afraid. He didn't know where the road was, and he didn't know how to break through this predicament. Luckily he survived, but he also saw the terrible land of the abyss ...
Kang Yuanning was not timid. He was once known as a little death, because he fought extremely crazy, like death, and threatened the enemy with death!
But such a strong man, after seeing the battlefield of the abyss, has become such a state!
In the past, when the order was unfailing, he had never been so desperate. Chen Feng was right. The flowers in the greenhouse did not have the ability to protect against the cold. Only by placing them in the wild can these flowers bloom more beautifully!
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