Chapter 133: Ghost Nematode

Quiet room.
宁静 Because of a moment of sorrow, the peace was broken.
A man with a cloth strip all over was placed on the ground, his face was a bit pale, maybe the cause of the pain, and his voice became extremely hoarse.
感染 The infected person is not very old. He is about 20 years old, thin and looks like spirit. But now, his eyes are red and filled with dense blood.
As for the two sides of his shoulder, there are two tumors. The tumors are dark purple. It has been looking for a long time, which makes people feel uncomfortable.
"Master, this is Zhou Xianhe. After returning a few days ago, some soybean-sized particles first appeared on the body, but now these particles occupy the entire back."
Wei Xun bowed his waist and stood quietly in front of Chen Feng, explaining the changes of the other party.
Chen Feng looked suspiciously at the man's body, as if reminiscing about something.
I am not a corpse poison.
If infected with a zombie virus, the color of the body will be gray, instead of what it is now, just pathologically pale.
I can't ...
A sarcoma on the spine is not a good sign.
"Scratched his skin." The other person's appearance could not tell too much, and Chen Feng needed some other clues.
Weixun heard that although he felt some doubts, he took out a carry-on dagger and made a bloodstain on the man's shoulder.
What is unexpected is that the blood flowing out of a man is not red but light green, and there is some stinky smell in this plasma.
"This ..." Wei Xun opened his eyes wide, how could human blood be green, which completely exceeded his cognition.
"Pick off the tumor on it." Chen Feng's face was a little gloomy.
Stubbornly nauseous, Wei Xun broke through the tumor with a knife, and in addition to the rotten blood, a bunch of bugs rolled out.
These bugs are like a bunch of threads, entangled together, and the moment they fell to the ground, the bugs separated, and they wanted to try to penetrate the infected person's body.
Chen Feng witnessed all this, a fireball suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand, and it was a breeze, and even people were covered with insects, which ended the life of the other party.
He's not saved.
Death is sometimes a relief.
"Sure enough!"
陈 When Chen Feng saw the scene just now, his heart shook a bit. Some confused memories lingered in his mind. He could finally determine what happened to the other person.
I am not a corpse poison.
But insect poison!
The man's body is parasitic, and even plasma changes.
Haunting Nematodes have begun to reproduce.
This is a sign of the Zerg coming soon!
The nematode is a string-like body with a length of about three centimeters. Adults inhabit rivers, ponds, and carrion. This is a parasite. They will penetrate into the wounds of humans or beasts and enter inside the other's body Continue to develop.
Haunted nematodes do not have any aggressiveness, but they have super vitality and can survive in extremely low or high temperatures.
Their slender bodies can freely shuttle in the blood vessels. Starting from the wound, they move towards the brain little by little. After they occupy the host's brain, they will fuse with each other.
The most frightening thing is that they control each other's life, but the host still has its own independent consciousness.
Unlike worms, which are completely manipulated by larvae, and zombies without consciousness, they are only slaves of flesh and blood, humans parasitized by soul nematodes, and even have the ability to think, but their consciousness has changed from a human to a Bugs have no feelings.
Chen Feng stood on the ground with a dignity in his eyes, and murmured, "Is the Nematode appeared? "
"During the parasitic process, the human body will have some rejection."
不过 "However, after being completely parasitic, these rejections will disappear, and from the outside, it will look like a major illness has healed."
"After that, they will become dumb, even dumb."
Chen Feng frowned and tried to remember, but all this was disguise. When the Zerg siege, these parasitic humans, like madmen, began to attack the surrounding humans.
Internal disintegration.
It was precisely because of the sneak attack of these humans and insects that the human defense system was greatly damaged, which accelerated the speed of the Zerg siege. In less than three days, the main urban area was breached, and tens of thousands of humans became food for the insects.
In the process of parasitism, the damage to the host is very large. Only three months remain in their lives. When the time passes, the flesh will rot and die with the worms in the head.
Behind this, the help of that insect emperor is indispensable.
This is a conspiracy against humanity.
Who would have thought that even when the survivors were struggling, the worms would break into the interior in this way. This disaster is no less than a biochemical attack.
I just couldn't think of it, [Order] turned out to be a case of Nematode.
"Check his hands to see if there are no wounds." Chen Feng looked a little bit cold.
I felt something wrong, Wei Xun quickly opened the man's hands, and spread out in front of Chen Feng: ‘Sir, look! ’
I saw a deep scratch on the palm of the man's right hand. This man was a member of the search group before. The wound was apparently caused during the search.
Haunting nematodes are parasitic in carrion.
In the supermarket occupied by Yan Shankui, I don't know how many people died, and some stumps were even buried in the back of the supermarket, where it is likely to attract patrons.
I just happened to be carrying materials, and the nematode passed through the wound and entered the man's body.
The mystery was solved, but Chen Feng's mood was extremely heavy.
"Gather all the people involved in the supermarket operation, blood test, skin test, once weird and blood mutations are found, UU Kanshu all isolated!"
"Except for those people, their wives, children, parents, and even friends must check them one by one and tell Xu Zhe that this matter makes him fully responsible and he must find out the results in the shortest possible time!"
After saying all this, Chen Feng reached into his arms and took out a glass bottle containing the queen honey. Compared to the ordinary blood honey, the color of the queen honey was more pure, just like a glaze, and even brighter than the sun.
He shook his hand, and the honey bee threw it directly to Wei Xun's hand.
大 "Master ... you ..." Wei Xun was a little surprised, and of course he knew the value of queen honey.
"This time you have merit, this is for you." Chen Feng said lightly.
"Master Xie!" Wei Xun loudly, without hiding the excitement in his eyes.
"The worm is about to move. First, the worm king is now a nematode. The golden rank's strength really can't be underestimated. I just don't know if the worm king has any other backhand!"
Chen Feng's eyes flickered a little, but he was replaced by firmness instantly.
"These hurtful things don't need to be considered at all. All I have to do now is to strengthen my strength. With the strength, how can I be afraid of those little conspiracy tricks."
"Weixun, what other forces are there around?" Chen Feng said suddenly.
"It is marked on the notebook that there are four forces with 500 people. You did not let me act rashly before, so these forces have not been contacted." Wei Xun answered truthfully.
After hearing these words, Chen Feng said loudly: "You lead the team, the evil demon and the undead mage will follow you. In addition to this, all the skeleton legionnaires in the camp will be brought out, and all the main actors of the power will be called, and they will say Something to talk about! Remember, I want everyone to see me! "
The economic development zone must be integrated. The insect emperor is conspiring, and Chen Feng must control it as soon as possible!

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