Vol 4 Chapter 1378: Aggressive consciousness

"Do you still have a helper?"
I heard Chen Feng's narration, Ge Ya opened her eyes immediately and looked at the other with an incredible look.
In its consciousness, Chen Feng has already turned the Colosseum upside down, and now, there are a few more helpers around the other side. This is undoubtedly a shock for Geya, making it a little helpless for a moment. How to communicate with each other.
Instead, Chen Feng said calmly, and said, "On the day of the peak of my Lord, there were a total of one hundred epic strong men, dozens of mythical and eternal masters, and even the divine residence. There are three statues. There is always something left. "
不过 "But rest assured, I am at the top of the list of 100 epic powerhouses. Although the surviving companions are arrogant but obedient to me, they will not let you plan to go to nothing!"
"Top of the list?"
Geya murmured to himself, no wonder the other party was so powerful, they killed so many of their own, and even they almost became a corpse. The original party ’s strength was so horrible. In ancient times, it controlled hundreds of people. Under the epic ranks, this strength has even surpassed the ordinary divine residence.
Thinking of this, Geya still had some doubts and asked, "I just don't know what it is convenient to disclose. No, what is the race of your companions?"
Chen Feng immediately said: "One Burning Demon, and one ..."
Chen Feng deliberately lengthened his voice, Geya heard the pupils widened, and looked like listening carefully.
"One more god!"
"God ... God ... sin ?!"
Although he was ready, Geya was astonished to the extreme. It never thought that there was a in the presence of the opponent!
how can that be?
This is simply impossible!
The of evil is a living weapon created in the cosmic war between the gods and the desolate gods in the ancient times. Some of these creations are large, others are smaller. Some are extraordinary individuals who possess terrible powers, while others can form entire legions. Some iniquity arise from failed or incomplete divine experiments that have been sealed or forgotten.
孽 God's sins get twisted, strange and terrifying marks from the throes of God's birth. Divine iniquity includes countless types, all of which are unthinkable horrors of mortals. Cursed by heaven and hell, the iniquity has been sealed for countless years. But as time goes by, sometimes God's sin can be released accidentally or break free from his own cage. The appearance of a can cause panic in a country, a world, or even a plane. Fortunately, most of the iniquity is firmly blocked by the stronger divine being.
神 For any force, and any level, the evil is a terrible freak!
Yes, they are not just monsters, they are god-like freaks!
Look at weapons without divinity. No powerful weapon is just a mortal soldier without divinity. With continuous fighting and killing, there will always be a broken day, but after having divinity, they will It is equivalent to having life, having the ability to absorb blood and energy and maintain the operation of weapons.
On the other hand, a of evil does not know how huge the energy of God is. You must know that of evil is difficult to control and has always been alone. What is unexpected is that His Majesty Chen Feng has a of allegiance to other side.
Even though Geya has seen a lot, she still doubts that Chen Feng is talking nonsense, making some impossible things possible.
In a sense, God's sin has the characteristics of eternal life.
God's sin has a spark of divinity. Therefore, unless they are destroyed, they are almost immortal. Moreover, they have strong personality charms themselves. Although divine iniquity cannot provide divinity to worshippers, some people worship some divine iniquity.
In the conventional consciousness of others, the Demon Demon is even stronger, but it is a sad life that depends on the strong to survive, but the gods are different. There is no shortage of lunatics in the abyss. In the consciousness of some lunatics, they don't care about life, they just pursue stimulation The purpose of their loyalty to the gods is very simple. There is only one purpose, that is, to follow each other's uninterrupted killing, killing, and killing again!
And all the gods have the same ideal because of their character and the tragic birth, that is 弑 神!
What is more terrible for mad creatures than 弑 God?
Pugya shook her head. It has lived in the abyss for countless years. It has never even seen God's iniquity. It never wants to see God's iniquity. It still can't believe it ...
Although ... Feng Chen looks so powerful, he still can't associate it with the controller of the evil.
Thinking of this, Geya raised her head, and some doubtful gaze appeared in her eyes.
它 In its thoughts, it would rather believe that Chen Feng is bragging than believe that there is a hidden evil in his partners.
It ’s like, you originally wanted to do something sneaky, but you just robbed a small shop, but when the people gathered, there was even an international wanted criminal, or the one who did not blink. This kind of impact It was enough to make Geya somewhat uncontrollable. For a moment, she looked at Chen Feng with skeptical eyes.
"You don't seem to trust me?"
Chen Feng looked at the other side of this picture ~ EbookFREE.me ~ said suddenly.
Pugya shook her head. It didn't want to tear her face. After all, her life is still in the hands of the other person: "I didn't think so, but it was so incredible that I couldn't accept this kind of thing."
"Isn't that a creature that only exists in the legend? And every is born of evil, they only know killing, and they won't obey anyone's orders."
"who is it?"
When Ge Ya was still refuting Chen Feng, there was a young question suddenly behind him.
Pu Geya's pupils narrowed instantly, and the entire person instinctively swept forward. After running a few hundred meters, he stopped and looked forward.
how is this possible?
Here is its conscious world. When did foreign objects infiltrate, did the other party hear the dialogue between him and Chen Feng, and if he did, would he want to kill him?
Pugiya couldn't help but think of many solutions, but when she looked up and looked forward, there were no terrible enemies. On the contrary, it was a pink-carved and jaw-dropping little girl.
The other person's appearance is so cute and petite, that even a devil like Geya, who has no mercy for anything, is still attracted by the other person. In its field of vision, the evil devil is like A little princess is so dazzling that one cannot move away from the other.
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