Vol 4 Chapter 1359: major discovery

Geya is exactly a miracle on this land, but where is anyone who knows that they are extremely admiring desires, in fact, they have been promoted into pleasure demons and become a more horrible existence?
If it is said that the demon is only the middle-level devil in purgatory, then the pleasure demon undoubtedly has the opportunity to advance to the higher level.
The devil generally acknowledges three broad hierarchies. At the bottom are low-level devil, and only a few can get rid of this extremely humble and pathetic position. While most of the lower-level devil is sacrificed by any superior above them, the lower-level devil rarely get the chance to prove their worth and get promoted.
Above the low-level devil is the middle-level devil. This more elite group enjoys more autonomy. Through their role in the soul trade, mid-level devils often get regular promotion opportunities.
Near the top of the ruling system are high-level demons, who occupy authoritative positions in the power system. And the most powerful of them is the deep prison refining demon. From battles to the corruption of the entire country, in each plan, they shoulder the management and supervision of the devil forces.
Beneath just the nine lords are a group of devil known as the Duke. Regardless of scheming or not, any Duke of Hell dreams that one day he can replace a certain lord and rule a certain level of Bartos.
Despite the taboo of obtaining absolute power, the Duke and the Dark Prisoner must at the same time keep an eye on how to keep their positions.
Other high-level devil is constantly planning how to get promoted, and the promotion of a new deep prison refining demon usually means the degradation of an out of favor opponent.
In addition, although being the most powerful devil means that you will frequently get opportunities to prove yourself and continue to rise, it also exposes them directly to the strict supervision of the lords.
The punishment for failure is often quick and horrible, so the high-level devil always lives under the persistent fear of downgrading. They vent their fears on their subordinates, who in turn intimidate and bully the humbler, passing down in turn. This series of cruel and merciless subordination ends in pitiful and miserable, without mental cowardice, they have no subordinates to vent.
Whether it's an abyss or purgatory, whether it's a demon or a devil, their structure has been slavery and killing from the beginning.
The higher-level devil has the right to bully his men without limit. They have no conscience at all and act by instinct!
And this is why, any devil wants to climb upwards. All the devil don't want to be the party to be bullied. If they can choose, they are only the party to bully!
At this time, Geya looked around, and the half-dragon originally regarded as her confidant stepped on her feet relentlessly without any attachment at all.
"I see your joy, thank you very much for your confirmation, I think this battle of flesh and blood has won some of your favor!"
Geya's voice was full of magic. At this time, countless demons cheered for it. Whether it was a goblin or an orc, it showed an extremely crazy state at this time, like a dam filled with water suddenly opened. That kind of impact is far from being understood by ordinary people!
Chen Feng stood by, feeling the fatal temptation on the other side, and frowned, but he returned to normal in an instant, like the demons around him, his eyes became red and his breathing was thick.
He must hide himself. Fortunately, he has the power of faith. Because he has battled with the of slaughter, he has learned some methods of using the power of faith, so he attaches faith to himself and disguise himself as a half. Step epic status.
And Chen Feng is somewhat skeptical. The Colosseum boss, who appears to be only half-step epic, is also hiding his strength, and the other party is likely to be in the epic rank like himself!
The devil rejects meaningless killings, and they will retaliate against any form of conflict according to their plan. They will follow the target, trying to kill the latter and taking their belongings.
Chen Feng didn't take this Colosseum seriously. Just like in the peaceful era, some Chinese people would also go abroad to do business. Although there is blood feud between the devil and the devil, there are still a lot of them driven by the interests. Demon and devil go to do business in the opposite world!
From the beginning, they stated that they did not have any hostility, and they went anywhere for one purpose, that is business!
This is an unwritten rule. Treat any businessman, whether it is a demon or a devil, with sufficient patience, and they cannot easily kill those who are working hard in the hostile forces.
If it is normal, an epic businessman can undoubtedly attract more attention. Power is the bargaining chip of the businessman. All races, whether purgatory or abyss, like to expose their power and make the enemy fear!
But what exactly is this demon named Geya? How did he deliberately hide his strength and disguise himself as a slightly weaker devil ~ EbookFREE.me ~ What is the point of the other party doing this?
Is it simply coming here to fight for the soul, or is there an unspeakable secret that the other party has?
Chen Feng only felt that he had opened a corner of a conspiracy, and the devil was never targeted. Compared to beware of the demon without wisdom, the devil is the enemy of all intelligent creatures!
The inner world of the devil can be fully described in one word: ambition. Almost all the devil is no exception!
The devil believes in order and rules, but not because the latter can promote the progress of the whole society, but because they believe that they can seek self-interest from these rules. Every devil is eager to be promoted to a high position, so that he can modify the rules at will to meet his goals.
Some smarter demons keep themselves calm, good at calculations, and highly logical. Regarding emotion, however, this kind of thing tends to be chaotic, and thinking and reasoning are orderly. But their own evil nature often encourages the devil to act according to his emotions.
All in all, the devil is like a contradiction. On the one hand, they make every effort to make the plan successful, but at some critical moments, they will also make some mistakes in their plans because of some instincts. For example, for the blood madness!
Chen Feng initially judged that the devil standing in front of himself, deliberately hiding his strength, had some crazy ideas, and he felt that once the plan was successfully launched, let alone the Colosseum, it was at this level where he was now. A major shock may occur as a result!
Chen Feng frowned. He came here just to sharpen his own strength, but he didn't have any idea of ​​guarding the demon. If the other party was really planning something, in the event of an emergency, he secretly vowed to leave here as quickly as possible!
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