Vol 4 Chapter 1413: Good camp

->-> The divinity slowly turns into small energy, and then flows into Xu Hongzhuang ’s body. At this time, the other person ’s body suddenly trembles, and the original fair complexion slowly becomes bloody. .
Even more shocking is that a powerful energy breeds in Xu Hongzhuang's body.
Legend, the pinnacle of legend, until ... the epic rank!
吸收 After absorbing a lot of divinity, Xu Hongzhuang's strength has really increased, directly across the peak of the legend, and reached the epic level!
尽管 But despite this, Xu Hongzhuang did not wake up, but continued to fall asleep.
Chen Feng wasn't so surprised. He still remembered that after the bad demon swallowed the Red Dragon, he fell asleep for almost a month before waking up. The divine energy was too vigorous. To fully absorb it, Xu Hongzhuang took some time. .
As for whether the sleep affects health because of the body, Chen Feng is not too worried. Divinity is the most powerful energy in the world. None of them is even more so. During this qualitative process, the toxins in Xu Hongzhuang's body will be discharged, so Reach a certain peak.
At this time, Chen Feng held Xu Hongzhuang in her arms, and a flash of tenderness flashed in her eyes. To a strong man of Chen Feng's level, the divinity is also a treasure that cannot be encountered, and encounters some cool nature. It is Xu Hongzhuang's nameless existence, that is, to have a wife and beloved? How can it be compared with divinity.
不 It is no exaggeration to say that if the end of life is approaching, the epic level still cannot be broken, and no matter what the other party wants, the other party will accept it.
This is the magic of divinity!
Terrible divinity can even make people lose themselves and fall directly into real demons and devil!
He is different from those people. Although Chen Feng is superficially evil and even cold-blooded, he pays more attention to emotion than anyone else.
It is precisely because Chen did not cherish Chen Feng.
In the past life, Chen Feng had seen too much darkness of the last days. Some people did everything they could for food, and even their loved ones could sell at any time. At that time, the last days did not have the shelter of the current order.
The cowardly person is the party being bullied. Even if he has no chance to refute, he will die and become a pile of rotten meat.
世界 The world at that time was long gone, and the only thing hanging over everyone was the dark night sky. Even the illuminated stars have long been swallowed up, because the greed of the strong and the evil thoughts of the monsters have become nothing.
Chen Feng has lived in this environment for several years. How can he be full of hope for human nature? Because of this, he is slowly corroded by the darkness and becomes a seemingly unemotional, extremely cold-blooded existence.
However, no one hopes that he will become a monster without emotion.
When Chen Feng just set up the order, everything was to make his power stronger, because only in this way can monsters, zombies, and insects dare not approach.
In that case, Chen Feng couldn't believe anyone at all, whether it was Fula or Erwin, or Xu Hongzhuang, even if there were any intimate moves, Chen Feng still had a strong sense of alertness and did not dare to appear in a real gesture. In front of others.
He was afraid of betrayal. It was for this reason that he would put on an indifferent mask, so that everyone would be afraid of himself and stay away from him. Only in this way did Chen Feng think that he could live longer in the last days.
But slowly, with the establishment of the order, after Chen Feng gained the allegiance of countless people, the ice in his heart began to dissipate, especially when Fuladang told himself that he was a father, the ice in Chen Feng ’s heart. Finally cracked.
Your own child?
得到 When he got this news, Chen Feng was completely stagnant. He never thought that he would have his own children in this already deserted land.
Whether it is a boy or a girl, it will be his child.
Chen Feng is lonely. This world is completely different from the previous world. Many places have not been destroyed. Many people have not died. In the eyes of others, his cold blood is only directed at thugs and monsters. Most of the time, he is a Saviour, solve more lives and people destroyed by the end!
Chen Feng is so high above, and glances down at everyone with a glance down. Those people are really afraid to approach themselves, just to look at the reasons.
No one knows Chen Feng's loneliness and loneliness, he seems out of step with this world.
But the moment when Fula was pregnant with a child, Chen Feng had a feeling of no longer being lonely. This is the real world, not the false world. Everything before it has become a thing of the past.
The so-called betrayal, evil, and pain are all things experienced in previous lives. Now, he is the leader of order, the object of loyalty and surrender by millions of people, and even a father.
This is the real world, the world I want to live in!
Chen Feng has never told anyone this kind of words, so that even he is not clear, it is precisely because after having his own daughter in this world, Chen Feng's frozen heart has slowly loosened.
What Xu Hongzhuang said just now was more like a fire, completely breaking the ice cubes around the heart.
At this time, Chen Feng stroked Xu Hongzhuang's cheek gently, looked at the other party and said, "You are too tired, take a rest."
He said, with a wave of Chen Feng's right hand, a dimension portal was opened, and then he pushed it gently and sent Xu Hongzhuang into the damaged space.
的 The damaged space at this time is not the kind of barren scene before. After several years of development, it is no longer some zerg who live in it, but it has real life!
The tortoisemen can't adapt to the environment of order. They love peace by nature, and no matter how beautiful the order is, some fights happen from time to time. Therefore, after asking for the consent of the other party, Chen Feng sent them to the damaged plane.
Of course, Chen Feng is not a fool, he naturally knows that all of this has Fu La behind the scenes.
There is a kingdom of God in any divine residence, which is a fact that need not be repeated.
What is the so-called escape from war, but it is just a guise. Where does the cat people live? For Fura's reason, that was the true core inhabitants, even if there was war, it would not affect them.
And the reason they say all this is just betting.
They are betting, or Fura is betting. One day, they will be promoted to the divine residence. At that time, after opening the kingdom of God, they will naturally use the damaged space as the original prototype.
猫 Those cats are not trying to escape the war at all, and there is only one final reason, that is, they are trying to become the first residents of the kingdom of God!
In this regard, Chen Feng did not have much emotion.
Even, he can understand some of the feelings of Fu La, who has not enjoyed peace for a while. Cats have been living in the abyss. Since birth, they have been bearing death and attack.
They tried to change all this, which has almost become a magic barrier.
Chen Feng still remembers that when he first called for Fula, the other party looked like a cat, it was just a hunting dog, and he showed a stance of refusing to enter.
Even now, even because of myself, the cats have lived the life they want, but they still feel instinctively afraid, and this is why the cats want to enter the damaged space.
They want to enter the broken space and become a reserve population in the kingdom of God.
You must know that the kingdom of God is the foundation of the divine residence. Some of the powerful divine kingdoms are not different from a small world. As a kingdom of gods, the treasure house of nature night vision is inexhaustible. Resources and energy.
The tortoisemen want to rise and bid farewell to the weak tags, which may be the only opportunity in their lives.
Chen Feng knew all this, but he did not pierce their thoughts. After all, the damaged space was able to automatically take in the outside air because of faith and divinity, so that it would not be suffocated, but for everything inside, Chen Feng still had Many of them are puzzled.
Then, at this time, Mao Maosui recommended himself. For Chen Feng, this is obviously the result he wants to see.
Besides, the experiment also needs a henchman. Now that the cat people are under the control of Fura, and he is the father of the children in the belly, the cat people also naturally become their own maidens. Much right thing.
Now, Chen Feng directly sent Xu Hongzhuang to the cat's camp. When the other party took care of him, Chen Feng was extremely relieved.
Mysk looked at the disappearing Xu Hongzhuang, with a little thought on his face. Chen Feng was more mysterious than he thought. The divine energy was too strong before, so Mysk never smelled anything.
But when he first opened up and transported Xu Hongzhuang, Mesque felt a sense of aura that is unique to the world. The other party is just an epic rank. How could it be possible to have a world?
No wonder, the opponent can store divinity.
Thinking of this, Mesquite even flashed a jealousy in his eyes. Obviously, all this possessed by Chen Feng already made the name of the sanctuary on the bottom level a little longing.
However, I also know what is happening to me now. I am now the servant of the other party. If I let the other party find out these careful thoughts, I do n’t know how to die.
Thinking of this, Mesque hurriedly turned his head and did not dare to look at the other side again.
Suddenly without Xu Hongzhuang's worries, Chen Feng began to look around. He had come here to avoid Nair before, and he didn't know how far away from his order.
Suddenly, when Chen Feng was thinking, he suddenly saw a wave in the grass in front of him, and then seven or eight head lizardmen jumped out of it.
The saurian is an evil being, and it often hurts the passing travelers. When Chen Feng was ready to fight back, the other party did not attack, but an older lizard came over.
The Jain Lizard looked a little old, holding a staff in his hand, and Chen Feng was surprised to find that there wasn't any malice on the other side, but he looked at himself kindly.
"Bahamut believer, Kaka welcomes two to our camp!" Said the lizard man named Kaka, politely.
"Bahamut?" Chen Feng muttered to himself, thinking about it, and called up information about the divine residence.
He Bahamut is revered in many places. Although all kind dragons pay respect to Bahamut, among them, the golden dragon, silver dragon and brass dragon respect him with a unique and significant highest respect. Other dragons, even the evil dragon (perhaps Tiamat, the of his rival evil dragon), also respected the wisdom and power of Bahamut.
When he appeared in his natural form, Bahamut was a slender, winding dragon with a platinum golden body. The silver-white scales covered by it covered the body, even under the faint light, still reflecting the beautiful light.
Bahamut's cat-like eyes are dark blue, and it is said that there is a cyan light like the sky in midsummer. Others insist that Bahamut's eyes are gray-cyan like the heart of the glacial river. Perhaps these two statements merely reflect the changing mood of the great platinum dragon.
He Bahamut is strictly opposed to anything evil. He cannot tolerate any evil deeds. Beyond that, he can be considered one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse.
He has infinite sympathy for those who are exiled, aggressed and helpless. He strongly and eagerly asked his followers to do good deeds, but at the same time he also prefers mortals to solve problems that they are capable of solving, and to face their own wars.
For Bahamut, he prefers to provide clues and information, care for the wounded, or a (temporary) shelter, rather than directly taking over the burden that people carry on their shoulders ~ EbookFREE.me ~ When he called up the other party ’s information, Chen Feng suddenly realized that why the other party ’s believers had such a friendly face, it turned out that the other party was a believer in the camp of the good camp!
Chen Feng's arrows are just a lot of evil divine residences. In order to be able to occupy this continent, they have implemented some inhumane plans, like Nero. In order to increase the number of believers, they have even slaughtered the lives of a whole city in the human world ,
But this Bahamut is different. When Chen Feng flipped through the knowledge, the news in it praised the other party as a clever and kind-hearted mansion.
Platinum Dragon, King of the Good Dragon, Lord of the North Wind
The Holy Emblem: Stars and Nebulae
Living plane: heaven
Faction: Lawful Goodness
Priesthood: King of the Good Dragon, Fengshen
Disciple: Good Dragon, anyone who avoids the attack of evil dragons
Rev. Falcon's camp: lawful goodness, neutral goodness
Field: Atmosphere, Kindness, Opportunity, Protection
Preferred weapon: Claw
This is the complete information of the other party.
Seeing the friendliness of the lizard man, coupled with the presence of a camp behind the other party, Chen Feng relaxed his vigilance and said, "We were chased by some evil people and came here accidentally. What malicious, just want to ask where is this? "
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